D001601C I T Y O F S A I N T P A U L OFFICE OF THE MAYOR • Approved Copigto: I���I..S��TIVFi O��R: -CityClerk{Origina� - Fmsnce Dept's Acmantiug Divisian - Reqaesting Dept No: �?oofbb Da,�: g-a ORDER, Pursuant to the 1998 City Budget, the proper Ciry officials are hereby authorized to remit the sum of $450.00 to Byerly`s. This will pay for ali costs incurred by the Department of Fire and Safety Services to conduct three two-hour teacher training workshops on "Risk Watch" injury prevention curriculum. A copy of said order is to be kept on £�e and of record in tde Office of Finaacial Services. Accoant Code: 51035ll5-0299 • , � 9 --z z -9 k Approvedby: CityAttarney Date � < �.zlg'� � � �-�Ssla Reqnested 6y: Departm t D'uector Date {�� `� Appro ed N7nance Directar Date RiMENT/(7FPIGElCOUNCIL DATE INITWTED �Obl�� ., �v and Safety Services si2vss GREEN SHEET � �—s�e,�9 Zaccard 228-6201 � : v r.�l. � ❑4 cmram�c ❑cwnx�a.sExvincccc ❑xAYOrelatasssrnxt7 # OF SIGNATURE PAGES ris.ni�i�.� n (CUP ALL LOCATiONS FOR SIGNATURE) �proval of the attached Administrative Order authorizing the Department of Fire and Safety Se�vices to pay for all costs hold three hvo-hour teacher training workshops on "Risk Watch" injury-prevention curriculum. 7. Has this persoNhrm ever worked under a contract for this tlepartment? PLANNINC� COMMISSION YES NO CIB COMMITTEE 2. Has this person/firtn ever been a ary employee� CIVILSERVICECOMMISSION veS NO 3. Does this per,ontFirm possess a skill nW nocmalty possessetl by any wrtent city employee? YES NO 4. Is this person�rm a qrgeted vendoR YES NO Erplain all yes answers on separate sheet and atlach to green sheet �k Watch is an injury prevention curriculum thaY teachers implement in the classroom. ie Risk Watch program was designed to reduce the high rate of unintentional injuries to children 5 to 14 years old. 'orkshops on Risk Watch are held after the school day over the dinner hour to explain the program to teachers. survey showed that more teachers would atYend a workshop if light refreshments were provided. Teachers wiif agree to attend the workshops and teach the Risk Watch curriculum. Injuries to school-age chiidren wilt drop. Nane. - <�nn ��-� t�ew School-age children in the City will continue to be seriously injured. �"='`�:,, �!;� . TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ 4 COSTlREVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCI.E �NE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE 510 - Fire Responsive Services ACTiVITY NUMBER 35115 =1NANCIALINFORMATION (EXPWN)