07-408Council File # Q 7— �QD Green Sheet # 3038110 RESOLUTION �.����� Presented By: Referred To: PAUL, NIINNESOTA 13 i WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Police Roundafion will donate $14,223 to the Saint Paul Police Department; 2 and 4 FVfIEREAS, the purpose of this donation is to provide funds to assist the Saint Paul Potice Department 5 with overtime hours for Gang Resistance EducaHon And Training (G.R.E.A.T.); and 6 7 WIIEREAS, the public purpose is to divert youth from the gang lifestyle and educate them on making 8 right choices while insuring that public safety for our citizens remains the number one priority for our city; 9 and 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 WI�EREAS, a 2007 financing and spending plan needs to be established for this donation; and WHEREAS, the Mayor pursuant to Section 10.0.1 of the Charter of the City uf Saint Paul, does certify that there are available for appropriation funds of $14,223 in excess of those estimated in the 2007 budget; and WHEREAS, The Mayot recommends that the following addition be made to the 2007 budget: 436-Police Special Projects CURRENT AMENDED FINANCING PLAN: BIIDGET CHANGES BUDGET 34174-St. Panl Police Foundation Donations 6905-Contributions & Donations 0 14,223 14,223 Tota1 Changes to Financing 14 2 3 � SPENDING PLAN: 34174-St PaalPolice Foundadon Donafions 0141-Overrime 0 12,116 12,ll6 0439-Fringe Benefit 0 1,b23 1,623 0449-Workers Compensation Q 484 484 Total Changes to Spending 14,223 THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council accepts this generous donation, extends its sincere thanks to the Saint Paul Police Foundarion, and approves these changes to the veas ruays Absent � Requested by Department of: By: Thune Adopted by Council:Date: l , ��Jd Adoption Certified by Council Sec etary: BY: �/ . ` .�Sd� Approved b a�. ate: � f - By: �roval Rgpeumm nded by F' ancial Services: �ll By: :�� by City Attorney: By: By: for Submission Q:�FiscalWQ&CRi2�OTSt Paul Police Fountlation GREAT Donation $14,223.x1s c��- yo8' � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � i PD — PoliceDeparm�ent �. CoMac[ Person & Phone: ! Chief,bhn Hartingron � 266-558$ ; Must Be on Council Agen Doc. rype: RESOLUTION W/$ THANSAC � EDocument Required: Y . QxumeM Cqntact: Amy Brown � CoMact Phone: 266-5507 27-MAR-07 { Green Sheet NO: 3038110 � Assig� Number For Routing Order Total # of Signatwe Pages _j,__ (Gip All LoCations for Signature) 0 � diceDepartment 1 �diceDepactment � DenarUnentD'¢ecfor ' 2 ' scrvices Dicenar. �inanaa� serrid � 3 City AtWroey � Ltity Attoxnes 4 flVlayor s Office I Mayor t 5 �ounc�3 I City Council 6 ,GiN Clerk CiN Clerk 1 7 oliceDe arWent PoliceDe arWent __ Signahues requested on the attached council resoluflon accegting a donaflon from the Saint Paui Police Foundation. �aanons: Approve �A� or rs Planning Commission Ci6 Committee Civtl Service Commission 1. Has this persoMfirm ever worKed under a contract for this tlepartment? Yes No 2. Has ihis person/firm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Dces this personlfirm possess a skill rwt normally possessed by any curtent city empfoyee? Yes No Explain all yes answers o� separate sheet and attach to green sheet Inkiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Whq What, When, Where, Why): The Gang Resistance Educa6on And Training program (G.R.E.A.T.) will pzovide haining to youths on diversions from gangs lifestyles and educate them on making good choices. Advantages If Approved: Abil�ty to reach out to youths to divert them from becoming involved in ihe gang lifestyle by educating them on making good choices. DisadvanWges If Approvetl: None, APR 2.'� 20�7 Disadvanhages If Not Approved: Lost opporiunity to reach ou[ ro youths to divert them from ffie gang lifestyle. � rna� wmoum ot � 4,223 7rensaction: $ Funding Source: G.R.E.A.T. Financial information: (ExpWin) Activity Number: 34.1 �q 4 ,.�t � grU �'� . '�; e y. 3if'.,. ��R� 2 7 2a(4� CostlRevenue Budgeied: March 27, 2007 3:08 PM Page 1