07-310Return copy to: (BJE) PW/Technical Services — Real Estate 1000 City Hall Annea Council File # Green Sheet # RESOLUTION MINNESOTA � 8 WHEREAS, also on August 11, 2000 the City accepted a Staxe Deed No. 0192996, from the State of 9 Minnesota for a pazcel to be used for right-of-way purposes (recorded as document no. 3339452, PIN #:29- 10 29-22-33-0098), which is legally described as: Except thczt part sold on Railroad Deeds No. 86615 & 11 86642; a Railroad right-of-way across the Southwest %4 of Section 29, Town 29, Range 22, Stinson's 12 Addition to the City of Saint Paul in the State of Minnesota; and 13 14 WHEREAS, the Ramsey County Tax Forfeited Lands Section ("the CounTy"), on behalf of the State, has 15 informed the City that said parcels were improperly forfeited and should not have been conveyed to the 16 City; and that the City should now execute a reconveyance of said parcels; and 17 18 WHEREAS, the City has determined that said parcels aze not needed for right-of-way purposes and 19 therefore may be reconveyed to the State under Minnesota Statutes, Section 282.01, Subdivision ld, to be 20 held in trust according to Minnesota 5tatutes, Section 281.25; now, therefore be it 21 - 22 RESOLVED, that the Mayor and Council of the City of Saint Paul do hereby authorize the proper city 23 ofFicials to reconvey said parcels to the State of Minnesota, and to pay all related recording fees, said sum to z4 be charged to Activity Code 001-09051. 25 2 6 Requested by the Department oE Adopted by Council: Date /7pr��j ��dOy Adoption Certified by ouncil Secretary By: Approved by I\,� oi : 4 _ By: Public Works Bv: ,_ Director Form for Submission to Council I� � J / 3037911 G Vteal Estate\Tarz FodeiPAE2007-03 — RR Parcels Use Deed Recouveyu2ecomeyanceResolution RRpazcels doc 2� 2 WHEREAS, on August 11, 2000 the City of Saint Paul ("the City") accepted State Deed No. 0192994 from 3 the State of Minnesota ("the State") for a pazcel to be used for right-of-way purposes (recorded as document 4 no. 3339451, PIN #: OS-28-22-34-0033), which is legally described as: Vacated street accruing and except 5 the part sold to the West Publishing Company by Deed 77401 the following.• Subject to road, Lot 1, and 6 except the South 35 feet of Lot 2 and all ofLots 3, 4, 5 and 6 of Block 1 of West St. Paul; and � Green Sheet Green Pw -r�ttio wo� Contaet Person 8 Pho�: Bruce Engeibrekt 266-8854 Must Be on Council Aaen Dx. Type: RESOLUTION 07 �.31a Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet 19 MAR-07 � /�ssign Number For . Routing Order E-0ocument Required: Y DocumentContact: BruceEngelbrekt Contact Phone: 266-8854 Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip NI Lxatio�n for Signature) Green Sheet NO: 3037911 1 blic Works Tech Srvcs 6 ' Clerk - Ci Cluk Approve resolurion to authoriae reconveyance of two tax-forfeited pazcels along Union Pacific Raikoad property in Saint Paul Planning Commission CIB Commitlee Civil Service Corpg�ioyippp �.D 11L\!~� 11 {� 1. Has this persoNfirtn ever worked under a contract for this department? Yes No 2. Has this personffirm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this pereoNfirtn possess a skill not normally possessed by any curtent city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separete sheet and attach to green sheet � Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (YVho, What, When, Where, Why): In 2000 the State of Minnesota conveyed two tax-forfeited pazcels to the City on "use deeds" for right-of-way purposes. Ramsey County, as agent for the State, recenfly infoRned the Ciry that the conveyances should not have been made because the forfeitures were invalid.. The County has requested that the City reconvey the parcels to the State. The City has determined it does not need the pazcels for right-of-way purposes, therefore the pazcels may be reconveyed. This resolution authorizes the reconveyance. Advantage's If Approved: The taY-forfeit pazcels will be retumed to the State as the rightful owner. DisadvanWges If Approved: None. The CiTy no ]onger needs the properties for right-of-way purposes. � . t... �.w ;�.... �� ;,..o' ��4� �. a f��633t i \ - '..i: � 7 '. Disadvaqtages If NM Approved: The tax-forfeit pazcels will unnecessarily remain in Ciry ownership. The State will be required to take the pazceLs by force of law. 7ransaction: $105.4 Funtling Source: GGA - TaX- � financialtnformation: ExempVFOffeited Properties (Explain) aetivity Numner: Amount covers county documeM recording fee. s�Ui— 0�1a51 �'� ?�'.�.���:�ti' 4`:. March 19, 2007 2:33 PM CostiRevenue Budgeted: y Page 1 o �-�ov PT Form 975 (Revised ll/99) Minnesota Department of Revenue Reconveyance of Rorfeited Lands to the State of Minnesota By a Governmental Subdivision Under Minnesota Statutes, Section 282.01, Subdivision ld Siate Deed T� Due Hereon: 1.70 WHEREAS, pursuant ro Minnesota Statutes, 3Qcydh 283sB'1, Subdivuions la to ic, the State of Minnesota, on the 11 day of Aueust, 2000 conveyed to Ci of Saurt u u a govemmental subdivision of the Siate of Minnesota (hereinafter "Govexnmental Subdivision"), b te � 994 the real property described below (heremafter "Property") [o be used for an authorized public use, a�d �� R'AEREAS, the Govem�il�EGbdivis�on has erther failed to put the Propeity to [he public use for which it was conveyed, or bas abandoned ihe public use �r 4�luch it was conveyed, and ¢ow desices to ceconvey rhe Pxoperty under Miunesota Statutes, Section 282.01, Subdivision ld to the Stnte of Minnesota, to be held in mut according to Minnesota SWtutes, Section 28125, NOW THEREFORE, tLe Govemmemal Subdiv�sion, pursuant to said ]aws, and pursuant to the duly adopted resolunon of its goveming body number dated , does hereby grant and convey the pcoperty in the CounN of Ramsev, desccibed as follows, togethec with all appurtenances thezeunto belonging: Vacated street accruing and except the part sold to the West Publishing Company by Deed 77401 the followmg: Sub�ect to road, Lot I, and except the South 35 feet of Lot 2 and all of Lots 3, 4, 5 and 6 of Block I of West St. Paul. PIN: OS-28-22-34-0033 (A) CON'1'RACT: to the State of Mianesota, to be held in trust u provided by Minnesota Statutes, Secpon 28125, upon (ike conditions a�d with like effect as if the Property had not been conveyed to the Govemmenial Subdiv�sion fot a public use. B STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. CounTy of � (Name af Covernmental S:s6divis:on) By: Sign¢ture + Title Date s�gnoture rrte On tltis day of � , respectively the and the govemmenta] subdivision named in tUe foregoing mstrvment, appeazed before me and acknowledged that they executed the same as the free act and deed of sa�d govemmental subdivision pursuant to the statutes in such case made and provided. Notazy Date Tax Statements (if any) for the real property described in this instrument should be seut to the Cou¢ty Auditor ot the County wherein the property is loca[ed, in care of the County CourtLouse. Approved by Ihe Attamey Geneal. 7'his inswmem waz drafled by tAe Comm�ssmner of Revenue, Mmnuo�a Department of Revenue, St Paul, MN 55146. �7-3/D PT Form 975 (Revised 11/99) Minnesota Deparhnent ot Reveuue Reconveyance of Forfeited Lands to the State of Minnesota By a Governmental Subdivision Under Minnesota Statutes, Section 282.01, Subdivision Id � StateDeedTaxDueHereon: $1_70 n .wn�� r�� � WHEREAS, pursuant to Minnesota Sptutes, Sec4on 282.01, Subdivisions la ro the � o� ta, on the 11`" day . of Aueust, 2000 conveyed to CiN of Saint Pau] — Public Works a govemmenrnl s di,' o the State of Minnesota (heieinaftex "GovemmenTal Snbdivision"), by state deed numbexed 0192996 the :eal rty described below (hexeinaftex "Property") to be used for an authorized public use, and WHCREAS, the Govemmenial Subdivision bas either failed to put tUe Property to the public use for which it was conveyed, or has abandoned the public use for which rt was conveyed, and now desires to reconvey the PmperCy under Minnesota Siatutes, Secrion 282.01, Subdiv�sion ld to the Sqte of Minnesota, to be held in hust according to Minnesota Statutes, Section 281.25, NOW TELEREFORE, the Govemmental Subdrvisioq pucsuam to uid laws, and pucsuant to the duly adopted xesolution of rts govem�ng body number - dated , does hereby grant and convey fbe pxoperty in the Co� of Ramsey, described as follows, togethet with a11 appt�enances theiewrto belonging: Except that part sold on Ra�lroad Deeds No. 86615 & 86642; a Raikoad rightof-way across the Southwest % of Section 29, Town 29, Range 22, Shnson's A.ddifion tu the City of Saint Paul in the State of Minnesota PIN: 29-29-22-33-0098 (A) CONTRACT: to the State of Minnesoq, to be held m trust as prov�ded by Minnesota Statutes, Sechon 28125, upon ]�ke conditions and with like effect as �f the Propertyl�ad not been comeyed to the Govemmental Subdivision for a public use. (Name ofGovernmental Subdevision) By: Sign¢htre Tetle Date By: STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. County of ) T�tle Date On Uus day of , , _ _ and respecrively tbe and the of the govemmenhat subdivivon named in ihe focegomg insWment, appeazed befoce me and aclmowledged Ihat they executed the same as the free act and deed of said govemmental subdrvision pursuant to ihe statutes in such case made and p:ovided. Notazy Date Tax Statements (if any) for the real property described in this instrument s6ould be sent to the County Audi[or of the County wherein the property is located, in care of the County Courthouse. �+pP*oved by fhe Attomty Genenl. TAis mstrument Was drzRed by tfie Commissiona of Rwmue, Minnuo�a Depamnrnt of Revrnue, St Paul, MN 55146