07-372Return copy to: (bn) PW/T'echnical Services — Real Estate 1000 City Hall Anneg CITY mF Presented Council File # Q 7�� a, Green Sheet # � j��87 I UTION AUL, MINNESOTA ' � 2 WHEREAS; H�f6I1"owing 3 pazcels are tax forfeit properties held in Trust by the State of Minnesota: 3 4 North of 1753 Carroli Ave (@Wheeler) 33-29-23-43-0004 5 Quinby Park, that part of alley and Southwesterly of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad 6 right-of-way of Block 5 7 To be used for Phase II of the Midtown Greenway Bike Trail Extension 8 9 East of 148 King St. E. 08-28-22-24-0077 lo That part West of State St. and between extended North and South lines of Lot 11, Lange's Re of the I1 Southeast'!4 of the Northwest'/< of Section 8, Town 28, Range 22 12 To be used for right-of-way purposes 13 1a 5outh of 708 Robert St. 08-28-22-31-0147 15 The West St. Paul Rea1 Estate and Improvement Syndicate Addition No. 1, except street, that part Westerly 16 of State St of Lot 12, Block 4 17 To be used for right-of-way purposes 18 19 20 21 22 23 ; and, WIlEREAS, The Department of Public Works of the City of Saint Paul, requests the proper City official make application for "Use Deeds" on these pazcels, to Ramsey County Tax Forfeit Division; 24 THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Saint Paul, hereby authorizes the 25 proper City officials to execute an application for the above described parcel for the stated purpose at a total 26 cost to Public Works of $204.10. 2 7 Requested by the Department of: Public Work Adopted by Council: Date ��,��� � Adoption Certifie by Co �icil Secretary By: � Approve ayo � B Approved���Vl�y r for Submis 'on to Council B � L, �� Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � � 7 —� 7 0� - p1/�1 Public worlss Contact Person & Phone: BOBNOVAK 266-8863 mus[ ese on councu wgentl 2rrAPR-07 Doc. Type: RESOLUTION E-DOCUment Required: N Doeument ConWd: Conqct Phone: 13APR-07 y Assign Number For Routing Order Total if of Signature Pages _(Clip All Locations for Signature) Green Sheet NO: 3038728 0 blic Works L• � b .� ll�d 1 ' Attorn 2 ubliC Works _ Director �� � 3 or's Office Ma or/Assisfant 4 ouncil 5 ' Clerk CY Clerk R 1 7 2007 Approve resolurion authorizing the Real Estate Division to apply for 3 tae forfeited paz���iill�rks for ROW vrn�� Planning Commission 1. Has lhis person�rtn ever warked under a coMract for ihis departrneM? CIB Committee Yes No � Civil Service Commission 2. Has this person/firtn ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does fhis persoNfirtn possess a skill not noRnaOy possessed by any , cuventcityemployee7 , Yes No " Explain all yes answers on separete sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): 2 of the pazcels abut right o£way (S. Robert @ State St and King St.) -The other abuts thePhase II Midtown Greenway $ike Trail Extension Advantages If Approved: City acquires properly at a nominal cost. Disadvantages If Approved: none Disadvantages li Not Approved: The acquisrion cost would increase with time. � Transaction: $204.1 Funding Source: Financial lnformation: �ExplaSn) ActivityNumber. � �U —a �U� � ��UU(T(y�� Cost/Revenue Budgeted: April 13, 2007 2:59 PM Page 1 O �-3�� ��� � � 1 �l 4 � � � 8�-' ; � . �' � � 1` t c�n � � A{] . w [ OT33Akd.DS� .� ( t � w E ' ( {d45) � �' p s��cte� r-�t�„� Parcel Paints — � = Muniapafities Road Cent�iines {CauniY) aa• �! Cciunty Raad �/ Infierstate F#wy ° �°` � State thvy - 1�� R03{lS J � ' ' � Ra�1ro�15 _ �s3.�;m P.; P3Y0'712f1t Ed�E' € l�l3i2f [ i �;::gi� S47i1Ghlt�'.S �� O Parcet vvlygons P�c�l un� �,d l�,a � T�25 � t�,e �� ,� R�at#ea tat un�s P� P+t� L�s Rrim�y Owt�er h�ghway �8e1ds �. Stseet Nars� L�els � SCLAIMER:This map is neither a legally recorded map nor a survey and is not intended to used as one. This map is a compilation of records, information and data located in various SOURCES:Ramsey County (April �, county, state and federal offices and other sources regarding the area shown, and is to 5, 2007), The Lawrence Group used forreference ourooses onlv. 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"� --- _ _ _. Sh�t N� Labd� SCLAIMER:This map is neither a Iegally recorded map nor a survey and is not intended to used as one. This map is a compilation of records, information and data located in various SOURCES:Ramsey County (April �, county, state and federal o�ces and other sources regarding the area shown, and is to S, 2007), The Lawrence Group used for reference ourooses oniv. �,��� �� __ m � a �t a rr �c�tn,�z -- . �—�_ _ y � �� ����t ��� �cvvzein�t r �c.�e�.r�+s I� � � D`?-�'12— d � ���,��t .�� 0 ���a ��rg �{ � '' ' t� ava�wHe,a�c Parcd Points { 4� -� s� � _ Manicipafities � `R} s p � I � .'- �f �� at�lt.�n�i F { t ' y (Ctlunty) sz.�o ---`` soo f .�' �' � �� �� �; �f` C�uniyRs�aci �'` � ��� : �,t� � �r � ��� '� � �` � sTaCe FW,ryr �a Raads ` �� i � � � � Raiiroacls 3 ' { �� } �,���;�+ - %.:` Aavezn8rft Erlge i'� � a W� eracasru�cr.� t � F � � m �5 .�� . 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