07-377Council File # 0�37
Suspension - 4/25/07
Green Sheet # JJ3�1�
Presented by � ' /
i Resolution Continuing Funding for Saint Paul District Council I3
s WHEREAS, the Saint Paul City Council directed in Council File # 07-125 that a progress report be
a presented no later than April 25, 2007on the development of the District Council 13 organization; and
e WHEREAS, the D 13 Planning Group has provided this report (attached) in a timely fashion and it
� communicates to the City Council that excellent progress is being made toward the goal of establishing a
s District Council 13; and
io WHEREAS, the progress repor[ requests that the City continue to make available funds for the operation of
i� the Lexington-Hamline, Snelling Hamline and Merriam Park community councils through July 1, 2007 at a
iz pro-rated level of 2006 funds; and
ia WHEREAS, the interim board of District 13 will be finalizing a proposed budget and work plan after they
is have officially assumed their duties on July 1, 2007; now, therefore be it
n RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council directs that City funding for Lexington-Hamline Community
is Council, Snelling-Hamline Community Council and Merriam Park Community Council be made available
i9 through June 30, 2007 at a pro-rated amount of annual funds, using 2006 funding formulas and levels; and
zo be it
zz RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council accepts the continued use of past work plans for the
zs community councils as a basis for funding through June 30, 2007; and be it
zs RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council directs that Ciry funding for these community councils be
ze allocated instead to the new entity, District Couneil 13, from July 1 Yhrough July 30, 2007, at a pro-rated
z� amount of annual funds, using 2006 funding formulas and levels; and be it
z9 RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council accepts the use of an"amalgam" of the three community
so council 2006 work plans as a work plan for the month of July 2007; and be it finally
sz RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul CiTy Council hereby schedules a report from the bistrict Council 13
33 Interim Board at the August l, 2007 City Council meeting where the Interim Board will present its
34 proposed budget and work plan for the balance of 2007.
District CouncJ I3 April 25, 2007 Resolu[ion, Page 2 of 2
303c1 Q'S3
Q� �77
Yeas Nays Absent
Benanav �/
Bostrom ,/
Harris ,/
Helgen �
Lantry �
Montgomery ✓
Thune i /
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Adopted by Council: Date �/r.�`✓���7
Adoption Certified by Counci Secretary
B Y ---�!�!' ,/lA.?/A /Ji .�5��
Approvedb��ISte s/� �67
Requested by Department oE
Form Approved by City Attorney
Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
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� Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet �
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Contact Person & phone:
Marcia Moertnond
Must Be on Council Aqen
E-DOCUment ReqUired: N
Document Contact: Racquel Naylor
ConWCt Phone: 266-8573
Total � of Signature Pages _(Clip All Locations for Signature)
Green Sheet NO: 3039083
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1 ooncil De artmentD'vecWr
2 ' Cierk
Continuing the funding for the Saint Paul District Council 13 and scheduling a report from their interim board at the August 1, 2007,
City Council meeting in order for the boazd to present iPs proposed budget and work plan for the balance of 2007.
Personal Service Contracts Must
Planning Commission 1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a conhact for this department?
CIB Committee Yes No
Civil Service Commission 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee?
Yes No
3. Does this personffirm possess a skill not normally possessed 6y any
wrrent city employee?
Yes No
Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet
Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why):
Advantages If Appmved:
�.. _. _-� R._,.-
Disadvantages If Approved:
Disadvantages If Not Approved:
Funding Source:
Financial Information:
CostlR¢venue Budgeted:
Activity Number:
April 25, 2007 3:01 PM Page 1
District 13 Report to the Saint Paul City Council
Apri125, 2007
At its February 7, 2007 meeting, the City Council considered and adopted Council File # 07-125
which accepted an interim report from district council 13, granted additional interim funding and
requested a progress report by April 25, 2007. What follows is a summary of the progress over
the last several months in the development of a unified district 13.
Progress Report
Meetings. Lexington-Hamline, Snelling Hamline and Memam Pazk Community Councils have
already appointed representatives from their boards who continue to meet regulazly as the D 13
Planning Group working through the issues that will allow them to comply with the City
Council's directive. The meetings of the Planning Group aze nearing an end and most of the
work will be continued in smaller subgroups which are described below.
Bylaw Development A final draft of the bylaws has been completed by the D 13 Planning
Group. Representatives of each of the three community councils have been presenting progress
reports along the way to their respective boards and they aze now each engaged in the process of
formally reviewing and adopting the bylaws. It is expected this review and adoption process will
be complete by the end of May, establishing the new District 13 effective July 1, 2007.
Articles of Incorporation. The Merriam Park Community Council's Articles of Incorporation
are in the middle of a 2-month process of being modified to become the District 13 Articles of
Incorporation. After this change, the Merriam Pazk Community Council will cease to exist. The
continuation of the Snelling Hamline Community Council will be based on the wishes of that
neighborhood and the organization's board. The Lexington-Hamline Community Council has
expressed its intention to continue to operate as an independent neighborhood organization.
Work Plan. In the short-run, District 13 would like to continue to officially operate under the
work plans of its constituent community councils until the interim board has been selected and
had a chance to review plans for the organization. Therefore, District 13 would like to have its
interim board present a work plan to the City Council August 1, 2007.
Budge� Representatives of the Yhree communiYy councils have been developing an
organizational budget for District 13 which provides for a range of funding alternatives for the
rest of 2007 and for all of 2008. After some additional discussion and revision by the Finances
Task Force, the budget will be presented and adopted by the D13 Planning Group as a
preliminary planning budget.
Task Forces. The District 13 Planning Group has initiated six task forces to proceed with the
practical aspects of creating this new organization, which are in addition to an executive work
group comprised of the three community council presidents.
• Committees, charged with examining the programs and committee structures currently
operative in the three community councils, and with designing the committee structure
for the new D 13 Council
District 13 4/25/07 Report to Ciry Council, Page 2 of 2
• Finances, chazged with drafting a preliminary budget (see above)
• Office finding, charged with locating and analyzing potential D13 office sites,
• Communications, charged with considering plans for D13 Web sites, newsletters, and the
• Staffing, charged with interviewing existing council staff, identifying strengths and skill
sets, and developing a functional list of skills desired in D 13 staff.
• Nominations, charged with designing a method to appoint members of the Interim D 13
Council Board, forming a nominations list for Interim Directors, and generating a slate of
officers for the Interim Executive Committee.
Several of these task forces have already met several times, and will be presenting progress
reports to the Planning Group April 24. The District 13 Planning Timeline (attached) lays out
target dates and work products for all these task forces.
District 13 is requesting that the City Council extend its funding for Lexington-Hamline,
Snelling Hamline, and Merriam Pazk Community Councils through August 1, 2007 at a pro-rated
20061eve1 of annual funds. At that time, the interim board of the newly-formed district 13
organization would like to formally present a work plan and budget for the organization through
the end of 2007. District 13 is anticipating receiving citizen participation and crime prevention
funding from the City for the balance of 2007 at the same levels as were provided in 2006 to the
three constituent community councils.