214903Oririnil to-City Clerk t ORDINANCE. COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED dY ORDINANCE NO. An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 3250, entitled: '$An administrative ordinance relating to the Civil Service Bureau of the City of Saint Paul, approving and adopting rules and regulations. therefor, 11 approved August 2.0, 1914, as amended. THE COTINCLL OF' THE. CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES :ORDAIN: Section 1.' That Ordinance No. 3250, approved August 20, 1914, ,as. amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out of Section 6, where they appear in the grades. indicated below, the_ following titles: Titles . Grade Junior Clerk 28 Junior'Clerk- Typist 30 Junior Clerk - Stenographer 32 Clerk - 34 C1erkaTypist 36 Clerk- Stenographer 38 Senior Clerk 40 Senior Clerk- Typist 40 Senior Clerk - Stenographer 42 if n 3 5 a 5 i 5 s F All File No. 214903— Ordinance No. .—By Bemard T. Holland- ' ordinance amending „Ordinahce T"'150, entitled: n” dministrative ordill,111 , ' ,� a C1 �:r: A 4.,o and, by substituting in-lieu thereof, respectively, the following titles: Clerk Clerk- Typist I Clerk- Stenographer I Clerk .II Clerk- Typist II Clerk - Stenographer -II Clerk .III Clerk- Typist III Clerk- Stenographer III Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect on the: first day of the first payroll period following thirty, days after its. ,passage, approval, and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays Dalglish Holland Loss Mortinson .� .I�erser> —� r. President 4 Attest 4�no � .,e City Clerk 1M 0-02 '– X22 Approved: Servi son ssed by the Council - W T A V , Tn Favor gainst OCT 16 19513 Approved: 94116 Mayor I V/CITY -CLERK I SO*" of tht Vity 0 Wat V4,44 oprovics 42Rd #d*i4 ZVI" A44 Vot, Wunctu- I or "M cxTx Or 0AMT, PAVJ4 SPSSI 0APAMW "04 Im U4 tat *am* to loteby Aulhot oww" trf ttaklft# a" of *b tb*r AM"t ip agoiti V-0100 *gad$ cloik- to clook"6TYPUt , to 6*16v Mork 40 $Wot, A 40, $0W 4a by sastitalas U. Item thstogo V"Poctwgyj tbo fouovtax -aus's$ 1B I ether I U. 90901ft 2-, 'Alt *Vdift*40 A'b&U'Uk* *960t ft thW AW dAY bt." arat'gyro forloAtau'awbw wity 4►ys Afto Us "$so* qp*004-, *Ad ou%"t� • AW*V*df OCT 16 1963 OCT 16 1963 .i � �° �� �a- �a I 2n Laid over to 3rd and app` ` Ad 'opted Yeas Nays ` Yeas Nays Dalglish Dalglish Holland Holland Loss /� Loss Mortinson ( 1 ortinson er8d11 —' ✓ on . Resen- r. President Vasauii�� Mr. rea dent 4 8 214903"'s"'D 46 '� �3