D001609CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ' ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER No: a / � CityCler BUDGET REVISfON Date: !D-c�27-�1 � Finance Dept. ADMINISTRAT(VE ORDER, Consiste�t with the authority granted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of the Director of the Dspartment ofi Planning & Economic Development to amend the 1998 budget of fhe City Sales Tau Capital Projects Pund, the Director of the Office of Financial � Services is authorized to amend said budget in the Eo{lowing manner: WHEREAS, Council Resolution 97-1276 was approved on 10/15/97 to allocate funds for a one-time boost to Neighborhood Investment in the amount of $750,000 from the STAR program; and NOW THEREFORE, staff recommends $1,000 be allocated from these funds to the Grand Avenue Business Associa5on for the Grand Avenue Business Lighting Project. Current Budget Fund 93D City Sales Tau Capitai Projects Pund P7-930-90306•0547-77126 NeighborhoodlnvestmentProgram P7-930-90306-0558-77231 Grand Avenue Business Lighting C J NetChange � � 1� $650,178 $0 Change ($1,000) $1,000 $0 Amended Budget $649,178 $1,000 �l�� ���, m �� �[�{� A r ed b Director of Financia ices " (Date) M:AUOOBUOG.NMt t0193 U ;, P�anning & Economic Development Carole Otto 2G6-6635 NA TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 10/19198 �oJ�9 �o —� otr,urrertmrcrart U arv.nowEe � wiwew.amuceson� ❑ rarwe�aeuasru� (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR crtrconrx c. i � � [� - �J. Approval of attached Administrative Order Budget Revision to allocate funds from the Neighborhood Investment Program to the Grand Avenue Business Association for the Grand Avenue Business Lighting Project. PLANNING COMMISStON CIB COMMITTEE CfVIL SERVlCE CAMMISSION �OTALAAWUNTOFTRANSAGTWNf -�" Nas this pe�sonrerm everwwked under a �onaact t« mis aeaaKmenn vES rio F1estMa P��� s+ei been a ctiy' emPloYee7 YES NO Ooes thie Petson/firtn O�uese a sWU mt rwima11Y0� M anY curtent city empbyee'f YES NO la this PeieoMrm a targetetl vendon YES NO CASTrttEVENUE BUOfiETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO LNDMG SOURCE �nd 930 City Sales Taa Capital Projects Fund��iNm• Nu�s�x P9-930-9030 � INFORMAl70N (EXF+IAiI� Net effect to the 1998 dudget is ura. ! j9�q8