215126r, Y ^H AL TO CITY CLERK pjMLISaD �O.-. CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO.215126 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ­" `, i• ortinsRe No. 215126 —By Severin A. t.w C . UNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM Resolved, B� the Council of the ,y of Saint Paul, that upon the recd, PRESENTED BY ,me. dation of the - Commissioner.Ia. DATE , +Sraries, Auditorium, and C- ai)dir?Fs and Pu suant `.o the Rn rIY0E9lt i`F,3 � • Sjop Ae,6obed, 6y- tae Council og size C-4 o� Saint Pau,, Aat upon Ae Aecom- mendat i.on o� Ae Comm,&m.ioneA o� L i6Aa&ie_4, Audii.o.&ium, and Civic Auil d i.n,YA and p u&j uant to Sze pAov Ld ion j o� OAdi.nance No. 11022 'peA- ,ta.in.ing to cAaVed �oA Aen ta. goA Ae Aun.icipaL Stadium, Sze geneAa. _ office, general manage % i,d o�g ice, l i.c%et .6 .toAage, pukl i.c ty office, and ,i.chei exc range aAeaj ahe AeAe6u Aented -to & ectoAy Dd�4Lr i6at,;Xa A%.4ociote,4, AcoApoAated, �oA Aze peer i.od �Aom Octo6eA 21, 1963, to Novem6e.A 21, 1963, .i.ncluz,i.ve, any adc&- ti:ona. time to 6e pAoAaied peA dart', and .jAa,l.L &Aminate w.iAoui notice, .4 u6�ect -to Ae go,Uow,i.na ,teAm u, pAov iA i.onw, and condU ionj : 1. The lemee, &AectoAry &41 i.6ut ing 144.4oci.ate -, Sncolrpohated, dka U part' to tke CommiA.J,loneA og L.i.6Aa1 i.e_4, Avtd to-&ium, and CZvi.e Buildi.np, on 6eAa� o� tAe Cliy o� Saint Paul, ­tAe dum o� 450.00 a.4 Aent goA Ae uze o� Ae above - mentioned aAeau -to .include Aeat, lijit, wateA, and ian.i t o,& iaZ j eAv ice . 2. %Aat .6aid .Le..r.Jee .jko-U 6e o6ligated to gu.0 ,indemni& and kold Aare" .6aid Guy og Saint /"au� aga.iw t any and a U lia6,i,6i try on account 4 aV and aV .inju&ie4 -to pe.1won and /o.& pAop" o L&ina AeAegAom and /oA connected wiA 4a.id le"ee '.4 6aid panted uze o� .6a.id pAemi.6e,6; and Aat .da.id ,Levee .6AaU pAocuAe and maintain, at .6aid .& -Ajee r,6 own expewe, ,uncLz puUic lia6.i.Gi�.r�- cadua&y ,injurcance � poJ -icr� OA po Zi.cie d in e!mn.i4 ,i.nzmance coveAage wAeAeunde-A and wAeAe6ry COUNCILMEN Copy of CERTIFICATE OF Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays INSURANCE SENT TO Dalglish Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis 10M 6-62 Comptroller's Office. In Favor Against Approved 19— Actin Mayor �i OR9GINAL TO CITY CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. 215126 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK•• FILE ' COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE -2- .6a.id leuee and .da.id C-y vg Saint Paul, jo i and .6evena4, .6A0_U 6e guUy .z.ndemn.igied 6y she .buuAetc aao -iwt lia6.i_�- on account og any' and a,U .6ucA c,Laiw on account og any and aZ .i4u&ie j to pe uon and /OA pAOp" arsine Jhehe� om oar. connected wUA jaid .Le4 .4ee '.6 .6a,id panted use og daid phenziAe-6; Ae amount og coveAaae on account og pe,&4onal ,i4wLie,6 att&i6utakle to any, one accident .6AaU 6e nod .Cem Sian die .gum vg $100,000.00, and on account og any ,irurazo aruy one pe,uon .dko U 6e nod Aan $50,000.00, and tie amount og covenaae on account og pnope ,i4wzie d on account og arua one accident .dAaU 6e nod Man $50,000,00, and .jucA Policy oA poli.c i..e4 o� .i umance aggecting .Judi coveAaae dAoU 6e .4u6m.itted -to and a�oved 6y Ae CoApoAaiion Ccoun.Jel. • /� 1 3wLihen Ae,6obed, Mat .Ja.id DvAectoAy &,jt u:6utiny /I.J.JociateA, .9n- coApoAate�, .JAa.0 .indicate Ae AA iwAitien con.Jent to Ae contract a4 pAovi.ded goA AeAe-in, 6y a ,(eueA diAected to Ae Gily Comptiz.ol LA and .JAo -U gurcn.i.JA poJ- i.cie�J og .in. wwnce and bond coveAaae .6u6 jest -to Ae appnoval og Jze CCoApolrati.on C'owurel, and upon appAova,1 6y him, .6A0'U 6e gaed u.iA die CCompt ol,&_ z og Sze C-Lty og Saint Pawl. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Dalglish Holland Loss Mortinson —P exg nn -oserr--, j,�� r. President, V ia*oUls�"- 10M 6-62 I OCT 17 1963 Adopted by the Council 19- OCT 171963 Approved 4 19— -in Favor 0 Mayor A gainst Act?"O '�? /.'j z� DIRECT ORY •DISTRIBUTINGi'ASSOCIATES.INC. 320 North ,Leonard � SAint Louis, Missouri 63103 October 319 1963 Councilman Mortenson 945 City Hall and Courthouse St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: This letter is a letter of acceptability for the motion passed by city council, known as Council File 215162, dated October 17, 1963. Yours truly, ' J . W. Runk