215092ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK I V l / �� ^���P /d. " 1 y TcrT� 4 ' CITY OF ST. I' ,D FOENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK , UNCIL RESOLUTION - GENERAL FORM 1311 File No. 215092 —By Frank L. 4- 4;olved, Upon the appeal by William PRESENTED BY A �� ' .� nskerville, under the Zoning Code,, f "`'pellant being the owner of the J' COMMISSIONE DATE -t real estate situate in the City} t., haul on the north side n *� yi!r•Ir bet-mern Eustis „�•,• a', t+a>IglGCll� t i u., RESOLVED, upon the appeal by William E. Baskerville, under the Zoning Code, said appellant being the owner of the subject real estate situate in the City of Saint Paul on the north side of Desnoyer Avenue between Eustis and Curfew Streets, more particularly described as follows: All that part of Lot 7, Block 16, Desnoyer Park, lying southeasterly of the following described line: beginning at the northeast corner of said Lot 7, thence southwesterly in a straight line to a point on the south- westerly line,of said Lot 7, distant 5.0 feet northwesterly as measured along said southwesterly line from the southeast corner of said Lot 7, also all of Lot 8, Block 16, Desnoyer Park except that part thereof lying southeasterly of the following described line: beginning at the southeast corner of said Lot 8, thence northeasterly in a straight line to a point on the northeasterly line of said Lot 8, distant 3.32 feet northwesterly as measured along said northeasterly line from the northeast corner of said Lot 8; that the general provisions of said Zoning Code be and the same hereby are determined and varied as and to the extent necessary therefor, and that a special permit hereby is granted unto said appellant, as owner of said premises, to construct and maintain a single - family dwelling thereon the area of said premises being deficient for said use, in ordinary cases as the minimum area therefor is described by the general provisions of said Zoning Code hereby determined and varied as aforesaid, and said appellant, his successors and assigns, in respect of said premises, shall O comply with all other applicable provisions of municipal ordinances and State statutes and rules and regulations of public authorities having cognizance. R OCT 151963 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Na�s OCT 15 1963 Dalghsh pproved 19— Holland �Loss �y (T. avor NMortinson �� `� Mayor -,� _Peers,,..�� Against President, �Tmvoul'is - • l / lOD 6-82 �:,• t r ,.OFFICE OF CITY�gL• Ekl(- BUREAU OF RECORDS ____ 386 City Hall and Court House ZONING APPEAL. St. Paul 2, Minnesota h Notice i uh ereby given that + pub)tc' Mr. Donald L. laic -- Corporation Counsel Building Dear Sir: gg w e bed before ye City Council at 10 A.M. on Octbber 10," 1963, in the City Council Chamber in the, City Hall and Court House, in the matter of the appeal of William E. Baskerville, under Chapters 60 to 64 inclusive, St. Paul Legislative Code, Zoning Code, for permit to erect a single - family dwelling on a lot with insufficient area on the following de- scribed property: All of that part of Lot 7, Block 16, Desnoyer Park, lying southeasterly of the following' described line: Beginning at the NE corner of said Lot 7; thence SW'ly in a straight line to a point on the SW'ly line of said Lot 7, distant 5.0 feet NW'ly as measured along that said SW'ly line from the SE corner of said Lot 7, also all of Lot 8, Block 16, Des- noyer Park, except that part there- of lying SE'ly of the following de- scribed line: Beginning at the SE corner of said Lot 8, thence NE'ly in a straight line to a point on the NE'ly line of said Lot 8, distant 3.32 feet NW'ly as measured along said NE'ly line from the NE corner of said Lot 8, property located on the north side of Desnoyer Ave. between Eustis St. and Curfew St. Dated September 26, 1963. ' - - AGNES H. O'CONNErt City Cler�C. (September 28, 1963) 215 092 MRS. AGNES H. O'CONNELL City Clark HAROLD J. RIORDAN Council Recorder October 10, 1963 �JE C!��Va OCT 10 1963 CORPORATION COUNSEL The City Council requested that you prepare a resolution granting the attached appeal of William E. Baskerville for permit to construct a single - family residence on a lot of insufficient area on the north side of Desnoyer Ave. between Eustis and Curfew Sts.,V as more fully described in the attached letter of the Zoning Board. ) Very truly yours, -�V /, City Cl k CITY OF SAINT PAUL - MINNESOTA 8 . i:i:: : .. .......... :•:.�: ••... ........ .. ... :: 4)kfR•t1.6 dj+ -151- 151.133 v. •...c o '"i ZONING, CITY 1313 CITY HALL AND COURT HOUSE Mrs. Agnes H. O'Connell City Clerk. Building Dear Madam: 1� OF SAINT PAUL SAINT PAUL 1, MINNESOTA October 9, 1963 This is in the matter of the appeal of William E. Baskerville to construct a single - family residence on a lot of insufficient area located on the north side of Desnoyer Avenue between Eustis and Curfew Streets which is described as all that part of Lot 7, Block 16, Desnoyer park lying southeasterly of the following described line: beginning at the northeast corner of said Lot 7, thence southwesterly in a straight line to a point on the southwesterly line of said Lot 7, distant 5.0 feet northwesterly as measured along said southwesterly line from the southeast corner of said Lot 7, also all of Lot 8, Block 16, Desnoyer Park except that part thereof lying southeasterly of the following described line: beginning at the southeast corner of said Lot 8, thence northeasterly in a straight line to a point on the northeasterly line of said Lot 8, distant 3.32 feet northwesterly as measured along said north- easterly line from the northeast corner of said Lot 8. The propert is zoned "A" A residence. - This is an irregularly shaped tract of land having a frontage of 45.0 feet at the street line and a width at the rear lot line of 28.02 feet with a depth of 125 feet, resulting in an area of approximately 4,562 square feet. The surround- ing area land uses are single - family residences. Chapter 60.02 of the Legislative Zoning Code requires an area of 5,000 square feet for a single - family residence in an "A" residence district; therefore, it is necessary to secure Council appre- val to develop the subject property with a single - family residence.- The applicant has stated that over a period of years, a number of surveys have been made be- cause of a difference of opinion regarding the exact location of the lot lines of Lots 8 and 9. As a result of a recent survey, the applicant has changed the lines of the original plat recorded in 1887 to satisfy the adjoining neighbor, and has thereby placed himself in a position of having a lot of proper frontage, but of insufficient area. This lot as replatted actually results in a greater area than the lot originally platted in 1887 which constituted a proper lot, and for which a building permit world have been issued. Field investigation discloses no basic objection to the granting of this request and it does not appear that it would have a detrimental effect on either of the adjoining properties. In consideration of the above factors, the Board of Zoning recommends the granting of the appeal to construct a single - family residence on the above described property. HCW :FGI Encl. Z. F. 5291 CC: Mr. Janes Sincerely, /� - c . /hr"- --� H. C. Wieland, Secretary Board of Zoning t� J I,w N WILLOW E. BASKERVILLk `- � r 56 DESNOVBR AVENUE 9b r ti 9T. PAUL <, MINNE96TA ' August 2-3, 1.963 The Honorable Mayor and City Council Gentlemen; I would like to appeal to you to relax the standards of Chapter 60 -24 of the Legislative Zoning Code for the purpose of building a single family dwelling on Lot 8 of Block 16 in Desnoyer Park. The lot is located between Eustis and Curfew on the north side of Desnoyer Ave. At present it is a vacant lot. My home borders on the western side of the vacant lot which is part of lot 6 and part of lot 7. I had the lot replotted on June 13, 1.963 to give it a 45 foot f ont instead of 40 feet. (taking 5 feet of my property) The present area of the lot is now 4563 sq. ft. As the Court House records will show this areaas numerous errors in surveying. The owner on lot 9 bordering the south side of the lot I am asking permission to build had his lot surveyed by a different surveyor which he claimed cut 3.32 feet off the back. By-replotting I have more front footage to compensate for the back and have voided any lot line dispute plus giving it a more desirable frontage. I would like to appeal under legislative code chapter 64.03, paragraph i. Raving lived next to a vacant lot for the past nine years, I earnestly appeal to you to grant me permission to improve this property. I'm sure it will help beautify this very desirable neighborhood. A plat of survey has been enclosed which will give all necessary dimensions of the property lines. I sincerely thank you. Respectfully submitted by 590 Desnoyer Avenue St. Paul 4, Minnesota RED �VEU AUG 2 8 1963 MY rlAiv,.►i G WAKu Saint PS111. Minn. antrt Ild �, �� fig .� = � ' ► # 1 t , nit \' IL \\ \�Nv�x� r tit • - . - - of - - - . � � --:� . t� r rt I� pmcmm CA jj d 1 r 1 4 4 L N T, ti f �1 I — or oi io p. Irk re '0 jyjug Southeasterly,, of' -,followj -n& UL oi of said 110 Beg wn Af Yo Civ A. A At or 4 dERTIFICATE OF SURVEY Pali" '�CERTIFICA`i LOCATION OF BUI�DING mad `the� 6osed location of the "I . surveyed,the, proper buildind?6n the above described property and that 'the above plat. is correct r f sai :,4atio I s 1'. b V - "Iaw 1he ab _e IZ oil