215070DUPLICATE TO CIT1V CLEi2K� ROLL QTLL DALGLISHI' ``'/f1 HOLLAND LOSS —IN FAVOR :J PE ERS1074- AGAINST MR �w CITY OF SAINT PAUL -OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS COUNCIL f5 FILE NUMBE Oct 63 Ia }' PAGE i RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY 436 IN THE AMOUNT OF S 446 792047 , COVERING C j!S NO 3SOo4 TO 38055 INCLUSIVE, AS nn l- BY THE CONCI t i PGHECKS FILE IN THE OFF OFT E T COMP ROLLER. APPROVED '19 19@ '' CO-IIPTR /OLL[R BY iC • _�Z��F/' CHECK NUMBER IN' °FAVOR OF AMOUNT 2 487 2 DATE RETURNED BY BANK _ r BROUGHT FORWARD 1 38004 McClain Hedman and Sch. 1139 63 38005 McGee Trucks Inc. 164 59 38006 Security Wholesale Groc 2 875 001 38007 MO Laughlin Gormley King 1256 24 38008 Mack Trucks Inc. ill 39 38009 Midway Chevrolet Co 224 26 38010, Midway Ford Co 142 75 38011 Midway Tractor and Equip 95 145 36 38012 " Typewriter Ex. 41 38013 Midwest Bolt and S. �60 35 21 38014 Mitsch and heck 60 38015 Mobil oil Cc 158 25 38016 Model Cleaners 8 5 38017 Modern Photography 10 0 38018 E A Moeller and Cc I14 0 38019 Molin Concrete Prod 23 O 38020 Motor Supply and Mach, 145 19 38021 ,R A Myers 19 100 38022 Ramsey Cc Welfare Bd 160013 0 3802.3 Carl Bola'nder and Sons 4100 0 38024 Commonwealth Elec. 3420 0 38025 peter Lametti Constt 3650 10 38026 Pederson Bros. Co 13 056 9 38027 Perry A Swenson Co po 10 38028 Edw. S. Williams - Midway S. 157 11 38029 George Bruzek and Delores 100 10 38030' Janet M. Blade 8 426 0 38031. James R. McClure 2 X00 0 38032 A -1 Ambulance Sery 64 6 38033 Am. Soc. for Pub Adm 11.5 10 38034. Wm. Killeen 120 697 27 38035 J Archer Eggen 52 102 9 38036 Marlon Simonson 6 38037- St, Paul Corrugating Cc i66 14 38038 Natl Camera Exchange 103 9 38039,• L JGlazier 089 10 38040 Messenger Delivery 258 15 ~ °~ 38041 Campbell and Hall 4 418 7 38o42 " 679 7 38643 Cutler Magner Cc 2 243 9 38044 Des Plaines Chemical Cc 2 165 8 3.8645 Bryan Dre "sser Trap Rock Cc 1 064 5 38046 Capitol Provision Co 1 87 15 µ 38047 Capitol Realty Cc 60 1 0 38048 Corning Donohue 02 9 <- 38049 Cutler Magner Cc 3 776 5 8050 Int. Pipo','and Ceramics Corp 51 896 4 38051 Norman Martin 190 0 38052 N. W. Bell Tele 312 0 38053 Transit Mix Concrete 6 z86 7 38054 Fern ,O'Day 43 2 38055 Lester L. Yarmo & Edw. Prit 16 361 0 SHEET TOTAL FORWARD 2 934 721.4 1' NOTICE TO PRINTER CITY OF SAINT PAUL 2130 "70 COUNCIL RESOLUTION COUNCIL FILE NO Oct 9 19° ° 63 RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF 446 792.47 , COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED 38004 TO_ 38055 INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL- OCT 1QC�_19 -- r / CITY COMPTROLLER APPROVF'D O CT �Q�� -19_ BY -