213065Z:ouncil File No. 213065 —By Milton 213065 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK f Rosen— c 2e: State Project 6283 -30 (T.H. 94- CITY OF JT.i 392), Minnesota Project 1 094-3 (81) IL NO• OFFICE OF THE ( .242 Includes construction of Bridge _ 62829 (relocated Mounds Blvd. over ja Interstate 94) including approach UNCIL R LUTION grading. The Commi—s-„fner of EZrh- P.� a *+ys has -'repar� s��lnsoar .r ^cial ba•�- PRESENTED BY - ton spe' —f 'tluot+ . �'; :�.t lr9z: t COMMISSIONS �,__ ��, 2z;- y Re: State Project 6283 -30 (T.H. 94--:392),� Mi.nnesota Proj4et 1 094 -3 (81) 242` Includes construction 6f"Bridge 62829 (relocated Mounds Blvd. over inter- state 94) including approach grading. I _- WHEREAS, The Commissioner of Highways has prepared plans, special provisions and specifications for the improvement of a.part of Trunk Highway Number 392 re- numbered as Trunk Highway Number 94 within the corporate limits of the Citicif St. Paul from Third St. to Wilson Ave.; and WHEREAS, Said plans are on file in the office of the Department of Highways, St. Paul, Minnesota, being marked, labeled, and identified as S.P. 6283 -30 (T.H. 94 =392); and WHEREAS, Said special provisions are on file in the office of the Department of Highways, St. Paul, Minnesota, being marked, labeled, and identified as S.P. 6283 -30 (T.H. 94 =392) Minnesota Project 1 094 -3 (81) 242, which, together_with the Minnesota, Department of Highways Specifications for Highway Construction, dated May 1, 1959, on file in the office of.the Commissioner of Highways, constitute the specifications for said improvement of Trunk Highway Number 392 renumbered as Trunk - H i ghway Number '94;'-_'and.:.;.,;,.. WHEREAS, Copies of said plans and special provisions as so marked, labeled, and identified are also on file in the office of the Department of Public Works; and - WHEREAS; -The term "Isaid plans -and spec ia •1- 'provi'sJ.dns!I-- as-herei� fter used in the body of thi -s resolution shall be deemed and intended to mean, refer to, and incorporate the plans and special provisions in the foregoing recitals particularly identified and described. NOW, THEN, BE IT RESOLVED, That said plans and special provisions for the improvement of Trunk Highway Number 392 renumbered as Trunk Highway Number 94 within the limits of the City of St. Paul be and hereby are approved. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the elevations and grades as shown in said -plans and special provisions be and they are hereby approved and consent is hereby given to any and all changes in grade occasioned by the construction of said Trunk Highway Number 392 renumbered as Trunk Highway Number 94 in accordance with said plans and special provisions. COUNCILMEN Yeas DALGLISH Nays Holland Loss 'In Favor Mortinson Peterson Rosen Against Mr. President, Vavoulis sM 0-61 Adopted by the CounciY' y 2 9 196 19— A 9— Mayor 213065 DUPLICATE TO PRINTER CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY y COMMISSIONER DATE Re; stmite Project 63-83-30 (T.H. 94 -392); Minnesota - Project j 094 -3 (81) •242 I.rlcludes construction of Bridge 62829 (relodked Mounds Olvd. -over lnter- ,state 94) Including approadh.'grading. WtIR&.0, The: Coaptssioner of. Highways has prepared plans; special provisi:pns and spedificati�ons ,for. the Improvw"ht of ,a• pact ,of Trunk Highway 1uniber 1392 ire 'n4 bered'as Tkink- Hlghway Numba3r'94 wrthi,hlthe corporate'1.Itolts bf the City'of-•gt4 #au i I ,fr(A, Th,I r&'$t: to W i l son 0164 .and ... , , .. . . ' fleltg t,, Sa.id,.p)alns ,are oil, filet In ,the office of the department of Highways, St. Paul, .Minnesota, being marked, labeled, and identified as .$.f. 6283-30 _ (T.H. 94 -392); and WH41IMS; Said special provisions 'are on file In the office.of,the geparttunt of Highways, $t. Paul, Minnesota, being marked, labeled.,,and identified as S.P. 6283 -3d .(T.H'. 94' =392) Minnesota .Project i 094 -3 (81) 242, whjch; together with the kinnesote QepartrA t,of Highways. _eict,lons for,Highway Consxruetion, dated Hay 1, 1959, on file in the office of the towssioner of Highways, constitute the specifications .for said improvement of 'gunk Highway Number 392,renumbered as 'gunk_ Highway Number, 94; and , I j WHERM , Copies of said plans and special provisions as so marked, labeled,. and Identified are also on fI'It in the office of the Department of Nblic Works; and WRGAS, The term "said plans and spacial provisions$' as herolnafter used In, the body of tH Is i Osolut ion sha i l ' be' daeiased' and intended to mean., refer to, and incorporate the plans and special provisions in the foregoing ri Itil ' parti,cuta�r,ly Identified and'de'scribed. NOW; THIEN, , 09 ,1T ReSOL 10i That sa i d 'pi ansF and special provisions . for the improvemsht of Trunk Highway Nuroar 392 , renumbered as Trunk Highway Humber 94 within the limits of the City, of St. Paul be and hereby are approved. i39 IT FURTHl*R ROMAN That the, sle.vations and grades as shown in said plans and spat 1 a I , .prov i s t ons be and they arp ,heareby approved and consent , i s hereby given to any and all changos. in grade occasioned by the construction of said Trunk Highway Number 392 renumbered as Trunk Highway Number 94 in accordance,with said plans and special provisions. COUNCILMEN Ye"DALGLISH Nays D , aGrnT Holland Loss In Favor Mortinson Peterson Against Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis sM 6-61 MAY 2 9 1963 Adopted by the Council 19— LAY 29 1963 Approved 19— Mayor