215351ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK PRESENTED COMMISSI, CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFIC -,.,E -OF HE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESO,LION- GENERAL FORM COUNCIL NO. 1_50fD1 FILE PUBL1S1i1;D„11 Whereas, In the matter of Comptroller's Contract L-6591 for Grading, Surfacing and Improvement of PEDERSON STREET Wilson Avenue to the'North Line of Service Road, J. R. Walker & Sons, Inc., Con- tractor, the specified date of completion is September 15, 1963, and Whereas, The Contractor has prosecuted the work diligently but due to delay in processing the contract documents it was not possible to complete the contract by said date of completion, there- fore be it, Resolved, That the proper City Officials be and they are here- by authorized and directed to execute an amendment to said contract extending the time of completion to October 11, 1963 provided however, that this resolution shall have no force or effect unless the sureties on the Contractor's bond consent thereto and file such consent in writing with the City Comptroller, and be it, Further Resolved, That the City of Saint Paul hereby waives all claim for liquidated damages and that no engineering and inspection costs on this project will be charged to the Contractor for such extended period. -* Council File No. 215351 — By Milton Rosen— I Whereas, In the matter of Comptrol- 'ler's Contract L -6591 for Grading. Su: facing and Improvement of PED51._' .SON ' STREET Wilson Avenue t' j North Line of Ser,i;ee R.o.Id, Gr W�:ker & 03ots, T: c ao.. ifled Gtr, of co COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Dalglish Holland Loss mortkison- Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis 10M 6-62 �In Favor Against il0v 5 Adopted by the Council 19— Nov 5 10 . Mayor DUPLICATE TO PRINTER + CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. OFFIQE -OF THE CITY CLERK FILE COUNCIL RESOLUTION— GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER 1_�.Atl R�s�a1 DATE What-ma,, In the matter of Ocaptrollor' Contract L-6 . for (Irading, Surfacing and Dgwovomont of PXDMMX SST Wilem .Avmoo to the ft ft Line of ;rice toedi, J, R.. Walker &Sane _,7 Icl�, Roses trac#tgr, thy► speolfled datQ of a mpletion in Septmber 15, 190, and Whoreaer, fte Contractor has pro rated the work diligently bat due to delay An prooessdng the 6entraet doommo a it use not possible to od*lote the oaatract by smell date of ooegaleticnj, theme- fore be its Resolvvids. That the proper City Official a be and they are berm- . by authorised and directed to execute an a mendaent to ftid omtracat oxtemding the tiew of o mpution to oetober n, 1963 pror9dod haeelver #. that this resalutim shall have no fo�ree or effect tw1esa the mmet3: on the Contraetorts 'bond emsent tlaeto and file such consent in writing with the City Comptroller, and be ito Wither Reeolved;, That the alty o f olalm for liquidated damages and that no oosts on this project win be charged to extended peridd,r COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Dalglish Holland Loss Merthisan- Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis font 6-ez In Favor Q Against Saint Paul hereby waives a.0 engineering and inspeotion the Contractor for such Adopted by the Council 19— Lu! = - Approved 19— Mayor