214989M "no PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. ?,J-4CJ89 Council File No ....... .- ..... ....... _ PUBLISI�D The undersigned hereby proposesthe making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: Condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for the slopes, cuts and ....-• ........................•---•---..--------•--•-••--------•---.......--•---•--------•--•---•-............-•-•--•-•----------••---•-•-----••---•---•-•----••-•-•---------- .....----- •---- - - - - -- fills_- i_ncludi_ng_ right__of__removal of lateral sup�oort from subiect land or remainder ..... -- . ........... ............. .. . .• - -- - ...........•. ••.. - - -- thereof, occasioned b.............................................. excavations thereof or construction of slopes in the �radin� ............... -- - -.... . . .. . . .... . . ........ •---------------- - - - - -- and surfacing with bituminous material the north -south alley i_n Block 1, Lexington - and- - .... • .....- -_.. -- ._ ........... Ave. Addition from Englewood Ave. to Seminary Ave. Datedthis ........................ day of --...--• ................•-----...---------._..... ..................-- •---- - - - - -, 19' • .... ---- _ ....... .................. . . .................. Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: CQndemni_nq..ansl_.taki ng...an ... Qa_s ?!ent__.i_n... fsr._.th�_st op �_- cuts._and ......... -- f ...of-- .r_emoy.a.1- -of --- later-al --- uppox t.. f rDm...s u b3.ec t..l.and-- -Qr- -- remainder - -_ ther_P.Qf- ,_.oQrasioned_.b_y-..e cayati_ Qns__ t- her_. eof.- Qr__._ cons. tr- uctian.._ of_ ..a1Qpes__in__tha..gradi.ng._ and surfacing with bituminous material_ the north - south__al_ley_ i n__B1 ock_ 1_,__ Lexington_____ Ave. Addition from -Engl ewood Ave. to Seminary Ave. Council File No. 214989 —sY Milton having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul ............... _........................... Rosen — Whereas, A written proposal for the therefore, be it making of he following improvement, viz.: RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered an Condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for the slopes, 1. To investigate the necessity desirability of the kin of said improve outs and fills, including right of re- g y f or y making p rove !hcual of lateral support from subject or remainder hereof, occasioned 2. To investigate nature, ae the nat extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and vavitions thereof or construction oriot - 'Uminovagma errialnhe surfacing 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 'Vft �u J,'ey in - -Vocle 1, Lexinrtcr- ..ve. ,eT oL: r, ire', Englewoor' • 433c , +o 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three oia i5i ti ,r bi "Vs 11, v thg b t� �f �i • 1 9' ' ��71C 5. To report upon all of the fore oing matte, to the Commissioner of Finance. 9 -..,L , L=?, Adoptedby the Council- ........................................................................... YEAS Councilman ES/ V IDE MR. PRESIDENT A 3000 7-54 NAys DALGLIS11 gtcourc Hol land Loss Mortinson Rosen l_ i Approved ....................................................................... - - ............ _ ........ .... .................................. - -- Mayor.