215883ID .v ITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL F FILE NUMBERS �- DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER �4 _ 6 DALGLISH' HOLLAND LOSS IN FAVOR At01 tNSON PETERSON AGAINST ROSEN MR. PRES. VAVOULIS ADOPTED BY - 0-1 APPROVED_/ -f Dec. 17 1e 3.�ti AUDITED CLAIMS PAGE ' RESOLVED, THAT CHfFCKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY 1629332.91 , 531 IN THE AMOUNT OF s COVERING Cy, �C��CCS NO. 4260- 7042657!1 ^ INCLUSIYE, ASJ COUNCIL J UEG 1 8PgftECKS ON ILE IN THE _ _F F, 1 ,.19M CHECK IN FAVOR OF AMOUNT DATE ETURNED NUMBER BY BANK • - BROUGHT FORWARD 3 149' .529 4 42605 Nature and Science 0 42606 oodles Co. `554 39 42607 elson Oil Co. Inc 57j2 42608 eumade Products Corp. 154,o 42609 ew Method Book Bindery Inc ...6 .6_ 42610 ew York Tea Co. ,107 '.7 42611 ew York Times 21 3 42612 orthern Concrete Products :356 6 42613 orthern.Ford Engines Inc 15 7 r 42614 orthern States Power Cc '176 4' 42615 orthstar Magazine Agency 10 di 4261 orthwest Publications Inc 10 1 4261' orthwestern Refining Cc 127 8. 4.2618 arlon Simonson 83 25 42619 ernard M. Taoje 71 2 42620 ernard M. Troje 67 7' 42621 ., J. Nystron & Co. ,814 1' 42622 4 n n 450 7 42623 ceana Publications Inc 43 7 42624' Oliver Corp. 87 8 42625 Otis Elevator Cc 27 6 42626 aper Calmenson & Cc 1!427 6 42627 Paper Calmenson & Co. '389 2' 42628 larents Magazine Press 1 9 8 .,. 42629 ark Machine.Inc. 208 9 42630 arkway Electronics 61 6 42631 aul's Cycle Service Inc. 201 6 42632 aulson Auto Supply lerfection 72 4 42633 orthwestern Sanitary Supply 81 5 42634 J. Pennig '413 5 42635 Form Co. 22 4' 42636 erfection Type Inc. 37 0 42637 1. C. Peterson Mach. Co. Inc 56 6 42638 eterson Publishing Cc 12 5 42639 hysicians & Hospitals Supp13 169 9 42640 Terre Books 67 0 42641 ilney's Market 97 6 42642 wink Supply Cc lower ; 45o 5 42643 itney Bowes Inc• r'7 8 -' 42644 enry H. Pittelkow ! 6 0 42645 . L. Polk & Cc 140 O 42646 . L. Polk & Cc 50 0 42647 Brake & Equip. Inc. 68 1 4264$ Preferred Sheet Metal Co 1 530 0 42649 Palda & Sons Inc. 12 000 0 42650 Prentice Hall Inc. 308 6 42651 Price Electric Inc. ? 39 4 42f$;Z sychological Corp. tyramid 27 5 4263 Foam Rubber & Supply 31 0 42654 m. J. Quayle Cc 8 3 42655 Random House 2 2 42656 hamsey County Welfare Board 59 048 O 657 l SHEET TOTAL - FORWARD 3 311 862 3 21-5 NOTICE Council File No. 215880 — 215881 — U TO 215882 — — 215883 — Resolved That cheto t a el ate PRINTER the City rTreasury, ghe ra gr g amount of $371,892.81, covering checks numbered 42451 to 42857 inclusive, as per checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Adopted by the Council December 18, RESOLVE[), THAT CP 19Approved December 18, 1983. Y ,�'� 9� (December 21, 1983) COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. DEC S 19 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL— — 19 -- APPROVED DEC 18 1 19— 1-d W011 21881 21.5882 21 -5sB3 COUNCIL FILE N, . December 17 63 19_ TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF TO W-7-- INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS Ia