07-405Council File # 0 7-yo `J�
Green Sheet # �p 37 R
WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul, as a local government unit within the metropolitan area, is required under Minnesota
Statutes Section 473.858 to prepare a comprehensive plan; and
WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul is authorized, under Minnesota Statutes Section 462355(2) and Chapter107 of the Saint Paul
Administrative Code to recommend to the Mayor and City Council amendments to the comprehensive plan intende� to guide
future development and improvement of the city; and
WHEREAS, the Land Use Plan, adopted by the City Council on Mazch 3, 1999, provides for the adoption of summazies of area
plans as addenda to the Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan upon findings by the Planning Commission that the plans are consistent
with adopted City pQlicies; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission on January 12, 2007, held a public hearing on the Arcade Street Small Area Plan, notice
of which was duly published in the Saint Paul Legal Ledger on December 18, 2006; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission on February 9, 2007, recommended by its Resolution 07-09 adoption of the area plan
summary by the City Council;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the summary of the Arcade Street Small Area Plan, is adopted as an addendum
ro the Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan contingent upon review by the Metropolitan Council.
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Form Ap oved b� CiTy Attomey
By: �� b✓ yf,yylY•• �„ �'i
Adopted by Council: Date J� �GIJ�
Adoption Certified by Council Secreta
BY lJiv
Approved b ay r: ate � J b�
Approved by the Office of Financial Services
� Green Sheet Green,Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet �
PE — Planning & Economic Developmen[
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Adoption of a Resolution on the Arcade Street Small Area Plan.
s ono�u
6 i Clerk G7 Clerk
aanons: v,pprove �H7 or rce�ect �rc�: rersona� semce contrac[s must c,nswer tne rouowmg uuesnons:
Planning Commissiort 1. Has this person/frm ever worked under a contract for this department?
CIB CommiHee Yes No
Civil Service Commission 2. Has ihis person/firm ever been a city employee?
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3. Does this personlflrm possess a skill not normally possessed by any
current city employee?
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Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach tvgreen sheet
Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why):
Planning Commission initiated study of Arcade Street in 2002 for the purpose of seeking out poten6al strategies for revitalization of
Advantages If Approved:
Implementation of strategies will lead to revitalization of properties on Arcade Street.
DisadvanWges If Approved:
Disadvantages If Not Approved:
Plan s[rategies cannot go forward.
Total Amount of $O
Funding Source:
Fi nancial I nformation:
15-MAR-07 I Green Sheet NO: 3037830
� uepafROeni aeni �orerson
0 lanoio & Economic Develo me
Assign I tanoin & Economic Develo me Tom Sanc6ez
Number Z �annin & Economic Deveto me De arhnent D'uector
Routing 3 ' Attome
Order q vor's OQice MavodASSistant
CosURevenue Budgeted:
Activiry Number.
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March 15, 2007 3:07 PM
Page 1
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city of saint paul
planning commission resolution
file number
WAEREAS the Arcade Street Small Area Pian was prepared by a task force consisting of
representatives from the district council, business owners and representatives of
community organizations and institutions, in 2002, 2003, and 2006; and
WHEREAS the plan contains recommendations on land use, economic development,
housing, urban design, transportation and streetscape, and public safety, for Arcade Street
from Phalen Boulevard and Nevada, and Maryland Avenue from Weide to Cypress; and
WHEREAS the Planning Commission is authorized under Minnesota Statutes Section
462355(2) and Chapter 107 of the Saint Paul Administrative Code to recommend to the
Mayor and City Council amendments to the comprehensive plan; and
WHEREAS the Land Clse Plan, adopted by the City Council on March 3, 1999, provides
for the adoption of summaries of area plans as addenda to The Saint Paul Comprehensive
Plan upon findings by the Planning Commission that the plans are consistent with
adopted City policies;and
WHEREAS the Planning Commission, ori January 12, 2007, held a public hearing on the
Arcade Street Small Area Plan, notice of which was published in the Saint Paul Legal
Ledger on December _, 2006; and
WHEREAS the Neighborhood and Current PIanning Committee reviewed all public
testimony regarding the Plan and its summary, and subsequently recommended two
revisions to the Plan and summary;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Saint Paul Planning Commission
finds that the Arcade Street Sma11 Area Plan is consistent with The Saint Paul
Comprehensive Plan and other relevant City policies and recommends the adoption of the
plan summary by the City Council as an addendum to the comprehensive plan.
moved by_
seconded by
in favor
C� 7-yo,s�
Arcade Street Small Area Plan Summary
Addendum to the Comprehensive Plan for Saint Paul
Recommended by the Planning Commission on February 9, 2007
Adopted by the City Council on
This summary appends fo the Comprehensive Plan fhe vision of the Arcade Sfreet Smal1 Area Plan for
revitalization of Arcade Street on the East Side of Saint Paul. Key strategies include:
• Focusing community-oriented commercial areas at two major intersections, Arcade/Maryland and
Arcade/Phalen, where tra�c volumes are su�ciently high to support retail businesses that provide
goods and services for the surrounding neighborhoods.
• Encouraging new development and redevelopment between the Maryland and Phalen intersections,
as well as north of Maryland, with the following uses: destination commercial businesses, offces,
institutions, light industry and multiple-family housing.
• Fostering hrgh-qualify design of buildings, sites and public spaces that will be aesthetically pleasing
and contribute to making the area fee! safe.
The area addressed in the Arcade Street Small Area P/an includes land between the Arcade bridge on the
south and Wheelock Parkway on the north, plus Maryland between Arcade Street on the west and
Cypress Street on the east.
Arcade StreeE Small Area Plan Summary
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Concepts included in the Arcade Street Small Area Plan are:
• Community-oriented commercial intended to provide residents in adjacent neighborhoods with goods
and services at two commercial nodes, Arcade/Maryland and Arcade/Phalen, which have high tra�c
• New development and redevelopment on Arcade between the community commercial nodes with the
following land uses: destination commercial, office, institutional, light industry and multiple family
housing. These land uses may be incorporated into a standalone project or into a mixed use project.
Such development will take advantage of Arcade StreeYs location within the region, including
proximity to major highways (Interstate 35E and Phalen Boulevard) and to downtown Saint Paul.
• High quality design of buildings, sites and pubiic spaces that will be aesthetically pleasing and
contribute to a sense of safety.
The map of proposed land uses, attached, depicts the concepts of community-oriented commercial nodes
at Phalen/Arcade and Maryland/Arcade, as well as destination-related uses between the two nodes and
north of Maryland.
The Arcade Street Small Area Plan includes 39 strategies focused on land use, economic development,
housing, site and building design, transportation and streetscape, and public safety. This summary lists
the strategies that are the responsibility of City departments to implement.
Land Use
• Concentrate community-oriented commercial uses in two areas — the Arcade/Maryland intersection
and along Arcade between Case and the Arcade bridge; encourage businesses that provide goods
and services to residents to locate in these commercial nodes.
• Collaborate with the owners of Seeger Square shopping center to secure and maintain tenants that
provide goods and services for community residents and that contribute to an economically vibrant
commercial node at the Arcade/Phalen intersection.
• Study rezoning of parcels in the Arcade/Maryland node to advance redevelopment goals and
opportunities. (The attached zoning map depicts existing zoning. TN2 zoning was adopted for the
commercial properties along Arcade and Maryland in 2003. Parcels on the southeast and southwest
corners of Arcade/Maryland are currently zoned B2.)
• Conduct a condition survey of buildings on Arcade Street and Maryland Avenue.
• Identify opportunity sites that could be assembled for redevelopment projects; a site assembly
program will provide parcels of su�cient size to develop the types of projects identified in this plan. An
identified opportunity site may have any permitted use. If a site is identified as an opportunity site, it
does not necessarily mean that it will be rezoned.
• Encourage the redevelopment of properties on opportunity sites on Arcade Street between Rose and
Case Avenues and between Hawthorne and Nevada Avenues, as well as on Maryland Avenue east of
Arcade Street. Redevelopment will include any of the following land uses, either singly or in
combination: light industry with a high job component; housing; institutions; and, destination
businesses, including commercial offices.
Arcade St�eet Small Area Plan Summary 2
o �-yo.�
• Prepare a redevelopment strategy that will provide deeper parcels for development.
• Create parking at the rear of buildings along Arcade Street by acquiring parcels behind the
commercial frontage, up to 720 feet, and demolishing the buildings on the parceis; install buffers
beiween the parking areas and the adjoining residential areas.
• Continue the fa�ade improvement program, targeting destination commercial and institutional uses;
possible, concentrate rehabilitation loans within single blocks to achieve a greater aesthetic and
economic impact.
• Rehabilitate historic buildings in ways that preserve their historic integrity while, at the same time,
aliows them to function as integral parts of Arcade Street.
Economic Development
• Encourage the development of destination businesses, including commercial offices.
• Encourage the development of institutional uses.
• Collaborate with the Port Authority to encourage the development of job-rich light industry.
• Support the retention of core neighborhood-oriented businesses at the community commercial nodes
of Arcade/Maryland and on Arcade between Case and the Arcade bridge.
• Collaborate with the owners of Seeger Square in efforts to revitalize its buildings and site and to
strengthen its mix of tenants, as well as to reYain a supermarket in the center. Rehabilitation and
renovation projects at the shopping center should be consistent with the design standards of the TN
district and this plan.
• Identify specific sites between Nevada and Hawthorne Avenues, and between Rose and Case
Avenues, that would be suitable for the development of multiple-family housing, or housing in mixed-
use projects with destination commercial or institutional uses on the ground floor.
• Develop new housing that provides a balance belween rentaf and ownership units; new housing wilf
include apartments, townhomes or condominiums.
• Develop new multiple-famiiy housing that provides a range of price options appealing to a wide
spectrum of incomes; multiple-family housing includes apartments, townhomes and condominiums.
• Ensure that new housing is consistent with the spirit of the of the City's adopted policy for affordability.
• Ensure that new and rehabilitated housing is designed and constructed according to Traditionai
Neighborhood design and dimension standards.
Urban Design: Sites and Buildings
• Improve public safety by incorporating Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED)
principles into new residential and commercial developments, as well as in public spaces.
• Require that projects financed with public funds (i.e., STAR, CDBG, etc.) comply with the design
standards in Sec. 66.341 and 66.343.
• Develop a strategy for an incentive program to restore facades in a manner consistent with design
Arcade Street Small Area Plan Summary 3
standards in the TN2 district and the design guidelines in this plan; one objective of the strategy
should be a program for securing funding for far restoration.
• Discourage design elements that are not compatible with the spirit and intention of the design
standards in Sec. 66.343 of the Zoning Code. This includes bars on windows or doors and chain link
fences, unless they are located at the rear of the building and are not visibie from the street.
• Fencing. Fencing on commercial properties shall be made of wrought iron, if fencing is used in the
project. Fence height shall conform to heights required in City code.
Signs should be in scale with a pedestrian environment; business signs shall be used to identify the
business and businesses should be discouraged from advertising products; locate roof signs parallel
to the wall of the building; locate wall signs on the bands of building facades; wall signs should not be
used to cover windows or architectural details of the building and should not be painted directly on the
wall of the building; use grouped signs to identify multiple businesses; limit the use of projecting signs
to no more than one for every 40 feet of lot frontage; and, discourage the use of the following signs —
portable signs; pole signs; and banners or signs made of canvas, vinyl or other flexible materials
attached to the building.
• Encourage developers to remove billboards and other large advertising signs located on the tops of
buildings and other structures as part of any redevelopment or major renovation.
Transportation and Streetscape
• Investigate the installation of turn arrows at the Ivy/Arcade intersection to access Johnson High
• investigate the installation of a left turn arrow from westbound Wheelock Parkway onto southbound
Arcade Street, as well as from southbound Arcade Street onto westbound Wheelock Parkway.
• Develop concept plans for curb, sidewalk, bumpout and street lighting improvements and pursue
funding for improvements through the Capital Budget Improvement Process; further investigate
whether bumpouts are appropriate, given current traffic flow conditions.
• Upgrade the street lighting to rivin lantern fixtures.
• Collaborate with Metro Transit to upgrade the bus stops on Arcade Street.
Public Safety
• Improve public safety by incorporating Crime Prevention Through Environmenta! Design (CPTED)
principles into new residential and commercial developments, as well as in public spaces. Projects
receiving public funds, either from the City or from community development organizations, will be
reviewed for their consistency with CPTED principles.
• Intensify Saint Paul Police Department crime control and prevention measures; specifically, the
program for business owners on measures for providing more secure buildings and operating
businesses that are less vuinerable to criminal activity.
• Collaborate with taverns and restaurants serving alcoholic beverages to develop a program for dealing
with nuisance activities within these establishments, as well as on the street, in the parking lots and on
the sidewalks of adjacent neighborhoods.
Arcade Street Small Area Plan Summary
o �-yos�
City Action
To encourage development according to the concepts and recommendations, the priorities of the City
should be:
1. Adopt this summary as an amendment to the Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan.
2. Adopt zone changes that will encourage development reflecting the concepts in the plan summary.
3. Collaborate with other agencies and community organizations to implement the recommendations in
this plan summary.
4. Encourage the continuation of community-oriented commercial uses consistent with the concepts in
the plan strategies.
5. Encourage redevelopment of sites consistent with the concepts in the plan strategies.
6. Implement the urban design recommendations as redevelopment occurs.
Planning Commission Findings
The Planning Commission finds that the Arcade Street Small Area Plan Summary is consistent with the
Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan and other adopted City policies.
Planning Process
The Planning Commission on October 5, 2001, initiated preparation of the small area plan and a 40-acre
zoning study for the study area. A community-based task force comprised of representatives of the
district council, business ow�ers and representatives of community organizations and institutions was
formed to prepare the small area plan and consider zoning options. Zone changes recommended in the
40-acre study were adopted by the City Council and signed by the Mayor; they became effective in
December 2003. The Planning Commission held a public hearing o� the summary of the Arcade Street
Small Area Plan on January 12, 2007, and recommended adoption of the plan summary on February 9,
2007. The City Council adopted the plan summary on TO BE COMPLETED.
Arcade Street Small Area Plan Summary
C� �
CTTY OF SAINT PAUL 390 City Ha1l Telephone: 651-266-8510
MayorChristopherB.Coleman ISWutKelloggBou[evard Facsimile:657-228-8513
Sairzt P¢u1, MN 55702
Apri123, 2007
Council President Kathy Lantry
and members of the City Council
320 C City Hall
Saint Paul, MN 55102
Deaz Council President Lantry and Councilmembers:
It is my pleasure to transmit to you the suuunary of the Arcade Street Small Area Plan and recommend its
adoption as an addendum to the Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan.
Prepared by a commuaity-based task force appointed in collaboration with District 5, the plan includes
strategies designed to reposition Arcade Street so it can capitalize on its access to major streets and highways,
including Phalen Boulevard and I-35E, and its proximity to downtown Saint Paul. The major
recommendations are:
• Focus community-oriented commercial areas at two major intersections. TrafFic volumes are
sufficiently high at the Arcade/Maryland and Arcade/Phalen intersections to support retail businesses
that provide goods and services for the surrounding neighborhoods. These intersections have the
potential to be pedesh areas.
• Encourage new development and redevelopment between the Maryland and Phalen intersections, as
well as north ofMaryland, with the following uses: destination commercial businesses, o�ces,
institutions, light industry and multiple family housing. These uses, either in stand-alone buildings or
in mixed-use projects, can utilize Arcade StreeYs major assets — proximity to major transportation
corridors, such as Phalen Boulevard and Interstate 35E, and proximity to downtown Saint Paul.
• Foster high-guality design of buildings, sites and public spaces that will be aesthetically pleasing and
contribute to making the area feel safe.
There aze 38 strategies in the summary that aze intended to fulfill these plan objectives.
While the full plan will be available and will guide implementation by all partners, the suuunary adopted as
part of the comprehensive plan clarifies the particular strategies that are part of Saint PauPs development
The Plauuing Commission has reviewed this suminary and held a public hearing. They recommend adoprion.
I concuy?with their recommendation.
Christopher B. Coleman
AA-ADA-EEO Emp(oyer