07-332Return copy to: bn Publie Works Tech. Services 1000 City Hall Annex Council File # D7 ,33� Green Sheet # _3Q3 g A5 RESOLUTION OF,SAIN,T PAUL, MINNESOTA 13 Presented by WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul, through the Department of Public Works, Real Estate Division, has secured an agreement far the purchase of property rights, on 1187-99 White Bear Avenue North; WHEREA5, these properry rights on said properties are necessary for the improvement of White Bear Avenue from 500 feet North to 500 feet South of Maryland Ave., said property rights were Fina1 Ordered for acquisition on January 18, 2006 with Council File Nuxnbered 06-71. The total value at wlvch said property rights may be purchased as is in the amount of $7,680 (Seven Thousand Six Hundred Ei¢htv Dollars, this being a fair and reasonable value for the property rights on said subject properties;and WHEREAS, the Real Estate Division has recommended the purchase of said property rights at the recommended value plus other considerations as outlined in the terms and conditions agreed upon between Properry Owner and City of Saint Paul in the attached agreement; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the proper City Officials are hereby authorized and directed to pay the property awners of recard, compensation for the property rights shown on the attached agreements and a11 associated closing costs. Said sum to be charged to Activity Code: CPL-COS-2S131-0789 Requested by Department of Public Works By: � Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BY� / / r/s/l[/�.�/�56� Approved by�ar Date �J�� � l By� �.� O 7- 33�. � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � Pw -r�ns� wo� Pub Contact Person & Phone: Bob Npvak. 266-8863 musc e:e on counen agena O4-APR-07- Dx. Type; RESOLUTION E-DOCUmeM Required: N DoeumentCoMaM: Contact Phorte: Total # of Signature Pages 'rkIIl,r.l:d7r1 � Asstgn Number Fw RouBng Ocder (Clip All Locations for SignaWre) Green Sheet NO: 3Q38052 0 i 2 3 4 5 or's Oi6ce Ma or/AssisLant ounci7 ' Clerk C Clerk Approve compensation for property rights needed to unprove White Besr Ave Q Maryland Planning Commission �, yes this persoNfirm ever worked under a contrad for ibis deparlmentT CIB CommiHee Yes No Civil Service Commissiwe 2. Has fhis persoNfirm ever been a city employee? _ _ - Yes No - , - � - 3. Does fhis person/flrm posseu a skil! rrot normally possessed by any curtent ciry employee? � Yes No Explain a0 yes answers on separate sheef and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, lssues, Opportunity (Wb0. What �Mhen,lNhere, Wby): An Agreement has been reached with this properry owner to acquire pmperty rights on their property to complete said improvemenl AdvaMages If Approved: � The intersection wiIl be improved for vetricular and pedestrian traffic and Improvements can proceed as planned. Uisadvantages If Approved: Encroacftments on private properties. � �� � ��� 2 � 20�1 Disadvantages If Not Approved: � � Project can not�roceed as planned. and the intersecrion will continue to be a traffic concem as fax as �7ransaction: $7,680 Funding Source: Financial Information: (EZplain) - AetWiry Numker:. CPL-0O5-2S� 31-0789 RECEIVED MAR 2 8 2007 MAYOR'S OFFICE March 23, 2007 9:45 AM Cosl/Revenue Budgeted: y Page 1 s ,