D001598ClTY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA OPFICE OF THE MAYOR City Cier Finance ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER BUDGET REVISION Current Budget ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Consistent with the authority grented to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of the Director of the Department of Planning 8 Economic Development to amend the 1998 budget of ffie City Sales Tax Capital Projects Fund, the Director of the Office of Financial Services is authorized to amend said hudget in the following manner: WHEREAS, Councii Resolution 96-11463 was approved on 11127/96 to allocate funds for a two-year STAR Business Revolving Loa� Program in the amount $550,U00; and NOW THEREFORE, staff recommends $SD,000 be allocated from these funds for the Coffee Nevrs Cafe, Inc, project a�d the retum of $dA,000 from the Twin Cities Academy project which had bsen approved on CF98-487, Fund 930 City Safes Tax Capital Projects Fund P7-930-90305-0547-77103 Loans P7-930-90306-0547-77103 Grents STAR Business Revoiving Loan Prgram P7-930-903D5-0547-77187 - Loan P7-930-90306-0547-77187 - Grant Coffee News Cafe, Inc. $198,700 $79,400 $0 $0 No: �Q t s g oate: 9'-�$— q�s3' , P7-930-90305•0547-77152 - Loan $4Q,OQ0 P7-930-90306-0547-77152 - Grant $4,000 Twin Cities Academy Project Net Change C7 9' r5 Prepared by: ctivity anager (Date � tequested by: DepaRment irector jDate) $0 $0 $0 �7z��- �`` �--�--� � � � � Appr ve by: irector of Financial Servicss (Date) M:nnoueuoc.wK� �o�ss Change ($5,000) ($500) $45,000 $4,SOU ($40,000) ($4,000} Amended Budget $193,100 $18,900 $45,000 $4,500 TQTAL#OFSIGNATUREPAGES 09l15/98 �� ROVfiN6 oRDER GREEN SHEET � cc�.ene.ronrrrart =� ❑ arc�tror�er ���� ❑ MVOIIpRIfEf�AMl) (CUP ALL IOCATIONS ��o��q� �o �5 ancow�a. C__ � � 1 f � � V „ I Approval of attached Administrative Order Budget Revision to allocate funds from the STAlt Business Revolving Loan Program for $50,000 to t6e Coffee News Cafe, Inc. project and tHe return of $44,000 from theTwin Cities Academy project. u PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION t+as rhis Qersa�rtn everworkea unde.a oo�rtract ra mic aevenmem? vFS NO Fms this pereaMnn e�w 4aen a dry emdofree? YES NO Do�this P�m+P� a sldN not norma�iYP� bY enY �Re�t �Y �+P��Yee? VES NO IS tf�s peBOn(fifin e tarpeted ventloR YES NO Planning & Economie Development Carole Otto 26b-6635 \DVANTAGE$IFAPPROVED . AMOUM OF TRANSACT�ON S '�" CASTIREVENU6 BUDOETBD fqRCLE ON� YES NO iesouecE Fund 930 Citv 5ales Taa Cauitat Proiects FunJ�crwmmu�een P7-930-90305 & 90306 �.'"F°R"un°" �°`Pw'"? Net effeM to the 1998 budget is zero. �Q�r' 4g