07-383Council File # Presented By: Referred To: Committee:Date: 1 RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul, Police Department, is authorized to enter into the attached 2 agreement with Ramsey County, which has an indemnificafion clause, to par6cpate as a Subsystem 3 Subscriber of the Regionwide Public SafeTy Radio Communications System. A copy of said agreement 4 is to be kept on file and on record in the Office of Financial Services. 5 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 `� 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Requested by Department of: Police Adopted by Council: Date: � aU4 Adopfion Ce by Council Secretary: BS'� _ /!' //jT f/Jw lK$(�/1 Approved by M�: ate: S/7�°7 By: � RESOLUTION ? SAINT PAUL, NIINNESOTA Green Sheet # 07-383 3038955 /6 Appr ved ay for Su ' ion Cou cil: By:��b� Q:�F�soaiwosc a�zoonsoonnHz.xis � � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � C)�-�� ;_ PD Po13ceDepaztmen[ '. Contact Person & Ptione: Chief John Harrington 266-5588 , Must Be on Council Aaen � Doc.Type: RESOWTION E-DOCUmeM Required: Y DocumeM Comact: Artry Brown Contact phone: Totai fl of Signatufe Pages YP4� 11114aaN. 2o-APR-0� i Green Sheet NO: 3038955 �► ASSign Number For Routing Ortler All Locatipns for Signature) O �POIfceI1Cp9[IID¢Dt I 1 oliceDepariment � DeuarhmentD'uector � 2 'lv Attoruey � i � 3 Il1�Iavor's Office Mayor/Assistant ; 4 Comcil I 5 ' i Clerk � ' erk Sig¢atures on the council resolu6on authorizing the City of Saint Paul, Police Ramsey County. agreement with itlations: Approve (A) or Reject (R): � Personal Service Gontracts Must Answer the Following Questions: Planning Commission i. Has this persoNfirtn ever worked under a contract for this department? CIB Committee � Yes No Civil Service Commission 2. Has this persoNfirtn ever been a city employee? Yes No � 3. Does this person/firm possess a skitl not normally possessed by any current city employee� j Yes No I Facplain all yes answers On separate sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): The SPPD will participate as a Subsystem Subscriber of the Regionwide Public Safety Radio Communications System. AdvanWges If Approvetl: Better interagency communicapon on a wider multi-jurisdiction scale and the abiliry to coordinate emergency services between agencies and enhance communication. I Oisativantages {f Approved: None. Disadvantages If Not Approved: Lost opportunity to better serve multi-jur[sdiction on a wider scale. Funding Source: Financial Information: (F�cplain� April 24, 2007 8:43 AM CostlRevenue Budgeted: Page 1 ActiviTy Number. � � � � ��'..:. k i L��� U7 �3 THIS AGREEMENT is between Rfv'vISEY COIJNTY, a political subdivision of the State of Minnesota, through its County Manager's Office ("COiJNT'Y"), 250 City HalUCourthouse, I S West Kellogg Boulevard, St. Paul, Minnesota 55102, and City of St. Paul, 390 City HalUCourthouse, I S West Kellogg Boulevard, St. Paul, Minnesota 55102, actin� by and through its duly authorized officers ("SUBSCRIBER"). WHEREAS, COLINTY is in the process of planning and conshucting a subsystem ("Subsystem") of the Regionwide Public Safety Radio Communications System ("System"); and WHEREAS, COLTNTY has planned the Subsystem in cooperarion and collaboration with representarives of Cities, Police Departments, Fire Departments, and other public safeTy users within Ramsey County; and WHEREAS, SUBSCRIBER has elected to participate as a Subsystem Subscriber; and WHEREAS, COT JNTY and SUBSCRIBER wish to set forth their respective roles and responsibilities and the terms and conditions of their understanding; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual undertakings and agreements hereinafter set forth, COUNTY and SUBSCRIBER agree as follows: 1. DEFINITIONS Activation means the point at which a radio is enabled to operate on the Subsystem. Certify means, in relation to a radio, approved by use for the Subsystem. Cloning means the process whereby a Code Plug is written into the memory of a radio. Code Plug means the program file containing talkgroup information and configuration settings that is written into the memory of a radio. County-Approved Vendors means vendors identified by the County as having been State-certified to service the radios to be purchased by SUBSCRIBER and with which the County has a contract. Fleet means the set of radios witt� assigned radio system identification numbers that fall within the numeric range assigned to Ramsey County by the State of Minnesota or that contain Code Plugs that are maintained by the COi3NTY. Metropolitan Emergency Services Board or MESB means the board created by a Joint Powers Agreement among Anoka, Carver, Dakota, Hennepin, Ramsey, Scott, and Washington Counties and the City of Minneapolis, to act as the Meh'opolitan 911 Boazd; as a regional radio board and as the successor to the MRB; and as a regional emergency medical services boazd. Metropolitan Radio Board or MRB means the political subdivision created pursuant to the provisions of Minnesota Statutes §403.22, Subd. I to provide governance over the planning and implementation of the Statewide 800 MHz interoQerable radio communicafion system, whose responsibilities were to be transferred to the Statewide Radio Boazd pursuant to Laws of 2004, Chapter 201, Section 22. Programming means the process of preparing a custom Code Plug and Cloning into one or more radios. Radio System Manager means the COLiNTY employee who manages, and provides coordination and administrative direction for the Subsystem. Regular In-Shop Flat Fees means the hourly rates or per unit pricing established in an agreement between COiJNTY and a COIINTY-Approved Vendor for service on SUBSCRIBER radios at the vendor's site. 800 MHz Subsystem Subscriber Agreement-City of St. Paul 2 of 10 v7 �3 Subsystem means that part of the regional 800 MHz interoperable radio system constructed and owned by the COLTNTY. Subsystem Infrastructure Support Costs means all costs incurred by COLTNTY that are necessary to keep the Subsystem operational for the purposes for which SUBSCRIBER is using the radios. System means the regional truuked radio network infrastructure and associated base radio subsystems built by the Minnesota Department of Transportation, the Metropolitan Radio Board, and entities that entered into Coopexative Aa eements witb the MRB to construct subsystems. System Key File means the computer file necessary to program radios for use on the System. 2. PURPOSE AND INTRODUCTION The purpose of this Agreement is to define the rights and obligations of COUNTY and SUBSCRIBER with respect to the coogerative and coordinated purchase, maintenance, technical and administrative support and use of portable, mobile, desktop and other end user radios by the SUBSCRIBER on COiJNTY'S Subsystem. The Subsystem is a multi-site general purpose wireless communications system designed to provide, among other things, 95% azea coverage reliability for portable radio operation above ground level in light to medium buildings throughout most of the County. Other SUBSCRIBER benefits and services include access to the System, a wide area nine-county regionwide public safety radio communications system; multiple System redundancies with backup power; a wide range of talk groups; electronic identification of all radios on all transmissions; 99.999% microwave system reliability; system security; xadio interoperability; 24 houx a day Subsystem monitoring and repair response; access to a pool of special event radios; and SUBSCRIBER radio training. 3. DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF SUBSCRIBER 3.1 Conformance to MetroQolitan Emereencv Services Board and COUNTY Standards SUBSCRIBER agrees to conform to all applicab3e standazds, policies, procedures and protocols established or amended by the Meuopolitan Emergency Services Board ("MESS") or its successor, the State Radio Board; and COLJNTY related to use of the Subsystem, including, but not limited tq radio user training requirements, radio operating guidelines, audit, monitoring, and compliance. When COLJNTY receives the information, COUNTY will notify SUBSCRIBER of such applicable standards, policies, procedures and protocols in accordance with the Subsystem procedures. 3 2 Conformance to Federal Laws and Reeulations SUBSCRIBER agrees to conform to all applicable Federal Rules, Reb lations, and Laws pertaining to use of the Subsystem, including, but not limited to, the Communications Act of 1934 as Amended and Part 90 of the Federal Communications Commission Rules and Regulations. 3.3 Resoonse to Improper Use In the event COUNTY informs SUBSCRIBER that statistical analysis of Subsystem usage or other information indicates that SUBSCRIBER personnel may have inappropriately used the Subsystem, or may have violated applicable standards, policies, procedures, rules, regulations, or laws regarding proper operation of the Subsystem, or may have violated the provisions of this Agreement, SUBSCItIBER agrees to take immediate and appropriate investigative and conective action to stop the violation and eliminate any reoccurrence. 3.4 Subscriber Fleet Supnort Fees Any Subscriber Fleet Support Fees established by the Boazd of Ramsey County Commissioners must first be reviewed by the Subsystem Operations and Users Group and the Subsystem Policy Group. If the Board of Ramsey County Commissioners thereafter establishes a Subscriber Fleet Support Fee schedule, SUBSCRIBER agrees to pay COtJNTY the fee assessed to SUBSCRIBER by COLINTY. Fleet support fees shall include costs incuned by 800 MHz Subsystem Subscriber Agreement-Ciry of St. Paul 3 of ]0 07 �383 COiJNTY for, but not limited to, sofiv✓aze updates, technical support, administrative support, configuration support, access to the emergency and special event shared pool of radios, and training support attributable to SUBSCRIBER'S participation under t}us Agreement. Fees shall be assessed on a per-radio basis. Any such fees will be subject to annual adjushnent by the Boazd of Ramsey County Commissioners. COLJNTY is responsible for Subsystem Infrastructure Support Costs. 3.5 Pass Through Fees SUBSCRIBER aa ees to pay all fees assessed on a per radio basis to COLTNTY or SUBSCRIBER by any outside agency, as established through the outside agency's written contract with COLJNTl' or by statutory authority. 3.6 Radio Clonin¢ Fees For a period o£two years following initial activation of radios listed in Appendix A by COLTNTY or COiJNTY- Approved Vendors, SUBSCRIBER shall be entitled to receive SUBSCRIBER-requested radio recloning by COLTNTY or COUNTY-Approved Vendors one additional time for each radio without additional cost to SUBSCRIBER, and COL3NTY will pay the costs of recloning each radio one additional time for changes required bv the COiJNTY. Provided, however, that COiJNTY shall pay such recloning costs at the Regulaz In-Shop Flat Fee as established in the agreement between COLJNTY and the COIJNTY-Approved Vendor. SUBSCRIBER shall obtain any additional radio recloning necessary for SUBSCffiSER to use the Subsystem at SUBSCRIBER'S sole cost. SUBSCRIBER shall notify and obtain approval from the Radio System Manager or the Radio System Manager's designee prior to obtaining the additional recloning. All recloning must be performed by COIJNTY or COUNTY-Approved Vendors. 3.7 Chanees in Fees Following consultation with the Subsystem Policy Group, COLJNTY shall notify SUB5CRIBER of any proposed change in any of the fees payable by SUBSCRIBER to COtJNTY under the terms of this Agreement for the following calendaz year no later than June 1 of the current calendar year. TLe COLJNTY Board sha11 have final authority to establish or change fees. 3.8 Invoicin2 and Pavment Terms COLJNTY will invoice SUBSCRIBER monthly, ox at other intervals as determined by COUNTP, for all fees payable to COIJNTY as specified herein. For radios activated on or before the 15` of the month, SUBSCRIBER will be chazged for the entire month. For radios activated after the 15` of the month, the fees will commence on the first day of the following month. Payment of all fees herein shall be made directly to COUNTY within thirty-five (35) days from receipt of the invoice. COLTNTY-approved vendors who provide reprogramming for SUBSCRIBER shall invoice SUBSCRIBER directly and SUBSCRIBER shall make the payment; SUBSCRIBER may submit a request for reimbursement for any reprogramming costs for which COUNTY is responsible under the provisions of Subparagraph 2.6 herein. 3 9 Flow Down Metropolitan Emereency Services Boazd Contract Provisions SUBSCRIBER agrees to comply with all applicable flow down provisions contained in the Cooperative Agreement between COLJNTY and the Metropolitan Radio Boazd, incorporated herein and made a part of this Agreement by this reference 3.10 De-certification and Disnosition of Obsolete Radios The Metropolitan Emeigency Services Board, or its successor, and COLJNTY may de-certify radios, radio operating software versions, and radio program files and configuration settings (commonly called Code Plugs) which become obsolete or unsuitable for use for reasons including but not limited to: unsafe to use, impairs Subsystem performance, no longer supported by the radio manufacturer, no longer supported by COiJNTY, e�ibit substantial defects, e�ibit performance deficiencies, impair implementation of Subsystem upgrades, become unreliable, and become economically unfeasible to maintain. Except in those cases affecting safety or performance impacts to the Subsystem, other subsystems, or the regional system, COLtNTY will make reasonable efforts to avoid decertification of radios owned by SUBSCRIBER which have not been fully depreciated and to provide SUBSCRIBER with at least one (1) yeaz advance notice prior to the effective date of radio or softwaze version decertification. Decertified radios, or radios operating with decertified softwaze versions or decertified Code Plugs will not be allowed to access or use the Subsystem. SUBSCRIBER may not dispose of an obsolete radio until the 800 MHz Subsystem Subscriber Aa eement-City of St. Paul 4 of 10 v � �3 Code Plug and encryption key information have been deleted from the radio memory as necessary to protect private data and prevent unauthorized access to tbe Subsystem information. SUBSCRISER agrees to dispose of obsolete radios, batteries and other equipment in accordance with applicable laws and rules regarding disposal of hazardous materials. SLTBSCRIBER undecstands that it will not receive any payment from COLINTY for a decertified radio. 3 11 Limitarion of Radio Code Plug Files and Svstem Kev Fi1e All radio Code Plug Files shall be created and modified by COtINTY before the radios will be activated on the Subsystem. All radios on the Subsystem shall be cloned only by COUNTY or by COLTNTY-Approved Vendors. Al] radio Code Plug Files and System Key Files aze the sole property of COIJNTY, and contain information that is classified as security information and non-public govemment data. Unless specifically authorized by COiJNTY in writing, by law, or court order, SUBSCRIBER may not directly or ind'uectly pemut any third party to: view, read, print, extract, copy, archive, edit, create, clone, transfer, tamper with or otherwise compromise the security of any radio Code Plug File or System Key File for any radio on the Subsystem. In the event SUBSCRIBER leams that any party has improperly or fraudulently obtained radio Code Plug File information or System Key File informadon, SUBSCRIBER will immediately notify COUNTY of the security breach. 3 12 Risk of Loss and Pavment for Lost Stolen Unrepairable, or Destroved Radios SUBSCRIBER assumes full risk of loss for radios owned by the SUBSCRIBER which aze lost, stolen, physically un-repairable or destroyed for any reason. 3 13 Notification to COLiNTY of Missing, Lost. Stolen. Unrepairable, or Destroved SUBSCRIBER-Owned Radios SUBSCRIBER agrees to immediately notify COLTNTY in writing of any missing, lost, stolen, unrepairable, or destroyed SUBSCRIBER-owned radios, so the radio can be deactivated on the Subsystem. SUBSCRIBER shall be responsible for payment of fees until written notification is received by COUNTY. 3.14 Repair of SUBSCRIBER-Owned Radios SUBSCItIBER is responsible for maintaining SUBSCRIBER-owned radios in good repair and for replacing any SUBSCRIBER-owned radios that are unrepairable. Repair and maintenance shall be performed only by COUNTY- Approved Vendors. COiINTY will provide this listing to SUBSCRIBER. SUBSCRIBER shall be responsible for payment of fees during the period of repair. A replacement radio may not be used on the Subsystem until COLJNTY or a COIINTY-Approved Vendor has cloned the radio puzsuant to the provisions of this Agreement. COUNTY will not provide SUBSCRIBER with the temporary use of a COIINTY-owned radio while a SUBSCRIBER-owned radio is being zepaired. 3.15 Aeactivation of Radios bv Si3BSCRIBER SUBSCl2IBER may request COLJNTY to deactivate a radio for reasons other than those set forth in Subparagraphs 3.12 and 3.13 if the radio is no longer needed by SUBSCRIBER and will be out of use for an extended period of time. During such period of deactivation, SUBSCRIBER'S obligation to pay fees pursuant to Subparagraphs 3.4, 3.5, and 3.8 may be suspended based on MESB and COUNTY policies. COLTNTY reserves the right to charge SUBSCRIBER a reactivation fee if the deactivated radio is brought back into service within one year of deactivation. 4. DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF COUNTY 4.1 Furnishine of Radios to SUBSCRIBER SUBSCRIBER is making an initial purchase of radios as described in Appendix A, Subscriber Initial Purcl�ase Order, attached hereto and made a part of this Agreement. COtINTY will obtain the radios and will inventory, inspect, test, and program them befare they are turned over to SUBSCRIBER. 4.2 Additional SUBSCRIBER Radios SUBSCRIBER is responsible for the purchase and payment of radios that SUBSCRIBER adds after the initial radio purchase described in Appendix A. Any radios subsequently purchased by SUBSCRIBER must be specifically Certified for use on the Subsystem by the Metropolitan Emergency Services Board, or its successor, and COiJNTY. 800 MHz Subsystem Subscriber Agreement-Ciry of St. Paul 5 of 10 o� �&� Non-CeRified radios, or radios operating with non-Certified software versions will not be allowed to access or use the Subsystem. Prior to use on the Subsystem by SUBSCRIBER, such subsequently-purchased radios must be tested and Cloned by COUNTY or a COiJNTY-Approved Vendor in accordance with COIINTY's policies on radio operarious and maintenance at SUBSCRIBER'S expense. All subsequently-purchased radios aze subject to the terms and condirions of this Agreement. SUBSCRIBER shall noufy COIJNTY in writing of such addirional radio purchases and COIJNTY will activate the radios upon receipt of the written notice. 4.3 Financin2 of SUBSCRIBER Radios and Transfer of Title Pursuant to COiJNTY Board Resolution 2004-433, COLTNTY will finance the initial purchase of radios up to 51,995 per radio based on the average price of the radios purchased. The total amount to be paid by COiJNTY for SUBSCRIBER'S initial purchase is set forth in Append� A. SUBSCRIBER will be responsible for any additionai cost for the purchase of the number of radios identified in Appendix A over the amount set forth in Appendix A as payable by COiJNTY. COLINTY will invoice SUBSCRIBER for the additional cost not financed by COLJNTY upon delivery of the radios to SUBSCRIBER by COiJNTY. SUBSCRIBER shall make payment to COUNTY within thirry-five (35) days from receipt of the invoice. Risk of loss shall transfer to SUBSCItIBER upon delivery; and title will ffansfer upon receipt by the COUNTY of payment in full from SUBSCRIBER. Failure of SUBSCffiBER to make payment within the specified tune period will be grounds for COLJNTY to disconnect the radio from the Subsystem. SUBSCRIBER may not transfer ownership of radios financed by COUNTY to a third party during the Initial Term without the prior consent of COUNTY. 4.4 Soecial EvenUEmereenc�Radios COUNTY will maintain a Fleet of radios which will be made available to SUBSCRIBER, generally on a first come first serve basis, for tempoxary assignment for special events, response to emergencies, or other similar events. The risk of loss transfers to SUBSCRIBER upon receipt of the COiJNTY radios and SUBSCRIBER shall be responsible for the loss of or damage to the COUNTY radios, including the cost of repair, the cost of a replacement radio, and progranuning and other costs required to put the radio in the same operational condition it was in when assigned to SUBSCRIBER. If there are more requests for these radios than can be accommodated, COUNTY will prioritize allocations. These assigned radios will have a generic Code Plug using common county and regional interoperability talk groups. 4.5 Allocation of Subsvstem Resources COUNTY will allocate to SUBSCRIBER, on a fair and non-discriminatory basis, sufficient Subsystem resources including, but not limited to, Talk Groups, Announcement Groups, Radio Unit IDs, and Alias IDs, in order to provide SUBSCRIBER with an equivalent gade of service afforded to other comparable Subsystem Subscribers. 4.6 Monitorm¢ of SUBSCRIBER Tallc Groups COUNTY may periodically monitor tallc groups allocated to SUBSCRIBER for SUBSCRIBER'S internal use for Subsystem management purposes, including, but not limited to, maintenance, troubleshooting, perfotmance assessments, unusual traffic pattems (sudden jump in usage), and policy and procedure compliance checks. COi3NTY monitoring of SUBSCRIBER'S talk groups may occur at any time, for any duration, may be without notice, and is subject to recording. Access to recordings of any data from this monitoring is subject to the provisions of the Minnesota Govemment Data Practices Act. 4.7 Radio Operator Training COLTNTY will provide SUBSCRIBER with access to end user radio training, instructional materials in hard copy or digital media form, and training instructors as made available or provided to COCTNTY from the Metropolitan Emergency Services Boazd, or its successor, or other sources for the deployment of radios included in SUBSCRIBER'S initial purchase, at no cost to SUBSCRIBER. However, COtJNTY will not be responsible for reimbursement to SUBSCRIBER of SUBSCRIBER'S internal costs related to attendance of SUBSCRIBER staff at such training. Once the initial training is provided, SUBSCRIBER will be responsible for the cost of training new employees and for providing re&esher training. COUNTY and SUBSCRIBER may agree to provide fuhue training cooperatively. 800 MHz Subsystem Subscriber Agreement-City of St. Paul 6 of ]0 o� � 4.8 Subsvstem Database Administration COL3NTY will manage and administer the Subsystem database records containing the information related to inventory, configuration, programming history, softwaze version conh�ol, radio IDs, service levels, and statistical usage analysis, for SUBSCRIBER-owned radios used on the Subsystem. 4.9 Radio Station Licenses COUNTY sball hold and administer all FCC licenses on behalf of all Subscribers of the Subsystem. SUBSCRIBER shall operate, as authorized, mobile, portable and control station units under COLINTY'S FCC radio station licenses. 4.10 Nothing herein shall constitute a representation or warranty by COiJNTY that the Subsystem shall operate without error. 5. SUBSYSTEM OPERATIONS AND MANAGEMENT 5.1 Department Division COUNTY shall operate and manage the Subsystem under the direction of a System Manager as a division within the Office of the Ramsey County Manager. This division will include all aspects of Subsystem plamming, operations, maintenance, and management. The division wi11 deal with the Subsystem backbone including network connections, base radio stations, antennas, microwave and fiber optic systems, and will address subscriber unit related issues such as maintaining the Subsystem database and managing access to the Subsystem by subscriber unit users. 5.2 Subsvstem Ooerations and Users Group/Subsvstem Policv Group The Subsystem Operations and Users Group shall be made up of representatives of Subsystem users. The composition bf the Subsystem Operations and Users Group shall be determined by COLJNTY Board resolution. Each represented Subsystem user shall appoint its own representative. The Subsystem Operations and Users Group shall make recommendations to the Radio System Manager and to the Subsystem Policy Group on operational policies, protocols and procedures, and on such other matters as either shall request. The Subsystem Policy Group shall be made up of persons appointed by the COiJNTY Board to advise the COUNTY Board on the Subsystem budget, funding, non-operational policies, and such other matters as the COLJNTY Boazd shall request by COUNTY Board resolution. 6. TERM AND CANCELLATION 61 Term of Aereement This Agreement shall be for an initial term beginning on the date following execution by both parties and continuing through December 31, 2016 ("Initial Term"). After the Initial Term, this Agreement wili automatically be extended for additional one (1) year terms, up to a maximum of ten (10) renewals, subject to the rights of the parties to cancel this Agreement under Sections 62-6.4. 6.2 Cancellation of Aereement bv COUNTY Except as otherwise provided in Section 6.4, this Agreement may not be canceled by CO[JNTY during the Initial Term. Thereafrer, this Agxeement may be canceled by COiJNTY for lack of funding to operate the Subsystem, taking the Subsystem out of service, and other material causes not attributable to SUBSCRIBER, upon three hundred and sixty five (365) days' written notice to SUBSCffiBER, provided that any such cancellation by COiJNTY shall requue action by the Board of Ramsey County Commissioners. 63 Cancellation of A¢reement bv SUBSCRIBER This Agreement may be canceled by SUBSCRIBER at any time with or without cause upon thiriy (30) days' written notice to COLTNTY, provided that any such cancellation by SUBSCRIBER shall require action by SUBSCRIBER'S governing body. 300 MHz Subsystem Subscriber Agreement-City of St. Paul 7 of 10 U7 v�3 6.4 Cancellation of Aereement for Default If either party fails to perform any material term of this Agreement, it shall constitute a default. Unless SUBSCRIBER'S default is excused by COiJNTY, COUN1'Y may, upon written noUce, immediately cancel this A�eement in its entirety. Default by SUBSCRIBER shall include, but is not limited to, continued misuse of the Subsystem, breach of Subsystem data security, and failure to pay in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement. Unless COiTNTY'S default is excused by SUBSCRIBER, SUBSCRIBER may, upon thiriy (30) days' written norice, cancel flus Agreement in its entirety. Notwithstanding any provision of this Agreement to the conhary, the defaulting party shall not be relieved of liability to the other party for damages sustained by the non-defaulting parry by vir[ue of any breach of this Agreement by the defaulting pariy. The above remedies shall be in addition to any other right or remedy available under law, statute, rule, and/or equity. The failure to insist upon strict performance of any provision or to exercise any right under this Agreement shall not be deemed a relinquishment or waiver of the same, unless wnsented to in writing. Such consent shall not constitute a general waiver or relinquishment throughout the entire term of the Agreement. 6.5 Actions Upon Ternunation or Cancellation Upon expiration or cancellation of this Agreement, SUBSCRIBER shall cease all use of the Subsystem including using the Subsystem with radios owned by SUBSCRIBER and SUBSCRIBER shall delete Code Plugs and encryption key information from the radio memory as necessary to protect private data and prevent unauthorized access to the Subsystem information. MERGER AND MODIFICATION 7.1 Entire Aereement It is understood and agYeed that the entire Agreement between the parties is contained hexein and that this Agreement supersedes all oral agreements and negotiations between the parties relating to the subject matter hereof. All items referred to in this Agreement are incorporated or attached and are deemed to be part of this Agreement. 7.2 Amendments to A�reement Any alterations, variations, modifications, or waivers of provisions of this Agreement shall only be valid when they have been reduced to writing as an amendment to this Agreement signed by authorized representatives of both parties. 8. MISCELLAI�EOUS PROVISIONS 8.1 Liabilitv Each pariy agrees that it will be responsible for its own acts and the results thereof, to the extent authorized by law, and shall not be responsible for the acts of the other party and the results thereo£ COi1NTY'S liability is governed by the provisions of Minnesota Statutes Chapter 466. SUBSCRIBER's liability is subject to the provisions of applicable Minnesota statutes. 8.2 Data Privacv SUBSCRIBER, its officers, agents, owners, partners, employees, volunteers or subcontractors agree to abide by the provisions of the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act, Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 13, and all other applicable state and federal laws, rules, tegulations and orders relating to data privacy or confidentiality, and as any of the same may be amended. The responsible authority for SUBSCRIBER is The responsible authority for COLINTY is Mary Mahoney. 800 MHz Subsystem Subscriber Agreement-City of St. Paul 8 of ] 0 v 7 �3 83 Contract Administration In order to coordinate the services of SUBSCRIBER with the activities of COLTNTY so as to accomplish the purposes of this Ageement, shall manage this Aa eement on behalf of SUBSCRIBER, the Radio System Manger shall manage this Ageement on behalf of COLJNTY, aud both shall serve as liaisons between the parties. 8.4 Notices Any notice or demand which must be given or made by a party hereto under the terms of this Agreement or any statute or ordinance shall be in writing, and shall be sent registered or certified mail. Notices to COLJNTY and to SUBSCRIBER shall be sent to the addresses stated below: To COLTNTY: County Manager Suite 250 City Ha1UCourYhouse 15 West Kellogg Boulevard St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 To SUBSCRIBER: Mayor, City of St. Paul Suite 390 City HalUCourthouse 15 West Kellogg Boulevazd St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 8.5 Minnesota Laws Govem The Laws of the State of Minnesota shall govem all questions and interpretations concerning the validiry and construction of this Agreement and the legal relations between the parties and performance under this Agreement. The appropriate venue and jurisdiction for any litigation hereunder will be the state or federal coufls located within the County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota. If any provision of this Agreement is held invalid, illegal or unenforceable, the remaining provisions will not be affected. 8.6 Mediation COIJNTY and SUBSCRIBER agree to submit all claims and disputes between the parties arising out of or relating to this Agreement to the Subscriber Policy Group. If the Subsystem Policy Group cannot reach a resolution, the COIJNTY and SUBSCRIBER agree to submit the claim or dispute to mediation. The mediation shall be conducted through a mutually agreed upon mediator. The parties shall decide whether mediation shall be binding or non- binding. If the parties cannot reach agreement on this issue, mediation shall be non-binding. In the event mediation is unsuccessful, either party may exercise its legal or equitable remedies and may commence such action prior to the expiration of the applicable statute of limitations. 8.7 Force Majeure Neither pa�ty shall be liable to the other for any loss, damage, failure, delay or breach in rendering any services or performing any obligations hereunder to the extent such failure, delay or breach results from any cause or event beyond the control of the party being released hereby ("Force Majeure"), including, without limitation, fire or other casualty, acts or threatened acts of tenorism, pestilence or epidemiq strike or labor dispute, war or other violence, acts or inaction of any govemmental authority, or any other cause beyond the reasonable control of the party. The excused parry shall use reasonable efforts under the circumstances to avoid or remove such causes of non- performance and shall proceed to perform with reasonable dispatch whenever such causes are removed or cease. 8_8 Nothing herein shall preclude the Kamsey County Boazd of Commissioners from exercising its full authorities in relation to this Agreement. 800 MHz Subsystem Subscriber Agreement-City of St. Paul 9 of ] 0 07 �� WHEREFORE, this Agreement is duly executed on the last date written below. RAMSEY COUNTY David Twa, County Manager Date: Approved as to form and insurance: Assistant County Attorney Pwchase Order or Aspen Vendox Contract Number:' Funds are available Account Number:_ Budgeting and Accounting CITY OF ST. PAUL By: /'"� IYS:,�]yj�, f n f P T' r . Date: ay: zts �-���4�f�r�� ,�`. By: zes ���e� Ser���ec i �. B1'�._ I t S_ 4ti1a.0 oY' By� I t s, � i✓C f�"�'� Ct !A�'V�Gzv1 t� t et �tfS 1 800 MHz Subsystem Subscriber Agreement-City of St. Paul 10 of 10 07 �3�� Police Order Qty. Model 126 H78UCF9PW6_N 726 Q806 126 Q367 126 H38 126 Qf73 126 H74 726 Q759 126 Q625 126 H869 �26 Q393 126 527 H46UCF9PW6_N 527 Q574 527 R393 527 NMN 527 NTN 1667A 527 H885 760 160 160 I60 160 160 160 160 160 160 760 160 85 85 85 85 85 85 BS 85 85 85 85 BS Subscriber Initial Purchase Order City of St Paul Police/Fire Department Description XiS 5000 Model II / 350-channe1/800MHz Astro Digital CAI Operation SoRware Astro 25 Soflware SmartzonelSinglezone System Software Smarizone Omnilink Software Enhanced ID Display (motlels II & Iil only) ADD: Encryption UGM Hardware ENH: DES/DES-XL ADD. Mui[ikey Batlery Diswunt $400 per 2dio XTS 2500 Model 11/160 channe1/800 Mhz SoBware 9600 eaud (MN Metro Pk9.) (includes op[ions; Q806 - CAI operd6on, Q361 -AStro 25 software, H38 - Smarpone, 4173 - Omnilink 8, H74 - PTT ID tlispiay) 7750mAH NiMH FM Battery (NTN9857) Speaker Microphone Charger 2 year E S.P. {3 year totaf warta�ty) M75UR59P1AN XTL 2500 "MantaRey" Main Model ?(New Option #) ADD: XTL 2500 Control Head {41i�, 16-charecter alphanumeric display) �(New Option #) ADD� XTL 2500 Control Head Software G806 Astro Digital CAI Operation Software G57 Smartzone/Singlezone System Soflware G361 Astro 25 Software G173 Smartzone Omnilink SoHware G67 ADD. REMOTE MOUNT W22 Standard Palm Microphone 618 Auxilary 5 Wa[t Speaker G335 Antenna 1/4 Wave (764-870MHZ) G114 Enhancetl Digitat{D pisplay M15URS9PIAN XTL 2500 "ManWRey" Main Model ?(New Option #) ADD: XTL 2500 Control Head (4-{ine, 16characte� alphanumeric display) ?(New Op[ion #) ADD: XTL 2500 Control Head Software G806 Astro D�gital CAi Operation Soflware G51 Smartzone/Sin9lezone System Soflware G361 Astro 25 Soflware G173 Smartzone Omnilink Software G66 ADD.DASH MOUNT W22 Stantlard Palm Microphone 618 Auxilary 5 Watt Speaker G335 Antenna 1/4 Wave (764-870MHZ) G114 Enhancetl Dig�ta! ID Display M20URS9PWIAN XTL 5000 "QuesY' Main Motlel G72 ADD. XTL SD00 "W3" Control Heatl (Hand-heltl Remote Control Head w/ 14-character/2-line tlisplay) G92 ADD: XTL 5000 "W3" Cantrol Software G806 Astro DigRal CAI Operation Software G51 Smartzone/Si�glezone Systam Software G361 Astro 25 Software Unit Price 5 1,467 44 g 35020 S 204.00 $ 7,020.00 S - � si.00 g 108.12 $ 407 32 � 224.40 $ 31.96 5 (40000) $ 3,464 44 Aooentliz A Item ToWls 5 784,897.44 �u 44.12520 $ 25.704.00 $ 128,520.00 $ - 3 6,426.00 $ 13,62312 $ 51,322.32 $ 28,274.40 $ 4,026.96 S ;5040000) $ 436,519 44 1,054.00 $ 555,458.00 1,139.00 $ 600,253.OD $ 55.76 $ 29,385.52 $ 5772 $ 30,478.44 $ 74.00 $ 38,998 OD $ 65.00 $ 34.255 00 $2,445.48 $ 1.288,767.96 7,122.75 $ 779,640.00 21900 $ 35,040.00 $ - $ 38625 $ 731 25 $ 225.00 $ 150.00 $ 222.75 $ sa o0 � 45.00 $ 10.50 $ 5625 $ 3,222.75 $ - $ 6�,800.00 $ '117,000.00 $ 36,000.00 $ 24,000.00 $ 35,640.00 s a,sao.00 $ 7,200.00 $ 1,680.0� $ 9.000 09 $ 515,640.00 1,122.75 $ 95,433.75 219.00 $ 18,615.00 $ - $ - $ 38625 $ 32,83125 $ 731.25 $ 62,15625 $ 225.00 $ 79,125.00 $ 150.00 $ 52,750 0� $ 93 75 $ 7,965 75 $ 54.00 $ 4,590.00 $ 45.00 $ 3,825.�0 $ 10.50 $ 892.50 $ 5625 $ 4.78125 $ 3,093.75 $ 262,968.75 $ 1,077.96 $ 5,089 SO $ 643 28 $ 3,216.40 _ g ' 35020 $ '1,751.�0 1,02�.00 $ 5,100.0� 204.00 $ 1,02000 U 7-'�3 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 G173 Smar4one Omnilink Software G67 ADD: REMOTE MOUNT G90 Na Microphone Neetletl 618 Auxilary 5 Watt Speaker G335 Mtenna �/4 Wave (764-670MHZ) G714 Enhancetl Digital ID Dispiay M20URS9PW7AN XTL 5000 "Quest" Main Modei G73 ADD: XTL 5000 °W4" ConVOI Head (Rotary knob / Scharacter alpha tlisplay) G93 AD�: XfL 5�00 "W4" Control Software G806 Astro Digital CAI Operation Software G51 Smarizone/Smglezone System Software G361 Astro 25 Sofiware G173 Smar�one Omnilink Soflware G67 ADD:REMOTE MOUNT W22 Standartl Palm Microphone 678 Auxilary 5 Watt Speaker G335 Antenna t!4 Wsve (7fi4-870MHZ) G759 Encryption UCM Hartlware G625 DES-OFB Encryption (requires G159) W969 Mutt�key Encryption Operetion Gi 14 Enhancetl Digital ID Display 47 H66UCC9PW5_N 47 Q574 47 Q393 47 H885 47 H635RL Fire Deaartment Order Model 163 163 163 163 M163 163 163 163 163 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 XTS 1500 / 16�channei / 800MHz Software 9600 Baud (MN Metro Pkg.) (inclutles options; Q806 - CAI operetion, Q361 - Astro 25 soflware, H38 - Smanzone, Q773 - Omnilink) 1750mAH NiMH FM Battery (NTN9857) 2-Year E.S.P. (3-year totaf warranTy) XTS 1500 Q4 Pmmation Discount Description H18UCF9PW6_N XTS 5000 Model II / 350ohannell SOOMHz QSO6 Astro Digital CAi Ope26on Software 4361 Astro 25 Software H38 Smar4one/Singlezone System So(lware Q173 Smartzone Omniiink Software H14 Enhancetl ID Disptay (models II & III only) H499 ALT: Ruggedizetl Housing Q393RUGD 7750mAH NiMH / SMART/ FM / Ruggetl (NNTN4437) Speed Discount H18UCF9PW6_N XTS 5000 Model II / 350channel / BOOMHz Q806 Astro DigiYal CA1 OpereTion Software Q361 As[ro 25 Software H38 Smartzone/Singiezone System Software Q173 Smar�one Omnihnk Software H14 Enhanced ID Display (models 11 $ III only) H499 ALT: ftug9edized Hous�ng Q393RU6D 1750mAH NiMH f SMART! FM / Ruggeq (NNTN4437) 4159 ADD: Encryption UCM Hartlware 4625 ENH:DESIDES-XLIDES-OFB H869 ADD: Multikey Speetl Discount 5 136.00 S 680.00 5 201.96 5 1,009.80 5 - S - s ao.so s zoa o0 S 9.52 $ 47.60 "� 57.00 $ 255.00 $ 3,674.72 $ 18,373.fi� $ 1,017.96 $ 9,161.64 5 29376 S 2,643.SA $ - $ 35020 $ 1,020.00 $ 204.00 $ 136.00 $ 201.96 $ 48.96 $ 40.80 $ 9.52 $ 102.00 $ 407.32 $ 224 40 $ 51.00 $ 4,107.88 S - $ 3,151.80 $ 9,180.00 $ 1 636.00 5 1 224.00 $ 1,817.64 $ 440 64 $ 367.20 $ 85.68 $ 918.00 $ 3,665.88 $ 2,079.60 $ 459.00 $ 36,970.92 562.50 $ 26,437.50 697.5� $ 32,762.50 $ 55.76 $ 2,620.72 $ 56.00 $ 2,632.00 S l�7500) $ (8,22500) $ 1,382.76 $ 56,247.72 Unit Price Item ToWis $ 1,467.44 $ 350 20 $ 204 00 $ 1,020.00 $ - $ 51 00 $ no.00 $ 31.96 S (400 001 $ 2,894.60 $ 1,467.44 $ 35020 � 204 00 $ 1,020.00 $ - $ 51.00 $ 170.00 $ 37.96 $ 105.72 $ 407.32 $ zza.ao 5 (400.00� $ 3,634.44 $ 239.192.72 $ 57,082.60 $ 33,252.00 $ 166,260.00 $ - $ 8,373.00 $ z�,�io.00 $ 5,209.48 5 (65.200 00� $ 471.819.80 $ 35,218.56 $ S,A04.80 $ 4,896.00 5 24,480.00 $ - $ 1.224.00 $ 4.0&1.�� $ 767.04 $ 2.594.86 $ 9,775.68 $ 5,38560 S f9600001 $ 87,226.56 84 H46UCF9PW6 N XTS2500MotleI11N60-channel/BOOMHz $ 1,054.00 5 88,536.00 84 Q574 Software 9600 Baud (MN Metro Pkg.) $ 1,139.00 $ 95,676.00 84 (includes options; Q806 - CAI operetion, 84 Q361 - Astro 25 soflware, H38 - Smar�one, o �-� 84 84 84 84 16 16 76 16 76 16 16 16 16 16 16 i6 16 76 76 16 105 105 105 105 105 ios 105 105 105 ios 105 105 105 Q773 - Omnilink & H14 - PTT ID display) Q393 1750mAH NiMH FM Battery (NTN9857) NMN Speaker Microphone NTN 1667A Chatger N885 2 year E.S.P. (3 year total warcamy) M2DURS9PWIAN XTL 5000 "Quesf' Main Model G72 P.OD: XTL 5000 °W3" Control Head (Hand-held Remote ConVol Head w/ 14-charac[ed2-line display) G92 ADD: XTL 5000 "VJ3" Control Software G806 Asho Digital CAI Operation Soflware G51 SmartzonelSinglezone System Soflwa2 G361 Astro 25 Software G573 Smar�one Omnilink Software G67 ADD: REMOTE MOUNT G90 No Microphone Neetled B18 Auxilary 5 Watt Speaker G335 Antenna t/4 Wave (764-870MHZ) G759 Encryption UCM Hardware G625 DES-OFB Encryption (requires G159) W969 MultikeyEncryphonOperetion G714 Enhancetl Digifal ID Display M15URS9PtAN XTL 5000" ?(New Option #) ADD: XTL 5000 Control Head (4-line, 16-character alphanumenc display) ?(New Option #) ADD: XTL 5000 Control Head Software G806 Astro Digital CAI Operetion Software G51 Smartzone/Singlezone System So(Iware G361 Astro 25 Software G173 Smar�one OmnilinR Software G67 ADD�REMOTE MOUNT W22 Standard Palm MiCrophone 618 Auxilary 5 Watt Speaker G335 Antenna t/4 wave G'114 Enhanced DigitallD Display $ 5576 $ 4,683.84 $ 57.72 5 4,848.48 S 74.00 3 6,216.00 S 65.00 S 5 46�.09 52,445.48 5 205,420.32 1,017.96 $ 16,287.36 64328 S 1q292.48 5 - $ 350.20 $ i,ozo.00 $ 204.00 $ 136.00 $ 201.96 $ - $ 4�.80 $ 9.52 $ 102.00 $ 407.32 $ 224 40 $ 51 DO $ $ - $ 5,60320 $ 16,320 DO $ 3,264.00 $ 2,176.00 $ 3,231.36 $ - $ 652.80 $ 152.32 $ 1,632.00 $ 6.577.12 $ 3,59D 40 $ 816.00 $ 70,535.04 1,122.75 $ 117,888.75 219.0� $ 22,995.00 $ - $ 38625 $ 73125 $ zzs.00 $ 150 00 $ 222.75 $ 54.00 $ 45.00 $ 9 52 $ 5625 $ 3,221.77 $ - $ 40,55625 $ 7s,�si.zs $ 23,625 00 $ 15,750.00 $ 23,388.75 s s,s�o.00 $ 4,725 00 $ 999.60 $ 5.90625 $ 338,285.85 Subtotal $ 3,788,775.96 1351 Averege purchase price $3,157.31 Subtract County S�bsidy ($1,995 per radio x 1200) (51,995 00) ($2.394.000 00) Subscriber Obligation to Ramsey County $ i,3sa,775.ss 'MOtoroia fulfltied thrs order sfipping XTL 5600alW4 control heatl umffi at the bwer XTL 2500 pnce since XTL 2500s were not in producbon a� the time of the ortler