213230r s--(. 3 . y FILE N0 ------- 213230 lwil rile No. 213230 - s the matter of improving SEiEP- t ROAD from W. 7th Street '­ a h Street by grading, curbing a-11 r by grading and paving s• {i ci h vew2V' ratvrns; by re~ � n it '� fL• a�j, ixu:, :019T9!{1 np COUNCIL LIME FINAL ORDER In the Matter of Improving SHEPARD ROAD from W. 7th Street to Davern Street by grading, curbing and paving; by grading and paving street and driveway returns; by constructing sidewalks where necessary; by grading and sodding boulevard and slope areas; by constructing embankments, retaining walls, guard rails and by doing all other work which is necessary and inciden- tal to complete said improvement under Preliminary Order C.F. 2082365 approved July-19, 1962, and by also constructing an ornamental lighting system. under Preliminary Order-2082-36 - - -- approved - - - - - -- Jay--- 1.9__,_- .,x.952 -- IntermediaryOrder ---------------------------------------------- - - - - -- approved -------------------------------------------------------------------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. provement to be made by the said City is Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- Improve SHEPARD ROAD from W. 7th Street to Davern Street by grading, curbing and paving; by grading and paving street and driveway returns; by constructing sidewalks where necessary; by grading and sodding boulevard and slope areas; by constructing embankments, retaining walls, guard rails and by doing all other work which is necessary and inciden- tal to complete said improvement under Preliminary Order C.F. 208236, approved July 19, 1962, and by also constructing an ornamental lighting system. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the CounciouN_1_____ (' i / Za J ON 11 996 / : U City Clerk. Approved-------------------------------------- - - - - -- - File #16030 ---------- - - - - -- -- - - -- -- ----- - - - - -- - ------------------ - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- Mayor. Councilman Dalglish Councilman Holland Councilman Loss Councilman Mortinson Councilman Peterson Councilman Rosen n Mayor VavouliS v 5-62 3M 22 OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS -1312 3O REPORT TO COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE To the Corlmissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works., having had under consideration the pre- lininary order of the Council., known as Council File No, 208236 approved July 19, 1962 relative to Grading and Paving Shepard Road from W. 7th Street to jhvern Street by grading, curbing and paying- by grading and paving strpget and driv_ewav returns; by constructing sidewalks where necessary; by grading and sodding boulevard and slope areas; by constructing embankments,_ retaining walls, guard rgi.ls and by doing all other work which is necessary' and incidental to complete said improvement. NOTE: See attached letter for sugges$ed 'change in wording t-o --.be- us Pri: in l n t e rmerl i.=3L and Final 0i-rjP r q and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein., hereby reportss 1, The estimated cost thereof is $ 122,209.42 2, A plan., profile or sketch of said inprovement is hereto attached and made a part hereof, 3, Initiated by the Commissioner of Public Works X s asked for up on petition Commissioner of Public Work§ V / �, -4- NK GEORGE M. SHEPARD 'q S� � r 0€ NE V. AVER ^ STREET AND HIGHWAY CITY 01��, V r \" I I \ T �IV p!�' ENGINEER ENGINEERIAG COORDINATOR a •1�11 I G ■'� �'' � #!sI of- Winnesota p' ^ wr d n i� TESTEg- �` DEPART ' Q 121-IT BCfC OR_K_S- C _� � � � ERINTENDENT OF SANITATION 23 - Ci all -�& Court House WILT O�N R Q, MM M Ti�r:K� -Om an issiP d6r,...au ' 51 (J} ( -_{ _ -;-1 if RR►► _ _ -�--�— -- 1 LL AMP BEHRE-NS- lit ! ! 1 �M On — . _ a ; r�Corr m ssi s anei''° April 24, 1963 Honorable James Dalglish Commissioner of Finance Room 113, City Hall Re: SHEPARD ROAD W. 7th Street to Davern Grade and Pave, P -317 Ornamental Lights, M"283 Dear Sir: I transmit herewith a preliminary estimate of cost for Grading and Paving Shepard Road from W. 7th Street to Davern Street by grading, curbing and paving; by grading and paving street and driveway returns; by constructing sidewalks where necessary; by grading and sodding boulevard and slope areas; by constructing embankments, retaining walls, guard rails and by doing all other work which is necessary and incidental to complete said improvement under Preliminary Order C.F. 208236, approved July 19, 1962. You will note that ornamental lighting is included in this estimate and will be constructed concurrently with the other improvements. I suggest that the intermediary and final orders be changed to read as follows: "Improve SHEPARD ROAD from W. 7th Street to Davern Street by grading, curbing and paving; by grading and paving street and driveway returns; by constructing sidewalks where necessary; by grading and sodding boulevard and slope areas; by constructing embankments, retaining walls, guard rail and by doing all other work which is necessary and incidental to complete said improvement under Preliminary Order G.F. 205236, approved July 19, 1962, and by also constructing an ornamental lighting system." Gj timated Construction Cost Engineering /� t Inspection I r , 44. �� / 4q f TIMATED COST �=1 �A7•0C} 6tq P -317 Grade a d Pave *101,165-55 10,116.56 (10 %) 2,023.31 ( 2 %) 0113,305.42 M -283 Lighting $8,400.00 336.00 () 168.00 (2,2 %�) $8,904.00 Honorable James Dalglish Shepard Road P -317 M -283 Grade and Pave Lighting Estimated Property Assessment $ 6,828.00 $3,014.00 M.S.A. Funds 106,477.42 - Bond Fund 600 U - 5,890.00 Property share of cost is estimated by the Bureau of Valuations as the following rates per front foot: Paving 672 ft. @ $8.00 /ft. $51376.00 Curbing 660 ft. ® $2.20 ft. 1,452.00 Lighting 1,507 ft. @ 02.00 /ft. 3,014.00 yy''�� , ` $9,842.00 a Yours very truly, Claude L. Thompson Design Engineer, P.W. CLT /gs Attachments Approved: Eug a V. Avery, Chief eer Approve Milton Rosen, Commissioner of Public Works fee", � f1 - 2 - V 4 A �II �II O G� O ..a I I I I EELER, ��c�fp�� S7" Z ICI � I a Iq'i� I` Z l y l R1 a C11 ` DAB ERN �. ;S T N (b a ct, r � 0 � t