215267R k ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK C, :. PRESENTED BY COMMISSION i t CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OUNCIL RESOLUTION - GENERAL FORM 215267 FILENCI' NO. RESOLVED, That the specifications, dated October 299 1963, for Official Publications for 1964, as submitted herewith, prepared by the City Clerk, be and the same are hereby approved, and the Pur- chasing Agent is hereby authorized to advertise for bids thereon in the manner provided in the Charter and ordinances of the City of Saint Pawl._ f COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Dalghsh Loss Mortinson _�J_o+- ,6 Mr. Prbsiden VavealLs_ 4 101\i 6-62 Council File No. 215267 —By Robert F. Peterson — Resolved, That the specifications, dated October 29, 1963, • fbr Official Publications for 1964, as submitted herewith, prepared by the City Clerk, be and the same are hereby approved, and the Purchasing Agent is, hereby authorized to advertise for bids there- on in the manner provided in the Charter and ordinances of the City of Saint, Paul. Adopted by the Council October 29, 1963. Approved October 29, 1963. (November 2, 1963) OCT 29 1993 Adopted by the Council 19 OCT 2 9 1963 proved 19— w Mayor DUPLICATE TO PRINTER' CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL No 5267 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE _ MSOLUD, That the "olficatione, dated Catober 299 19638 for 8fficUl Publications for 1964, as subeal.tted herewith, prepay by the City Clerk, be and the ease are hereby approved, and the Pur- chas3.ng Agent is hereby authorised to advertise for bids thereon in the manner provided In the Charter and ordinances of the City of Saint Paul. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Dalglish -Hbfland-- Loss Mortinson Peterson- - Rosen avou is 10M 8-82 In Favor C� A gainst 90T 2 9 )963 Adopted by the Council 19 -620-PT 2 0 1963 Approved 19— Mayor City Clerk' s Office Page 1 J"-2'97,97, City Clerk Records Oct. 29, 1963 A. For printing and publishing ordinances, resolutions or abstracts thereof, and other proceedings and matters required to be published under the Charter or by resolutions or ordinances of the Council including resolutions and proceedings of the Board of Education, or abstracts thereof, in a legal daily newspaper, printed in the English language in the City of Saint Paul, during the year beginning January 1, 1964 as per specifications therefor, hereto attached and herein set out. Bids to be called for on the basis of a price per folio. Board of Education City Clerk - 4 386 City Hall Public Schools Official Publications 4 -040 -208 City Clark Recordb City Clark's dfTice Page 2 Be For printing and blMi:ig in book fort 100 aoplas of the Frofaedings of the City CoUndit for 1964 with iodaX (to bs prepared by contractor), being 3.20 pagat mono or less, as follows: Specifications sane as thoso for the 1962 Book of Goundl Procoodings as par SwVle thsreof now on filo in the office of they City Purchasing Agent; pages to be 2 colm. of 12 ems each or 13 amen each to page set in 6 pt. solidi, length of Col., to be 7 Inches if 13 arm wide or ?* inched if 12 am wide. Quotatiimd to be on a per page baeis. 1971 Oct. g9. 63 386 City H11 Board of Education P0116 Schools City Clerk - 4 Official Publloatioris 4-OW-208 city mot* Racmds city Cleekl o offico Pago 3 Delivery to be made to the CM7 Clarkq as soon as practicable in 1965 aw :riot later, than April. 10 1963. Q • For prtntling and birftig in pomhlet gorgn an par semplo on file in, office of City Purchasing Agent, 100 copies of Administrative and legislative Code City of 6t:. Paul, for 1964, Ath Index (to be prepared by contracstorj0 boing 170 pogost more or lossi as fonowsr Specigicatims to be saw as for 1962 . boob, on tile; in the office of the Purchasing�Agentr page speaM,oat3.mnp to be.eme as in "B" above. I011very Odt.290 63 X86 city Hall, Board of Education Public Sohoam City Clark 4 Wiolal Publications 4- Q40 -208 Clt4v clerk Records City Clark's; office Page 4 to be as specified In "9" aboyes prices per page tb be quoted on the book and the pamphlet. For printing and binding 5Q oopiso of the Procosdings of the Board of Education for 1964 with indent to be Prepared by contractor (aamole on f U in office of CIV ft"hasing AgMt) to be paper bouW,e Pages specifications, to be the same as In "B" above. prices Pup Page to be quoted. Dollverq to be matt to Board of Fducatim as .coon ao pra.otieable after January Is 1965. and not later than April Is 1965. In the event that mW bid contains 1971 Oct* 299 63 386 city mu Board of Bducatie n Publi o Schools City 41erk w 4 Official Publications 4..040+.208 city Clerk CDPZ dg City MArW s 4ffioe Page an extra, .oharge for 1144 ar mattoe v it la understood w4 agreed that U6 tome ""tabular mattorl' 4 bha l be construed in its etriotest 66nse as APPIAng only to mate set vp and pUbli.shed In the form of tables conoifting of dolumns of xor'de and columns of figures ast , opporllto ea3.d words, ouch as for the City Bud got, and simiiar sot -ups. "Tabular matter" sha l not Indl:udo mix- od dosar�ptive matter �,Oontaining words and fi Bares m tor ah&U it Iris udo bold- faded type i tnargint. Indentations and tho lilme Nn price differential eha U be made in this bid for any tyM of Hoard of Education City Clark •. 4 1 1 qtr • '�'� 386 City, Publio Schools Official Publications -4.040,,208 r t� 3, 1, +s , cuy MOWS Office Gli, %6rk Racords Paw 6 clomosition, except ao abovo opeoi.fidd. Bidders$ attention is palled to the' provisions of 8t: P ul 'legislature ' Cod6 with refere=e to maintaining theme printing plAnt and place of buslneso in the City of St. Paul end paying their employes prevailing wages an defined in the ordin6nc6, a with reference to the realdencita of aontrad.. tome employes and to at*y otber laws or ordinances porta+ining to they subject. Board of Eduoat�on City Clerk 4 i9?i Wt. 299 �9 386 City Hal.i i Publ.io schools Official Publications City Clark 4.040»208 1 DUPLICATE TO PRINTER = CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. 21.520 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION— GENERAL FORM PRESEk ED BY COMMISSIC DATE WkMREASi Comptroller's Contract I,- 6176 -17, Ashbach Constructiola Company* contractor for the Grading and Paving of SHORT LIKE and ST. CLAIR RAMPS,, has been completed, and WHEREAS, said Contractor reggetts that a portion of the 15% retained under the contract from eat ima to s far work done► be paid in advance of the final settlement of the contract, and WHEREAS,.. The Commissioner and the Chief Engineer of the Department of Public Works approve the payment at this time of t 6,909,0 of the # 4215.76 retained;. therefore be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officials be and they are hec e?y authorised to pay an estimate in the amount of $ 6#000.00 from the retained percentage of $ 6,915.76 to said Contractor, and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that this resolution shall have no force or affect unless the sureties on the contreotor4a bond consent thereto in writing and file such consent with the City Comptroller, COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Dalglish ^R3V11 TT_H t111LL Loss Mortinson . Ppterann Rosen Mrs- Vxssident—,-VawIViS — 10M 0-02 OCT 2 9 196; Adopted by the Council 19— OCT 2 9 196 Approved 19— In Favor Mayor Against