214125F� ORI4q IYAL TO CITY CLERK PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONI .._1 2.4125 CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. 'OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK hIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM RESOLVED, That reference hereby is made to that certain document herewith filed, drafted and signed by Eugene V. Avery, Chief Engineer of the City of Saint Paul and entitled Summary of Engineering Recommendations (Arch - Pennsylvania- Minnehaha Route Location- Mississippi Street to Payne Avenue) pertaining to the subject Second Unit Improvement Program project and said document hereby is incorporated herein and made part and parcel hereof; that this Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of said Chief Engineer, therein contained, for the establishment of the Collins - North Street Route between Mississippi Street and Payne Avenue, in connection with the subject Arch - Pennsylvania Minnehaha Highwayiproject; and that said Collins -North Street Route hereby is approved and that the Commissioner of Public Works and said Chief Engineer of the City of Saint Paul, are instructed to coordinate with the Minnesota Commissioner of Highways in the development of the necessary plans and specifications for said Collins -North Street Route established, as part of said project. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Dalglish ` Holland Loss Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis 10M 6-62 Council File No. 214125 — By Milton Rosen—: Resolved, That reference hereby is made to that certain document here- with filed, drafted and signed by Eugene V. Avery, Chief Engsneer of the City of Saint Paul and entitled Summary of Engineering Recommen- dations (Arch - Pennsylvania- Minnehaha" Route Location - Mississippi Street to Payne Avenue) pertaining to the sub- ject Second Unit Improvement Pro- gram ,project and said document here- by is- incorporated herein and made part and parcel hereof; that this Council hereby concurs in the recom- mendation of said Chief Engineer, therein contained, for the establish- ment of the Collins -North Street Route between Mississippi Street and Payne Avenue„ in connection with the sub - ect , Arph - P,ennsylvania -,X Highway project; and that said Collins - North Street, 'Route hereby', is- approved ,and that the commissioner, of Public Works and said ',.Chief Engineer of the City of Saint. Paul, are 'instructed to coordinate with the Minnesota Com- missioner of Highways in the devel- opment of the necessary plans and specifications for said Collins -North Street Route established, as part of said project. Adopted by the Council July 30, 1963. Approved July 30, 1963. (August 3, 1963) JUL 3 0 196 Adopted by the Council 19— JUL 3 0 proved 19— In Favor (� Mayor Against U i � 'OUPLIC.STE TO PRINTER PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION - GENERAL FORM COUNCIL NO FILE RESOLVED, That reference hereby is made to that certain document herewith filed, drafted and signed by Eugene V. Avery, Chief Engineer of the City of Satnt Paul and entitled Summary of Engineering Recommendations (Arch - Pennsylvania- Minnehaha Route Location- Mississippi Street to Payne 4venue) pertaining to the subject Second Unit Improvement Program project and said document hereby is incorporated herein and made part and parcel hereof; that this Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of said Chief Engineer, therein contained, for the establishment of the Collins - North Street Route between idi.ssitsippi Street and Payne Avenue, in connection with the subject Arch - Pennsylvania Minnehaha Highway;project; and that said Collins -North Street Route hk!:7eby is approved and that the commissioner of Public Works and said Chief Eagitieer of the City of Saint Paul, are instructed to coordinate with the Minnesota Commissioner of Highways in the development of the necessary plans and specifications for said Collins -North Street Route established, as part of said project. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Dalglish Holland Loss Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis sort "2 -In Favor 0 A gainst JUL 3 0 1963 Adopted by the Council 19— JUL 3 0 1W Approved 19_ Mayor ,`OFFICE OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS 386 City Hall and Court House St. Paul 2, Minnesota Mr. Donald L. Lais Corporation Counsel Building Dear Sir: MRS. AGNES H. O'CONNELL City Clerk t ~� HAROLD J. RIORDAN Council Recorder July 25, 1963 RECEIVED JUL 26 1963 CORPORKMIS CUUNSEL The City Council requests that you prepare a resolution concurring in the recommendation of Mr. Avery that the Collins North Street route between Mississippi St. and Payne Ave. be approved in connection with the Arch - Pennsylvania Minnehaha Highway, and further, that the Public Works Dept., working jointly with the Highway Dept., be instructed to develop the necessary plans and proceedings for further consideration by the Council. For your information, we have attached a report of Mr. Avery setting out his recommendation which was approved by the Council. ery tr/ ly yo �, P L'{ Q C 'ty Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL - MINNESOTA 8 b� SUMMARY Of ENGINEERING RECOMMENDATIONS Hearing of July 25. 1963 ARCH - PENNSYLVANIA- MINNEtUM ROUTE LOCATION b MISSISSIPPI STREET TO PAYNE AVE. Introduction duetion, This utter comes before the Council as a Second United Improvement Program project approved by the voters of Saint Pau] in November, 1953. It also comes before the Council for consideration as a public necessity and as a probable portion of a relocated T.H. 212 entering the city from the northeast. The latter route would travel diagonally from the northeast to the vicinity of Hinnehaha east of Johnson Parkway; thence westerly to a line north of the State Capitol. The problem before the Council this morning is selection of the alignment between Mississippi Street egad Payne Avenue. The route is fixed west of Mississippi Street to Rice Street. The right- of-way here is in the process of purchase and the Jackson Street Bridge is under construction, The alignment vest of Mississippi Street is fixed, as shown on the attached aerial asap, by the bluff and Mt. Airy Homes on the south and the 1 railroad on the north. The alignwnt at Hissl5sippi Street and Interstate High - gray 35E is, therefore, a fixed control point. East of Layne Avenue the only feasible route is the sidehill south of Hama's Bramry; thus establishing a fixed control point at this end also. Between these um control points, numerous alternates alignments have been studied and a recomandation Is made at the end of this report. Need For The Protect An additional near Hinneheha, to supplewnt Pbryland Ave. and East Seventh Street has for many years been r"nized as a need, ram and for the future. Even the most casual observation on East Seventh Street and on Karyland at the rush hour will demonstrates the problem. Also, on a broader transportation basis, radial travel bets -a$en the downtown hub and the northeast part of the city and suburban area, has lohg' been highly inadequate from the standpoint of travel thee, congestion. and accident potetntial. These conditions,, existing for years, have worsened steadily because of the rapid growth of the area and the consequent Increase In trip generation. Numerous :studies by the St. Paul Traffic Bureau, the City Planning Board and the Highway Ueepartant have confirmad and quantified the need. Rush-hour driving and observation confirms the ne ®do The most r=ent caeprehensive traffic studios and projections indicate a 1980 design volum of about 35.000 vehicles per day on the proposed bridge east of 1413sisssippi Street. To summarize the need, the proposed project Is conceived as a relief to existing parallel facilities and as a part of an improved route to the northeast. pl - l This particular project, bebmen Mississippi Street and Payne Avenue, had its inception in 1952 with a recommendation of the Second United Improve- ment Program Citizens Committee. in November of 1953, the project was approved by the electorate of Saint Paul as a part of the Second United improvwent Pro- ` gram. Following the 1957 legislative session, the project was again reviewed and approved by the Council and the Commissioner of Highways es a needed route eligible for Municipal State -Aid made available by the legislature at that time. Since then the project has been continually reviewed and developed. Plans have been evolved through cooperation between the City Planning Board, the Depart- ment of Public Works and the Highway Department for a facility integrated with and.campatible with the freeway system, the major arteries, and the local streets, as well as preserving and protecting to the greatest degree possible, the land use plans, neighborhoods and other local civic elements. Alternate Roouutg Numerous alternate routes west of.Payne Avenue have been studied as shorn on the attached aerial map. Numerous meetings have been hold with the neigh- borhood groups. A great deal of study has been done, including that by a con- sulting firm retained by the Department of Public forks. it is believed that sufficient study has been made and sufficient information developed that a recommendation can now be made as to route location in this area,, r The bridge across tho major track complex must cross at or near the location shown on the aerial map. Because of costs, track and tunnel inter- ference and the alignment control point to the rest, other'ilocations are not considered feasible. From a neighborhood standpoint, the mute east of the major bridge over the railroad should skirt the area to the north or as far south as possible. To the north along the tacks, the route mould have extreme curvature, would have unsatisfactory interchange arrangwapts, and do great damage to the brawsry. An elevated route above the tracks-was investigated with ibe railroad people and rejected because of costs, rail operation interference, and Inter- change problem. Connecting to existing 191nnehahs was rejected because of neighborhood dicapacity. vision and the difficulty and expense of developing.sufficient capacity. particularly through the brewery. Routes in the vicinity of Beaumont, while feasible, were rejetted be- cause of tho divisive effect on the community. The conclusion was reached in working with all parties that the best route would be one that swings as far south as. possible. This was determined to bo the location between Collins and North Streets. In our view this is superior to the Beaumont routes in that it has a less divisive effect on the neighborhood. Construction costs would not be greatly dissimilar and the number of fmsmiiliea displaced uouid be less. The Planning Board staff reports 62 dwelling structures affected on the north -or- Beaumont route against 39•for the Collins -North Street route. The dwelling unit count is 91 for Beaumont - 2 - V S as against 81 for the Co1114.iorth Street route. Traffic service on the Collins-North Street route is satisfactory. All things considered, the Collins -North Street route was concluded to be the best location. This route has been approved also by the City Planning Board as compatible with its tong range plans and by the Highway Department. Although this is nominally a city project at this time, the-Highway Department will be involved as to any Municipal State -Aid expenditures and in the expenditures of any trunk high- way funds after a highway route.ls designated. A route even farther south, between North Street and Hopkins, was also investigated. Here, cost of right -of -stay as well as construction would be substantially higher. Traffic service would not be as" good. As the route were developed to the east of Payne cut slope damage to properties on the fat side of the ravine and north of Seventh would be considerable. A sub- stantial number of families and businesses west of Payne would still be Involved and the right -of -stay cost estimate prepared by the Bureau of Valu- ations indicated that it would be hf:gher than the Collins-North Street route. R .ggMndation Rp In consideration of all the foregoing, it is recommended that the Council approve the Collins -North Street route between Payne Avenue and Mississippi Street and'that the Department of Public Works working jointly with the Highway Department be instructed to develop the necessary plans and proceedings for further consideration by the Council.. Res tfully submitted, Eugene V. Avery Chief Engineer EVA/jv �Gr:(9?R(r�!E,•S EPARD r _ ' �' •'•h,' p ENE V. AVERY a STREET AND HIG AWAY L I T Y �O�F; ,' SAINT xP "Vj` ' n■ yM r ICjj}! FF ENGINEER ENGINEERING COORDINATOR l 1710f,"'m s 0 �� N r ❑ "3 �I� ■sp t' ■i -e II .. °ia+►� . +. at.,y.�,.r•�,t"� *�,,c„• -+ ".� 'elpi #8innesot a � 0 E p �'Q ;,,1q.TESTE�+t � s'•' "� C ^ II �_ �Ilss"U ERINTEND�ENT OF SANITATION .. - DEPARTMENT�OF "PUBL"IC• W.ORK_S_y= __ _ ►,�,,, _ �-- 1 R .IIII .'l 11 ll' Q - " _ _ - �.■ �- II _ 'Ill it-y `II {- - 234'City,Hall,& Court House ( ) .� • ; _ _ MILTON RQ: ]DN i i � TLS. ♦. w 6-ri �-.J - 3 -,) - - - -- F.- �GiLYiIAM P. BEHRENS- r r l-- r- r_ F D..__..,.p;�'�Commiaibntir �� i I f -s -OW 22 �l July 24, 1963 Hon. George J. Vavoulis, Mayor and Members of the City Council City of Saint Paul Gentlemen: On July 25th the Council has a hearing scheduled on the loca- tion of the Arch - Pennsylvania - Minnehaha Highway between Mississippi Street and Payne Avenue. To help you inform yourself on this matter ahead of time, I am attaching Mr. Avery's summary and a marked aerial photograph of the area. This is a matter that needs deciding now so that the people in the vicinity know where they stand and so that this department, the Planning Board and the Highway Department can proceed with plans. A great deal of study and many meeti.ngs with the people affected have been carried on and as a result of this we are recommending the Collins-'North Street line as the best,-all things considered. The City Planning Board and the Highway Department concur with us in this conclusion. At different times various groups in the area have favored different lines, depending on their special interests and concerns, but from an objective neighborhood standpoint, we sincerely believe the Collins -North Street route is the best possible and we respectfully urge your favorable consideration of it. If you have any questions, Mr. Avery and I will be happy to elaborate further on any phase of the matter. MR /j v cc: Eugene V. Avery Yours very truly, ilton Rosen Commissioner of Public Works ti• .1� 1 ,s SUMARY OF ENGiNEERINO RECOMMENDATIONS Hearing of July 25, 1953 ARCH - PENNSYLVANIA- MINNERANA ROUTE LOCATION - MISSISSIPPI STREET TO PAYNE AVE. Introduction This scatter coma before the Council as a Second United Improvewnt Program project approved by the voters of Saint Paul in November, 1953. It also comes before the Council for consideration as a public necessity and as a probable portion of a relocated T.H. 212 entering the city from the northeast. The latter route would travel diagonally from the northeast to the vicinity of Hinnehaha east of Johnson Parkway; thence westerly to a line north of the State Capitol. The probica before the Council this morning 1s selection of the alignment between Mississippi Street and Payne Avenue. The route is fixed vast of Mississippi Street to Rice Street. The right- of-way here Is In the prmess of purchase and the Jackson Stroot Bridge is under construction, The alignment viest of Hississippi Street Is fixed, as shown on the attached aerial map, by the bluff and Ht. Airy Haws on tha south and the railroad on the north. The alignment at Mississippi Street and lnterstato High- way 35E is, therefore, a fixed contrail point. East of Payne Avenue the only feasible route In the s i doh 111 south of Ham's Brewery; thus establishing a fixed control point at this end also. Beiwoon these taco control points. numerous alternate alignments have been studied and a recommendation is saes at the end of this report. NeedTh® Pr®lect An additional east' - seat - route, near Minnehahaa, to supple nt lkarViand Aveo and East Seventh Street has for €any years been recogni2ed as a need, meow and for the future. Even the most casual observation an East Seventh Street and on Maryland at the rush hour will demonstrate the probl =. Also, on a broader transportation basis, radial travel bet -seem the dwntcnn hub and the northeast parts of the city end suburban area, has long been highly Inade4uate from the standpoint of travel tir►a, congestion, and accident potential. These conditions, existing for years, have worsened steadily because of the rapid growth of the area and the consequent Increase in trip generation. Numerous studies by the St. Paul Traffic Bureau, the City Planning Board and the Highway Department have confirmed and .quantified the need. Rush.hour driving and observation confirms the need. The most recent comprehensive traffic studies and projections Indicate a 1980 design volume of about 35,000 vehicles per day on the proposed bridge east of Mississippi Street. To summarize the need, the proposed project is conceived as a relief to existing parallel facilities and as a part of an improved route to the northeast. - i - ,1 This particular project, betmen Mississippi Street and Payne Avenue, had its inception in 1952 with a recommndation of the Second United improve - ` vent Program Citizens Comittee. in November of 1953, the project was approved by the electorate of Saint Paul as a part of the Second United Improvement Pro- gram. Following the 1957 legislative session, the project was again reviewed and approved by the Council and the Commissioner of H191mays as a needed route eligible for Municipal State -Aid made available by the legislature at that time. Since then the project has been continually reviewed and developed. Plans have been evolved through cooperation between the City Planning bard, the Depart - ment of Public Works and the Highway Department for a facility integrated with and compatible with the freeway system, the major arteries, and the local streets, as well as preserving and protecting to the greatest degree possible, the land use plans, neighborhoods and other local civic elements. AiternaSe RMtes Numerous al terhate routes east of Payne Avenue have been studied as shown on the attached aerial sap. Numerous meetings have been held with the neigh- borhood groups. A great deal of study has been done, including that by a con- sulting firm retained by the Department of Public Works. It is believed that sufficient study has been made and sufficient information developed thmt.a reeomen&tion can now be made as to route location in this area. The bridge across the major track codex must cross At or near the location shown on the aerial map. Because of costs, track and tunnel inter- ference and the alignment control point to the wrist, other t1.es nations are not considered feasible. From a neighborhood standpoint, the route east of the major bridge over the railroad should skirt the area to the north or as far south as possible. To the north along the tracks, the route mould have extreme curvature, would have unsatisfactory interchanges arrangemptss, and do great damage to the brewery. An alevrated route above the tracks-was investigated with Dae railroad people and rejected because of costs, rail operation interferem6, and Inter - change problem. Connoting to existing Mtnnehahs was rejected because of neighborhood division and the difficulty and eWnss of developing.sufficient capacity, particularly through'the brewery. Routes in the Vicinity of Beaumoat, while feasible, were rejected be- cause of the .divisive effect on the community. The conclusion was reached In working with ail parties that the best route would be one that swings as for south ass. possible. This was determined to bo the location between Collins - and North Streets;. In our view this Is superior to the Beaumont routes in that it has m less divisive effect an the neighborhood. Construction costs mid not be greatly dissimilar and.the number of famiilies dlsplaaeed would bo less. The Planning Bard titaff reports 62 duelling siructures affected on the north - ofd- IIenumont route against 39 .for the Coliins -North Street route. The &ailing unit count is 91 for Beaussbnt -z - as against 81 for the Collins -North Street route. Traffic service on the Collins -North Street route is satisfactory. All things considered, the ` Collins -North Street route was concluded to be the best location. This route has been approved also by the City Planning Board as compatible with its long range plans and by the Highway Department. Although this is nominally a city project at this time, the Highway !Department will be involved as to any Municipal State -Aid expenditures and in the expenditures of any trunk high- way funds after a highway route.is designated. A route even farther south, between North Street and Hopkins, was also Investigated. Here, cost of right -of -gray as well as construction would be substantially higher. Traffic service would not be as good. As the route were developed to the east of Payne cut slope doge to properties on the far side of the ravine and north of Seventh would be considerable. A sub- stantial number of families and businesses west of Payne would still be Involved and the right- of -way cost estimate prepared by the Bureau of Valu- ations indicated that it would be hF;gher than the Collins - .North Street route. Re cndation In consideration of all the foregoing, It is recommended that the Council approve the Collins -North Street route beomen Payne Avenue and Mississippi Street and that the Department of Public Forks working.jointly with the Highway Department be instructed to develop the necessary plans and proceedings for further conside�atlon by the Council: L nt. fu1iy ,suubbmitted, Eugene V. Avery Chief Engineer EVA/jv f� ,OFFICE OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS 386 City Hall and Court House St. Paul 2, Minnesota Hon, Milton Rosen Comsr. of Public Works Building Dear Sir; MRS. AGNES H. O'CONNELL City Clerk HAROLD J. RIORDAN Council Recorder July 16, 1963 The City Council referred to you the attached petition of a large number of residents with reference to the Pennsylvania Arch and Minnehaha Highway devel- opment and recommending the Beaumont St. location as most acceptable as a route, I� 'ery truly yours �l ty Clerk L MINNESOTA 8, Cq vx _ - PETITION LD C-5g TO: -THE HONORABLE CITY COUNCIL MAYOR VAVOULIS C GENTLEMEN: ' The undersigned all'live in the vicinity of hennsylvania -Arch and Minnehaha Highway development area and we wish to present the following petition to your Honorable Body. t After a- thorough study and review.of:the proposed alternate routes for carrying this improvement from the freeway on the'Wost to, Seventh Street on the East, it-is our considered opinion that the most acceptable -route from the stand- . .. - ." t - point of efficiency,•engineering, and economy is the Beaumont St, location.' It would have the least divisive effect upon the. - community of the various proposals and is superior' to the North - Collins route in all 'particulars. Respectfully•submitted, NAME , : - ADDRE 6JI — Y f } ` J L � • 1 S . ' �. �� tl _ ! — art/• L'- •, -k • '�� i '' — A(24 '221-2-It q1 �P -_ L i - + 5V • • iJ, 7 _ _ rr.r,, r " ., ,y,` •..•" _ -'1 j,., ._ - :, i '+l .�, .. � _`"- - ° .r - ,,K, rJ, , �, Y tiF.' -_�' - .i J {t �A- • w1• ' R •'• ' -Y. ,- }4., . .ICL'. .. _ r' f. ♦h �yY!� •..� •j ,- . .• •Y :' "Jr s� .Y' _ 1� • - - r . 1' j r t' • '• - '• T r '�•• d< ; e.. .• ;i_' - • .Ln4. ` 1 f- . "rr..�,y ., _, ''t �:,' •; c��i -• ' , • �h.. .. S. • _ r .• - ;i � , - :,y„ , '. - •f -' ` - �,I - r' - �' - - _ ?- •. 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J:�MIr'i7, ;r alQ" UI� '�•rL �7,• `Vnf A,�CiL ,],•, i{,• tW _.:' r• ,• ,• •fit. ,'. w `• _i�� y. ,`• -J J `'•J; r "� -'" •fit.. .. "�� }. ". ..-r {�"� -..-.. .' r �•'.; ::: r,'�'+ � :-,. „r. r . pll" ::to t'h*: l�tiI �3- �:t31�.31�$ '�;t�tl � ` . ";p�rti�1a��, 1 ,•Ji rYS - rte• , - J.r :, '•ii1 #'�YU '•, , •' ' -; _ , _ f - - - • . _ .. 1 _ • J _. , • I _ -. . w., 4- - - r {•' . .. •r ^��j / %�( /•I ,FJ 11 / -•, }'. - . •,r- I. :r „ _,, ff. Jj• • cF - ;!r_r i, li,p• , - _• ° ` -•'� ,'T,, , ;�.•' •r' - 'r :a, r' ;t -"e, ._,'rr� Al I ' � ,''��'• 'F rt `f _. -- - • - _ ..• , _ ,I r� .•.•r•��+?'��P+�:.I`r�•.J•.%, , r r�s'•1�i4 _ ''Y' w� . - - ' T a `h•.R. V,'F �- J_ - � •-r' i4 rv! 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F_. .. - .- '. _ ' -• ,. •''X•{ ' • •, • •A; J � . • ',~, r w••• T is - 'J3_.-•S.- i { "t ~,, - - , •{., . - - -- - - ;,�rs • J -. r ;ti' PT` TO fiHF :HONpRABLE Cii'Y COUNCIL' TE -/�'�17�'�.t�.'t'��f`j�� r - : J _.r.. e, air _�� ° _ -• r S,` `- - 'f., '�L J ' .. • ••V1:11711LJL LI.'tle�x •`,' 4 •, ''l' 4 _ ` r F. .. ,l, _ s . . - ,1 _ '` , C' , - _ e uJ.i •`' •1` 'l. Th deroigned ally ] iY. iii.e tie:nf.ty of `I�ennS�lva a =Arch' end finneha'tia. `Highways 4evel�opuierit area .'snd -;ge ri la to p_reseJat the fo]:lo z�g petit3 do {. to. your Hbno "rable,Boay .: After •a. thorough: stud�r and ravie�r of ;th6 proposed' �7 ternate xoiites for ' carry ng't}iis �inpx�ovem�.nt' fr.9 the froew on.F the West to Seventh Stxeet' on the East it' 'is,'our consicderec! opt niQ `'that the os 'acceptable .,route from the �_ ,taut.= of of f icioncy; erigineer�pg. anc7, economy ,tie �eaut�c�nt '.St'. ]:t?ca o , T t , It: • would have the - leant' divisiVp affect u xiu the community" of the Various proposals" �iicl ie superior to th_e NorthwOoll3ns :xoiat .ln partYct�3sre.' r' • :, Res'peaxu11y'.subm tte.dj NAME 1 419 ft, -. '+' -. . +• —�--•• i „� � ,'I, :. ." ' -' ' _• • -mil •r °.2'. .. •!' ; y' .- , A r, v1gL+ � •V .. 'F, - R t•J• - y ! • ^•�'� J'' '` i Q� J . a' j Jf- f' •_. •'. . •1- �' 1 , .' �.: •. w .' - �- ,• Flo , - /1I - ,. 1 ' PETITION• TO: THE HONORABLE CITY COUNCIL MAYOR VAVOULIS GENTLEMEN: The undersigned all live in the vicinity of Pennsylvania. -Arch and Minnehaha Highway development area and we wish to present the following petition to your Honorable Body, After a thorough study and review of the proposed alternate routes for carrying this improvement from the freeway on the West to Seventh Street on the East, it is our considered opinion that the most acceptable route from the standpoint of efficiency, engineering, and economy is the Beaumont St. location. It would have the least divisive effect upon the community of the various proposals and is superior to the North - Collins route in,all particulars. NAME Respectfully submitted, ADDRESS 0, WE F • i J / 'tee �/ � .�� � �• .�! I • a Mtn V AV .'Ll: i lr �.7I., l�N .7. undersigned all live ell t, r,: v, c � �. L'y � >f YC it* ?� T:,~iC'•Flila Iii ;',l� ny �.ev�']�5,�te,_t a.•r:c ar d ��. a� r:. , a press :, u' ion.:. �;a °. � (f- Aft'_'!, a t.no "011"'Ll st.ldy 3no, '•uvie, •.l' '...le Proposed _' vt't ".A rr' 1't-mi tilt' ft - "'fay On 1^_c Neat. -f-,o :G Jil'' R'.J ±1f'.i1C +ed orliriivl. 4: 8t �,YtE !1� `.C.R'�`•tiL'lt^ ?'C1�tt.t` �C" lii'� l l: R.i: f L'Ti�iT1Ef'Ti'_iE uG }:io!;iy vv ne leas f, diviR1jYt: :.t'1 °f L'_ U: L t'y ,» t'- 7'ir z:'.l i '.•r1-U. rtlac .l. : t: -i�r to t }le 2lartti -Ct,L1 iTt, �'�ut- . I r, _'; I Par . c:t Re'_Ix�c.f.1-y ee �����(G tea• � ���i� r cm CCUrC5. ',IAY iii `,4, LTL16 I . i -adersigaad 611 I.LVC ;�Z-1 fe=,.,y, 'V lllr!llfa�[- F ,k;A,Way devalapirent area a.,td oiic. pmaej, tae 11 )j Your h'.iN,raLb-t BCv-d-j. t'!O:•-)Uel,, study and review :f '-.0 irolooed aaerk,,,.v - eajL*ryi A t,Als Improvement fry the freewny %ea,,,, Tu ,evcati. It 16 considered oplLjon tn&t t:.c :vst `Auve the Aeavt diyAla .v-% O.fj,s.,C;, C,)j=UZ.%jty of V*2 L -LTS ,I r Lv ikc .'ic- tx: -C:u1t iC.a rte.: Lt, al_L may _ ReSlw!CtAfUll; S , L I t, A C, �50� ��i.�vve� -6--o 4 al2, X wzam �, i TM M)=Qt& ate' �rEfe me vmquio to r-vr welt bArf M100 f:,. r ' r. rN _ 1 A 4� r • ' Ti.:. Uuii �;RADLi C'iF'• r.X-,,U., T.',a utAarw��,..ad all lsvv 14. tow Ytcdiaty �t arm. 14' errs Vla 41- ,)sway developmAUt erQd OUA at r1 5.3 ,., ,. rta *z . Av r Li. if , , -,ti, y i . y,--ir Nody. Afte 1, ae U .11'.W&A study 443 rvviw>t if t w } I fsee ci,. r• Y ± carri.Lt d Talc *,,r. "mei,i fr " ,,ib h—**%m ' ti a '. fi91 "'*at t. 1.1+vetlt . 16 ipUr @4,t.nId,4ro4 4 X1;,3 c D tj4at t..C: .i.aost fiocu .Obly ]! n.. to iT`ti a t tie a o 1 j.�in►. �,� officsloruy, *%.,i,4 rrxzU, a: l Lb t,ac boamout Jt. L, Qat.l ,14. I- ,r� ulcY .aiva tk* 10SAt 1t1vta lV* 'yAft*U% II;.v.a U4 :�,: c ,ty Z4 zastt voids ,GUIs t3:., to ", em. )r to t4a bWvrta -C -.11ias r ,vt a in tali jar iouisra. LAW 630 J .r .MA, GFt A, 6IT-IS Pie undersigned all .i.ixta is r+ ie ;i,:ii:.i% of e3:.. -A, �r i, 'i i -17way development are- v..1. i ' sh to present the f :o .,tile Boat'. -VIPr a ti,orough study and review of t,,.° p"O:r'O.' -U :i':'_crna f 'o.� , 11 1- ck,x ying 1... improvement, fro,,: the freeway on the We. -t to St-e• - c East,, it is oL.r con: ;idered opinion that t%e •osi — 2eTjtar%ir, routf• from, tr. ljoI nt or e ff is Leixy, engineer i rg, and c - onoriy L `A e E' .Lmont + >L. _j. .ave t..c Ic ast divi si e effect upon t.! e comraun L ty of t... a::d is sLit,erior to ' *ie North- Golli:.s ro-ite i:. qI I part: r;.x'. ar. . N MC I 1 r. i Respect.L.11y . ,'•ji- —a, ADDR�r' ' ol c f ' ..- ..... r,.+ �.+.,.. y. w.:...+,�+bw.r.w•+W.,w.lAwlr+•o �^ �' �' wav ,�h�.aa.im++al�Y4hadwyrJ+wa�a; r _... .._ .. l iON , •yKla "7 i e 1 r. , . �2 R .. , . +..... ....� -,+.. w.wr�.'Lr- -. r ,•-'^+:.:•++Y�+�..er -.: �n„= srmr.eerAw+urr..i,l�;tenry!.wrw w7.W:wrezx.3+:: .OI'. .; :S.J'.x.:,.YY#.'•. t ..,, ,. ' ,,. .. ,. . Tot 'T. Re. 'HONE Aott.- - ''Y - couN0j" 'The undecsIghed ,alai l ive :in thf vlcX0l -f Y1 0. ,Rent ilvbnla c^ 66d !k'ltt�ieh�aii gh�ra}r 'deve:lopFseitf 4POA- and Wi§,, ..i "o-: O _ pet'itf0h 'fo yo* F6-c -db body* + Aff.er ,-a fhorough study ''Ohd.:Jl*yiew' of f he pr<ipo%0 aj. %rnofo O ogres' f cr' :±�a- e4, 0.g. .s `i i sveali�C�f fP&O, f +he fly . e�► l! i .I,he, a. , ...:._ , treat oo4sldered opinion that .the m`ot+ - fral heL.V �dp4'Ii i+`o# a f'io;tonCsr. ngi i e ng, and ee .o y� thin 8esuno[rt Sf. 'Ioca1�; #'one P wpuld have the ;teAat dlvFove Off 00,t. upon, '.tho: ,ournmunity ,. tie. i/a 'TOU3 ,propotai,s, and Is tupeh,Z'o�, fo the' b(oc;tb -Cc>i I fns. bout® Rps-Op OuI fy sut f tads, 4 y WN �f PAN Kid w � f , / V i TT•� k t' av 'too " twit* , f M , i MIN �a a,, a /,..�6+e1.% V • �i PETITION j T0; THE HONORABLE CITY COUNCIL MAYOR NAVOULIS GENTLEMEN: The undersigned all live in the vicinity of Pennsylvania -Arch and Minnehaha Highway development area and we wish to present the following petition to your Honorable Body. After a thorough study and review of.the proposed alternate routes for carrying this improvement from the freeway on the West to Seventh Street on the East, It is our considered opinion that the most acceptable route from the standpoint of efficiency, engineering, and economy is the Beaumont St. location. It would have the least divisive effect upon the cummunity of the various proposals and is superior to the North - Collins route in all particulars. NAME Respectfully submitted, ADDRESS RMA `A - i NEW )_11456e� f ,6,0 S- --dq- —"e ."e' �e .� 1�G 3 do 0 rx� "IJ 43 I '! 1'M lm*a o Vw! Gpe t i ty AM I. m �' ' t WOW n voltu 4 - t Poo Wo ou z• -''�' i • ~ *Woo s . J ?RPM, low th r: • 0.10— f, Ff•- 1" a v. • f � + •t` y -4 + ?f , 1 t r • J / ` w i w f 7 =30=1• �.j*.•;�F..!!'?. .r' .k Vii,. �.: ��s{tii` .i �r w � t*'�L�' .�'��r. •l,•� _ '�y. r.. #,1:. i:�; �'-- :. €,i: `!�'` .�..���. A• 1 t tii:.� :a6ir► %':�fi`' .� r}. ,!Nl �.�� .; �i. w t' a 'fie. :t' }.i'iw�v►r•/+. �i� �..f R. tom:. '.��. .� j;- .h "' ,r' ��:J[H.RM•1 �i 1�••. }:. K. .i�.4"!ti� -lc• •fc :�E'.'rs.=�° : ;� `�.- : ��- •bar +�t ^,. }. •.�.�.�.: .n. �it.3F� '.�k:..:� ck. ��. .�`. .4 �: i! y� 4N1i .�ai:llrx �� �'!°,a: ��I k" ':.�. KT:•-: �• *� :» •i �a;i. �: ."t'"•', "•�ta .�. •.��. '�YU( .i:{�sr ^:7�`•E'r�*F�V,�!" ,•,�. ipt; h •tai r •.��' .'4"t'F' ;.',� '' :�a" �'� •�.t :;." �i i�f,rf.Y',i'F#: ,3, '�-�. �. ?.i;.,!t•,�,,;. ,:j r' ''i� � "v� $rsk' �.� cr�, }sift• .'f.4j'ic�s'}jK " -.� . �'. �i� Fl:.. '.tl'S'�S ';'��11: •jG •..sy�'iesi �s vih�� i .•fq, ,..� +, f yy-� ;��,'� �Nr-�.iCiiEi' '�" %►!K� ?!it -x = i�'�•. ,w ... .:r.- ..'�l,I .. A. ./X - .:w:.� :,rr?�'3'•.i ,�... _ '�f °.:..s..:•r�, - -. .t�:::^ ..e .} NOW. .� ..�..� r22. TO.* 'SHE ,MOAOL CM` -OWC-IL M, AYOR Y"U4S th nosy volklakth stghod- -01' 1.1vo. to fhe 'Ivl(�Intty of Po ;NC "t n6 Mo(;Htghw&v davolA#m 1011 *t. tpe.0; brid Iwo WIA, tO 0� t Of"Oe't fh0kOuOh,-study bildtloytow of thii:00 sed of rh,0+6 ftoto#� for .0 err yma fh1s. imp ova - tiro Ifoway on, fho� *0 om-00t. lioi�t t4 $0ven9'.h'Ofroo on-, the tofo lf,ts our onsfdci�td, opf6t­ tbat -the Tod4f �-edeofabla ri'.Oufo Ing, and. 1-96M(Ay Is fh# ,ft the tf0flop- glileeie' E3 auaon oni It oUl d hove tYio least ( .aM 0 uport, fhe of the vas. at, O.-cipos614 a oeti* fb. fho ftffh.,CoJjw,no- tout'"o ;).m all 'o. 0 sul*Of.t. Oo,#, i AW, I _ S e5e ,h T IN �3. Tiac-. undem igp ed EC--' 1_ ve 1 1 4 i.Ili of P..!rj_,.y.Lvax:_a-A_ 'IV N" • , n � a v.i,.,.way development narc - and w_: wi:!i to present the follow-f n,- .,. t G' -3 . , i c - 0 1 C. I J. -.,. JL"', r -, ti.orout4h st,.-Ijr an I -re` fje-., ci, Li Z' P 'Jr' c-d 3.1 fir r: fize ro,; .Si - I I t- . .. -ae- i d"k vi: ive c f i,---t .po,, t I-e conaiin ity of "r ar: j ; o.,o -,t- ,,­ I u tree ',orth­,o! ! 1 ..3 -ro,.+c, i. -j 1 j,-i_rj 1 .,,1,t.,5 t^, l;, A Y � el 'o. C-1 - Vy- 12YI, R - .pc -t I LI! , . k2" R fro- ti.E., fre-wt cn to Sevei.,Y !(I- -ed oj G � 2, .-Inio, th�Lt t o -.j. ptal.,_'e ro,t- y-j f 4 t .Si - I I t- . .. -ae- i d"k vi: ive c f i,---t .po,, t I-e conaiin ity of "r ar: j ; o.,o -,t- ,,­ I u tree ',orth­,o! ! 1 ..3 -ro,.+c, i. -j 1 j,-i_rj 1 .,,1,t.,5 t^, l;, A Y � el 'o. C-1 - Vy- 12YI, R - .pc -t I LI! , . k2" R --_j I I . I 10 WO I - Mr, ft vwmwow o sow. 1,6 #0204100 offtmoy-molo"wo, *0 Yal rmv , ri, 7, , , -IF ! 7A I oo took it *or* *Woow otow 449 ft cw **$44 *00 4 10004. tf old ho* 00 lotAt 41,0101", wo! 14 owl** to io-c . wtw 10 fok* fwmoopw to -W =113 M Wo M UM Jill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... ..... ...... ... yff"I"WiFf"Im . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......... ............. —Now Ut lallf C=11�11W amo tr.A =f 41 It* M-111=411Z#40 01". # Ila ft gUtUtliot fM*V*t#4* cl, alwilm 0=7 0 % #I # to b glov r d:ao9=A W.W404m4=0 up ow ,t tnob w r* m a=:* C3 ®r-f nom 1 � U oet=1cm 0.4,_ ` te a tz;U U* ft 0:0 C4141.0 W-AlUxt Ar.4 94 C=a4l"Ol 10, -*,%X ca= tmr=wo os to our foo� tm#w 0 w ftfo Oat 100044=4 4= J_ 6i ts- 574 4,0600. (t q r a� LO �J' •.t w..�M..t 1._A'.J"Y •Y,Y1 Ii. .. ....i ^� .... ..�,.: w:,. ..l f -.�': - To* 'I 'jn.1j! =rr `�fJ �Vj{xm, �tJ L'!_ 4 MOM'. ' * ► � ! ?I +t 'vlotolf� of P"Ov ot000 too rir�eh' ow too row foe 0", Y4:00 thla, `moot fro it :fry to 0 t,6 sovwh: sow `f ho jt '10 0 tpft.j dw. id., t 'f r! too.. tho P+ ; s tab ind 6. F, Aomot FA G A 5,6-3� cwz volown to V*! WOO* 1 � •�X.� y• � � 'Yy �j.. I .�. � • "•� i,. � .A '.f �a. k �.f .q•C. T �� ..f j. .i. foe Ito * * No, to ovow'' t t04 :ft 1 -0. wo " '00. 0 tof oo, Ift-t. f Mot 0- "00,10 ' OWOutht of offfoloowl WWI 400 r 44 tocotbq 01 Wid boo *00 t4fow 41 lot ftf tow of Wfloot Ovotb"lly E .. , l �..s.�.�ir.+► , , .. .. .. ./ VOW. ULII; a-Mjm'l J:,` Q;_ 2roc. tl= ;,m 41 -4d k -:.!* ri t-n�r W.�A 0' :::! % 12 .Z:_( A- i gn a. Ls., L) o 0 V* WWI= o,Ootft VUUI#k � 1 ..� r . s . ... All , P � f*fter,*, for""" 1*4100to VOW* - ow, ft W,*: *ovtg!j* **4d* C4 ftolm* it �*--v tzoo jovt#tw 4g:4.+ wm V* *w-umft at ima tm=-ffwf #"mo# It L-201= '. 7- f awl I PA MI. -53 X�. f WOO* rotor ► #'� ; thto ' pft~'t fro* o '' x '40 to th : r F WOO '00$0000' OjO�Iip'4 'm yo 7 (fern ji tc Aff4f,'o, 044-Y tol o r4 :zz 1 tenet fwozd t4 Ow to-f# ts 6 fft tttv-il t��,,Outo Top of tt* Ot T-Al oqwlvj?l 94p�*Fl li,maxN i;= 6 WT. per, 7Z,, J, 0, I -�,,,, � . �' PETITION �r � . TO: THE HONORABLE CITY COUNCIL - r'�� MAYOR VAVOULIS y � - f _ - � �' { r _ ` GENTLEMEN • - - ��' ' The undersigned all�live in the�vicinityiof Pennsylvania -Arch and Minnehaha Highway development area and we wish to. pr -esent 'the following petition to your Honorable Body . - - � - s. �. • • _ :} _ After a thorough s.tizdy and review of the proposed alternate routes for carrying this improvement from the. freeway on the West�to Seventh Street on the � " . - ¢u � -- . t_ East,'it is our considered opinion that the_most acceptable route from the stand- point of efficiency,. engineoring,_ -and economy .is _the Beaumont St.�location. It would have the least divisive effect -upon the coimnunity of the various proposals - and is� superior to the North- Collins route in all particulars. - " Respectfully submitted; �_ ' NAME - - " � _ ADDRESS - ' . _ -- ._�: - . � •. � u: - .r�l� Pte.. -�-�' - _ . . •' � � - 3 ,JJj � V� �n '^,^y a�v_� ��� ���� .- ��s= ,�-� ��d , say �� � r - OFFICE OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS 386 City Hall and Court House St. Paul 2, Minnesota MRS. AGNES H. O'CONNELL City Clerk HAROLD J. RIORDAN Council Recorder MERRICK COMMUNITY CENTER SPONSORED BY THE CHRIST CHILD SOCIETY, INC. 715 EDGERTON STREET - SAINT PAUL 1, MINNESOTA - PHONE: 771 -8821 April 3, 1963 ('zz pk4g- Councilman Milton Rosen Department of Public Works Court House BOARD OF DIRECTORS St. Paul 1, Minnesota MR. JAY P. O'CONNOR PRESIDENT Dear Sir: MRS. ROBERT J. KLEINMAN VICE- PRESIDENT MRS. ARTHUR E. WALKER I am writing to express the official position of the Board of VICE.PRESIDENT Directors of Merrick Community Center regarding the location of MRS. GREGORY R. HAGAN VICE- PRESIDENT the Arch- Penna.,Minnehaha Expressway in the lower Payne Ave. MISS DING SECRETARY TARP N neighborhood served by the Center. RECORDING BECRETARV MISS VIOLA MAEHREN TREASURER The Board requests that serious consideration be given to locating MRS, NICK J. DARIO the Expressway 'rat least two blocks further South from the South ASSISTANT TREASURER MR. WALTER V. DORLE of Collins -North of North Street preliminary plan". The reasons AUDITOR MRS. CYRIL C. SHEEHAN for this position are that the Board is of the opinion the HISTORIAN Expressway in that location will displace less residents; serve MR. ANTHONY J. CREA as a buffer between the commercial and industrial developments MRS. JOSEPH W. GOLDSMITH MRS. GEORGE F. HEIMEL in the Southern tip of the neighborhood and the residential area MR. EDWIN F. JANSSEN to the North; and that the Expressway will have a less divisive MR. PAUL A. JOYCE, SR. effect upon the area if located in the Southern tip of the MRS. HARVEY MCGEE neighborhood. MR. ALFRED G. MUELLERLEILE MRS. HARRY MURRAY MRS. PAUL N. MYERS. JR. If this proposal is impossible the Board will support any other MR. LAWRENCE O'SHAUGHNESSY plan which is the majority opinion of the residents of the MRS. MATTHEW H. PHILLIPPI neighborhood expressed through the Peoples Buona Vista Community MRS. JOSEPH A. ROGERS Council. _ '^ MRS. J. EMMETT RYAN v MRS. ROBERT J. TANSEY MRS. JOHN J. TUCCI Thank you for your time,, interest and consideration of the MRS. ROBERT J. TYRRELL neighborhood and its residents. MR. JOHN F. WILLWERSCHEID l , MR. JOHN J. WOLKERSTORFER SPIRITUAL ADVISOR y Y REV. FRANCIS CURTIN EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR RICHARD A. FLUSHER Iii hard A. lesher HONORARY CHAIRMAN Executive Director FOR 1963 MRS. J. EMMETT RYAN c.c. Mr. Eugene Avery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - • - - - - - - - • • AFFILIATED WITH THE NATIONAL FEDERATION OF A MEMBER AGENCY OF THE 4 SETTLEMENTS AND NEIGHBORHOOD CENTERS GREATER ST. PAUL UNITED FUND INC. 7j - — 4 : • 5 .f a -' at i Apr1l- 9,, 1963 Miss Z6metta Morrisstte 2199 east Mohawk, Mad North st, Paul 9, M;i ni»sota Dear .Miss Morslso ter ' ' We have rocptved your letter, of, Apr1L1, k; 190, concerning' ncerni ng posslble locations of the Arch "Ponnsy Ivan Ia"Ainnahah: N.ighway in relation .to •your 1*ath L * store. The engineers are Of 11 conduct- ' I ,q ra.1 urinary stodits and tho]r• report is not -yet complete. When thelr,report and reconimtegdatibnms are roads, you way be sure that .l and other, ambers o1' khe ,Couml 1 wl 1 attemppt to act In tho best lnter"t of than comunky in sslecttng a 'location that soave the needed transportation function and'in addition is the best pose i bl•e from an overa 11.' - no i ghbor;'hoo� view -pol nt f Thete together with cost studies and engRveering, foaslbi 11ty consici�rr- tions are the factor* W61.ch mus.t,ali be given consldoratign., a*,- Om sure you would agree. We appreclate -r%ctiving your views 'and wl 11 place your letter on f le for:- reference at such -time as this matter commis bsf6eo, tbi Councll for cons[deration. Yours very truly, hi l tore toson Comamissioner -of Mub11c -Works V. Avary Ile • - . � ✓ /vim- ��'+is� • � - 1 L• tl April 4, 1963 2199 East Mohawk Road North St. Paul 9, Minnesota Commissioner Milton Rosen Department of Public Works St. Paul, Minnesota Commissioner Rosen: Are you pre-oared to offer my father a job? - - - -- Of course you're notl The proposed Arch- Penna.- Minnehaha Highway, may take my father's grocery store at 563 Payne Ave. This is the only type of business he has know for the past eighteen years. Since he is over 45 years old, finding another job is going to be almost impossible. As you well know, jobs today are going to younger men with college educations. I realize that one individual can not stand in the way of progress. But I also feel that after eighteen years of ones life, one deserves more compensation than just being "paid off" for the right of way through ones property. Since Hamms Brewing Company was smart enough to get the highway "pushed" down to our vicinity, maybe the people of this location can bend together and push the highway back up where it was first sup osed to go. But as we are not as big, nor as important as Hamms, I doubt very much if anything will come of this. I will be greatly interested to learn just where the highway is "really" going. Sincerely yotWs, onzetta Morrisette 2199 East Mohawk Road North St. Paul 9, Minn. m � /y1�3 14Z PEOPLES BUONA VISTA COMMUNITY COUNCIL 715 EDGERTON STREET ST. PAUL 1, MINNESOTA :•� July 25, 1963 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS - ROUTE SLIP Geri"' �lilw From: Commissioner's Office. Date: April 1 To: The Following - In Order Indicated. . 1 963 1• Gene Avery Initial: Date: 2. Initial: Date: Initial: Date: 3. Message: Just a little note to let you know that Mrs. Stanley Hoka a, 490 Collins, is in favor of a roadway just south of Collins or even through Collins for that matter. kP R 1 1963 pUgilC ORKS CHIEF EN DEPT. OF W GINEER At the March meeting of the Peoples Buona Vista Community Council, Mr. Milton Rosen, Commissioner of Public Works, Mr. Avery, and Mr. 9. A. Dehn, Valuation Department, were informed that the Council's position was one of favoring a route affecting the least number of homes and families, and therefore, the Council strongly recommended a route South of the Collins -North Street Route. This was also done by letter dated March 27,,, 1963. At the June 27, 1963 Peoples Buona Vista Community Council meeting, Mr. Rosen and Mr. Avery informed the people present that the City Highway Department favored the Collins -North Street Route. qAt the July 17, 1963 Peoples Buona Vista Community Council meeting, the people present decided to have a vote, by secret ballot, to determine the feelings of the neighborhood regarding the proposed routes for the Highway. The two proposed routes were listed on the ballot as the Beaumont Street Route and the South of Collins - North of North Street Route. It was the impression of many people that these were the only two routes that would be considered by the city. Therefore, the voting took place at the Merrick Community Center, 715 Edgerton Street, on Monday, July 22, 1963 from 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. for those who were eligible to vote. Of the two hundred and eighty (280) persons who voted, the results were: The South of Collins - North of North Street Route - 134 The Beaumont Street Route - 118 Neutral - 28 Si/njcer/e�JlyGr� . Mr /. F. R. Kadrie , President Peoples Buona Vista Community Council OFFICE OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS 386 "City Hall and Court House St. Paul 2, Minnesota Hon. Milton Rosen Comsr, of Public Works Building Dear Sir: MRS. AGNES H. O'CONNELL City Clerk HAROLD J. RIORDAN Council Recorder July 23, 1963 The City Council referred to the Public Works Department the attached letter of Anthony Corbo, 520 Collins St., in regard to the proposed Arch Pennsylvania Minnehaha Highway. Very truly yours, ty Clerk �L CITY OF SAINT PAUL - MINNESOTA 8 / IA OFFICE OF CITY CLERK `,BUREAU OF RECORDS 3 + 386 City Hall and Court House St. Paul 2, Minnesota 1 4, CoRej Sao�'nLLiivs NN Ave. MRS. AGNES H. O'CONNELL City Clerk HAROLD J. RIORDAN Council Recorder 6 JUL 21 s u 530 PM. HELP HIES 1963' HELP�THE HA�VD(CQpNED gp�NN. Very truly yoi D j""7/7 /—" C3 Clerk 41ev6� �= /-few 6 ZA61� ti� f� W. Hunt, Payne CITY OF SAINT PAUL — MINNESOTA 8 ��i� •V / "VC /J W. k OFFICE OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS 386 City Hall and Court House St. Paul 2, Minnesota MRS. AGNES H. O'CONNELL City Clerk HAROLD J. RIORDAN Council Recorder . I May 31, 1963 Hon. Milton Rosen Attention Mr. E. V. Avery Commissioner of Public Works City Hall Gentlemen: The City Council referred to you for consideration and discussion with the signers, the attached petition of about one hundred twenty one residents objecting to and making suggestions regarding the Pennsylvania, Arch, Minnehaha Highway Project. Very truly yours, e�or � / City Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL — MINNESOTA 8 THE BEUNA VISTA CUL.i:.1ITY C+OL' ML Dear Board Lembers: In reviewing all data concerning the Pennsylvania Arch and iinnehaha Highway,, X the people south of Beaumont St. feel we were not duly represented during the past tyro years while the planning of this proposed highway was in progress. The first we heard of this was in 1�ebxuary, 1963. Novi that it does concern us,, we do not want it south of Beaumont Street as it will not only affect the persons whose property is taken, There are many small business people in this area whom are dependent upon the trade that comes frcm the persons residing on the southern portion on Railway Island 4nd the senior citizens are just as dependent upon these merchants. ::e feel that in the event this h1gh4ay does pass through the center or southern part of this community, eventually the portion south of the highway will all be re -zoned "Industrial" and every person that has a house hore will be affected. i;e therefore suggest that these plans be .moved back up to Beaumont Street or forther north. It will be much less expensive as all. curves can be eliminated, the high-.,jay will be much straighter and an entire con unity will be much happier. Thank you. �•.` r_r- d,, //��{ . • f �S :'�•` Y �'t�ti. ;� I s � �� i • r.X �' . :5' r �, A, t. � �� r�V ... _ i.lid i' {, • =r a1 i' ��•• •• :=�L'Q 4 F1_;�1 r . �. u,• •rl r '•••.... °e T w -.ace ��; ),t �^ ' i �.� '�,r •. � i'� #�y.F `yt' r - �,.�rr k,.)�;'1' rte+ � �_" � r- ;Y s 1�; .�- 1�, ,' � ��q.. 2 �' t ' •� - Y r: _ ' rs, ' 4 a t � r .�4v � !' �':.••- �.'��� r 7. N /2± .r'Y _' , �s'�'�t. T t`r ,!�' -•!,. •�.: •:r y 1•, i', k *' '�' ,I=± ,A '�? �•,1k'T,i'�y'/,�L1�4. • .ag ��; }�• .r )'y .:�'. 1.� � • f,�, z r�. �' • 4. 5 1�. . ��,r�,,�6/��5 7�. �i,1(� % /����.�f; ;l ti;�q it .. •t t "v {; ; ry��E -' ate' + y 't t.; $' t1.7 "• ,,t i . r �_� .t (rr. I r �'. #' , �Y �r �.' .} r� + �l,Q IA �i\ � •,, �} tiy� }a - i't -t {c- , . 'f � ,= ��£Z /} rl.' 1_. .yam a r -« •- _' =�•,k= 'P#�i.)t1 •w: r*: . %tea{. •�i '3 -) .:� yr ' #�A ►'t r, i/ r,U�� i.• ;},; •♦ r - _ ..'�r,,.,.�..A «: ;'.• _r'" , ;)��` Jt' "•/'p: ��,'s,'• ,��,�''s "'����� �+:v.} I� i�r� �Lrl�� %7r. 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