214083ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK' ' •. 4 1 PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONI - - ;UBLISHED -2 G3 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTLON— GENERAL FORM COENCIL NO. =pile No: 214083 —By James J. — Bernard T. Holland —Frank & 3r. — Severin A. Mortinkon F. Peterson — MIItoix• x4o, n �- ?' J.'Vavoulis, Maya,`= bs-•0 .1 z'he City and. Hal WHEREAS, the City and County Detention and Workhouse Facility Commission, at a meeting held on the 24th day of June, 1963, adopted its final report and directed that pursuant to the law authorizing the formation and continuity of such Commission and termination thereof, copies of said final report be filed with the Clerk of District Court' of Ramsey County, Minnesota, and that copies also be filed with the Board of County Commissioners of Ramsey County-and with the Council of the City of Saint Paul; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners has heretofore, on the 25th day of June, 1963, adopted a resolution, No. 9 -6890, commending the members of the Commission for their excellent work and for their devotion to the duties of said Commission and cooperation with City and County officials; and WHEREAS, it is further the desire of the Council of the City of Saint Paul to extend recognition to all members who have served on the Commission for the very commendable job which they have done on be- half of the City of Saint Paul and Ramsey County; now, threfore, be it RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul that the • Council hereby accepts the final report of the Detention and Workhouse FacilLty Commission of the City of Saint Paul and the County of Ramsey; be tt FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Council expresses thanks on.behalf of the Council and the citizens of Saint Paul to each and every individual who has served as a member of the Detention and Workhouse Facility Commission and further hereby wishes to go on record in commending and, complimenting members of the Commission for the very excellent work that the Commission has performed on behalf of both the City and County and for the very excellent public institutions that have been constructed under the direction and supervision of the Detention and Workhouse Facility Commission; be it FINALLY RESOLVED, that the City Clerk is hereby directed, on behalf of the Mayor and members of the City Council, to prepare and mail to each member of the City and County Detention and Workhouse Facility Commission a certified copy of this resolution. JUL 25 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas /�.sy Nays JUL 25 Holland p oved Loss In Favor Mot tinsair Peterson Against Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis ^ eM 0 01 9— Mayor • QUADRUPLICATE TO DEPARTMENT ll" PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER a CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM - COUNCIL 214 " 83 FILE NO. IM9REASs the City and County 00ontlon and Workhouse Pocl 11 ty Omissions at a t ting held on the-24th day of June# 1963* adopted Its final report and directed that purtvdnt to the taw authorizing the forwItion and cqntlnulty of such 001solon and tereaination thereof, copies of sold flr4l raport be filed faith the Clerk of District Court of Ramey County, Mlns*sotas and that 0oplae also be filed with the Board of Count Coolosioners of Ramtsoy County and with the CourrclI of the City of Saint 0001l and WugRFAS, the Bo ord of County Comisstoners has heyrstofores an the 25th day of dune; 1963* adopted o resolution* No. 94WO ocaunding the mewbers of the Omission for thole excellent work and for their devotion to tho glut; os of told CommIsSloo and cooperation with City and County offleaalSl and idNERM* It is further the desl re of the Councl 1 of the City of Saint Paul to extand recognition to all aombers who have served on the Comissloo for the very ecomwdoblo ,job which they have done on be- half of the Clay of Saint Paul and Ramsey County; nowe ftefores be It R9$dLV0Q, by the Council of tho' Cl ty of Saint .Paul that 'the Council h=ssign- orrcept_ tip final report of the Detention and Workhouse Facility a - the City,of Saint Paul and the County of Rw$aly; be I.t PUATiER RSS4IIRVE:D* that tkp council expresses thanks on behalf of the Council and the tltlxons of Saint Paul to each-.and wary lndlvldual who. hoe served as 'o op *r of the pe tentl on and Workhouse Faci ,i t ty Ci 1,Pslon and fruV t�!`, herabyr witkea t , ► record 1n .corrMSnding tehd caspliwantlnS a ters, erf Abe towlsslon for the very excellent work that the Caml sslon has 00for ad on bahal f of -both the City ,lend County sod for the vary, public Instltutlons that have been constructed under the di rdctlon and supervision off' the cotentlgn and Workhouse Fact 1 t ty , faomaisPicRt , tla I t , , pI NIl LY RC6GLVEDs that the City Mork Is hereby. directed, on babel f of tho Fps' and o"bors of tho City Councl 4 to prepare and mall to each !er fire CI ty and County Qo #e :.ntlon and Workhouse f'aei 11 ty Cereal salon .4 dortl rlcd oopy of this re3solutiom JUL 25 W, COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays ; . JUL 25 Rolland Approved 19— Loss Tn Favor Mayor Peterson Rosen Against <. Mr. President, Vavoulis 6M G-(il • IIT%- / �r�f�LV'v /Jv