D001603C I T Y O F S A I N T P A U L OFFICE OF THE MAYOR • Approved Copies [o: City Clerk (Originai) - Finance Dept's Acconnting Divisiov Reques6ngDept � ��� i� �. � . i. ADNIINIST`RATIVE ORDER, Pursuant to the 1998 City Budget, the proper City officials are hereby authorized to pay a stipend in the amount of $50.00 to each teacher who attends one of three two-hour training workshops on the "Risk Watch" injury prevention curriculum. This will pay for all stipend costs incurred by the Department of Fire and Safety Services to pay teacher attendees of these workshops. A copy of said order is to be kept on file and of record in the Office of Financial Services. • Account Code: 510-35115-0299 ` ���lf Vt/ � ��� , App ved 6y: City AUnrney Date c ,3 �� \~-%�`�' ` - �" -' I � � � ` � U Requestedby: Depar nentDirector Date Approved nauceDirector Date �f 5�' ADIVIINISTRATIVE ORDER: DEPAR7MEN7lOFFICElCOUNCtI DATE INITIATEO DCJCJ l�'J� Fire and Safety Services 10{2l98 GREEN SHEET No -sso28_ CANTACT PERSON & PHONE IN iNrtIa.NA7E Steve Zaccard 228-6201 1 ov,a„�e,row�on «nca„+ca MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA 8Y (DA7E) �/) /.�(� �GRYATTOHIIEY ` • V��C11YClERK �F810.NCIALSERViCF590t._� ❑fQlM1liLNLSERV/0.C'TG ��,���,��, n TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES {CLtP ALL LOCATIONS POR SIGNATURE) CiION RE4UE57ED proval of the attached Admi�istrative Order authorizing the Department of Fire and Safety Services to pay for stipend costs or teachers attending two-hour teacher training workshops on "Risk Watch" injury-prevention curriculum. RECOMMENDATION Approve (A) or Reject (R) PER30NAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUSTANSWERTNE FOLLOWING pUE5710N5: 1. Nas Mis personlfirtn ever worked untler a coMiaMfor this tleparhneM? PIANNING COMMISSION YeS NO CIB COMMITTEE 2. Has Mis perso�rm ever been a aty employee4 CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION vES NO 3. Dces Mis persoNfiim possess a sltill not namaly possessed by any w�rent ary employee? YES NO 4. Is this person/firm a targetetl ventlo(T YES NO Explain aN yes answere on upare� sheei and attach to green sheet INITIATWG PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPORTUNIN (WHQ WHAT, WNEN, WHERE, WHY� ' k Watch is an injury prevention curriculum that teachers implement in the classroom. e Risk Watch program was designed to reduce the high rate of unintentional injuries to children 5 to 14 years old. Workshops on Risk Watch are held after the school day over the dinner hour to explain the program to teachers. A survey showed that more teachers would attend a workshop if light refreshments were provided and they were offered a stipend of $50.00 for attending the workshop. AOVANTAGESIFAPPROVED Teachers wilB agree to attend the workshops and teach the Risk Watch curriculum. Injuries to school-age children will drop. DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED None. DISADVANTA6ES IF NOTAPPROVED A greater number of school-age chiidren in the City will continue to be seriously injured. TOTAL AMOUNT OP 7RANSACTION $ 3,000.00 COST/REVENUE 6UDGETED (CIRCLE ONEry �s roo FUNDING SOURCE 510 - Fire Responsive Servlces ACTMTY NUMBER 35115 FINANCL4L INFORMATION (IXPWN) RECEIVEQ =''�'.��=5 ���r�.;,� a'� :,� s., � : �x� � �, ftf't o mnu �,,.,- _ �..,� u iaa� �t,1 t,'� �a$�� iITY CLERK �� �.=�� �����.����.�