07-371Retum copy to: jb Public Works Tech. Services 1000 CSty Hall Annex Council FYIe # � 7 3 ? 1 Green Sheet # 3038490 F�ESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 7 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Presented by WHEREAS, St. Croix Partners, LLC, proposes to grant to the City of Saint Paui a permanent sanitary sewer easement across part of vacated Temtorial Road as shown on attached E�ibit 1: RESOLVED, that the Mayor and City Council hereby accept a new public sewer easement from St. Croix Partners, LLC, their successors and assigns, in the Grant of Easement attached as Exhibit 1; and be it finally RESOLVED, that upon passage of this resolution, the proper City officials are hereby authorized and directed to record a copy of said Grant of Easement in the office of the County Recorder, Ramsey County. Yeas E:_,FS�i�': ✓ J Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by Council ecretary BY= ��il/�5�� Approved a : Date J� f t� o"J BY� �lL�` Requested by Department oE � � .���� ' �r � i / Form Approved by City Atto �L�.c�7Sd1 s �'s�. �i . Form Appr ed y M or for u missi to C uncil By: /6 � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � 0 7 7/ p�l\! Public wocks Contact Person & Phone: Jean Borgen 266-8866 Must Be ort Council Agend 25-APR-07 Doc. Type: RESOLUTION E-DOCUment Required:, N Document Contact: ConTaet Phone: TMaI # of Signature Pages PF'J:1y:��Y1 � Assign Number For Routing Order 0 I 2 3 4 5 (Clip All Locations for Signature) Green Sheet NO: 3038490 ' Atlome Jnd Hauson � or's Office Ma odAssisfaot oancil ' Clerk ' Clerk CONSENT AGENDA. It is proposed that the City,accept a Grant of Easement for sanitary sewer as a part of the Jefferson Commons development. Planning Commission 1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a coMraIX for this depariment? CIB Committee Yes No Civil Service Commission 2. Has this person/firtn ever been a cdy empioyee? Yes No' 3. Does tliis pereorJfirm possess a skill not nortnally possessed by any - curtent cHy employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separete sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): New buildings must be connected to sanitary sewer. � Advantages If Approved: Sewer issues xesolved for developer. DisadvatMages HApproved: None foreseen. Disadvantages If Not Approved: , City will not have necessary easement for sanitary sewer. Trensaetion: Funding Source: � Financial Information: . (Euplain) CosURevenue Budgeted: Activ'rty Number. RECEIVED APR 1 7 2001 , �, � , � �s . ._. Pi6 P'� � � �QU[ � Apri19, 2007 11:15 AM Page 1 c�7 EXHIBIT 1 iS}nceAbore forRecorderlRegislxarUse) GRAIV"T DF]�ASEMENT FOR 3ANITARY SEWER PURPOSES S't. L"roa ParEners, L.L.C., a Minnesota ]i�ited ]iabitii}' conapanY as Grantor, for good and valuahk considezarion, to them :m hand paid aud tlte receipt of which is hereby acknowleclged, dces fiereby grant, bargain, seIl and convey to ffie Citp of Saint Paa), amunicipal coxparatian of the State of Minne�ta, its successors, and assigns, as Cirantee, agerrn�nen; non-exelusive eastmeaito instait ounst�uct, zeFaic', reconsEr+�et, Pe�et�ellY �sintain, ana use.a sauitary sezver Iine and necessazy appt�aaces theaeto Iocated on, ovez, m�dde.r an�i across She following �t o£ land descn"F�ed on E�itrit A attac�d hereto and made a�tt heteof (t6e "F,asementT'racf'), and as s]xowais �clu'bit B attaclmd hereto andmade a pazt hereo� all in the Countyo£Rau:sey, SYate vfMianesofa To ba�e and to hold the same forever. The Cr:€auWr does covensnt that it is weII seiza! in fee of tha Iand and premises a#'oresaid, mnd has good right #o sell arni ctmvey the same free of all e�umbrarices. TLat Granfiz also covenants that t�e above � esse�nent is im the quiet sad peaceable possession oft3�e CnaerteE. 7'he Crrautoz wi11 wazrantmxl defend against ati persons lawfiilly ciaiming the wfiole ar any part thereo� subject #o encumbxances, if any, hereinbefore mentia�d. Ttis inYended and agrecd thatthis shall be acovenant tumning wi�t theland sad shall be binding to tfie fullest e�cteuf ofthe Iaw and equity for ffie benefrt of thepuh&c, hut this is not intended to 6e and shall nat be imp&ed as a d�dication of the FasemeAt T�act to 9ie public. It is fi�s intended a� agreed flaat this agreemeat and covenant shall remain in effect without limitatiou as to time. Crrantoz shall not be resfwnsibk far any injury ta peisons or property zesutting in any manner fi� The comduct a£ Grazttr.e's opeiations and apezaiions of its agents ar emplayees witbia the easement descn'bed above, ar for auy lass, enst, dama8�, ��i�e =�u��B az�Y time from fulure ro �merci�pmper preeaulaons, of or by Grantee or i#s own agentsor iis own �PloYees. Gianiee's liability sF�all be gov�ed by the pxavisions of the M'�nnesota Mmncipal Liebility Tflrt Act; 2vfina: Sfat. §4b6.t14, and other applicalsle law. nanas iztiooz_� w�x �oe D7 . � � t � li:t� ([Ii � xl 3� • 1� • ' [t �lE [ . a Be iespovsibla for maia#enance, consfrucfion, repair and resforation work wiftnu the Easement Track Resto�a#ian mark shali I�e limited to nom�al regxadiug and seediag of grassy azeas aral repavi� of bitumiaous azeas. All respo�'bility and associated cos€s to restore special cisb�g, Iandscaping aad afher featju�s wiihm t1�e Easeme� 11act sBail be the sole responsibility af Crrantor. b. Coord"mate with Grantor dae iiming and loc�tion of auy work within the Fn�r �'tact and shaII endeavor ta provide at least tweuty-fcauc(24) hovrs nMice pzior to any entry antn the EasementTract for ptinposes o€performing work orm�ainfenaace. 2N 1�STIMONY WHEREQF; Grantor, SY. Croix Paxtnezs, L.L.C., a Minnesots liwited liabilit9 comPauY, bas cavsed this Grant of F,asement to be executed in its corparate vmme by its dli�jF SU�I.OIIT.Ct1 O�CCT� 2fl(�.81[YSiC� t0 �}113 � 4� .2� . w� �.f07X �BLfdlC15� �..I..�.� e Minuesota Timited liabilitY �mP�Y �� A By.� •- Ifs: Vic2 res; ' f3 +4N� qsa 2t+'a( C'a.�� � Ih➢as22310p2 i7632.i09 i i I i �7-��0 Y � [F1f i�"� Y. � Ilt � �[if � � fl�is � day � ,� ..�� . � �� , 200� bp GYoiat Pm4ners, L3._C� a ' �����. �� ,� ..� . «.�. �� � . �� .. ,: y .. ThisJnstnuaentwasdraftedby: � : , - DegazAmentofPablic Works Tedmicat Setvices T3ivision - iteal Estafe 2Loom f004, L5ty Hati Annex JS W.4 � SL Pavt, A9N S5i02 .,'�" � ._ . . �s t23ioD2 t �pzsae U� -�� 1 Exhibit "A" I.e�al Description of Sanitary Sewer Easement Across Part of Vacated Territorial Road An easement for sanitary sewer purposes over, under and across that part of the northeasterly 15.00 feet of the southwesterly 33.00 feet of Territorial Road, as dedicated in "Eustis' Addition to St. Anthony Park, Ramsey Co., Miiui." according to the recorded plat thereof, which lies east of a line drawn 253.00 feet west of and parallel with the east line of I.ot 7, Block 3, said "Eusris' Addition to St. Anthony, Ramsey Co., Minn." 07-��) � Ezti�b� f- °° [3 °, t � i r . :'' � ' �� � �a# pf �F SO� � � 1F�S � � ��ui�i�1 i iiii u � � � �� ��` �7�• [: �„ r �,,... 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