213114ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK PRESENTED BY COMMISSION CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM Public Works COUNCIL 213114 FILE NO• — WHEREAS, In connection with the construction of the Battle Creek Sanitary Sewer System, South Interceptor, cer- tain Engineering Services are to be performed involving preparation of a preliminary Engineering report and the furnishing of Working plans and specifications report by Bonestroo, Rosene and Associates, Inc., now therefore be it, RESOLVED, that the cost of this Engineering Service based on 4% of the contract bid price of $134,831.37, in the amount of $5,393.25 and actual cost, as submitted for pre- liminary Engineering in the amount of $3,891.00, or a total cost of $9,284.25 be charged to the Permdnent Improvement Revolving Fund, Code 3001, this same fund to be reimbursed from Budget Fund 12A -7. 1�* COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Dalglish EEaRnTfd- Loss —In Favor -3 Mortinson Peterson O-Against Rosen av 1oM 6-62 Councill File No. 213114 — By Milton Rosen— Whereas, In connection with the con - struction of the Battle Creek Sanitary Sewer System, South Interceptor, cert ain Edgineering Services are to be V erformed involving preparation of a preliminary Engineering report and the furnishing of Working plans and spec -, ifications report by Bonestroo, Rosene pd Associates, Inc., now therefore it, I Resolved, That the cost of this ,Engineering Service based on 4% of, the contract bid price�of,$134,831.37, in' the amount of $5,393.25 and actual -cost, as— submit'tedd , Ion_ preliminary Engineering in the amount of $3,891.00, or a total cost of $9,284.2,5 be charged to the Permanent Improvement Re- volvingg Fund, Code 3001, this same fund to be reimbursed from Budget Fund 12A -7. Adopted by the Council June 4, 1963. Approved June 4, 1963. (June 8, 1963) jUN 41963 Adopted by the Council 19 4 Appr ved 19— ilating Mayor DUPLICATE TO PRINTER w� CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM FILE CIL NO 213114 PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER Public Works DATE �� � 1965 WHEREAS, In connection with the construction of tho Ba.ttl.® Cr' ,k SiLiitary Sewer System, South Interceptor, cer.. tain Engi %ring Services are to b,6 performed Involving preparati n of a preliminary Engineering report and the furnishi of Working plans and specifica.tians report by Bona €troo,, Rosen and Associates, Ina., now therefore be It, RESOLVED, that the cost of this Engineering Seryice based on 4% of they contract bid price of $134,831,37, in the amount of $5,393-25 and aotual cost, as submitted for pre.. liminary Engineering In the amount of 03,891.00, or a total, cost of $9,284 ;25 be charged to the Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund, Code 3001, this same fund to be reimburse3d from Budget Fund 12A..7. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Dalglish qf0Hfia4_ Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen 10A1 6-62 In Favor 6 A gainst 3UN 41963 Adopted by the Council 19— 311t; 4 i96� Approved 19— Mayor �f