07-433o7-y� 3
Councii File # 3038770
Presented By:
Referred To:
510 Fire Responsive Services
352�8 - 2Q�7 Influenza Planning
0141 - Ove�time
0356 - Safety Equipment
All Other Activity Spending
� WHEREAS, the Department of Fire and Safety Services has received a grant of $59,608 from the State of
2 Minnesota for the 2007 Influenza Pandemic Planning Grant to develop a pandemic supplement to the City's
3 Emergency Operation Plan, train response and support personnel and purchase essential personal protective
a equipment and supplies, and
5 WHEREAS, the Department of Fire and Safety Services was granted authority in Council Resolution #07-55 to
s accept this grant from the State of Minnesota, and
8 WHEREAS, the financing and spending plans have not been established for the grant received, and
90 WHEREAS, the Mayor, pursuant to Section 10.07.1 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, does certify that there
�1 are available for appropriation funds of $59,608.00 in excess of those estimated in the 2007 budget; and
�3 WHEREAS, the Mayor recommends that the following addition be made to the 2007 budget:
15 FINANCING PLAN: Current Budget Change
ts 510 Fire Responsive Services
�� 35208 - 2007 Influenza Planning
�a 3400 - State Direct Grants in Aid 59,608.00
�s - 59,608.00
Committee: Date
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council accepts this grant, authorizes the City of Saint Paul to enter
into, and Chief Douglas A. Holton to implement the attached agreement, which includes an indemnification clause,
and approves the changes to the 2007 budget.
Adopted by Council: Date
Adoption Certified by Cou
ay: J � / �����
Approved by Ma r: D
Green Sheet #
Requested by Department of:
Fire & Safet Services
gy; ,,
Approval eco ed b ector of Financial Services:
Form ro d City Attorney:
Approve b ay r Submiss'on to Coun il:
� Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet �
0 7- �33
FR — Fire
Date Initiated:
' 16APR-07 Green Sheet NO: 3038770
Contact Person & Phone: �
Tim Buller
Must Be on Councif Agenda by (Date): �
E-DOCUment Required: Y
I, Dowment Contad: Jill LaCasse
�, CoMact Phone: 228�257 .
� ^ DeoartmeM — Sent To Person — I� tia Date
0 Fi=c _ _--__ _ '�7
Assign 7 Fre ___ _ Deoartment D"vecmr ! _
Number � 2 $�oancialServices Ofl"iceFinancial5ervicu
For -----
Routing 3 �riAttom �/ —
� 4 iNavor's �ce Mayor/ASSistant
, 5 iCou ncil Citv CoonN
6 City Clerk ' City Clerk
Totai # of Signature Pages _(Clip All Locations for Signature)
Approval of the attached Council Resolution for the spending and financing plan for the 2007 Influenza Pandemic Planning Grant.
Planning Commission
CB Committee
Ciwl Service Commission
7. Has this persoNfirtn ever worked under a contract for this department�
Yes No
2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee?
Yes No
3. Does Ynis persoNfirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any
current city employee?
Yes No
Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet
Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): �i
The State of Minnesota has awazded the Ciry of Saint Paul $59,608 to develop a pandemic supplement to the City's Emergency j
Operation Plan, train response and support personnel, and purchase essenrial pexsonal protective equipment and supplies. These
acrions aze necessary to safeguard the health and well-being of citizens and City employees, ensure continuity of essential services, i
and properly respond to a pandemic event. �j
AdvantagesifApproVed: ����� �
The Deparhnent of Fire and Safety Services will have a spendi plan for the 2007 Influenza Pandemic Pla Grant.
MAY � 3 20D� RECEi1�
�isadvantages If Approved:
� Disadvantages If Not Approved: ;
� The Deparhnent of Fire and Safety Services will not have a spending or financing plan for the 2007 Influenza Pandemic Planning 'i
; �
j Total Amount of $59,608 CosURevenue Budgeted: Y �'�
� Trdnsac[ion: ,6'� . '
�� Funding Source: G�a�( Activity Number. 510-35208 � ����'
' Financial lnfortnation: y+ y , � ti , ; �� ����
, IExPlain) Vou�(�.�1 R�e�����i91 §s+�nb�� ',��' V s.
— 17f11�7$ — �1 - ------
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April 16, 2007 11:03 AM Page 1
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HSEM Grant No. 2007-JPpG-00301
This gant conhact is between the State of Minnesota, acting through its Commissioner of PubIic Safetv. Division of
I�omeland Securitv and Emergencv Management 444 Cedar Street Suite 223, Saint PauL MN 55101-6223 ("State") and
St Paul C� o£ 15 W Kello�g Boulevazd St PauL Minnesota 55102 ("Csrantee"}.
1 Under Minn. Stat_ § 1222 and 299AA1 Subd 2(41 the State is empowered to enter into this grant contract
2 State funds for this grant conUact were provided under Laws of Minnesota 2006, Chapter 282, Articie 22, Section 3,
Subd 3, for Pandemic Influenza Prepazedness.
3 The State is in need of the distribution of State funds to eligible grant recipients for Influenza Pandemic Preparedness
planning activities, exereises and response training.
4 The C'nantee represents that it is duly qualified and agees to perform all services described in this grant contract to the
saiisfacrion of the Staie.
1 Term of Grant Contracf
Grant Contract
1.1 Effective date: Julv 1. 2006, or fhe date the State obtains all required signaiures under Minnesota Statutes Section
16C.05, subdivision 2, whichever is later. Once this grant contract is fully executed, the Grantee may claim
reunbursement for expenditures incurred pursuant to Clause 42 of this grant contract. Reimbursements will only
be made for those expenditures made according to the terms of this grant contzact
1.2 Expiration date: June 30. 2007. or until all obligations have been safisfactorily fulfilled, whichever occurs first. d
1.3 Survival ofTerms. The following clauses survive the expiration or cancellation ofthis grant contract: 8. Liability;
9. State Audits; 10. Govemment Aata Practices; 12. PubliciTy and Endorsement; 13. Goveming Law, 7urisdiction,
and Venue; and 15. Data Aisclosure.
2 Granfee's Duties
The Grantee, who is not a state emptoyee, will:
2.1 Perform the work in tlte Grantee's Tnfluenza Pandemic Prepazedness Grant (IPPG) AppIication for State Fiscal
Yeat 2007, Attachment A, which is attached and incorporated into this grant coniract.
2.2 Comply with program guidelines specified in the Influenza Pandemic Planning Grant request for proposal provided
to the Grantee by the State and incorporated by reference into this grant contract.
3 Time
The (',rantee must comply with all the time requirements deseribed in this gant contract Tn the performance of this
grant contract, time is of the essence.
Considerafion and Payment
4.1 Consideration. The State will pay for all services performed hy the Grantee under this grant contract as follows:
(1}Compensafion. The Granfee will be reimbursed an amount not to exceed $59.608.40 according fo the
breakdown of costs in Attachment A, which is attached and incorporated into this gant contract. The Grantee
will submit a written change request for subsfitution of budget items or deviarion of more than 1 S% from the
approved budget category aznounts in Attachment A. Change requests for subsfitutions of budget items or a
deviation of more than 15% from the approved budget category amount must be given in writing to the State's
Authorized Representative and at ]east 60 days prior to the Expiration date of this gant contract. Grantees
whose requests have be8n approved will be notified in writing by the State's Authorized Representative to the
Grantee's Authorized Representative. Requesfs must be approved prior to any expenditure by the Grantee.
(2}Matching Requirements. Grantee certifies that the following matching requirement, for the gant contract, will
be met by the Grantee: $0,000.00.
HSEM Crrant No. 2007-JPPG-00301
(3)Tota1 Obligation. The total obligafion of the State for all compensation and reimbursements to the CrranYee
undei tivs grant confract will not exceed $59.608.00 .
4.2 Payment
(1) Invnices The State will prompfly pay the Crrantee after the Grantee presents a Financial StaYus ReportlPayment
Requesf for the services actually performed and the Stafe's Authorized Representahve accepts the invoiced
services. Financial Status Report/Payment Request must be submitted tamely and according to the following
a Grantee will submit the F inancial Stalus RepoNPayment Request along with copies of the Grantee's
itemized invoices for actual costs incurred quarterly, but not more often than monthly, and within 30 days
of the period covered by the Financial Sfatus Report/Payment Request
b. E�cpenditiues for each sfate fiscal year (7uly tluou� June) of this grant contract must be for s8rvices
satisfactorily performed within applicable state fiscal years. The final Financial Status Report/Payment
Reqnest of this grant contract must be received by the State no later than 30 days after the Eacpirarion date
of this gant contract
c. Grantee will submit financial and narrative performance reports at least quarterly, but not more often than
monthly. The natrative performance report sha11 consist of a comQarison of actua7 accomplishments to the
approved work plan in Attachment A. These reports must be submitted before reunbursement will be paid.
(2) Federal funds. (Where applicable, if blank this secrion does not apply) Payments under this gant contract
will be made from federai funds obtained by the State through Title CFDA number of the
Act of . The Grantee is responsible for compliance with all federal requirements imposed
on these funds and accepts full financial responsibility for any requirements imposed by the Grantee's failure
to comply with federal requirements.
5 Conditions of Payment
All services provided by the Grantee under this grant contract must be performed to the State's safisfaction, as
determined at the sole discretion of the State's Authorized Representative and in accordance with all applicable
federal, state, and local laws, ordinances, rules, and regulations. The Grantee will not receive payment for work
found by the State to be unsatisfactory or performed in violation of federal, state, or local law.
Authorized Representative
The State's Authorized Representative is Brian Bounds Grants Specialist Division of Homeland Securitv and
Emereencv Manaaement 444 Cedar Street Suite 223 St PauL MN 55101-6223• phone (65 11 201-741 9, or his
successor, and has the responsibiliTy to monitor the Grantee's performance and the authority to accept the services
provided under this grant contract. If the seroices are satisfactory, the State's Authorized Representative will certify
acceptance on each invoice submitted for payment.
The Grantee's Authorized Representative is Tim Butler Emereencv ManaQement and Communications Chief, St
Paul Citv of 100 Eazt Eleventh Street St Paul Minnesota. 55101• phone (6511228-6215. If the Grantee's
Authorized Representative changes at any time during this grant contract, the Grantee must immediately notify the
Assignment, AmendmenYS, Waiver, and Grant Contract Complete
7.1 AssignmenL The Grantee may neitk�er assign nor transfer any rights or obligafions under this gant contract
without the prior consent of the State and a fully executed Assignment Agreement, executed and approved by
the same parties who executed and approved this grant contract, or their successors in office.
7.2 Amendments. Any amendment to this grant contract must be in writing and will not be effective until it has
been executed and approved by the same parties who executed and approved the original grant contract, or
theu successors in office.
7.3 Waiver. If the State fails to enforce any provision of this grant contract, that failure does not waive the
provision or its right to enforce it.
7.4 Grant Contract Completz This grant contract contains all negotiations and agreements between the State and
3PPG (08/06)
D7-�f� 3
HSEM Grant No. 2007-IPPG-00301
the Crrantee. No other understanding regazding fhis grant conhact, whether written or oral, may be used to
bind eifi�er party.
The Grantee must indemnify, save, and hold the State, its agents, and employees harniless from any claims or
causes of action, including attomey's fees incutred by the State, arising from the performance of this g contract
by the Grantee or the Crrantee's agents or employees. This clause will not be con.strued to bar any legal remedies
the Crraotee may have for the Sfate's failure to fu1fi11 its obligations under this grant con�act
9 State Audits
Under IvIinn. Stat § 16C.05, subd. 5, the Grantee's books, records, documents, and accounting procedures and
practices relevant to this grant contract are subject to e�mination by the State and/or the State Auditor or
Legislative Auditor, as appropriate, for a minimum of six years from the end of this grant contract
10 Govemment Aata Practices
The Grantee and State must comply with the Minnesota Govemment Data Pracrices Act, Minn. StaL Ch. 13, as it
applies to all data provided by the State under this grant contract, and as it applies to all dafa creaYed, collected,
received, stored, used, maintained, or disseminated by the Grantee under this gant contract. The civil remedies of
Minn. Stat. § 13.08 apply to the release of the data referred to in this clause by either the Grantee or the State.
If the Grantee receives a request to release the data referred to in this Clause, the Grantee must iaunediately notify
the State. The State will give the Grantee instructions conceming the release of the data to the requesting party
before the data is released.
11 Workers' Campensafion
Ttte Gtantee certifies that it is in compliance with Minn. Stat. § 176.181, subd. 2, pertaining to workers'
compensation insurance coverage. The Grantee's employees and agents will not be considered Sta1e employees.
Any claims that may arise under the Minnesota Workers' Compensation Act on behalf of these employees and any
claims made by any third party as a consequence of any act or omission on the part of these employees aze in no
way the State's obligation or responsibility.
12 Publicity and Endorsement
12.1 Publicity. Any publicity regarding the subject matter of this grant contract must identify the State as the
sponsoring agency and must not be released without prior written approval from the State's Authorized
Representarive. For purposes of this provision, publicity includes norices, informational pamphiets, press
releases, reseazch, reports, signs, and similaz public notices prepazed by or for the Grantee individuatly or
jointly wath others, or any subcontractors, with respect to the program, publications, or services provided
resulting from this grant conhact.
12.2 Endorsement The Grantee must not claim that the State endorses its products or services.
13 Governing Law, Jurisdiction, and Venue
Minnesota law, without regazd to its choice-of-law provisions, govems this grant contract. Venue for ali legal
proceedings out of this grant contract, or its breach, must be in the appropriate state or federal court with competent
jurisdiction in Ramsey County, Minnesota.
14 Termination
14.1 Termination by the State. The State may cancel this grant contract at any time, with or without cause, upon
30 days' written notice to the Grantee. Upon termination, the Grantee will be entitled to payment,
determined on a pro rata basis, for services satisfactorily performed.
142 Termination fnr Insuffuient Funding_ The State may immediately termanate this grant contract if it does
not obtain funding from the Minnesota Legislature, or other funding source; or if funding cannot be
continued at a level sufficient to allow for the payment of the services covered here. Termination must be by
written or fax notice to fhe Cnantee. The State is not obligated to pay for any services that aze grovided after
IPPG (08/06)
HSEM Grant No. 2007-IPPG-00301
notice and effecfive date of termination. FIowever, the C,rantee will be enritled to paymen� determined on a
pro rata basis, for services saTisfactorily performed to the estent tbat funds are available. The Sfate will not
be assessed any penalty if the grant conlract is terminated because of the decision of the Minnesota
Legistature, or other funding source, not to appropriate funds. The State must provide the Grantee notice of
the lack of funding within a reasonable time of the State receiving that notice.
143 Terminafinn for Failure fo Comply. The State may cancel this grant contract immediately if the StaTe fmds
that there has been a failure to comply with the provisions of this grant, that reasonable progess has not been
made or that the purpose for which the funds were granted have not been or will not be fulfilled_ The State
may take action to protect the interests of the State of MinnesoSa, including the refusal to disburse addirional
funds and zequiring the return of all or part of the funds already disbursed.
15 Data Disclosnre
Under Minn. Staf. § 270C.65, and other applicable law, the Grantee consents to disclosure of its social security
number, federal employer tazc identification number, and/or Minnesota taY identification number, a]ready provided
to the Shte, to federal and state tax agencies and state personnel involved in the payment of sfate obligations.
These idenrification numbers may be used in the enforcement of federal and state taY laws which could result in
action requiring the Grantee to file state taz returns and pay delinquent state taY liabilities, if any, or pay other state
Iridividv¢I cer[�es that ��ej � h , a � ve ee��x�cm�
reguvedbyMmo���)g,y1n/ta Cl.d
Signed: _�IV �tYs
Grant Contract No. 2007-IPPG-00301 / Z000-11388
The Gran[ee certif:es lhat the appropriate person(sJ
have uecuted ihe grant corstrac[ on behalJoJthe Grantee ar
�equired licable articles, 6ylaws, resO/u/ions, ot�ordt�s.
; �
a � 1 , G � ��
Ticle: Fire ie£
Title: D'irector o£ Financial Services
Date: �/!(� � ��
¢�PG �osro6>
� B y = - - 'L�
Titl -"
State's Authorized RepreswUtive
� �
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Influenza Pandemic Planning Granf - Work Plan
C7rantee: St Pa�1, City of
Grant Number: �00� — ZPf�G - DO (
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� .: ��� �:. Dz�TE. �. � . �',, ��������r�n,
1) Complete a�service confinuation City's EOP is our response plan for alI
plan and/or an eihergency response � 8/'IY2006 2/1/2007 hazards. It will be updated with this grant
plan which includes avian or to address speci�ic pan-flu issues,
pandemic flu iesPOnSe. 2sulting in an EOP scaiable to incidents
of the size/compiexity of the pan-flu.
2) Participate in one ezercise Gonduct tabletop exercise with EOC tea
involving aviau or pandemic flu gf't12006 4l1YZ007 to exercise 2vised EOP. F�cercise wiil
response. inGude some fundional components to
ensure training and equipmenf elements
are practiced.
How will your agency be better prepared to respond to an avian flue outbreak or inIluenza pandemic?
The revised EOP wilt conCain speciHc efements that wifl related direcUy to avian flo and pan-flu incide�ts. EOP wi�f be scalable to
large scale incidents similar to pan-flu, but will aiso contain specific infortnation, resources, organizational structures, and plans
that will specifically address pan-ftu and avian flu issues.
Respiratory fit testing and PPE donning/doffing procedural training will help ensure that al� respo�se personne� are ready for
airborne/droplet spread infections like pan-flu.
Finally, exercise component of our work pian will help ensure there is Gear roles/respoosihdities, 6etter cooperation and
coordination amongst agencies and city departments, and that resources and priorities of each department are understood,
practiced and ready
Page A-1
D� -�� 3
W i
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fnfluenza Pandemic Planning Grant - Budget DetaiS
Grantee: St Paul, City of
Grant Number. �?- =Pp� � Y)O�D I
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Personnel $43, 000.00
Contractor Fees $1, 600.00
Supplies $6,808.00
Printing and copying $20�.�0
Facility Rentals $B
Totat $59,608.00
Page A-2