07-417Council File #_�/�/'7 �.������ S/� �/�. Green Sheet #—� VJ R I;� _-- RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � by 1 WI�R 2 submitted by� 3 Deny TaYicab 4 on January 17, 5 Code §376.16( 6 adverse action was taken against the Saint Paul Taxicab Driver License application M. Sabio (License ID#20000005931) for the City of Saint Paul by Notice of Intent to er License dated Apri12, 20Q7, alleging licensee's Minnesota Driver's license expired 7 and was then suspended as of January 26, 2007 in violation of Saint Paul Legislative 7 WHEREAS, the 1 nsee did not respond to the Notice of Intent to Deny Taxicab Driver License to 8 contest the allegarions; and 9 10 WIIEREAS, the Notice I 11 contest the allegations by April 13, 12 the recommended penalty; now, the 13 14 RESOLVED, that the Saint 15 is hereby denied. 16 to Deny Taxicab Driver License stated that if the licensee failed to , that the matter would be placed on the consent agenda to impose e, be it Driver L'acense application submitted by Chris M. Sabio Adopted by ouncil: Adopf Certified by B. Approved by May . By: Date Date ✓ ✓ """` Requested by Depa By: —�.� � Fo roved by / g U7 Form Ap ove � BY: J of: Attorney � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � U ? LP — Licensr/tnspa;fion/Enviroa Prot Coirtad Pe�son 8 Phone: Rachei Gunderson 266-8770 Doc. Type: RESOLUTION E-Document Required: Y Document Contact: Julie Kraus CoMact Phone: 266-8776 17-APR-07 � Assign Number Order Total # of 5gnature Pages _(Clip AII Locations for Signature) Green Sheet NO: 3038812 0 "cen ection/Env3ron Prot 1 �,icenseltnspection/Emvon Prot Deparlmeut D'uecto 2 'riAtto 3 or's Qffice Ma udASSistant 4 ouncit 5 Qerk Ci Cle�k Approval of the attached cesolurion to take adveise action against the Saint Paul Ta�cab license applicarion submitted by C}uis M. Sabio (License ID#20000005931) for the City of Saint Paul. Itl3t10fIS: ApPfOVE (A) Of KeJBCt (K): refsonai oerv�ce a.omracn musa r�nswe� urc rvu�wmy wucoarvna. Planning Commission 1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract forthis department? CIB Committee Ves No Civil Service Commission 2. Has this persoNfirm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Dces this persoNfirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, Wben, Where, Why): - Licensee's Minnesota Driver's License expired on 1/17/07 and was then suspended as of 1/26/07 in violarion of Saint Paul Legislarive Code Section 37616(e)(1). After norificafion, liceusee did not respond to the Notice of Intent to Deny Tasicab Driver License. AdvanWges If Approved: License denial. Disadvantages If Approved: None. Disadvantages If Not Approved: Trensaction: Funding Source: Financial InformaGon: (Explain) CosVRevenue Budgeted: Activity Number: �45i�3E �3�^'�T,r^t6'4.+7 �/B?SW�� f f� �' - : �,��`t April 17, 2007 10:50 AM Page 1 �. CITY OF SAINT PAUL Chrirtopher B. Colemm; Mayar Apri12, 2007 � OFFTCE OF TFIE CITY ATTORNEY .7ohn J Choi, Citydnorrsey v' CivilDivision 400 CityHa11 I S WestSeZloggBlvd SaintPmtl M'mnesota55702 Telephone: 651266-8710 Facsimile: 651298-5619 NOTICE OF INTENT TO DENY TAXICAB DRIV�R LICENSE Chris M. Sabio 1095 Bellcrest Street Maplewood, MN 55119 RE: Application for a Saint Paul Taxicab Driver License License ID #20000005931 Dear Mr. Sabio: The Office of License, Inspection and Enviroxunental Protection has recommended denial of the Saint Paul Ta�cab Driver (Provisional) License appiication you submitted. The basis far the recommendafion is as follows: On February 22, 2007, you were sent a letter from the Office of License, Inspection and Environmental Protection stating that according to their records your-NYinnesota Driver's License expired as of 1/17/07 and was then suspended as of 1/26/07. This is in violation of Saint Paul Legislative Code §376.16 (e) (1) which states eligibility to be licensed to operate a taxicab shall be as follows: "Possess a valid Minnesota or Wisconsin driver's license." As of today's date, proof that your 5tate of Minnesota driving privileges have been restored has not been received. At this time you have three opfions on how to proceed: 1. You can provide proof that your State of Minuesota driving privileges have been restored. Send the information to the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection/Department of Safety and Inspections (DSn, at 8 Fourth Street East, Suite 200, St. Paul, Minuesota, 55101-1002 by Fk�iday, April 13, 2007. Information shouid be directed to the attention of Christi%e Rozek. AA-ADA-EEO Employer Chris Sabio ( Apri12, 2007 Page 2 �— o7-ye� 2. If you wish fo haue a public heatiug before the Saint Paul City Council, you will need to send me a letter with a statement aduutting tfie facts and requesting a public hearing. We will need to receive your letter by Friday, Apri113, 2007. The matter will then be scheduled before the City Council for a public hearing to deteznune whether to deny your application. You will have an opportunity to appear befoxe the Council and make a statement on your own behalf: 3. You can withdraw your application. If this is your choice, you should send the letter to the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection/Department of Safety and Inspecrions (DSn, at 8 Fourth Street East, Suite 200, St. Paul, Miimesota, 55101- 1002. The letter should be directed to Rich Jents no later than Friday, Agril 13, 2007. Any request for a refund of the license application fee must also be made in writing to the Office of LIEP. If you have not contacted me by that date, I will assume that you do not contest the denial ofyour license application. Sincerely, �� Rachei Gunderson Assistant CiTy Attorney cc: Christine Rozek, Deputy D'uector of LIEP Rich Jents, LIEP AA-ADA-EEO Employer STATE OF MIlVNESO'Ij" � ' �) ss. ATFIDAVIT OF SE� fi�ICE BY U.S. MAII. o7-y/7 COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) Julie Kraus, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that on the 2° day of April, she served fhe attached NOTICE OF INTENT TO DENY TAXICAB DRIVER LICENSE by placing a true and correct copy thereof in an envelope addressed as follows: Chris M. Sabio 1095 Bellcrest Street Maplewood, MN 55119 (which is the last lrnown address of said person) depositing the same, with postage prepaid, in the United States mail at St. Paul, Minnesota. . Julie Kraus Subscribed and sworn to before me this 2° day of April, 2007 ����,��;.� N tary Public _ e E �, RITA M. BOSSARD N�7ARY PUBLIC • MINNESOTA MY COMMISSION pCpIRES JAN. 31, 201 0