215726ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK „COUNCIL RESOLUTION - GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONI FIOE NCIL NO.-f1� RESOLVED, upon and pursuant to the appeal of the owner of the subject premises situate in the City of Saint Paul, Edward J. Bossard, under the Zoning Code, that the provisions of said Zoning Code hereby are determined and varied, as and to the ektent necessary therefor, and a special permit hereby is granted for the construction and maintenance on said premises, particularly described as follows: The South 16 feet of Lot 27 and the North 21.6< feet of Lot 26, Block 33, Thompsors Addition to Saint Paul; of a single family home, despite area deficiency of the same for compliance with general requirements of said provisions, said premises having a frontage on the west line of Colne Street between Orchard Street and Northern Pacific right -of -way, of 37.6 feet and an area of 3,485 square feet, and being classified undersaid Zoning Code in "B" Residence District. Approved: City Architect COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Dalglish Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis 10M 6-62 / Tn Favor y Against -- Council File No. 215728 —By Frank L.1 L oss - Resolved, Upon and pursuant to then appeal of the owner of the subject' premises situate in the City of Saint Paul, 'Edward J. Bossard, under the, Zoning Code, that the provisions of said Zoning Code hereby are deter- mined and varied, as and to the extent necessary- therefor, and a special per - mit hereby is granted for the con- struction and maintenance on said premises, particularly described as follows: The South 16 feet of Lot 27 and the North 21.6 feet of Lot 26, Block 33, Thompson's Addition to Saint Paul; of a single family home, despite area deficiency of the same for compliance with general requirements of said pro- visions, said premises having a front- age on the west line of Colne Street between Orchard Street and Northern Pacific right -of -way, of 37.6 feet and an area of 3,485 square feet, and being classified under !said Zoning Code in "B" Residence District. Adopted by the Council December 6, 1963. Approved December 6, 1963. (December 14, 1963) DEC 6 1963 Adopted by the Council 19— _ - 4nC9 a OF,%iCE -OF CITY CLERK .BUREAU OF RECORDS 386 City Hall and Court House St. Paul 2, Minnesota Mr. Donald L. Lais, Corporation Counsel. Dear S it : MRS. AGNES H. O'CONNELL City Clerk HAROLD J. RIORDAN Council Recorder Dec. 4, 1963- Co UFC g �' �?AO�� �Ll y C�G�S�L The City Council requested that you draw a resolution granting the attached appeal of Edward J. Bossard as described in the first paragraph of the letter of B. R. Teig, subject to the conveyance by Mr. Bossard of 31 of his property to the next door property owner, and subject further to approval of the City Architect, and assurance that such a conveyance has been made. Very truly yours, ezf1'ft x City Clerk I 9�q CITY OF SAINT PAUL - MINNESOTA t November 27, 1963 JW. Alfred H. Schroeder City Architect BualdIng Dear Sirs The City. Cm=11 laid over to December for f consideration an appeal of Edward J. Bossard ca uebrnln on the west side of Colne between Orchard and the N. P. W t the appellant can confer with the City Archit C t cm. Counsel regarding the side yard setback.Line and . -be, the proposed real- dence and an existing real at 1065 e. Very truly Yours i -, Copy to: zoning •ii':: �:iiiiii:•ii•: �••:titi, .......................... R D 251 -252.2 ,:l r Y OF ZONING, CITY OF SAINT PAUL S3 1315 CITY HALL AND COURT HOUSI SAINT PAUL 2, MINNISOTA November 27, 1963 Mrs. Agnes O'Connell City Clerk Building Dear MadM: This is in the matter of the appeal of to construct a single - family residence on a lot of insufficient width and area. The subject pro- perty is described as the south 16 feet of Lot 27 and the north 21.6 feet of Lot 26, Block 33, Thompson's Addition, and is located on the west side of Colne Street, between Orchard Street and the N.P. railroad right -of- way. The property is zoned "B" residence. Field investigation discloses that the surrounding area land uses consist of single - family homes in an old established residential neighborhood which are located on sites of more than one platted lot. The subject property was, until recently, a part of the adjoining property to the south and was separated frm same at the time the applicant sold said property with the idea of building a residence thereon. It has a frontage of 37.6 feet and an area of 3,485 square feet. The Zoning Code requires a mini- mum lot width of 40 feet and an area of 4,000 square feet. The Board of Zoning, at its meeting of October 24, 1963, after hearing the applicant and Planning Board staff recommended approval of the appli- cant's request in that the property was near the end of the street and near railroad property. Very truly yours, ,1 BRT:FS w �.h ,�I�J 3 - l B. R. Tei.I.P. Asst. Planning Director I ;L 4 k Mayor and City Council - of St. Paul Court House 1040 Roma Ave. Roseville 13, Minn. yU 'F- 'F8r36 Gentlemen: I would like to request a wafrver of the minimum 4000 sq. ft. lot area of chapter 60.03 of the zoning code of St. Paul in the class B resid- ental area. The original platted lots were 25 ft in width and the new arrangement upgraded the lot for building a new home. In the new re- arrangement of these ,a lot 40.5 ft in width, 92.7 ft in depth, and 3754.35 Sq.Ft. in area was the result which is slightly under the required amount. All lots in this block are of similiar depth and just_ slightly under the required footage. The house 'I shall build will be a 2 story colonial 30 ft wide and 24 ft deep, the side yard on one side will be '4 ft. on one side and 6 ftq on the other,all within the building requirements. The existing garage on rear of lot will be used temporarily for storage and will be torn down when the new house is completed. I made an effort to buy an additional 2.5 ft on the North side but was not successful. Enclosed is a certificate of survey for your information. Yours Faithfully Edward J Bo and SID OCT SAIAG slut Paul �/lbnnego !G-L SavTN A. Fr op LOT- a7D 77_1e I/02I/ a 'V, S OC Lo* �� O3LDGk 33� rDMPSoivS /}���T�oiv To Si.ao,c 41) -{ w v c= z n � ` � r rr 5323 rt.