07-442Return copy to: (BJE)
PW/Technical Services — Real Estate
1000 City Hall Annex
Council File #
Green Sheet #
Presented By
2 WHEREAS, the Ci�$3i+e11'aul ("City") is the fee owner of two pazcels of vacant land adjoining commercial
3 property at 50 Chester Street, Saint Paul, said City parcels depicted and described in E�ibit "A" attached hereto; and
5 WI�REAS, Agriliance, LLC ("Agriliance") is the fee owner of a pazcel of land located adjacent to its commercial
6 property at 50 Chester Street, Saint Paul, as depicted and described in E�ibit "B" attached hereto; and
8 WHEREAS, Agriliance proposes to exchange its parcel with the City pazcels; the Agriliance parcel being used by the
9 City as the Chester Street Sewer Pumping Station, and the City pazcels being used by Agillance for vehicle access
10 and storage; and
WHEREAS, the City pazcels are presently protected by flood control easements that authorize the City to access and
maintain the existing flood control structures along the Mississippi River; and said easements would remain with the
City parcels after conveyance to Agriliance; and
WFIEREAS, the Public Works Technical Services Manager, acting as the Valuation and Assessments Engineer, has
appraised the Agriliance pazcel and the City parcels and determined that, in accordance with Chapter 51 of the Saint
Paul City Charter, the value of the pazcel to be received by the City is not less than the value of the pazcels to be
conveyed by the City; now, therefore be it
RESOLVED, that, upon the petition of the City of Saint Paul, as documented in Public Works Technical Services
Division File Number 13-2005, the property described in E�ibit "A" attached hereto is hereby vacated and
discontinued as public properry.
This vacation shall be subject to the terms and conditions of Chapter 130, codified March 1, 1981, of the Saint Paul
Legislative Code as amended, and to the following condition:
28 That the proper city officials shall exchange said vacated City pazcels with said Agriliance parcel in accordance
2 9 with Chapter 51 of the Saint Paul City Charter.
Requested by the Department o£
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Adopted by Council: Date / alJ!»
Adoption Certified by ouncil Sec tary
By: 'r� .'
Approved by . or. ate
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Eghibit A
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Legal Description of City Property to be Vacated:
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Parcel 1
That part of Lots 1, 2 and 4, Block 16, Dunwell and Spencer's Addition to Brooklynd,
lying between the old levee line and a line beginning at the intersection of the South-
easterly line of said Block 16 and said old levee line; thence bearing Southwesterly to a
point on the Northwestefly line of Lot 1 at a distance of 62 feet Northeasterly of the
Southwesterly line of said block; thence bearing Northwesterly parallel to and 62 feet
Northeasterly from the Southwesterly line of said block with the intersection with the old
levee line. (See document no. 479068 for letter showing old levee line.)
The above described property is Torrens properiy, evidenced by Certificate of Title No.
372277, Ramsey County, Minnesota.
Beginning at the Southwesterly corner of Lot 9; thence along the Westerly line thereof
14-50/100 feet; thence Southeasterly to a point on the Southerly line 24-SQllOQ feet from
beginning; thence to beginning in Block 16, Dunwell and Spencer's Addition to Brook-
lynd, excepting and reserving to the State of Minnesota, in trust for taxing districts con-
cerned, all minerals and mineral rights, as provided by law.
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DepartrnenUoffice%ouncil: Date Initiated: �
Pw -�v�W�� Z��R-o� Green Sheet NO: 3039078
Contact Person 8 Pho're:
Bruce Engelbrekt
266 8854
mus ee on
E•DOCUment Required: Y _
Document ContaM: Bruce Engelbrekt
Contact Phone: 2668854 I I
Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip Ail Locations for Signature)
MAY p 2 2007
Approval of resolurion vacating two City-owned pazcels and exchanging them with a pazcet owned by Agrilance, LLC, neaz 50
Chester Sheet in Saint Paul. . " �
Planning Commission
CB Committee
Civil Service Commission
1. Has this persorJfirm ever worked under a cont2ct for this department?
Yes No
2. Has this peSONfirm ever been a ciiy employee?
Yes No
3. Does this personlfirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any
current city employee? -
Yes No
Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet
Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): -
Agrilance, LLC has proposed an exchange of property it owns with proper[y the Ciry owns in an effort to cleaz up titie issues. The
AgriGance parcel houses an active sewer pumping station wluch the City maintains for flood control purposes. The City parcels are
within the flood control easement azea, but aze currently used by Agriliance for vehicle access and some tnaterial storage. The City
pazcels, if conveyed to Agriliance, will continue to be encumbered by the flood control easement, so use by the City if necessary will
be preserved The value of the pazcels being exchanged is roughly equivalent, with the value of the Agriliance pazcei slighUy geater
than the Ciry pazce(s. No monetary compensation will be exchanged.
AdvanWgeslfApproved: � � '�
The properiy fitle issues will be cleared up. The Ciry will have fee ownership of the sewer pumping station parcel.
DisadvantageslfApproved: -` .
The City will no longer own the two small pazcels within the Agriliance property; however, the pazcels, wluch aze neaz the flood
will continue to be encumbered with a flood control easement benefiting the City. - - .
Disadvantages If Not Approved: � � � � � ,� �
Pcoperty titie issues will not be cleaned up. The City will not have fee 6He to the sewer pumpmg station��' e,ka � r � ��
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Funding Source:
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Activity Number.
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Financiai tr�tormation: �ere will be no exchange of funds as the values'of [he City-owned cel�s an�gr,�ljapee �+arcel
(Explain) - have been determined to�be equivalent. ��}�"�'� � ' "� � ` ` �'�
CasURevenue Budgeted:
Aprii 25, 2007 1.22 PM Page 1
Exhibit B
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Lot 7, Block 78. Brooklynd Addition to 1he City of St. Paul, according to the recorded plat �
thereof, Ramsey County, Minnesota o
The Northwesterly 1/2 of vocated Ailey in said Block 18, lying between the southweslerly �
and northeasterly lines of said Lot 7 extended soulheosterly. —
The Southweste�Iy 40.00 feet of vacated Chester Street Iy'ing between the northwesteriy U
and southeasterly lines of said Lot 7 eztended northeosterly. �
Department oFPublic Works O 7—�-/c��
Technical Services Division - Real Estate
140 City Ha11 Phone: (612) 266-8850
Saint Paul, MN S.i 102 Fax: (612) 266-8855
Randy C. Kelly, Mayor
September 19, 2005
To the Honorable Members of the
Council of the City of Saint Paul
The City of Saint Paul hereby petitions to vacate two pazcels of surplus land along the west bank
of the Mississippi River immediately east of the Lafayette Bridge in Saint Paul, which abut property
owned by Agriliance, LLC. The properties to be vacated aze shown on the attached map and
described as follows:
Parcel 1: That part of Lots 1, 2 and 4, Block 16, Dumvell and Spencer's Addition to Brooklynd, lying
between the old Zevee line and a Zine beginning at the intersection of the Southeasterly Zine of said Block
16 and said old Zevee line; thence bearing Southwesterly to a point on the Northwesterly line ofLot 1 at
a distcmce of 62 feet Northeasterly of the Southwesterly line of said block, thence bear-ing northwesterZy
parallel to and 62 feet northeasterly from the Sauthwesterly line of said block with the intersection with
the oid levee line. (See document no. 479068 for letter showing old levee line.)
Parcel2: Beginning at the Southwesterly corner of Lot 9; thence along the Westerly line thereof 14-
SO/100 feet; thence Southeasterly to a point on the Southerly line 24-50/100 feet from beginnittg; thence
to beginning in Block 16, Dunwell and Spencer's Addition to Brooklynd, excepting and reserving to the
State of Minnesota, in trust jor tccring districts concerned, all minerals and mineral rights, as provided
by taw.
The City, through its Public Works/Technical Services uision, Real Estate office, has
determined this property to be surplus to its right-of-w y x eeds.
) ss.
The foregoin� instrument was acknowledged before me,
this � day of (� ��r3��'� , 200` '--
_��e n✓�`� S S �l�. �2r�✓ , Mayor
City of Saint Paul, a municipal corporation under t3
of the State of Minnesota.
C:U3 2005.Agnliance MayorsPetinon fim
JUAN �. OR�1�
'�O�'° EXPIRESJAN.31.20t�
D 7 yy�
From: Colleen Paavola
Reply to Vacation Inquiry
File #13-2005
We have no objections to this vacation
Phone ft
Fax Y
City of Saint Paul � Dept. of Public Works:
651-266-8854 Phone #
651-266-8855 F�"
We will approve this vacation, subject to the following conditions:
For the following reasons, we cannot approve this vacation:
Legal Description:
Parcel L• That part of Lots 1, 2 and 4, Block 16, Dunwell and Spencer's Addition to
Brooklynd, lying between the oid levee line and a line begimiiug at the intersection of the
Southeasterly line of said Block 16 and said old levee line; 4hence bearing Southwesterly to a
point on the_Northwesterly line of Lot 1 at a distance of 62 feet Northeasterly of the
Southwesterly line of said block; thence beazing Northwesterly parallel to and 62 feet
Northeasterly from the Southwesterly line of said block with the intersection with the old
levee line. (See document no. 479068 for letter showing old levee line.)
The above described property is Torrens properiy, evidenced by Certificate of Title No.
372277, Ramsey County, Minnesota.
Parcel2: Beginning at the Southwesterly comer of Lot 9; thence along the Westerly line
thereof 14-50/100 feet; thence Southeasterly to a point on the Southerly line 24-50/100 feet
from beguuung; thence to begimiing in Block 16, Dunwell and Spencer's Addition to
Brooklynd, excepting and reserving to the State of Ivlinnesota, in trust for taxing districts
concemed, all minerals and mineral rights, as provided by law.
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Interdepartmental Memorandum
To: All Saint Paul City Council Members
From: Bruce Engelbrekt
Real Estate Manager
1000 City Hall Annex
Date: Apri124, 2007
Subject: Public Works/Technical Services—Real Estate Vacation File No. 13-2005
I recommend that a Public Hearing before the City Council be held on May 16, 2007.
The purpose of this hearing is to consider the petition of the City of Saint Paul to vacate two
vacant pucels abutting property owned by Agriliance, LLC, 50 Chester Street, Saint Paul, and to
exchange those parcels with a parcel owned by Agriliance in the immediate vicinity.
These properties are located in City Council District 2, Planning District 3.
cc: Shari Moore
City Clerk's Office
310 City Hall