07-432co�n�a ���e # 0 7- �3a � Green Sheet # 3038958 RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Presented WHEREAS, Lease Agreement NHPI/01 was entered into by and between Hillcrest Shopping center LLC, formeriy 5005 Properties, Inc and the City of Saint Paul, on October 1, 2001 for 5,339 square feet of office space; and WHEREAS, the said Amended Lease Agreement NHPI/01 has been a month to month lease since December 1, 2006; and WHEREAS, the parties thereto have agreed to renew the said Lease Agreement NHPI/01 on an eighteen month lease; THEREFORE BE 1T RESOLVED, that per the attached Addendum V to Lease Agreement NHPI101, the proper City officials are hereby authorized to approve and execute said lease. Requested by Department of: �£'.� Hazris Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by Council Secr�t`ary BY� /'r Approved by a� r: ate J� lo O B �__ •�.. ��� � • �. 4�� � � � ���� ���� � /� � � F�6rm �1 t0 � b Mke`cr R OF F�vlanc.�a1 Ser�ic,es a y � YY�G,��2u� 5 � 4-1�, .�D t re c��' o�-�aa� � Green Sheet Gceen Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � NH - �`Ieighbo�hoodHousing/Propeny Contact Person & Phane: Jean B for Dave Nelson . zss-asss must ee on council Agend 0&MAY-07 Doc. Type: RESOLUTION E-0ocumeM Required: N Document Contact: ContaetPhone: 20.APR-07 y o Assign 1 Numb¢r Z Fw Routing 3 Order 4 5 6 Green Sheet NO: 3038958 :.,.,�,,.,,,...._�:._..,.�•� :, ��fl%3�T•Li - . '- - _ ' -. . a or's O6'ice ouuc� ' Clerk ToWI # of Signature Pages�_{C{ip All Locatiais tor Signature) Aefion Requested: � � � Approve Lease Addendum V to NHPI/Olfor an eighteen month lease on property at Hillcrest Shopping Center for Neighborhood Housing- Planning Commission CIB Committee Civil Service Commission 1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contrad for this deparimenl? Yes No 2. Has ihis person/firm ever been a city employee? _ Yes No 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill nol normaliy possessed by any curtent city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attaeh to green sheet Initiating Problem, lssues, Opportunity (Who, What, 4Vhen, Where, Why): Lease wili expire on 5/I/2007. - AdvaMages NApproved: NHPI will continue to use facilities they currently occupy. Disadvantages If Approved: None foreseen. Disadvaripges If No! Approved: NIIPI will be without current faciliries. � � l �4� e� �:. �_�� � �� � � 6iy 0 ,, � , �` �. �� �, y�, �; ?b��: �i���� � �M;f�^r �7n�i,^ :�,Mr,°^� } MAY 0 � Transaction: $�, Funding Source: Financiai 1rNOrmation: '7000 month lease (Explain) ActivityNumber. ��f- p02S6 - 028L CosHRev¢nue Budgeted: � Apri120, 2007 3:09 PM Page 1 o7-�3a Addendum V to Lease Agreement NHPI/01 WHEREAS, Lease Agreement NHPI/01 was entered into by and between Hillcrest Shopping center LLC, formerly 5�05 Properties, lnc., hereinafter called the "LESSOR", and the City of Saint Paul, hereinafter called the "LESSEE", on October 1, 2001 for 5,339 square feet of office space; and WHEREAS, the said Amended Lease Agreement [VHPIl01 witl expired on September 30, 20Q6; and WHEREAS, the parties thereto have agreed to renew the said Lease Agreement NHPI oa-a-�aeatk�So j2�`� � �6Fl�-�siSs- �"j�� THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that Paragraph [2] and Paragraph [4) of the said Lease Agreement NHPI/01 shall be amended to read: [2] Term of Lease. This lease shall be in effect for a term commencing and ending on the dates indicated below, unless terminated earlier as provided herein. Term (Months/Years) 18 months [4] Rent. Commencing Date May 1, 2007 Ending Date October 31, 2008 a) Basic Rent. LESSEE shalt pay all rents in advance, on the (irst day of the term of the lease and on the first day of each payment period thereafter as indicated in the Payment Schedule below: Total F3ent Durinq Lease Term $84,000 annually (or $15.73 sf) (Period monthiV Schedule Commencinp Date - $ per Periodl Mav 1, 2007 $7,000.00 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that all other terms and conditions of said Lease Agreement NHPI/01 shall remain in full force and effect. �� � IN WI7NESS THEREOF, the parties hereto have set their hands and seals the day and year in this Lease first above written. Mayor City Cierk Director of Financial Services ��r �� Department Director City Attorney (Form Approva!) t-� I �c e�ce� p pr rUG C�C;��u�. ���. �- M r� urc-�a-r�- � � a� �� �c � � � �-,—�r J ` '° " e�,�[vrr�n�, B y i �/ !' /�� �fS V I� PYL�e�! V�Gnr�