In the Matter of
Cduncil File No. 213032-
Opening and extending WABASH
Eustis Street to Emerald Street by
condemning and taking the follow-
ing described lots and.parcels of land,
all in the City of St. Paul and all ac-
cording to the plat thereof now on file
and of record in the office of the Reg -
ister of Deeds in and for Ramsey
1. All that part of the following de-
scribed tract:
Block A, Winston's Addition to St.
Paul, Minnesota, whi, h lies of a line A F�' -�Gev and 15
fcl northwesterly bf 11owb
dt, i, I Re'ri r � -; nori'
V1 2,X1
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OpQn) azd ext=d' VAWH AVe;IZM $Y MUE POAD Prom I;tta",;i a Street to iauM 1-1d Stave v
by condemutzia mud tzking 't * following doacril"d lot's mad ps . Bela of l evid,. all to
the City of St. ftul 444 nll eccording to thw plat thorwf now oa file and of r000rd
is the Office of the Ri gister of DQads in and for Ramsey Ca=ty:
1. d11 that part of the follauing da"ri.bed to -pct:
Block A. Wimton'n Addition to St. Pauli Xinuamota,' which lieu sou h_
eanterlry of as line run parallel with mA 15 feet nortivestarly of the follcAring
deseribee Reference Lime 1 sand nwtlmmeterly of a line run parallel with and distant
15 feet wathQiaz$,terly of said f(xl .a-9-irZ E:�!P ":xtinee Luse l:
8e'arebce Ling 1 - B3&jL=inS at r. pgpiat on the vest proparty line of aaid
Block A distant 167.33 feet south of the nortlureat corner thweof; thence run north-
easterly at an engle of 82 *141 with tho vest .Ling► of seid Block A for 104.83 featj
thence deflect-to the left on an 180 curves (delta aargl.e 56 °01'30 ") for 311.25 feet.,
there terminating.
I T09eatb3r With a trimngui mr p.:rC Rl 0d joining and nar tiniesterly oS' . the
above described strip and southmstarlyy of the folloering described line: Beginning
l at a point located at the intersection of this northwesterly boundary .of the above
described strip and they north liana of said Block Aa thence run ranterly 25 forat on,
the north boundm"y of esid Block A; thence rum southerly to the intersection
of the aforementioned 30 foot strip.
Excepting fr= the above., all that Dsrt lyiits southeasterly of a line
rue parallel vith and 9 feet a:outheavlmrl�y cf the following de acribti^d lime: Beginning
at a point on tho Went line of said Block A distant 167.33 feet south of the north --
vest corner thereof; thesnco run northeasterly at an angles of 82 *140 with the west
line of said Block A for 200 feet and there terainating.
containing 0.27 acres =re or lees. -
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Open tit.► eext¢sd 'VAMSH JKMI MMM' Za from Eus',Zla Street. to Faum -ald S'treev
by orrndmwirZ mud tsakiug th,* fo].lo`ring da ecrib� lots =sA parac:ls of load, a1L to
the City of SAC. Pm. and all ,accords g to °Liu+ plat_thorwS now eaa file and of reword
is the office of the Register of Deads in and for Ramsey City: .
1. All that part of the . foiloving "saribed tr: wt:
Block A9 Winston's Addition to St. Paul- Minaeavota, which lies so tb-
eanterly of a line run parallel Stith an tad 15 Qeet northwesterly* of the following
described Raference Line 1 yore nort��cterly of a line run parallel. with and distant
15 feet sauth i mterly of said Zollowir& Reforetalce Lime lz
Reference Line 1 - BV inning at r. point on the vem t property lime of said;
Block A distant 167.33 feat south of tha nortbrmat corner th:areof; "ice run north -
eqwterly at an angle of 82 °140 with the west 11no of said Block A for 104.83 feet;
thence deflect to the left on an 18" eurvc (delta stele 56'01'30 ") for 311.25 foot,
them terminating.
Together with a trivmgulem p r col and j oining mnd northwesterly of the
above described strip and soutlxemst*rlg of the foll.ovirz described line: Begi ning
at a point located at the intersection of the nor thmeferly boundF. xy of the above
described strip and the swrth line of said Block A; thence roan materly 25 goat on
the north boundary of aid Block A; thence run southerly to the intersection
of th* afor=ntioned 30 foot eta-ip.
Excepting from the above, &U that pert lyi its eoi theasterly of a line
run parallel with and 9 feet soUtheaultcV y of the following described line: Begi.aQiug
at a point on the west line of staid Block A'&stant 167.33 feet Routh of the north-
vest corner thereof; thmoe ran northoasterly at an oszgl.e of 82 °14' with the want
Line of said Block A for 200 feat and them terminating.
containing, 0.27, acres ere or leas.
2. 1 All that pert of the follovir•.g described tract:
J Lot or Bloch B, - Winstou's A,dditicca to St. Pwd, Minnosota., except the twat
450 feet the3roof which lies northwazter-ly of a lino run porallei and distant 9 feet
southeasterly and southaasterly of a liras run parallel. and 15 feet northwesterly of
the following 49acribed References Lino, which is a continuation of Refw*nee Tdns 1_ .
roferrcrd to describing tract A in Itam i above.
Beginning et a paint On th* vest line of atr,,i,d Block A distant 167.33 feat
south of the northwest corner thereof; thence run aouthtwterly at an angle of 82 °14'
with the west line of said Block A for 403 rest, end there. teertaiasting. -
containing 0.22 acres more or lose.
3- All that part of the follow da cribod , trwt:
The vest 450 feet 'of Lot or- block B, Hinetonla Addition, to, fit. Puz:l,
Minnesota which lies:
a. Northerly of a lire run partLllol with anti 9 fit southerly of the
foll.oving Reference Line vh£ah incIvAe:s and is a eoatinustion of line 'roferred
to describing tract in BIO& B in Item 2 above.
Refer=ca Line - BosizmI ng at a paint on the vest line of said
h ock A dietznt 167,33 feet south of the northucat corner thereof; thence
run soutknmaterly at an single of 82'14' with the crest line of said .flock A
for 593.49 feet; thence deflect to the right on a 12 °00' curve (delta Tangle
180 32+) for 154.44 feet; thence deflect to the right on a curve having a
radius of 99.01 feat (delta ®ogle 78.15'15e) for 135.22 feet and there
terminating. '
b. Northerly of m line beginning on the vast line of said Block B
end run parallel frith rase 270 foot south of the north lino of Block B east
to the intersection with the above: described Reference Line;
Xxcapting that part of said tract lying northerly of a linen beginning 450
feet east of the Moat line of Block B E :d rzna parallel and 15 feet northerly of
the foregoing described Reference Line and mein;; 45 feet east of the west liner
of said Block B, said that part of said tract lying swat of a line run parallel
and distant 45 feet east of the west line of Block B beginning on the north lino
of Block B and run south to t a intersection of tho imnadiateiy foregoing described
line 15 feet northerly of the foregoing describer! Reference lime.
containing 0.51 acres more or less;
Also condemning and taking a temporary
poses i -n those parts of Block A and Block B,
Minnesota, described as follows:
easemen't-for construction pur-
Winston's Addition to St. Paul,
A strip of land 40 ft. in width lying northwesterly of the, parcel as
condemned in Block A and a strip of land 40 ft. in width lying northwesterly
and easterly of the parcel as condemned in Lot B.
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