07-362Council File # Presented By: RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Requested by Department Referred To: Committee:Date: 0 7-�� 3038232 1 WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Police Department needs authority to implement the attached agreement 2 with the Public Housing Agency (PHA) of the City of Saint Paul to continue the A Community Outreach 3 Program (ACOP) from April 1, 2007 through March 31, 2008; and 4 5 WIIEREAS, since 1991 the PHA and the City of Saint Paul have collaborated to provide the communiTy 6 policing program known as ACOP to create a drug and crime-free environment for the safety and 7 protection of residents, employees, and visitors in public housing developments; and 8 9 THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the CiTy Council authorizes the CiTy of Saint Paul to enter into, 10 Chief John Harriugton to implement the attached agreement with PHA, which includes an indemnificati� 11 clause. A copy of said agreement is to be kept on file and on record in the Office of Financial Services. 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Benanav Bosirom Harris Thune �� `/ Adopted by CounciL• Date: Absent Adoption Ce�rrifie by C ncil Secretary: BY� _� / // /A�i<.4.%0� Approved by Ma ate: BY� � � By: B Green Sheet # by City Appr�M or f ubmi ' n to Council: By: � Q:\FiscaAP,O&CR�200MCOP(P HA)2007_2008 xls � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � � 7 �� �i ; Departme�Wo�ceJcouncil: i Date Initiated: i P p -po>>��p�„�t ; Z�-MAR-0� � Green Sheet NO: 3038232 � Contact Person & Phone: i DePartment Sent 7o Person InitiaUDate , Chief John Harrington ; � , 0 Pdice Deuurtmeut ; Pdice Denarflment ' 266-5588 i Assign j i Police Deoartment I Police Deoar�ent � ; Mus[ Be on Council Agenda by (Date): i Number � .—��— � �� ' 2 Cilv Atfornev ' Cily Attornes , Routing � 3 �Niavor'sOffce Mayor � �';� Doc. Type: RESOLUTION i Order 4 � ��� I i � E-Document Required: Y I 5 ity Clerk Ciry Clerk ' DocumentContact- AmyBrovm I 6 �PdiceDeparmient f PoliceDepum�eni � �� Contact Phone: j Total # of Signature Pages r(Ciip All Locations for Signature) Approval of the attached council resotution authorizing the City of Saint Paul, Police DeparUnent, to enter into the attached agreement with the Public Housing Agency of the Ciry of Sain[ Paul (PHA). iaauons: Npprove �v,� or r Planning Commission CIB Committee Civil Service Commission 1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this department? Yes No 2. Has this person/frm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Dces this person/firm possess a skill not norcnally possessetl by any cunent ciry employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separaYe sheet a�x! attach to green sheet � Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): I Authorization is needed ro enter into an agreement with the PHA to provide services for the A Community Outreach Program (ACOP) from April 1, 2007 through Mazch 31, 2008. AdvantageslfApproved: Abiliry to continue the ACOP progam, a collaboration between the City of Saint Pau] and PHA to provide a community policing program known as ACOP to create a drug-crime-free environment for the safety and protection of residents, employees, and visitors in public housing developments. - ���'1�'n�� Disativantages If Approved: None. � Disadvantages IS NM Approved: � Los[ oppor[unity to work with PHA to provide the ACOP program. i ow� wnoun[ or n Trensaction: 90 ��, Punding Source: 04100 Financial Information: (F�cptain) Cost/Revenue Budgeted: Activity Number: aPR 1 a 200� MAYOR'S OFFICE �����3! i��search �entec APR 12 2007 -- �� ���a (�} � ���7 March 29, 2007 10:21 AM Page 1 .1 D ] Contract No. 07-038 Service Provider ACOP FY2008 CONTRACT FOR SUPPLEMENTAL POLICE SERVICES This Contract is made and entered into this 1�` day of Apri12007 by and between the PUBLIC HOUSING AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL ("PHA"j, and the CITY OF SAINT PAUL ("City"), acting by and through its DEPARTMENT OF POLICE ("Police DepartmenP') for the provision of specific police services to improve the safety, security and livability of the PHA's public housing properties. WHEREAS, since 1991 the PHA and the City have collaborated to provide the community policing program known as A Community Outreach Program ("ACOP") to create a drug- and crime-free environment and to provide for the safety and protection of residents, employees and visitors in public housing developments; and WHEREAS, the PHA desires to continue the ACOP program; and WHEREAS, the City, by and through its Police Department, desires to assist in the effort by providing ef€ective police services at PHA locations; NOW, THEREFORE, the PHA and the City agree as follows: Section 1. Scope of Services Provided by the City The City agrees that the services rendered by the personnei assigned to the ACOP unit under this Contract (licensed, sworn police officers and non-sworn civilian employees) are in addition to baseline police services, and that routine police patrol and response to 911 calls in public hovsing developments will continue to be the responsibility of other Police Department personnel normally assigned to such duties in their areas. The level of these and other baseline police services will not be reduced. The duties and extent of services of the Police Department shall include, but shall not be limited to: A. The City, by and through its Police Departsnent, will assign one police officer of at least the rank of sergeant and additional police officers and civilian staff to perform specialized patrols to enforce all state and local laws and the PHA rules specified in this Contract. Sworn officers sha11 at all times remain part of, subject to and in direct relationship with the Police Department's chain of command and under Police Department rules, regulations and standazd operating procedures. B. 'The City agrees to assign police officers to targeted azeas during specified periods of time identified by the PHA and agreed upon by the Police Department. C. The City agrees that the Police Department will employ a community policing concept and that ACOP personnel will be based at PHA locations as mutually agreed between the PHA and the Police Department. The City fiuther agrees that Page 1 of 10 d�-�� � Contract No. 07-038 Service Provider ACOP FY2008 Page 2 of 11 the Police Department will develop and maintain communications with residents and will assist in developing or enhancing crime prevention programs in public housing communities. D. The Ciry agrees to collect and provide police workload data in public housing development and crime statistics, subject to federal and Minnesota state laws. This Contract provides sufficient basis for the exchange between the City and the PHA of data and information described in the Contract. A request for information or data outside of the scope of this Contract shall be in writing. E. It is fiirther agreed that, upon proper notice but without necessity of a subpoena, police personnel will appeaz as witnesses in the PHA's administrative grievance procedure, civil dispossessory hearings, or other civil or court proceedings where the issue includes criminal or quasi-criminal conduct on or near public housing property involving any resident, member of a resident's household, or any guest or guests of a resident or household member, or where the issue includes any criminal or quasi-criminal conduct off public housing property involving any resident or member of a residenYs household. F. Without lnniting any of the foregoing, the City agrees that with respect to the services to be performed by any police personnel in accordance with this Contract, the appropriate Police Department Officer or Supervisor will meet with resident leadership and management representatives of the PHA on a routine basis for the purposes of reviewing the enforcement and prevention efforts and planning for future changes or modifications anricipated by this Contract. These meetings shall occur at least quarterly. G. The City agrees that Police Department personnel assigned to the ACOP unit work exclusively on public housing related matters, unless they aze needed by the Police Department as additional support in an emergency situation. H. The City agrees that it will provide the assigned personnel with such basic equipment and vehicles as may be necessary and reasonable in order to allow the police officers to carry out the duties anticipated under this Contract. Any additional motor vehicles, bicycles or other equipment which are requested by and are fuiiiished at the expense of the PHA shall remain the property of the PHA. The PHA and City may mutually agree to lease equipment or vehicles. The Police Department will provide at a minimum sixteen (16) hours of training on communiTy rela6ons and interpersonal communications skills to new staff assigned to ACOP. The Police Department shail designate a command officer as the Administrative Liaison Officer, who will work in concert with the Execurive Director of the PHA a7-��a Contract No. 07-038 Service Provider ACOP FY2008 Page 3 of 11 or that official's designee. The Administrative Liaison Officer may be the same person as the officer of the rank of sergeant or higher, as required by Section l.A. The Administrative Liaison Officer will perfonn the following duties: Coordinate the dissemination and processing of police and security reports in accordance with federal and Minnesota state laws, provide supervisory assistance, and coordinate in resolving problems or carrying out the provisions of this Contract; 2. Establish and maintain an ongoing line of communication with Police Department commanders and other police personnel; Prepare quarterly progress reports and evaluations of services requested and provided under this Contract for review by the Executive Director, the Police Chief, appropriate Deputy Chiefs and Police Department commanders and others as may be requested by the Executive Director or that official's designee; 4. Initiate and monitor ongoing lines of communication with PHA staff and resident leaders to effectively employ the community policing concept and to address in a timely manner concerns raised by community leaders; 5. Assure that he or she or a designee will attend Resident Council meetings as requested by the PHA; 6. Assist or advise in the planning and implementation of other security programs within the PHA; and 7. Establish a cleazly defined process for reporting to the PHA staff non- emergency criminal activities, which shall include prompt reports, including "calls for service" reports by Police Department staff, in accordance with federal and Minnesota state laws, of criminai activities on PHA property, to facilitate appropriate response and tracking of such activities. Section 2. Scope of Services Provided by the PHA A. The PHA will provide tranung, where appropriate, to ACOP personnel on public housing management issues and will assist the Police Department in providing training to residents and PHA staff on community policing and crime prevention issues associated with public hausing. This training shall include, but not be lunited to, the following: o �7- 3 � a- Contract No. 07-038 Service Provider ACOP FY2008 Page 4 of 11 Crime prevention and security responsibiliries; 2. Community organization/mobilization against the causes of and psecursors to crime; Drug awareness and control; 4. Orientation and familiarization with the public housing communities for the assigned officers; and 5. Orientation to the lease contract, and lease compliance enforcement procedures and policies. B. The PHA will provide the following in-kind accommodations, services and equipment: Accommodations — The PHA will provide suitable space to be used as office space at locations as mutually agreed upon between the PHA and the Police Deparhnent. Services — Office space provided by the PHA will be supplied with all utilities except telephone. The PHA also shall provide a111abor, equipment and materials necessary to provide routine maintenance and repair service to maintain the space in good working order, including maintenance and repair of electrical, plumbing, sanitary, heafing, ventilating and other facilities and appliances supplied by the PHA. 3. Equipment — O�ce space provided by the PHA will be supplied with other additional equipment mutually agreed upon in connection with the performance of this Contract. 4. Modification/Damage — The PHA will make reasonable modifications, including minor structural, electrical and mechanical changes to the accommodations provided in ordet to meet the City's operational needs. Any damage to the unit or equipment provided by the PHA for City employees, which the PHA deternunes to be above normal weaz for the item or accommodation, shail be repaired or replaced by the City at the discretion of the PHA. C. The PHA sha11 adopt policies and procedures requiring its stafFto promptly report to the Police Depariment any criminal activities occurring on PHA properiy, to facilitate appropriate response to and tracking of such activities. D7 Contract No. 07-038 Service Provider ACOP FY2008 Page 5 of 11 D. The PHA reserves the right to reasonably request the Police Department to replace any ACOP personnel for the following reasons: 1. Neglect or non-performance of duties; 2. Disorderly conduct, use of abusive or offensive language, or fightin�, Criminal action; 4. Seliing, consuming, possessing or being under the influence of intoxicants, including alcohol or illegal substances, while on assignment to the PHA; Substantiated complaints from public housing residents or management. The PHA shall provide written enumeration of the reasons for the request for the replacement of the ACOP personnel, including documentation and wimesses to the alleged behaviors. E. The PHA will provide the City with the applicable PHA rules and regulations for compliance with this contract. Section 3. Enforcement of Rules and Regulations A. The Police Department is hereby empowered to enforce the following PHA rules and regulations: Authorized to remove unauthorized visitors in unoccupied structures of the PHA. 2. Authorized to remove unauthorized visitors on PHA property who are creating a disturbance or otherwise interfering with the peaceful enjoyment of other PHA residents. Authorized to remove and/or bring criminal enforcement actions against unauthorized visitors who aze destroying, defacing or removing PHA property. With regard to the foregoing rules and regulations, the Police Department is hereby authorized, on behalf of the PHA, to give criminal trespass warnings to any persons deemed to be in violation of the rules or regulations, that is, to give notice to any violators that their enhy on the property or premises is forbidden, and to an'est or cause the arrest and prosecution of any violators, when appropriate. D�-3ta2� Contract No. 07-038 Service Provider ACOP FY2008 Page 6 of 11 B. The Police Department is also authorized to enforce the parking provisions of Saint Paul Legislative Code, Section 157.20, Public Housing Agency of the City of Saint Paul — Parking Restrictions. C. The Police Department is hereby empowered to have removed any and all vehicles found pazked in violation of said rule or regulation, pursuant to established CiTy procedure for impounding vehicles. D. The Police Department is hereby empowered to enforce such additional PHA rules and regulations and perform such other duties as shall be specified in any addenda attached hereto orincorporated herein now orin the future. E. Nothing herein contained shall be construed as permitting or authorizing police officers to use any method or to act in any manner in violation of law or their sworn obligation as police officers. Section 4. Communications, Reporting and Evaluation A. Communications — Access to Information. The City agrees that the PHA will have unrestricted access to all public information, in accordance with fe8eral and Minnesota state laws, which in any way deals with criminal activity in any of the PHA's communities. Such information includes information made public pursuant to the Minnesota C'sovernment Data Practices Act or any other law making information public or accessible to the PHA. It is fitrther agreed that the Police Department will provide to the PHA copies of such public incident reports, arrest reports or other public documents which document or substantiate actuai or potential criminal activity in or connected with the public housing developments in accordance with federal and Minnesota state laws. This information will be provided at no cost by the Police Department on a regular basis in accordance with specific procedures that have been or will be established. B. Reporting. The Police Department will provide reports, in accordance with federal and Minnesota state laws, to the PHA describing the activities supported by PHA funds. These reports may be provided monthly, quarterly or as otherwise requested by the PHA and may include the following data: 1. Hours worked: foot, bicycle, motorized, other 2. Calls/requests for service 3. Referrals to City/PHA/agencies 4. Suspicious persons — name and description 5. Vehicles abandoned/towedlstolen 6. Drug paraphemalia confiscated/found 7. Arrests/citations of both residents and outsiders to include age, sex, ethnicity �7-3� �- Contract No. 07-038 Service Provider ACOP FY2008 Page 7 of 11 8. Property recovered/stolen 9. Advise residents and visitors 10. Hazazdous or quality of life issues in the area such as broken lights 11. Graffiti 12. Conflict resolution; e.g., resolved apparent or actual conflict between two or more people 13. Vehicle license number of suspicious persons 14. Weapons violations/seized C. Media Coordination. The Police Departrnent will relay to the Executive Director or his designee information related to any major crime or incident that occws on PHA property, preferably before the media is informed or as soon as possible, in accordance with federal and Minnesota state laws. D. Evaluation. The City and the PHA shall cooperate on future evaluations of the community policing program in public housing. Section 5. Plan of Operation The Police Department and the PHA shali continue to administer the ACOP community policing program. At the request of either party, the parties shall jointly prepare a more specific plan of operations for use in preventing or eliminating drug-related crime. Section 6. Term of Contract This contract is effective as of April 1, 2007 and shall continue in effect until the PHA funds aliowed to be spent under this contract are e�austed (estimated to be March 31, 2008), or longer if additional funds aze awazded by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HLJD) or secured &om other sources, unless eariier terminated in accordance with the terms of this Contract. Section 7. Compensation to the City A. All compensation to the City will be made on a cost reimbursement basis. The PHA will reimburse the City for services specified in this Contract in a total amount not to exceed Four Hundred Fift�Three Thousand Nine Hundred Dollazs and Thirty Two Cents ($453,900.32) in the following expense category: Assigned Personnel Salazies $453,90032 Other — For police officers assigned to the ACOP unit, the PHA agrees to reunburse the City for up to 30 consecutive days of sick leave or for 30 consecutive days of a duty assignment other than patrol duries, but only for ��-3�a- Contract No. 07-038 Service Provider ACOP FY2008 Page8of11 services performed in accordance with this Contract. Any additional sick leave benefits or salary due to such ACOP officer is the responsibility of the City. Attachment A to this Contract illustrates the approximate use of these funds. B. The PHA shall reunburse the Police Departrnent on a monthly basis, upon performance of the proposed activities and receapt of invoices evidencing authorized expenditures. C. The City sha11 provide the following documentation in requesting reimbursement: Copies of Certified Payroll Time Reports docwnenting names, employee identification, hours worked in public housing developments, supervisory approval of the report, and supervisory verification of the necessity for any overtime worked. D. All requests for reimbursement are subject to the approval of the PHA's Executive D'uector, or that officiaPs designee, and the PHA shall thereafter make payment of the approved amount within thirty days of receipt of the request for reimbursement. E. 1. The PHA may make specific requests that police personnel perform special details on behalf of the PHA. If these special detaiis require personnel to work on an overtime basis, reimbursement to the City will be made pursuant to subsection E.2. 2. Overtime special details will be jointly agreed upon by the PHA and the Police Department for police personnel to perform activities on behalf of the PHA. Upon submission of proper documentation as required under this Section 7, the PHA shall reimburse the City for the fuil amount of the cost of such overtime compensation, including fringe benefits. Section 8. Audit Requirement The City and the Police Department shall have their financial records audited annually (as part of the City's annual audit) by an independent auditor and provide to the PHA a copy of the audit report, which is required for the City as a subgrantee of federal funds. The audit shall include the PHA funds expended under this agreement and shall conform to the requirements of OMB Circulaz A-128 or later OMB circulars as applicable. Any audit finding relating to use of the PHA funds under this agreement must be addressed and cleared in a timely manner. Section 9. Non-Discrimination o � ��� Contract No. 07-038 Service Provider ACOP FY2008 Page 9 of 11 The PHA, the City and the Police Department a¢ree that in the administration of the program(s) no person shall, on the grounds of race, color, religion, creed, national origin or ancestry, familial status, sex, status with regard to public assistance, marital status, disability, age, sexual or affectional orientation, political or other affiliation, be excluded from participation in the program(s) or be denied benefits of the program(s) and agree to comply with all federal, state, and local laws re�arding discrimination. Section 10. Data Privacy All data collected, created, received, maintained, or disseminated by the City, the Police Department or the PHA for any purposes in the course of the performance of this Contract is governed by the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act, Minn. Stat. 13.01 et seq., or any other applicable state statutes, any state rules adopted to implement the Act, as well as federal regulations on data privacy. The parties agree to abide strictly by these statutes, rules, and regulations. The PHA has designated, and the City and the Police Department agree to designate, a Responsible Authority pursuant to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act, Minnesota Statutes Chapter 13, who is the individual responsible for the collection, maintenance, use and dissemination of any set of data on individuals, govemment data, or summary data pursuant to this Contract. Section 11. Indemnification The City does hereby release, dischazge and agree to indemnify, protect, defend and save harmless Uie PHA from liability for any cost, damage, expense, injury or other casualty, to any person whomsoever or property whatsoever caused by or arising out of the Police DepartmenPs use and occupancy of PHA proper[y or services provided under this Contract, provided that such indemnification shall not be applicable where a decision or judgment of a court of competent jurisdiction indicates that said casualty to person or property was the direct result of acts of commission, omission, negligence or fault of the PHA, its agents or employees. Each party agrees that it will be responsible for its own acts and/or omissions in carrying out the terms of this Agreement and the results thereof to the extent authorized by law and shall not be responsible for the acts and/or omissions of the other pariy and the results thereo£ The liability of the City of Saint Paul and the Public Housing Agency of the City of Saint Paul, and their respective employees, officials and agents shall be governed by the provisions of the Minnesota Tort Clauns Act, Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 466, et seq. and any other appiicable law. Section 12. Right of Entry, Inspection and Repair The PHA, through its authorized employees or agents, shall have the right to enter the D � 3�� Contract No. 07-038 Service Provider ACOP FY2008 Page 10 of 11 office spaces assigned by the PHA at any time, without advance notification, when there is reasonable cause to believe an emergency exists or during regulaz business hours upon one (1) day's notice £or the purpose of inspection or repair of the office spaces or equipment therein or for such other purpose as may be deemed necessary by the PHA. Section 13. Disposal of Personal Property The PHA shall have the right to sell, destroy or otherwise dispose of any personal property left on the premises by the Police Department after the Police Department has vacated or abandoned the premises Section 14. Amendments; Termination A. Changes in the terms of this Contract may be made only by written amendment mutually agreed upon and signed by both parties. B. Either party may terminate this Contract upon providing thirty (30) days written notice to the other party. Such notice shall be delivered by Certified Mail, Return Receipt Requested. Section 15. Attachments The following attachments are hereby incorporated into this contract by reference: Attachment A: Budget Narrative Attachment B: PHA Family Dwelling Lease Attachment C: PHA Hi-Rise Dwelling Lease Section 16. Benefit and Duty This Contract will be binding upon and inure to the benefit only of the parties hereto. No third pariy or parties will derive any benefits from or have any rights pursuant to this Contract. Nothing in this Contract is intended to, nor does it, create a special duty on the part of either pariy to each other or to a third party. This Contract supersedes the most recent contract and all other previous contracts entered into by the parties for the same purpose as this Contract is made. By s b°ning below, the Public Housing Aaency of the City of Saint Paul, and the City of Saint Paul, Department of Police enter into this Contract which shall take effect on the date stated above. Contract No. 07-038 Service Provider ACOP FY2008 Page 11 of 11 PUBLIC HOUSING AGENCY OF THE CTTY OF 5AINT PAUL f 1✓ By: BY� ��� �/ Its: Con acting Office Its: Controller CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF POLICE By: BY� Its: Chief of Police Its: Mayor, City of Saint Paul By: �Y� Its: Director, OFS Its: Director, Human Rights Dept. D?- 3 �� By: Its: Assistant City Attorney cb m � � 0 $OUCCOS PHA: Capital F'und Wragram SF'PD: Total PHA and SPPn Sources acaP Saint Paul PFiA's Sudget FY2008 Aprii 1, 2007 through March 31, 2008 aoos xoos zoo�r zoos $ 411,500 $ 432,925 $ 445,299 $ 456 217,853 2d5,046 259,987 564 USG'S PHA: Saiaries - Officers (6) Salaries - Community Liaison Officers (2) Subtotal of Payments ta SPI Mis cellaneous/Supplies/Communicatinns Total U SPPD: Salary - Police Sergeant and Officers (4) Benefits for 1 Sgt, 1U Officers and 2 CLC3's Total Uses Total PHA and SPPD Uses � AttachmentA.xls Change from 2007 $ 11,101 Z 3q6,347 54 $ 317,448 31 � Char�ge from zoos �n 2oos aoo� 2ooa $342,OU0 $358,70$ $377,389 $38A,675 $ 7,286 2% 66,410 89,225 2.$15 �% 68,000 74,717 453,9Q0 10,101 2 % 410,OOG 431,425 443,799 2,500 1,000 40% 'i,500 3,500 1,500 $411,500 �432,925 $A45,299 $456,400 $ 11,1Q1 � 76, OQ0 � 70,113 73,385 330,895 257,530 7g 147,853 174,933 186,622 235,439 $ 48,817 21% $247,$53 $245,046 $259,987 5566,334 $ 306,347 5G% �623.353 $677,971 $705,286 $1,022,734 ffi 317,44$ 31% 3/8/2(1�37 � AVISO! Si no pucde usted leer in�l�s, favor dc avisur a su rcprosm�tnntc de PHA (Agcncia de Nojamicnlo Nublico) para qua Ic proporcioncn un mt�u'prGe. CN;613TOOM! Yog tias ko� nyeem tsis tau Askiv, nug lus nccg ua hauj ham rau koj tom iscv loom (PHA) kom pab nrhiav nccg txhais lus. TRANSLATION TRANSLATION NOTICE: If you canno[ read Gnglish, please askyour PHA contact person to prowde an in[erpreter. NOTICF.! If you canno[ read English, pleuse ask your PHA con[act person to provide an mleiprete�. PUBLIC HOUSING AGENCY OP' THE CITY OF SATNT PAUL HI-RISE DW�LLING LEASE Uuit ldenlificntion #: Namc of'Ccuant(s): Address: llwelliug Unit: Nwnbcr of 13ech•ooms: d �'�jCP o� The Public Housing Ageiwy of Clie City of Saiut Paul (PHA), in this Lease called "ManagemenY', leases to the Tenaut Pamily, m this Lease c�lled "Tenaut", llie dwelling unit as described above according to the terms and conditions stated in this Lease. The term, "dwclling tmiP', rcfers Co the living unit for Che Tenant's exclusive use. 1. 'l'b'.RM O� LGASE; RENEWAL OF LEASE This Lease Uegius on , . This Lease will automatically renew annuallv, unless ei�ded by eitlier Management or Tenant as providad in this Lease or as otherwise required by law. 2. MrMIDI'sR5 Or HOUSEHOLD Only tlte following persous may reside in Yhe dwelling unit with the named Tenant: Namc Relationshi Gender ll�te of BirYh '1'hc 'I'onanCs honsehold has the right to lhe exclusive use and occupancy of ihe unit. This nght includes l�aving guests st�ay m die unit up to CtClce�� (15) days per guest per calendar yeac Upon a showin� of special circunvstances or need, Management i�iay exlend lhis period Coe a reasoi�able additioilal time, not to exceed thiity (30) days. 'Chis lin�itatioii docs noC apply to live-in aides and foster children who may reside in Che unit with Che consent of Manageme�t. 3. PAYMEN'PS DUE UNDER THE LEASE A. Reutal Psvments L Thc first renC paymant for the pexiod beginning , , and ending is $ . This payment is due at the time this Lease is signed. 2. "fhc monthly rcut of $ is due on or before tl�e first day of each month beginning . This mouthly rent may change fox reasons stated in SecYion 5 of this I,ease. If reut is not paid on time, a late fee will be charged in an amount as provided in the Admission aud Occupancy Policies. A lec will also be cl�arged in an amount as provided in the Admission and Occupancy Policies for cliecks returned for non-sufficient funds or account closed. 3. II' Tenant wnnCS to end this Lease (See Section 9B), the Tenant is responsible Por rent pxoraYed on a daily basis for a minimum of thirly (30) days after Yhe Tenant has g�ven written notice to Management of an inYent to vacate. If the Tenant wanis to eud this Lcase but f�ils Yo give Managemeut a written notice, rent will be charged for thirty (30) days from the day Manageme�li learns tlie Tenant h s moved. 13. Secw•itv Denosit 'I'he �1'cuenl hus ttgreed lo pay $ as a security deposit with Management. The security deposit will be held by M�nagcmcnt in �ccordAnce with tlie Admission and Occupancy Policies, Minnesota law and Federal regulations. c. ci��rees n��e Cliarges for, but not limiCed to, maintenance and repair, Iate rent payment fee, fee for retumed checks, and legally allo�vable court cosls are due ai�d collectible two weeks afrer Management gives written notice to the Te»ant of the charges. �. u�rrr,rrii.�s A. 13v M�naecment I-ID-42417 — I Ii.Risc Dwclling Lcusa Rov 7/zn00 Pagc I ul 5 b����a- M�nagement will pay tl�e full cost of water, garbage collection, sewer service, gas, electricity and heat and will furnish a rangc (stove) �nd reCrigerator. 13. I3v "1'ensmt Tenant n�usl notify Management prior to the installaCion of a room ai1' conditiones or food fi'eezer. If Tenant has a ioom a�r condiCioner or ('ood freezer, Tei�auC will be charged a utiliCy use fee by the PHA. The chaxge must be paid each montli. The monihly amou�tC ch¢rgcd for the room air conditiouer or food fraezer may be adjusted from time to Ume by the PHA w�thout prior not�ce lo Tenant. 5. 12F,llF,TERMINATION OF RENT, ELIGIBILITY AND FOR CONTINUED OCCUPANCY, AND UNIT SIZE A. Redctermination of Rcnt At least once each year, and other times as describec! below, Management will decide whether the TenanC's rental rate should be changed, wl�etUer Cha dwelling uuit size is still appropriate foc the size and/or composition of the TenanPs household, and whethcr lhe TenattC is eligible for continued occupancy in accordance with the Admission and Occupancy Policies which nre avail�ble for review at tlie Managament office. As cequcsted by Management at the time of the redetermination, Tenant shall provide accurate current informauoi� conccrning: 1. The number ofpeople in Tenant's 1�ousehold, their age, gender, and any other information requirad by Management. 2. Tlic source and amouut of income received by everyone in the Tenant's household. 3. Any allowable deductions. Tlte redetennination for continued occupancy will include a review of TenanPs rent paying history, housekeepmg inspection resnits, record oC cooperation with ManagemenPs pest control program and all other lease compliant behavior. 13. Iuferim Redeterminafimi Tlte rc�llal rate sliowu iu Section 3. will remain iu effect for the period between regular rent redeternvnations uiiless during such period: 1. "Chere is au addition or loss of any adult inember to the TenanPs household or the addition of any minor not born mto the houseUold during this tenancy. 2. There is any increase in monthly gross household income of $400 or more, whether occurriug due to one incomc increase or due to more than one inerease or the cumulative increases of more than one farmly member, 3. There is any reported decrease in income or an increase in allowances or deductions that would result in a rent decrease. 4. The currenC rental rate was calculated foT a tempocary Cime period due to the inability to accurately predtct incomc fa an ttm�ual period. This includes, but is not limited W, all households whose total income is zezo. A el�nnge in income or family composition as specified above must be xeported to Management within 10 days of its occurrence. The effeclive date for changes in rent based on iuterim redeterminaYions will be in accordance with the Admission and Occupancy Policies. If the renCal raCC is adjusCed, Management will mai] ox deliver a uotice of rent adjushnent Co the Tenant in accordance w�th Section I1. railure by n 1'enant to report any increases in household income during a scheduled rent and income review or as specified under Sectiou S.B. Interim Redeterminatfons, or f�ilure to appear for a scheduled rent and income revicw �vill be considered a serious nnd materinl viol�tion of tl�e lease and will result in any rent increase being effective relroactivc to fhe time the incrcase would liave bcen made. C. Chanee of Uuit Size Managemeut will give notice to Tenant that Tenant will be required to move to another unit Yhat is decent, safe and sanitary nnd is of an appropriate size under Management's Occupancy SYandaeds m accordance with the Admission and Occupancy Policies under the followi��g circumstances: � Tf Management decides that Che Tenant is living in a unit whieh is larger or smaller Yhan the PHA's Occupancy Standards �llow for the household size and composition; or IC Ma��agemeut decides that Che unit is otherwise mappcopriate for the household size or composrtion, mcludmg, but not limited Yo, wheu a unit modified for handicapped persons is being occupied by a household without handicapped persons;or If Management decides that the unit requires substantial repairs or is scheduled for modernization or is not m decent, safe and sanitary condition. ACter bcing uotified of tlle new uniC's availabiliYy, the Tenant must move to the offered unit within thirty (30) days of the datc oC notiFicaCion. If dze Te��ant fails to move as required by Management, Yhen Management has the right to take legal action to tenninate tl�is lease. "1'unanl mny aslc for an explanatiou stating Che specific grounds of the PHA determination. If the Tenant does not agiee with il�c de[ennination, tl�e TenanY has the riglit to request a hearing under ManagemenPs Grievance Policy Proeedure. G. MANAGI;MENT'S OBLIGATIONS Mana�+en�ent aerees to do tl�e followin2: A. 2epair aitd maintain tha dweiling unit, equipnient and appliances, and the common areas and facilities which are needed to Imep the housing in dece��t, safe and sanitary cond�tion. 13. Comply wiCh all requiremei�ts of applicable state and ]ocal building and housing codes and HUD regulations concemmg ]-ID-024f3 — I li-Risc llwelling I..c➢sc Rw 7/2000 Pugc 2 of 5 47°�le �- mutters materially affectiug lhe health or safety of the occupants. C. Keep development buildings, facilities and common areas, not otherwise assigned to tenants for maintenance and upkeep, in a cle�n aud safe condition. ll. Maintain electrical, plumbing, sanitary, heating, ventilating and other facilities and appliances, including elevators, supplied or required to be supplied by Management in good and safe working order and condition. �, Provide and maintaiu trasli and garbage containers for the development. r. Supply running water, and reasonable amounts of hot water and reasonable amounts of heat at appropriate hines of the year, all in compliance with applicable sfate law and city ordinance. G, Thoroughly clea�l the dwelling unit as necessary before the transfa� of the Tenant from one dwelling unit to anotlier and before a new Tenant moves in. EL Offer the TenanC a replacement dwelling unit, if available, if the condirion of the TenanPs present dwelling unit is hazardous Co the healcl� or safety of the occupants and the condition is not corrected in a reasonable time. RenY wil] be abated m proportion to tlie seriousness of the damage and loss in value of a dwelling if xepaiis ace not made within a reasonable time or alternative acconunodations are not provided in accordance with this paragraph, except that no abatement of rent will occur if tUe tenant rejects tlie alternative accommodation or if the damage was caused by tha Tenant, TenanYs household or guests. I. Give the Tenant reasonable notice oP what certificatio��, release, inforn�ahon or documentation must be given to Management including the date by whicU any such item must be given. J. NotiCy llie Teuaut of the specific grounds for any proposed adverse action by Management. 7. OBLIGA'CIONS OF'CENANTS, M�MBERS OF HOUSEHOLD AND GUESTS The "fcn�nl �grees to obey the following i ules. The Tenaut is also responsible for causing members of the household and guests to obey Ihc following rules: A. 'Che tennnt shall: 1. Pay reut on tUe first day of the month. 2. Pay rcasonuble charges, in accordance with the cusent schedule of charges posted in the Management office, for the rep�ir of danlages beyond normal wear and tear to the unit, development buildings, facilities or common areas, caused by eit6er iutentional or negligent conduct of Tenant, members of the household or guests. 3. Use tl�e ui�it solely as a private place to hve for the Tenant and members of the Tenant's household as identified in Section 2., and not use tlie imit oc permit its use for any other purpose. This pxovision does not exclude reasonable aceommodaCion of TenanCs guests or visitors, wlio are visiting with TenanY foc purposes other than to establish rasidency i�� Sni�n Paul, for a period of Cime noY to exceed fifteen (IS) days per calendar year (See Section 2). 4. Ask for the consent of Management before members of the household engaga in profitmaking activities in the dwelliug unit. Management must also decide whether such activities are legal and are incidental to the primary use of the leased unit for residence by members of the household. 5. Obcy the written regulations posted in the Management office. These regulations are made a part of this Lease by reference. 6. Keep lhe ui�it in a clean and safe condition. 7. Dispose of' all garbage, rubbish and other waste from the wiit in a sanitary and safe manner. 8. Use outy iu a reasouable manner all electr�cal, plumbing, heaYing, ventilating, air-condiCioning, elevators and other lacililies in Che development buildiugs and common areas. 9. P�rk no n�ore tlian one vehicle per ]icensed leaseholder in the designaCed parking areas. Tenant shall park a vehicle m a mauncr Cltat will uot obstruct traffie and shall not permit any vehicles to remain in the parking axea or other part of the housing development when such vehicle is no longer in operating condition. 10. Immediately report to the Management Office any vandalism to the premises. 1 L Imi��ediaYely report to Yhe Maintenance Office any need for repair to the interior or extexioi of the dwelling uniC and any other area used by tha Tenant in connection with the Tenant's occupancy of the unit. 12. Participate in a training pcogxam on housekeeping and home care skills if Management decides that the condiCion of the unil does not meet the housekeeping standards set forth by the PHA. Such training will be provided by Management. 13. Comply with commuuity se�vice or self-sufficiency requixements in aecoxdance with Federal law, regulations and ManagemenPs Admission and Occupancy Policies. Each adult member of the TenanYs household must comply witl� these requirements. 13, Tlic Ten�nt shall not: 1. Assigu or lransfer the lease or sublease the unit. 2. Provide housing for boarders or lodgers. 3. Disturb othex tenants or neighboxs and shall prevenY disturbance of othec tenants ox neighbocs by guests, visitors or other persons under control of household members. 4. Scatter rubbisli, damage, destroy, deface or remove any part of the dwellmg unit or premises and shall prevent sucl� scatlering of rubbish, damage, deshuction, defacement or removal by guests, visitors or other persons under control of l�ousel�old mcmbers. 5. Engage iu, or allow members of the household, guests or another person under TenanPs conUol to engage m any cnmmal �etivily, including drug-related crimina] activity, that threatens the health, safety, or right to peaceful en�oyment of the public liousing premises by other tenants or cmployces of th: �lanagemer.t. 6. Conunit any fraud in connection with any Federal housing assistance program. 7. Make a��y repaiis or alCerations or install any permanently affixed cazpet or any equ�pment, includmg, but not limited to, door locks, without the wxitten approval of Management. Installation of satellite dishes, antennas or other recepYion devices sltall be in accordance with iules adopted by Management. 8. I-Iave auy fowl, suakes or other animals on the premises, except small caged birds, fish in aquariums, small caged animals that will be kept indoors or a dog or cat as approved by Management and in accordance with the PHA's Pet Yolicy. 9. Create (by act or omission) or permit Co exisY any condition on the premises which results in a risk to the personal health or safely of ai�y person or damage to property. 10. Gngag� in, or allow members of the household, guests, or anoChex person under the Tenant's conuol to angagc in, auy activity, including criminal activity, which impairs the physical or social environment of the premises, the neighbochood, m Hie developmenC. I I. Smoke, or allow Tenaz�t's guests, visitors or another person under the TenanYs conYrol, to smoke in any common areas of tUe hi-rise. Conunon areas include the Community Room, hallways, stairways, elevators, public rest rooms, laui�dry I ID-424f3 — I li-Rise Dwelling Lcase Rcv.7/2000 I'agc 7 of 5 l?7� �jl� �- cooms and any other indoor space that is not within and a part of the TenanYs dwelling unit. 8. PI?T POI,ICY AND DEPOSIT A. Tenaut agrees to abide by all terms and conditions of the PHA's Pet Policy, which will be furnished to Tenant by Mauagemon[. B. Except as provided in subsection D below, Management and Tenant mutually agree to allow Tenant to keep as a pet one cat or oue dog or sucli other pet as is allowed by the PHA's Pet Policy. Tenant agrees to registex the pet with ManagemenC before bringing the pet iuto the dwelling unit. C. Tenaut shall pay a pet deposit to Management in accordance with the PHA's Pet Policy. Management will hold the pet deposit until the tenant moves out or no longer owns or keeps a pet in the hi-rise. The pet deposit will be fully refunded, with interest, provided that no pct damage has beeu done to the dwelling unit. Amounts necessary to repair such damage will be deducted fiocn Che pet deposii. ll. EXCEPTIONS: Dogs are not permitted at Mt. Aiiy, Dunedin, Wabasha, and Exchange hi-rises. 9. 'CtiRVIINATION OF TFIE LEASE A. Mau�gement will not terminate or refiise to renew the Lease and will not evict Tenant from the dwelling imit except for scrious or repeated violatiou of material terms of the Lease or other good cause. Serious violation of the Lease includes but is not limited to: 1. Failure of tlie Tenant to Yimely supply to the PHA any certificaCion, release, informafion or documentaaon on fauuly income, assets or composition. 2. No�rpaymeut of Tenant rent or other charges. 3. Failure to accept a transfer for reasons specified in Section S.C. 4. Any activily, not just criminal activiYy, thaC tlueatens the health, safety, or xight Yo peaceful eujoyment of the premises by othec tenants attd public housing employees, or drug-related and/or criminal activity on or off the premises, not just on or near the premises, or alcohol abuse that Management decides interferes with the health, saCety, or rigltY to peacefu) enjoyment of Che premises by other tenants or neighboxs, when such actrvity has been eugaged in by a Tenant, a member of the TeuanYs household, a guest or another person under TenanYs conuol while tlie Tenant is a Tevant in public housing. 5. Failuee of the Tenant to accept Management's offer of a new lease revised in accordance with Federal law and regulatio��s. 6. Fnilure of a member of tlie family liousehold to comply with the community se�vice requirements of Pederal housing law and regulations. Mimxesota law provides thaY a Tenant automatically promises not to knowingly allow illegal diugs ou the prenvses and that the pren�ises will not be used by the Tenant or othees acting undee the TenanPs control to violate criminal drug laws. The law provides tltal a breach of that prorrtise revokes the TenanYs right to possession of the premises. Minnesota Statutes, Section 504B.301, furtlter provides that if illegal drugs or odier illegal items are seized on the premises pursuant to Minnesota Stauites, Section 609.5317, Subdivision 1, Tenant is unlawfully detaining the premises, unless the Tenant has a defensc undcr Minuesota Statutes, Section 609.5317, Subdivision 3. Eviction proceedings under these circumstances are excluded from ManngemenPs orievance Procedure. 13. This Lease may be terminated by the Tenant at any time by giving at least thirry (30) days written notice Yo Management on or bef'me tlie last day of the month before tl�e month the Cenant intends on vacatm� the unit (see Section l 1 C.) The Tenant shall leave the unit in a clean and good condition and retum the keys to Management when the Tenant moves out. Failure to providc proper written notice or Eaiture to teave the unit in a good and clean eondition or failure to retuin the keys to Mmiagcment may result in additional charges to the Tenant. C. If Cl�c sig��er(s) of the Leasa is no longer a member of the Tenant's household, this Lease will terrninate. A new I,ease will be executed and sigued by all adult remaining members of the household if thosa persons have not violated the terms and provisions of the Lease and the family continues to be eligible for low-income housing. D. IC the Tenaut lransfers to another unit operated by Management, this Lease will terminate and a new Lease will be executed for tl�e unit iuto wUicli the Teuant moves. L. Monageme��t will give the Tenant written notice of texminaYion of the Lease as follows: 1. Pourteen (14) days in Che case of failure to pay rent; 2. A reasonable Cime depending on the seriousness of the situation in the case of a tiueat or act against the health or safety of other tenauts, Management's employees, or oCl�er persons, or 3. Tl�irty (30) days in all other cases. N. Acceptance of rent with knowledge of good cause for ternvnation of the Lsase shall not be considered a waiver of MauagamenPs rigUt to terminate Chis Lease ou the basis of such good cause nor of Management's riglit to assert such good cause in any legal action. [f lhe'Cenunt conCinues to occupy the ciwelliug unit afte� the Tennir:aticn of the T_Pase, the T�nant agrees to pay Management lhe re�souaUle value of Yha use of the premises for the period CUat the Tenant continues to occupy rhe unir. The reasonable value for tUe usc of the premisea is equivalent to the amount of rent for such penod. However, such payments sl�all not constituCe reut aud by accepting such payments Management does noY waive its right to assext any lease violations in any ]egal action. If Management decides to terminate this lease, it will give Tenant a written notice which staYes [he reasons for the termination, inCorms die Tenant of liis or her right to reply and informs the Tenant of TenanPs rights under the Grievance Procedure described in Section 13 of tliis Lease. 10. INSPliCTiONS AND ACCESS A. Bcfore move-in, Mauagement avd Tenaut will inspect the unit. Management will give Tenant a written statement of couditious of the unit and Che equipment provided with the unit. The statement will be verified and s�gned by Management and Te�iant. A copy of tlie statement will be kept by Management in the Tenant's file. I IU-4241; -- I IrRisc Dwcihng Lcase Rc�- 7I200U Pu3� � ul i 07-3/�2- I3. When Tenattt moves out, Management will inspect the unit and furnish Tenant with a written statement of damages for whicl� Ten�nt is respousible. If Tenant moves out aftex business hours or on a weekend ox holiday, Management will inspect the umC on the next busiuess day after Tenant has vacated. Management will give Tenant the opportunity to be present at this inspeclion by giving Teuant written notice, within a reasonable time, of the time and date oF the inspection. No notice will be provided if Tenant vacates witltou[ notice to Management. C. Ma��agement may enter TenanPs unit as follows: l. Mauagement will provide Tenant with two (2) days written notice sta[ing the purpose of entry inYO the umt, except C]»t MaizagemenC will provide Tenant with �easonable notice {written or oral) when it is neeessary to enter the unit For making improvements or repairs. Management entry will be between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 430 p.m. for the purposes of performing ioutine iuspections and maintenance, including pest conaol opeiations, for making improvements or repairs, or to show the premises for re-leasmg. 2. Ma��agement may enter the unit at any time without advance notification when there is a reasonable cause to believe an emergency exists; 3. If all adult members of Yhe household are absenC at the ume of entry, Management will ]eave a wriueu statement iu the unil specifying the date, time and puipose of entry. ]1. LEGALNOTICE A. Auy notice to Tei�ant fiom Management will be ii� writing either: 1. Delivered personally and l�anded to the Tenant or another member of the Tenant's household who is an adult; or 2. Be sent by prepaid first class mail properly addressed. 13. If d�c Notice is delivered to a person other than the Tenant, Management will also mail a copy of the Notice Yo the Tenant. C. Any notice Tenant gives to Management shall be in writing and either delivered to a Management employee at the assigned Manage���ent office or PFIA Central Adminishative Office, or be properly addressed and sent by first class mail. 12. A�3ANllONM�NT OF PROPERTY If Taiant is absent from the unit for fourteen (14) consecutive days and rent is owed, Management has the right to consider that Teu�ut has abandaied the unit. Auy of Tenant's remaining personal property will be considered abandoned and may be disposed of by Management according to Minnesota law. 13. GRI�VANCC PROCEDUR� All dispules aboirt lhe Lease or about the responsibilities of Tenant, Teuant's household or Management, will be processed and resolved in aceordance with the Gcievance PTOCeduxe of Management which is in effect at the time the dispute arises. The Gricvance Procedure is posted in the Management office and is made a part of this Lease by reference. 14. AllMISSION AND OCCUPANCY POLICIES The Admissimi and Occupancy Policies referred to in this Lease is the Admission and Occupancy Policies as approved ai�d as ameildcd by the PHA's Board of Commissioners and is made a part of this Lease by reference. A copy of the Admission and Occupnncy Policies aud amendments is posted in the Management Office and may be examined at any time during business Uow s. 15. CFIANGTS TO LTASE Changes to this Lease, other than changes in Tenant rent, wil] be made only by a written addendum signed by both Mauagement and Tenant. I G. RT.CL[P'P OF L�ASE AND O'PHER DOCUMENTS BY TENANT Thc Teuant lias received executed copies of this Lease and the Grievance Procedure, has been informed that the Adm�ssion and Occupaucy Policies are posted in the Management Office and are available for inspection and understands how they all apply to CI�c "fcunnt's fenAncy. 17. AllDI'CIONAL PROVISIONS By signing below, Teuant and Management enter into this Lease which will take effect on the date shown in Section 1, TERM OF LGASC; 12ENEWAL OF LEASE on page 1 of this Lease. PUBLIC HOUSING AGENCY OF TAE C?TY OF SALNT PQUL Teuant Tennnl � Aousing Manager Tenant Date: I�ID-42413 — I li-Risc Uwclling Lcasc Rev.7/2000 Page 5 0l' S a � �c� a- AVISO! s� „o �ua�e us�oa iec, ;�,si€s, favor de avisar a su representante de PI-IA (Agcncia dc Alojamicnto Publico) para quc Ic proporcionen un int�rprete. TRANSLATION NOTICE; If you camiot read Engl�sh, please ask your PHA contac[ person to provide an inte�preter. CIsE13TOOM! Yog lias koj �iyccm tsis tau Askiv, nug lus nceg ua hauj Iwm mu koj tom [sev loom (PI1A) kam pab nrhiav nccg lxhais lus. TRANSLATION NOTICE! If yoa cannot read English, please ask your PFIA contact person to prov�de an inteipre[er PUBLIC HOUSING AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL P'AMILY DEVELOPMENT DWELLING LEASE Uuit Identif'icsrtion #: Namc ol"1'enan[(s): Ailch•ess: llwclling Unit: NumUer of Bed�rooms: Tlie Yublic Housing Agency of the City of Saint Paul (PHA), in this Lease called "Management", Leases to the Tenant Family, in this Lease called "TeuanC', the dwelling uuit as described above accordiog to the terms and conditions stated in this Lease. The tenn, "dwe]Iing wiit", refers to the living uniC and adjacent area assigned for the TenanPs exclusive use and to the area(s) assigned in Sectioi� 3. of this Lease. 1. 'CF,RM ON LEASE; RENEWAL OF LEASE 1'his Lcase begins on . This Lease will automatically renew annually, unless ended by eitl�er Management or Tenant as provided in this Lease or as otherwise required by law. 2. MEMI3ERS OF HOUSEHOLD Only tUe following pecsons may reside in the dwelling unit with the named Tenant: Namc Relationshi Gender Date of Birth 'Che Tennnt's Uousehold l�as the right to the exclusive use and occupancy of the unit. This right includes having guests stay in tUe unit iip to fifieen (l5) days per guest per calendar year. Upon a showing of special circumstances or need, Management may extend this period for a re�sonable additional time, not to exceed thirty (30) days. This limitation does not apply to live-in aides and foster children wlio may reside in the unit with the consent oFManagement, PAYMGN'1'S DUE UNDER THE LEASE A. Rent�l Pavmeuts 1. 1"hc firsC rent pzyntent for the pe[iod beginuing , and ending , , is $ . This payment is due at the time diis Lease is signed. 2. Tlie mondily re��t of $ is due on or befine the first day of each month begimm�g 1'his montlily rent may change for reasons stated in Section 5 of this Lease. If rent is not paid on time, a laCe fee will be ch�rged in an amount as provided in the Admission and Occupancy Policies. A fee will also be charged in an amount as provided in the Admissiou and Occupancy Policies for checks returned for non-sufficient funds or account closed. 3. If'Cen�nt wants to end tliis Lease (See Section 9.B.), the Tenant is responsible for rent proxated on a daily basis for a minimum of tliirty (30) days afrer the Tenant has given written norice to Management of au Intent to Vacate. If the Tenant wants to eud this Lease bizt ,`ails ta give �?:.nageznen! a written notice, rent will be charged for thirty (30) days from the d�y Management learns the Tenant has moved. B. Securitv 1)eoosit I'he Teuant hns agreed to pay $ as a security deposit with Management. The security deposit will be held by Mluugenient in accordance with the Adn�ission and Occupancy Policies, Minnesota law and Fedexal regulations. C. Ch�rees Due Charges for, but uot ]imited to, maintenance and repair, late rent payment fee, fee for returned checks, and legally allowable court costs are due and collectible two weeks after Management gives written noYice fo fhe Tenant of the chaeges. i ID-424C — I�aini ly Devciopmenf Uwelling Lcase Rcv 7/I/2000 ragc � ors U"I-�1�� 4. UTILITIES A. Managetnent will pay the full cost oF watec, garbage collection and sewer service and will furnish a range (stove) avd reCrigerator. 13. Tenaut is responsible for the payment of gas, electricity and heat. As p�rt of lhe determination of the monthly rent, ManagemenY agxees to adjust the rent by the applicable utility allowance as staled iu Mauagement's Admission and Occupancy Policies. 5. 12TJ)�'CtiRMINATION OF RENT, ELIGIBILITY FOR CONTINUED OCCUPANCY, AND UNIT SIZE A. 12edeterminntion of Rent At least once each year, and other times as described below, Management will decide whether the TenanYs rental rate sUould be cltatiged, wl�ether tl�e dwelling unit size is sYill appropriate for the size and/oi composiYion of the TenanYe household, and whether the Tenant is eligible for con[inued occupaucy in accordance with the Admission and Occupancy Policies which are available for review at the Management Office. As requested by Management aY the time of the redetermination, Tenaut shall provide accucate current informA[ion concerni��g: 1. The number of people in Tenant's household, their ages, gender and any other information required by Manageinent. 2. 'flie source and amount of income received by everyone in the TenanYs household. 3. Any allowable deductions. The redeterminatiou for continued occupancy will include a review of TenanPs rent paying history, housekeepmg inspection results, record of coopera[ion with Management's pest control program and all other Lease compliant behavior. 13. Interim Redetcrminatim� T6c rental rate shown in Section 3. will remain in effecC for the peciod between regular rent redeterminaYions uuless during such period: L There is an addition or loss of any adult member to die TenanYs household or the addition of any minor not born inlo Qie household during this tenai�cy. 2. Tliere is any iucrease in monthly gross household income of $400 or more, whether occurring due to one income increase or due to more than one increase or the cumulative increases of more than one family member. 3. Tliere is any reported decrease in income or an increase in allowances or deductions that would result in a rent decrease. 4. The ciurent rental rate was calculated for a temporary time pexiod due to Yhe inability to accurately predict income for an annual period. This includes, but is noY limited to, all households whose total income is zero. A changc in iuco�ue or family composition �s specified nbove must be reported to Management within 10 days of its occw•rence. The efi'ec[ivc dale for changes in rent based on interim redeterminations will be in accordance with the Admission and Occupancy Policies. If the rental raCe is adjusCed, Management will mail oc deliver a notice of xent adjusYment to the Tenant in accordance with Section 11. I'ailw�e by � Tenant [o repm•t any increases in household income during a scheduled rent and income review or �s specif'ied under Sectim� S.B. InCerim Redeterminations, or failure to appear for a scheduled rent and income review will be considered a serious and material violation of the Lease aqd will result in any rent inerease being effective retroactive to tl�c time the incrc�se would have been made. C. Chan�e of Unit Size Managemeut will give notice to Tenant that Tenant will be required to move to another unit that is decent, safe and sanitary nud is of an appropriate size w�der ManagemenYs Occupancy Standards in accordance with the Admission and Occupancy Po(icies under the following circumstances: 1. If Mai�agement decides that the Tenant is living in a unit which is largax ox smaller than the PHA's Occupancy Standards allow for the household size and composition; or 2. If MauagemenC decides [hat the unit is otherwise inappropnate for Uie honsehold size or composition mcludiug, but nol limited Lo, when a unit modified for handicapped pexsons is being occupied by a househotd without liandicapped pecsons; or 3. If Management decides thaC tl�e unit xequires substantial repaixs or is scbeduled for modernization or is not in decent, safe and sanitacy condition. After beiug notified nf tlae new uniPs availability, the Tenant must move to the offeied unit within thirty (30) days of the date of notifieation. If CUe Tenant fails to move as requixecl by Management, then Ma;iagement has thc; iigin ro take legn: acticv to terminite U�is I.ease. Tenant may ask for an explanation statiug the specific �rounds of the PHA determination. If the Tenant does not agree with the detern�inalion, the Tenant has the right to request a heaxing under Management's Gcievance Procedure. G. MANAGPMI'sN7"S 013LIGATIONS Manaecmen[ aerces to do the followine: A. Repair and maiutaiu the dwelling ui�it, equipmenC and appliances, and the common aceas and facilities which axe needed to keep the Itousin� in decent, safe and sanitary condition. 13. Comply with all requirements of applicable state and local building and housing codes and HUD regulations conceruing maUers n�aterially affecting tl�e health or safety of the occupants. IID-424C- fainily Dcvclopmcnt Dwelling Lease aa�. �nnaoo r:�so z �r s D 3r�� C. Keep developmeuC buildings, facilities and common areas, not otherwise assigned to tenants for maintenance and upkeep, in a cleau and safe condition. D. M�intain eleetric¢l, plumbing, saniYary, heating, ventilating and other facilities and appliances, supplied or requu�ed to be supplied by Management in good and safe working order and condition. C. Provide trasli and garbage containers for the premises. F. Supply rimning water, and reasonable amounts of hot water and reasonable amounts of heat at appropriate times of the year, all iu compliance with applicable state law and city ordinance. G. 1'horouglily clean thc dwelling unit as necessary before the transfer of the Tenant from one dwelling unit to another and before n new Teuant moves in. FI. Offer ihe TenanC a replacement dwelling �miC, if available, if the condition of the TenanYs present dwelli�g uniY is liazacdous Co tlie 1�ealCh or safety of the occupants and the condiYion is not corrected in a reasonable time. Rent will be abated iu proportion Yo the seriousness of the damage and loss in value of a dwelling if repairs are not made within a reasonlble time or alternative accommodations are not provided in accordance with this paragraph, except that no abatement of renC will occur if the Tenant rejects the alternative accommodation or if the damage was caused by tlze Teiiant, TenanPs liouseliold or guests. I. Give the Tenant reasonable notice of what certification, release, information ox documentaeion must be given to Management, inchidivg the date by which any such item must be given. J. Notit'y lhe Te��aut of the specific grounds for any proposed adverse action by Management. Z 013IdGA1'iONS OF TENANTS. MEMBF,RS OF HOUSEHOLD AND GUESTS '1'hc `Ccnant agrces to obey the following rules. TUe Tenant is also responsible for causing members of the housel�old and guests to obey the following rules. A. 'Che Tenant shall: 1. Pay reut on the first day of the month 2. Pay reasoi�able cl�arges, in accordance with the current schedule of charges posted in the Management Office, for tlie repair of damages beyond normal wear and tear to the unit, development buildings, faciliYies, common areas, or grounds caused by either intentional or negligent conduct of Tenant, members of the household or guests. 3. Use the unit solely as a pcivate place to live for the Tenant and membexs of the TenanYs household as identrfied in Section 2., and not to use the unit or permit its use for any other purpose. This provision does not exclude reasonable accomn�odation of Tenant's guests or visitors, who are visitin� with Tenant foL purposes other than to establish residency i�� Saint Paul, for a period of tin�e not to exceed fifteen (15) days per calendar yeu. (See Section 2). 4. Ask for consent of ManagemenY before members of Che household engage in any pxofit making activities in the dwelling uuit. Management must also decide whether such activities are legal and are incidental to the pnmary use of the Leased w�it for residence by members of the housahold. 5. Obey Uie writteu regulations posted in the Management Office. These regulations are made a part of tliis L,ease by reCerence. 6. Keep the ui�it ii� a clean and safe conditiou. 7. Dispose of all garbage, rubbish aod otlier waste from the umt in a sanitary and safe manner. 8. Use only in a reasonable manner all elech'ical, plumbing, heating, venYila[ing, and other facilities in the development buildings and common areas. 9. P�rk vehicles onty iu designated parking aieas and in a manner which will not obstruct tra�c and not pernut any vehicles lo remain in the parki��g area or other part of [he housing development when such vehicle is no longer in opera[ing condition. 10. Immediately repoxt to the Management Office any vandalism to the premises. 11. Immediately report to CUe Maintenance Office any need for repaic to the inteiior or extexior of the dwelling unit and any o8ier area used by tlle Tenant in connecYion with the TenanYs occupancy of the unit. 12. Parlicipate in a tcaining program on housekeeping, yard and home care skills if Management decides that the condihon of tUc uniC does not meet tUe ho�isekeeping standards set forth by the PHA. Such trammg will be provided by Management. 13. Comply with the commtuiity service or self-sufficiency requirements in accoidance with Federal law, regulauons and ManagemenYs Admission and Occupancy Policies. Sach adult member of the TenanYs household musC comply wiCh these requirements. l3. 'Chc Tenant sl��ll nat: I. Assign oc fransfer the Lease or sub-Lease the unit. 2. Provide l�ousing for boarders or lodgers. 3. Disturb otlier tenants or neighbors and shall prevent disturbance of other tenants or neighbors by guests, visitors or other persons under coutrol of household members. 4. Scatter rubbish, damage, destroy, deface or remove any part of the dwelling unit or premises, and shall prevent such scalteriug of r�ibbish, damage, destruction, defacement o� removal by guests, visitors or other persons upder control of 6ousehold members. 5. �ng�ge in, or allow members of the household, guests or another person under TenanYs control to engage in any crinvnal activity, including drug-[elated cnmmal xctivity, that threatens the :_ealth, safery, or right ro peaceful cn�oyment of the public Uousing premises by other tenants or employees of the Management. G. Commit any fraud in connection with any Federal housing assistance program. 7. Make any repairs or alterations or install any permanenYly affixed carpet or any equipment, including, buC no[ limited to, door locks, wiCUout the writteii approval of ManagemenC. Install of satellite dishes, antennas or other reception dev�ces, shall Ue in accordance with rules adopted by Management. 8. Have auy dogs, cats, fowl, snakes or other animals on the premises, except small caged birds, fish in aquariums or small caged aniinals tl�at will be kep[ indoors, ii� accordance with the PHA's Pet Policy. 9. Crcale (by act or omission) or permi[ to exist any condition on the premises which results in a risk to the personal healtli or safety of any person or damage to property. I ID-424C— Fannly Dcvclopnwnt Dwcllin� I.case Rcv.7/I/2000 Pagc 3 of 5 Q� ���- 10. Gngage in, or allow members of the houseUold, guests, or another person under the TenanYs control to engage in, any activity, including criminal activity, which impairs the physical or social environment of the premises, neighborhood, or the development. 8. 'IT,NAN'I' MAINTF,NANCE 'Clie 'fenanl shall i�iaintaii� walkways, stairs, landings, hallways, grounds, patios and landscaping adjacent to the unit. If the Tcutmt is unable to maintain the grounds due to Tenant's age or disability, the Tenant must notify the Management Office. If, after notification from Management for corrective action, the Tenant neglects to maintain the axeas assigned, the Tenant shall pay to Mauagement al] expenses necessary for Management to maintain or repair these areas. 9. TERMINATION OF THE LEASE A. Mnnagemeut will uot terminate or refuse to renew the Lease and will not evict Tenant from the dwelling unit except for serious a repeated violation of material terms of the Lease or other good cause. Serious violation of the Lease includes but is uot limited to: 1. Pailure of the TenanY to timely supply to the PHA any certification, re]ease, information or documentation on Pamily income assets or composition. 2. Non-payment of Tenant rent or other charges. 3. Shut-off of Tenant-purchased utilities. 4. Fuilure to accept a transfer for reasons specified in Section S.C. 5. Any activity, notjust criminal activity, that threatens the health, safety, or right to peaceful enjoyment of the pramises by ot6er tenauts and public housing employees, or diug-related and/or criminal activity on or off the premises, not �ust on or near the premises, or alcohol abuse that Management decides interferes with the health, safety, or right to peaceful enjoyment of llie premises by other tenants or neighbors, when such activity has been engaged in by a Tenant, a member of lhe TenanY's household, a guest ox another person under TenanPs control while the Tenant is a Tenant in public housing. 6. Pailure of the Tenant Co accept ManagemenYs offer of a new lease revised in accordance with Federal law and regulations. 7. !'ailure of a member of tl�e family household to comply with the community service requirements of Federat housiug law 1nd regulntions. Minnesota law provides that a Tenant automatieally pronvses noC to knowingly allow illegal drugs on the premises and that the prenlises will not be used by Ylie Tenant or otliers acling under Che TenanPs control to violate criminal drug laws. The law provides that a breACl� of that promise revokes the Tenant's right to possession of the premises. Minnesota Statutes, Section 504I3.301, fiirdter provides that if illegal dxugs or oCher illegal items ace seized on the premises pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section G09.5317, Subdivision 1, Tenant is unlawfully detaining the premises, unless the Tenant has a defense under Minnesota Stalu[es, Section 609.5317, Subdivision 3. Eviction proceedings under these circumstances are excluded from ManagemenYs Grievmice Procedure. 13. This Lease may be Cerminated by the Tenant at atry ume by giving at ]east th�rry (30) days written notice to Mznagemeut on or before tl�e last day of the monCh before the month the tenant intends on vacating the unit (see Section 11C.) The Tenant must leave lhe tmit in a clean and good condition and return the keys to Management when the Tenant moves out. Pailure to provide proper written notice or failure to leave the unit in a good and clean condition ox failuxe to retum the keys to Mau�gemeut may result in additional charges to the Tenant. C. IC tl�e signer(s) of the Lease is no longer a member of the TenanPs household, this Lease will ternunate. A new Lease will be execuled and si�;��ed by all adult remaining members of the household if those persons have not violated the terms and provisions of lhe Lease and the family continues to be eligible for low-income housing. ll. If the Tenant iransfers to another unit operated by Management, this Lease will terminate and a new Lease will be executed for the uuit into wliich tUe Tenant moves. E. Management will give tlie Tenant written notice of termination of the Lease as follows: t. Pouiteen (14) days in the case of failure to pay xent; 2. A reasonable time depending on the seriousness of the situation in the case of a threat or act against the health or safety of odier teuants, ManagemenPs employees, or other persons; or 3. Thirty (30) d�ys ii1 all other cases. ['. Acceptnnce of rent witli kuowledge of good cause for termination of the Lease shall not be considered a waiver of Managemenl's right to lenninate this Lease on the basis of such good cause nor of ManagemenYs right to assert such good cause iu any legal action. If tl�e Teuant continues to occupy the dwelling unit after the Termination of Yhe Lease, the Tenant agxees to pay Mai�agement the reasonable val�ie of tl�e use of the premises for the period that the Tenant continues to occupy the unit. The reasonable value fo� the usc of Cl�e }�remises is equivalenC to tl�e amount of rent for such period. Howevex, such payments shall not constitute rent and by ncceptiug sucl� payments Mauagement does not waive its right to assert any Lease violations in any legai action. If Manlgement decides to terminaYe Chis Lease, it w�il giv�. Tenant a wntten notice xhich states the reasons for tl�e �ermination, i�lforms tl�c Tenant of Uis or her right to reply and infoims the Tenant of Tenan4s xights under the Grievance Procedure descxibed in Section 13 of tl�is Lepse. t0. INSPI:CTIONS AND ACC�SS A. Before move-in Management and Tenant will inspect the unit. Management will give Tenant a written statement of em�ditions of the uttit and the equipmenC provided wiCh the unit. The statement will be vexified and signed by Management aud Tenant. A copy of the statement will be kept by Management in the TenanYs file. 13. When Teuaut moves ouY, Management wil] inspec6 the unit and fumish TenanC with a wntten statement of damages for which Tenaut is responsible. If Tenant moves out after business hours or on a weekend or holiday, Management will inspect the ui�it on tlio next business day after Tenant has vacated. Management will give Tenant the opportuniry to be present at this HD-424C - Pamity Development Dwelling Lcasc licv. 7/I/2000 Pagc 4 0l' S a�-3�a- iuspection by giviug Tenai�t written noCice, within a reasonable time, of the time and date of this inspection. No notice will be provided if 1'enant vacates without notice to Management. C. Manngemeut may enter TenanPs unit as follows; 1. Menagement will provide Tenant with two (2) days wriYten notice stating the purpose of its entcy into the unit, except Chat Managemevt will provide TenanC with reasonable notice (written or oral) when it is necessary to enter the unit for making improvements or repairs. Management entry will be between tha hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. for the purposes of performing routine inspections and maintenance, including pest control operations, for making improvements or repairs, ar to show the premises for re-leasing; 2. Managemetit ntay enter the unit at any tinte without advance notification when there is a reasonable cause to believe an emergency exists; 3. If all adult niembers oF the housel�old are absent at the time of entry, Management will leave a written statement in Cl�e unil specifying lhe date, time and purpose oFentry. 11. LEGAL NOTICE A. Any notice to Te��aut from Management shall be in writing either: 1. Delivered personally and handed to the Tenant o� another member of the TenanYs household who is an adult; oi 2. Be seut by prepaid first class mail properly addressed. 13. If tlie noticc is delivered to a person other than the Tenant, Management will also mail a copy of the notice to the Tenant. C. Any uotice 'Penant gives to Mauagement shall be in writing and either delivered to a Management employee at the assigned M�nagement Office or PHA Cendal Administrative Office, or be properly addressed and sent by first class mail. 12. AI3ANDONMCNI' OF PROPER'PY If Tenai�t is absenl from tlie unit for fourteen (lA) consecutive days and rent is owed, Management has the right to consider that Tenaut lias abandoned the unit. Any of Tenant's remaining personal property will be considered abandoned and may be disposed of by Management according to Minnesota law. 13. GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE All disputes about Che Lease or about the responsibilities of Tenant, Tenant's household or Management will be processed and resolved in accmdance with tlie Grievauce Procedure of Management which is in effect at the tiine the dispute arises. The Gricvance Procedm'e is posted in the Mauagement Office and is made a part of this Laase by reference. 14. ADMISSiON AND OCCUPANCY POLICIES The Admission ai�d Occupancy Policies refened to in this Lease are the Admission and Occupancy Policies as approved and zs �mended by the PHA's Board of Commissioners and are made a part of this Lease by reference. A copy of the Admission aud Occup�ncy Policies and amendments is posted in the Management Office and may be examined at any time during busmess hours. 15. CHANGES TO LEASE Changes to tliis Lease, otlier than changes in Tenant rent, shall be made only by a written addendum signed by both Management and Ten�nt. 16. RECEIP'C OF LP,ASL' AND OTHER DOCUMENTS BY TENANT The Tenant has received executed copies of this Lease and the Grievance Procedure, has been informed Yhat the Admission end Occupaucy Policies Are posted in the Management Of6ce and are available for inspection and understands how they all apply to tl�e "PenauPs tenancy. 17. Alll)iTIONAL PROVISIONS By siguing below, Tenant aud Management enYer into this Lease which will take effect on the date shown in Section 1, TERM OT L�ASL'; RENCWAL OF LEASE on page 1 of this Lease. PUBLIC HOUSING AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL Tcunui Tenaut Tennnt Date: By: :iousmg Managei Date: FID-424C— I'amily Ucvclopnunt Dwclling Lcase Rev.7/I/2000 Pagc 5 of 5