215290ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK ^ ,1 PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONI PUBLISHF -'4 _..- -- CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM s`n File No. 215290 — By Milton nereas, Additions which might, F ve to be necessary in the improve -' n DATE Ig it described as the Sewer in ROND' UE from Oxford Street to Chr.,: P, Street, Comptroller's Cont- \uji ,Alc:TIonald- Luben, & Assoc4t: - .oP._T dmsv�u_v. Whereas, Additions which might prove to be necessary in the improvement described as the Sewer in RONDO AVENUE from Oxford Street to Chatsworth Street, Comptroller's Contract L -6552, McDonald -Luben & Associates, Contractor, has been provided for in the Specifications, and Whereas, It has been found necessary to make the following Additions: ADDITIONS: Removing and replacing sheathing and extra excavation for special manhole structure labor Equipment Rental Lowering grade of 42 inch R.C.P. sewer stub to Chatsworth and cutting pre- cast•concrete liner of Manhole Structure and additional excavation labor Equipment Rental 23.52 cuijds. excavation @ $3.50 cu. yd.. 912.93 1,570.00 22.14 26.00 82.32 Cutting off excess length of existing 60 inch R.C.P. labor 30.99 Equipment Rental 31.50 Removing and replacing part of existing M.H. at Rondo and Oxf6rd::...,__' 5.0 lin. ft. @ 020.00 100.00 �. Total Additions . $2.,775-88-, --and Whereas, The total net addition is $2,775.88, now therefore be it Resolved, That the City of St. Paul through its City Council approves the foregoing addition made in accordance with the Specifications in the sum of $2,775.88, said amount to be add oQ lump sum consideration named in the contract, known as Comptroller's/ 5 j, and which amount is to be financed from tit y* l s: sl3ar6.•of 16calt -fftrovements, Code 31E-1 (1963). 1 The Commissioner of Public Works has agreed with the above named Contractor that the sum of $2,775.88 is the correct amount to be added to the above contract. OCT 150 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 3 O 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish Holland Loss Mortinson 1 / Peterson Mr President, VaveuHs- cS'e_j 10M 8-82 In Favor n, ! Against ®GI 30' Approved 19— Mayor I � , DUPLICATE TO PRINTER „ u •s ' CITY OF ST. PAUL FCOUNCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK . • COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Kuton Rom COMMISSIONER DATE _ Whereas, Additions which might prone to be necessary in the improveomt described as the Sever in 11000 AVE= from. teord Street to i hats h Straaet, Comptrol.lor's Gmtract L -65520 MoDonald- la)mm & Ass aUsesp, Qcntraotory has 'bra prodded for in the Specifications* and Whereas$ It has been found necessary to maim the foLlowing AdditUnsse 3i Removing and replacing sheathing and me= excavation for speoua yanhola stracture labor 912693 lqulpzent Rental 1s,570M Lowering g1rade of 42 inch R.a.P, sewer Taub to tbatsworth and cutting pre - :east concrete liner of Manholo Structure and additional eacoavatica Labor 22.14 231.52 ou} ydoj, wcoevatic�aa 0 �3 tc Rental 82.22 Cutting off *=*$a length of existing 60 inceh R, C, Pb Labor � X30.99 ,{ }a Romoving and replacing part of ezistlno M;,H& at Rondo and Oxford 5;0 tin« f't, a $WOOD 10040 a,)4 Total: Additims $2$775.88 Whea,e►ey the total: not addUion Is $207751,88, new thmvfolre be it Resol"d# That the Gity of 5ti. Paul throu& its Oity 'council appt-mg the t0re901ng addition made in acoordanoe v th the SlwIfidatims in the ffm of $2r775.88� said amount, to be added to the lump am consldemtion named in tie, oontrao t # known as Ccmpt roller f s L*6552,s; and which amount is to be financed tram Ditg1kefia�6� 6f 16 �aliliaprovenents f Code 1 G1963a + The Coma ssioner of Public Works hat speed with than above naeer!d 0ontsactoar ' tbat the amt of $2; 775.88 is the oorteat owunt to be added to the above contract;. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Dalghsh Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen 1 e , 10M 8-82 ■ Tn Favor A gainst Adopted by the Council 19— l J1 y Approved 19— Mayor