Council File No ........ .. ... _........_
�mcil File No. 215163 —By Severin A.
Iortinson, by request -
�r, _
Vhereas, A written proposal`for the
yking of the following improvement,
Y•l J +_n d extend the s7%1'
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Theundersignedhereby Droposesthemakingof the following publicimprovement by the City of -saint Paul; iz: • s:�
Open, widen•and extend the alley in C. A. Mann's Subdivision of the east 311
feet of Block 8, Lyman Dayton's-Addition to St. Paul, Minnesota by taking and
condemning for turn around purposes that part of Block 8, Lyman Dayton's Addi-
tion lying adjacent to and'westerly of said C. A. Mann's Sub. and described
as. fol lows:
Beginning at the northwesterly corner of Lot 1, C. A. Mann's Sub.; thence
southeasterly_on the westerly line of said Lot l.a distance of 16 feet to
a point, tgQpce southwesterly parallel to the northerly line of said alley
a distance of 20 feet to a point; thence northwesterly and parallel to the
westerly line of said C. A. Mann's Sub. a distance of 48 feet to a point;
thence northeasterly and parallel to the northerly line of said alley to
a point on the westerly line of said C. A. Mann's Sub.; thence southeast-
erly on the said westerly line to point of beginning.
.KR-EA A wrl en proposal for the making of the following improvemen , viz.: _
Open, widen and extend the alley in U. A. Mann's Subdivision of the east 311
feet of Block 8, Lyy52r rayton's Addition to St. Paul, Minnesota by taking and
condemning for turn around purposes that part of Block 8, Lyman Dayton's Addi-
tion lying adjacent to and westerly of said C. A. Mann's Sub. and `described
as follows:
Beginning at the northwesterly corner of•Lot 1, C. A. Mann's Sub.; thence
southeasterly on the westerly line of said Lot 1 a distance of 16 feet to
• point, thence southwesterly parallel to the northerly line of said alley
• distance of 2O;feet to a point; thence northwesterly and parallel to the
westerly line of:,said C. A. Mann's Sub. a distance of 48 feet to a point;
thence northeasterly and parallel to the northerly line of said alley to
a point on the westerly line of said C. A. Mann's Sub.; thence southeast-
erly on the said westerly line to a point of beginning.
4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners.
- J 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance.
OCT 2 2 196
Adoptedby the CounciL-------------------------------------------- ----------------------- ------ --
Councilman Da,i g 1' i s h
' Peterson
MR. PRESIDENT Vavou 1 is
3000 7-54
a x�
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OCT 2 2 1963
Approved.......................... ........................................... _...
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� Mayor.
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