214064* Original to- City Clerk ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. a� •C 7 0 U O R O •a 0 U N N Lo An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 7607, entitled: 11An ordinance fixing the duties and responsibilities, and the, minimum qualifications for the various classes, of positions, in the- Classified Service of the City, 11 approved .February 13, 1935, as amended. — THE COUNCIL -OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL. DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That .Ordinance 'No. 7607, approved February 13, 214064 1935, a.s amended, be: and the same is hereby further amended by striking out the following titles and specifications.: Duplicating Machine Operator Junior Duplicating Machine Operator Junior'Photography and Duplicating Technician Photography and Duplicating Technician Supervisor of Photography` and Duplicating Section 2. That said ordinance, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by inserting in their proper alphabetical order the specifications. for the following titles: of Duplicating Equipment Operator I Duplicating Equipment Operator II Duplicating Equipment Operator III Yeas Councilmen Nays Dalglish Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President (Vavoulis) Attest: City Clerk 1 M 6-82 2 2 -I- Council File No. 214084 — Ordinance No. 12535 —By Bernard T. Rolland — An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 7607, entitled: "An ordinance fixing the duties and respopsibilities h n d t h e minimum qualifications fo;' the various classes of posi�fons in the S,Classified Service of the ,/City," app r g v e d February, 13, 1935, - 'as amended. a r The Council of the City of Saint Paul Does Ordain: SECTION 1 That Ordinance No. 7607, approved February 13,1935, -is r,nended, be and the same is here l r ' *' 'ether amended by a+rlking out tk,�xJ; wing titles and ?ec,fi ^r ttons: �Flai i`:'iir �d7r•e.��` 3V/3' ?•'T � �i:lt� BSM12 �� +7ns�6t4 r Passed by the Council Approved: Mayo: In Favor Against orizin.l to -City Clerk 214064 ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO.-� Section_ 3:. That said ordinance, as. amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out of the "Minimum qualifications." in the: specifications for "Poundmasteril, the .following words: r z i�... and two years, in the care of dogs in a dog pound. Must be experienced in the use of cyanide of potassium in the killing of dogs." Section. 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days. after its ,passage, approya.l, and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays Dalglish Holland Loss . \Peterson Mr. President ( this Attest � City Clerk 1 Al 8-82 22 -5- AUG 81963 Passed by the Council �-5 Tn Favor o Against AUG 8 Approved atrng Mayor i' 214064 Title of class: ) DUPLICATING EQUIPMENT OPERATOR I Duties and responsibilities: Under supervision and instruction,, to be trained in and to assist in the operation of standard office duplicating machines; and to perform related work as assigned. Examples.of work.performed: _ In the capacity of a learner- - To operate standard duplicating machines such as the Mimeograph and Multilith. To operate a Photo -scat machine. To perform filing and simple incidental clerical work. To clean the machines and keep workroom orderly. ' To make minor adjustments to the machines, To assemble papers and operate fastening machines. Minimum qualifications: High school graduation. " -2- r Title of class: 214064 DUPLICATING EQUIPMENT OPERATOR ii Duties and responsibilities: / Under supervision, Co operate standard office duplicating machines; to operate a Photo -stat machine and to take and to process photographs; and to perform related work as assigned. Examples of work performed: To operate standard duplicating machines such as the Mimeograph and Multilith. To clean, make minor repairs, and maintain the machines in operating order. To make metal off -set plates for the Multilith. To perform incidental clerical work and record keeping. To requisition supplies and materials. To instruct employees in the operation of machines. To operate a Photo -stat machine, To take black and white and colored pictures when required. To prepare necessary chemical solutions. To develop and process photographic negatives. Minimum. qualifications: High school graduation and one year's experience as a Duplicating K,quipmenc Operator I, or equivalent. -3- A Title of class: DUPLICATING EQUIPMENT OPERATOR III Duties and responsibilities: Under supervision, to be responsible for the duplication work in the Bureau of Health or in the Department of Education; and to perform related work as assigned. Examples of work performed: 214064 � To operate and supervise the operation of Mimeograph and Multilith machines and of a stitching machine, collator, punohin.g machine and Binder. To operate and supervise the operation of a Continuous Model Phot- stat machine and to supervise all the operations necessary for the production of black and white and colored pictures. To set up and prepare plates and stencils for duplicating machines. To be responsible for filing, preserving plates, stencils, negatives, prints and other pertinent material. To be responsible for the oiling and general maintenance of the machines used. To do a limited amount of art work for retouching negatives, prints, and for inking posters and signs. To operate and be responsible for movie and slide projectors. To requisition supplies and material. Minimum qualifications: High school graduation and two years' experience as a Duplicating Equipment Operator II, or equivalent. -4- CITY CLERK 214064 Nao, 116011# emaa*6 04- OrWAMOO, fhft ** daloi svA -ttspoo,4419so 0m, tbo talaimum vogicatl6as ' for 00, varo 41"Ost �s "SM" ta as 101"tWO att'vit* Ot the COVO ;Owv**il sl*bv"ty iss, Ms* so Am"d*& V MOU& Of' "M MY OP "OT PA V4 VOZS QVJMW4 VOOOM to, ThO Owitfumm SO. 101* APSWbV44 Vebmq, Oil 193%, on tho touow�w ttaos 000*44 SUM" OPV M&OftU "tow r Os Otalft UctwcidA S*t.Uft "WorAft Mat Oda UWWW4 tW d. Oa *oan* fat tho "owl % Wool: PM"t tor U OM c7 � YI -_l a Title of class: DUPLICATING EQUIPMENT OPERATOR I Duties and responsibilities: Under supervision and instruction, to be trained in and to assist in the operation of standard office duplicating machines; and to perform related work as assigned. Examples of work performed: In the capacity of a learner— To To operate standard duplicating machines such as the Mimeograph and Multilith. To operate a Photo -stat machine. To perform filing and simple incidental clerical work. To clean the machines and keep workroom orderly. To make minor adjustments to the machines. To assemble papers and operate fastening machines. Minimum qualifications: High school graduation. i —^r 214064 [.2 "51 3� 214064 Title of class: DUPLICATING EQUIPMENT OPERATOR II Duties and responsibilities: Under supervision, to operate standard office duplicating machines; to operate a Photo -scat machine and to take and to process photographs; and to perform related work as assigned. Examples of work performed: To operate standard duplicating machines such as the Mimeograph and Multilith. To clean, make minor repairs, and maintain the machines in operating order. To make metal off -set plates for the Multilith. To perform incidental clerical work and record keeping. To requisition supplies and materials. To instruct employees in the operation of machines. To operate a Photo -scat machine. To take black and white and colored pictures when required. To prepare necessary chemical solutions. To develop and process photographic negatives. Minimum qualifications: High school graduation and one year's experience as a Duplicating Equipment Operator I, or equivalent. -3- 214064 Title of class: DUPLICATING EQUIPMENT OPERATOR III Duties and responsibilities: Under supervision, to be responsible for the duplication work in the Bureau of Health or in the Department of Education; and to perform related work as assigned. Examples of work performed: To operate and supervise the operation of Mimeograph and Multilith machines and of a stitching machine, collator, punching machine and binder. To operate and supervise the operation of a Continuous Model Phot- stat machine and to supervise all the operations necessary for the production of black and white and colored pictures, To set up and prepare plates and stencils for duplicating machines. To be responsible for filing, preserving plates, stencils, negatives, prints and other pertinent material. To be responsible for the oiling and general maintenance of the machines used. To do a limited amount of art work for retouching negatives, prints, and for inking posters and signs. To operate and be responsible for movie and slide projectors. To requisition supplies and material. Minimum qualifications: High school graduation and two years' experience as a Duplicating Equipment Operator 11, or equivalent. R 7 • �n -4- 214064 ftetift. Vb4t WJ4 errs X44409, . Md, *e 0400, im uolortmohov o f *d tw stoles d tho ou. wri "OkO ti ft �r3 at, yba #a, to � t ,w Moo bo !gwoo toc *a VW* 4ndln=to iW-1 t4U Aged 4ud fftco:Wfty #60 00 N90 .60 j9t C t v 2nd I Laid over to 3rd and app I clopted s Nays Yeas Nays alglish Holland i Loss / Nl��Peterson ir-J \ Rosen Dalglish Holland Loss Peterson 'Mr. President 'Favouliu- ti s 214064 ,16 ,G 3 pLTULISI ED 8