215030Council File No. 215030 — By Milton Rosen — ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK - Whereas, Additions which might CITY OF ST. P prove to be necessary in the Improve- ment described as the GRAND- ` GROTTO RELIEF SEWER SYSTEM, OFFICE F THE CI Comptroller's Contract L -6535, Lametti COUNCIL R LUTION— provided fofc. Contractor, have been in the Specifications, and Whereas, It has been found necessary 'RES TED BY to make the following additions: Milton Ros arl ?i:IONS :01�w'�S}ONE fr , ;I -•utle T—me 2241 (No. baf- ­ a� .. a _ i.. $ 317.00 ibiia xs '. al • No. 2 .c' % Io noito! a ...'_ . 40.251 1 "1 4.LU Whereas, Additions which might prove to be Ai cee U;, - „{eiClii ; G�nent described as the GRAND- GROTTO RELIEF SEWER. SYSTEM Comptrollertspl , �met�t:V,r�15Ons, Inc., Contractor, have been provided for in the Specifications, and G3 PUBLISHED �� � r� Whereas, It has been found necessary to make the following additions: ADDITIONS Extra Manhole Type 2241 (No. 1 -A) Extension of Manhole No. 2 Additional cost of 42” R.C.P. in place of 36" R.C.P. Additional trench excavation Additional concrete base restoration due to deeper and wider trench excavation Extra cost of sawing a new line for concrete base removal over sewer trench to avoid reinforcing steel unexpectedly encountered when the first saw cut was made, on Goodrich from St. Albans to Avon Extra depth of C.B. installations to clear gas main in Goodrich Reinforcing steel for new concrete curb at Catch Basin installations Removal and replacement of defective concrete base beyond that removed for sewer trench 1.75 Lin. Ft. 70 - Lin. Ft. 55.6 Cu. Yd. 46.6 Sq. Yd. 0317.00 @ $23.00 40.25 @ 1.96 137.20 @ 3.50 194.60 @ 5.60 260.96 564.55 8.0 Liu. Ft. - @ 452.4 Lbs. @ 114 Sq. Yd. 15.00 120.00 0.22 99.53 @ 5.60 638.40 and'.1 _ _ _____ _ -- . -) - • - -", - -- r`- Whereas, The total a ddition$ is $2,672.49, now therefore be it 02,672.49 Resolved, That the City of St. Paul through its City Council approves the foregoing additions made in accordance with the Specifications in the sum of $2,672.49, said amount to be added to the lump sum consideration named in the contract, known as Comptrollers Contract L�6535, and which amount is to be financed from 31 -E-1 Funds. . I The Commissioner of Public Works has agreed with the above named Contractor that the sum of $2,672.49 'is the correct amount to be added to the above contract. . k ✓� - COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays . Dalglish Holland Loss n Favor Mortinson Against Mr. President, lis— 4 10AI 6-62 ®CT 9 1963 Adopted by the Council 19— OCT 9 1963 Approved 19— Mayor S 1 DUPLICATE TO PRINTER CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO. 5"jj OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Xilt= riosen DATE COMMISSIONER J Whereas, Addition$ which mi&t prove to be necessary in the meat described as the - GROTTO RMVW SMM 813TU, Comptrolle r l s to-6535,9 %tkt & Souss lna. s. Ooutraotor, have beam provided for In the Specifications, and Whereasi Xt has bona found neaeasary to drake the follow ag radditionst fctra Manhole Type Z41 (No. 1*A) Xxtensioa of Manhole Not 2 AdditioMl oust of 42" 11.0.11.. in place of 36N R.a.P. Additl=3 tMeh bbroelatiM A&M+ onal ooncrets bale reatcrationk duo to deer and wider troaeh etoavatiot Wra oost of sawing a new line for ooacrats ban removal over newer trench tw avoid reinfoxmdng steel =WT40teally encountered when the first saw out was mds, on Goodrich From St.. Albans to Arrow Xxtra depth of C*B. Installations to clear gas win In Goodrich Reinforcing steel for new ooaarete owb at CaUh Basin Installations geaaeal egad replaaeowbt of defeotive oonareto base beyod that removed for "war trench rte. 1.73 Lin. Ift. 70 13n. ft. 5546 Cu. Td* 46.6 Sqw id. $317.00 • #23.00 40.25 m 1.96 137.20 • 3.�0 194.60 .e �21 864655 8.Q Lin* Yto ! 13.00 120.00 4524 Lbe4 a 0:22 99.53 214 $q* Td. • 5.6o 638.42 $20612 ,.49 Whereas, Ths totel additions is $2 #672.49* nvw therefore be it Resolved# 'that the City of St, Paul through its City 0ouncil approves the foregoing additions made in acoordsaco with the Speoifioations An the am of $2,672.49„ said eft to be added to the Imp sus emaideration. bwwd in the oontract; kw= as Coaptrollerls Cmtraot Zo65350 and which anowt is to be flnanoed Fran 31 -4-1 F=ds. The Oawisaioaner of PbW to Works has agreed with the above namd. Contractor thst the sm of $28672.49 is the correct amount to be added to the above oontraa% COUNCILMEN Yeas - Nays Dalghsh Holland Loss Mortinson . �eterscn— . Rosen 10111 8-82 Adopted by the Council 19— Approved � � - � 19 In Favor V Mayor Against