07-297Suspension - March 28, 2007 RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Council File # 07-297 Green Sheet # 3038210 Reso[ution Establishing a Stay in Implementation of Council FiZe #07-I21, An Order to Remove or Repair 66-68 East Stevens Street t WHEREAS, the Saint Paul CiTy Council adopted Council File #07-121 on February 7, 2007 an Order to z Remove or Repair the buildings at 66-68 Stevens Street within 15 days; and a WHEREAS, this action was taken based on the recommendation of the legislative heazing o�cer following a 5 January 16, 2007 hearing on the matter; and � WHEREAS, in the legislative hearing information was reviewed and testimony taken indicating the mortgage 8 company was in full possession of the property following foreclosure proceedings and intended to sell the 9 property to a party who was capable of completing the rehabilitation; and io I t WHEREAS, provision was made to accommodate this intention by offering a recommendation for a 2 week i2 continuation of the matter at the CiTy Council should the following conditions be met by February 7, 2007: 13 (4 1) ts 2) t6 3) I7 the performance bond must be posted; the vacant bui]ding fees must be paid; and a code compliance inspection must be completed t s WHEREAS, the performance bond had not been posted, the code compliance inspection had been applied for 19 on February 7, 2007 but not completed, and the vacant building fees had been paid; and z0 zt WHEREAS, on January 16, 2007 the Legislative Hearing Ofticer indicated that should these conditions be 22 met, she would recommended that the Council continue this matter for two (2) weeks in order to give the z3 owner time to develop a work plan addressing the items in the code compliance inspection report and a z4 financial plan demonstrating the capacity to carry out the work; and zs z5 WHEREAS, demolition of the building(s) at this property is imminent and the City Council believes there is a 2� some chance that the building could be saved by means of a competent rehabilitation which addresses all of 28 the problems identified in the code compliance inspection report prepared by the Office of License, z9 Inspections and Environmental Protection (LIEP); and 30 3 t WHEREAS, the City Council wishes to grant an additional rivo (2) weeks to the owner to meet the following 3z conditions which will be required for any additional grant of time: 33 3a 1) the performance bond must be posted; 35 2) a work plan addressing the items in the February 22, 2007 code compliance inspection report 35 prepared by LIEP be developed by the owner(s) or their designee and approved by the 37 Legislative Heazing Officer; 38 3) a financial plan which demonstrates the capaciTy to complete the work be developed by the 39 owner(s) or their designee and approved by the Legislative Hearing Officer; and ao 4) a purchase or sales contract with the future owner who will take responsibility for the 4t properiy's rehabilitation. 66-68 Stevens St. — 2 Week Stay Resolution, Page 2 of 2 � 07-297 2 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council directs the Legislative Hearing Officer 3 schedu(e a legislative hearing on April 10, 2007 to confirm these conditions have been met and report back to 4 the City Council on ApriI 11, 2007 with her findings and a draft resolution providing for a further stay in the 5 demolition should she so recommend based on the owner's performance in meeting the above conditions; and 6 be it 8 RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council grants a stay in the implementation of Council File #07-122 9 untit April 12, 2007; and be it io t t RESOLVED, that the City Council agrees that the 60-day deadline for appealing the February 7, 2007 Order tz of the City Council to Remove or Repair 66-68 Stevens Street may be extended to Apri127, 2007 and no i3 more. Yeas Nays Absent Benanav y i Bostrom � Hanis ,� Helgen ,� Lantry , Montgomery ✓ Thune � d i Adopted by Council: Date f��,���,_�700'7 Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BY /f /Liiru��So., Approved by Mayor: Date ��tC,( a. o'L D d� Bv: _ ��� f.� �<.-.,� Requested by Department of: � Form Approved by City Attomey � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council C'� 07-297 � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � co -co��;� Contact Person & Phw�e: Marcia Moertnond 26G8570 Must Be on Council Aaen Doe. Type: RESOLUTION E-Document Required: Y Document ConYact: Racquel Naylor Contac[ phone: 266-8573 28-MAR-07 �► Assign Number For Routing Order Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip All Locations for Signaturej Green Sheet NO: 3038210 8 onncH 1 nnd be arm�eutAireMOr 2 " L7erk 3 4 5 Resolution Establishing a Stay in Implementation of Council File #07-]21, An Ordu to Remove or Repair 66-68 East Stevens Street iaanons: Hpprove �H) or Ke7ecc �rt). rersonai service contrac[s must wnswer tne ronowmg uuesnons: Planning Commission �. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contrect for this depaAmenY? CIB Committee Yes No Civil Service Commission 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city empbyee? Yes No 3. Does this perso�rm possess a skill not normally possessed by any currenl city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separaM sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): C j�,�Q+� °• a x ' Sa:°�ac�za� �':'��� � �.. 1 �.1. � Advantages If Approved: DisadvanWges If Approved: Disativantages If Not Approved: Transaction: Fund7ng Source: Financial lnfonnation: (F�cpiain) CosVRevenue Budgeted: Activity Num6er. March 2S, 2007 2:30 PM Page 1