214063Orivinal to-City Clerk Council File No. 214663— Ordinance No.' 125 By Bernard T Holland— An r� ® e 4 An ordinance 'amending Ordinance �J No. 3250, 21063 "An administrative- ordinance relat- L} d�.11r In g to the Civil•Service Bureau of the NO. City of Saint Paul, approving and adopting rules and regulations there- for, PRESENTED BY approved August 25, 1914, as amended. r NO. of the City r ;i Saint Paul, 1; 'Main: , s:•.yi -:�i r : ',air An ordinance amending Ordi� s , 250, _!jh +' °OVed g and J1 lzar? "An administrative ordirrahce relating to tliedc.ivil Service Bureau of the City of Saint Paul, approving and adopting rules and regulations therefor, approved August 20, 1914, as. amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL. DOES ORDAIN: Section I. That Ordinance No. 3.250, approved August 20, 1914, a,s amended, be and the same is hereby further amended, by striking out - where they appear in Section 6 the following titles: Junior Duplicating Machine Operator 'Grade 30 Duplicating Machine Operator " 36 Supervisor of Photography and Duplicating " 44 and, by inserting in. lieu thereof, respectively, the following titles: Duplicating equipment Operator I Duplicating Equipment Operator II Duplicating Equipment .Operator -�M Section 2. That said ordinance, as amended, be and the same . • - �s.q'e�y further amended by striking out of said. Section 6 the following Hf jw for Photography' and Duplicating Technician Grade 30 _ PIkotography and Duplicating Technician '" 40 ' Section 3. This' ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage, approval, and publication. v o _ ca N aLi . 0 [L 0- o U N o Yeas Councilmen Nays Dalglish Holland Loss �me =i:Rae� (� - Peter son yet l Mr. President Attest: y j% fwd hy, City Clerk 1114. 6-62 22 Approved: i 1 .Sere ce ommis si n,er AUG 81963° Passed by the Council Tn Favor �J A. t AN 81 Approved: t Aotjn# Mayor W 5 /CITY CLERK ". 21-4063 1-21- Co appoVeA AU$U# 20s, 1914q, 40 *0=464 'M COMOW 4w VM =y 03r tmT Mhllu ,fir OP0#04 At$ � ► ra ft t � �� ratok 06. e r r ot StOW1160y 04 boa* ftr4, la".rat. sw 2iou ►lr"t res"alvolyo *0 by ��u*ar rabY hex *M4064 bY tittlWAN out of oAld ttft,6 th* id rye ' . UtWlelft 0"4* 30 O Ap"ids a owner Nij 819 R Y a lst.�. —� � _ 2n Laid over to 3rd and app. A 'opte eas Nays Yeas Nays alglish Dalglish \ Holland Holland \1 Loss Loss M x0AsO*-- -- mactinso8 -- �Peterson Peterson Rosen Rosen Me-a' a on en s . 214063 PUBLISHED -