212027ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK P11✓D '/3 21202 t,CITY Of STy PAUL FOENCIL NO. e _ f �EF -ICE OF THE CITY CLERK I • COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM ?cil File No. 212027 — By Frank L. AL' solved, That the Council of the JI PRESENTED BY G ,fjt� g -�f Sant paul. after having studied COMMISSIONER— DATE _ . er^ c :2rOin pending leEl,ki , t l.fl rieriz. _ — "''I�Q_.ri3Tr.... -•-rte " RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul, after having studied and considered certain pending legislation now before the Minnesota State Legislature relative to zoning ordinances and amending Minnesota Statutes 462.18, embodied in House File No. 1298, does not approve of the bill as drawn and would recommend the following changes: (1) That the five years which was changed to ten years contained in the sixth line of subdivision 3, be changed to two years. (2) In the fourteenth line of Subdivision 3, that the words "a committee of" be stricken, and (3) In the fifteenth line of Subdivision 3, that the word "agency" be changed to "representatives." (4) A further recommendation is that there be a limitation contained in the amendment providing an expiration of three years, for subdivision 3 of the statute. (5) That a severability clause be inserted. FURTHER RESOLVED, That copies of this resolution be forwarded by the City--Clerk to the Legislative Committee studying said proposed legislation, and to the Honorable Arthur Naftalin, Mayor of Minneapolis. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Dalglish Holland Loss Mortinson F*kF8aR-, Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis 10M 0-02 -APR 4193 Adopted by the Council 19— APR 4 p roved 19— n Favor ` Mayor —P Against If .:04 �-T The attached bill is intended to ours, a situation of .a •v tainty which has existed !n cities of the first class as relates • ' to sating since 195'9 when the ' guprome Court of Minnesota in State ex r � . ril foster v. City of X1,=smpglis, 255 Minn. 249, declared the i*=sent provisionb of the sohW statute, 462#18, to be invalid as an unlawful delegation of authority and has created considerable '' 8eubt as to the authority of cities of the first class to zone and rezone property. The attached bill relates to the City of Minneapolis only and provides that the Ciq dotmoil may adopt a zoning ordinanoe and thereafter rezone areas of leas than fire acres, but only after written notice to the owner of the property affeoted and all p"Verties within 200 feet of the affected property and the holding of a public hearing. As to areas of greater than five sores .published notice In provided for with the requirement of a public .hearing. The bill is intended to and does limit the so- called .6mmont provision presently in the statutes and substitutes the 4*tiod and hearing procedure therefor.. The bill Preserves the sating existing at the time of its adoption until changed by the City Counoil. • r u jJ A • S ` The attached bill is intended to our* a situation of unoortainty which has existed in cities of the first class as relates U soning since 1959 when the Supreme Court of Minnesota in State *x w r*1 Foster v. City of Minneapolis, 255 Minn. 249, declared the • dvsent provisions of the soh; W statute, 462418, to be invalid as tar unlawful delegation of authority and has created considerable 4oubt as to the authority of oities of the first class to zone and .,Yonne property. . The attached bill relates to the City of Minneapolis only And provides that the Cf4 dotunoil may adopt a zoning ordinance and W thereafter rezone areas of less than five acres, but only after written notice to the owner of the property affected and all g."prties within 200 feet of the affected property and the holding ef4a publio hearing. As to areas of greater than five acres *Ltahed notice is provided for with the requirement of a public The bill is intended to and does limit the so- called `t provision presently in the statutes and substitutes the ,x it and hearing procedure therefor. The bill preserves the •*xisting at the time of its adoption until changed by the ftunoil. ( =ot V 0 , .f l' RIZPMT OF TMS COWAITTE5 WAR ID VIXTl4 _ HR ftSi0NSi0ILXTY' OF STMY1W 14OUSS ° PILO N4. 1298 WRtCH RgLAT95 TO ZONING ORJ1NANMS AMENPING MXN SQTA STATM " 462918 The committee meRt, 'monday efte=000n and thoroughly disc Zgat erased bath amohdfents •en�d d002 Abt Bell appacav should, 'Thoy be granted for the bill iv subeOtsd. Ara suggea.ting f lv&a changes Pn- - i) nat the five ars w iiGh era c3�enge0 to 10 Vikart - gya Subdivision 3.* It is cootainoo Sn 6 a th Unt _ of _ the xecom�endation of tho comi:ttse . that - Via 14 years bey changed to t,**. years. . } Ire the .f ► rt4anth f ina of Subdivisio that tie A rds ' 4a ct 3ttee :of" bo -stricken and A) i,n. the Afteenth !in* ".a9encyr6 be changed to '0repre- D 4j A further- reopwondati.on is that there -be .a 11mitation contained: in the amend er L provW1s g i :axpiretioh of throe vears,� for oubdivision 3 of tb,* atatutoe ; 5), ht is alav the recq - nilation. of this oommit%06 that • = . a s*vorability ciaoseb# contained An the statut#- _.. rd H.: Uhrooder - City , rchitoct av to fit- a an .` iveotor of City planning ' John . W.. Connolly ` Ae,stairch Dirsotor . M a y u • � • , fj 1 RILL VCR ..N 1,CT AUTHORIZING THL CITY OF NINKAPOLI: TO ADOPT AND.ENFORCE AN ORDINANCE OR ORDIKNCES FOR THE PURPOSE OF PROMOTING THE PUBLIC HEALTH, SAF'U Y, MOAALS AND GENERAL I.ELFARE AND TO PR SCRIBE RMULATIONS ' TCi REGULATE THL LOCATION, HEIGHT BULK, SIZE CF BUILDINGS AND OTHER ATRUCTURES AND THE-USES OF LAND 41THIN THE CI1'Y. BE IT ENACTE) RY THE LEQISLA^URE OF .HE STATE nF MINNESC`TA: Section 1. Notwithaterding any other statute, the City of Minnearnlie, 'ty a maj ^rity vn.te of the members of its governing rndy, may adopt and enforce an ordinan --e nr ordinances frr the purrone cf m%meting the rutlic health, Safety, order, convenience, r msperity and general welfare regulating the use of lance and the location, size and use of buildings, the height of buildings, the Arrangement of buildings on lots ar. -I the density of population therein, and may make different regulations for different districts of the city anI may thereafter alter or amend Auoh plan nr regulat16ne or may ad;1pt an entirely new sand comprehensive amendment, ordinance nr regulations for the same rurpone by a majority vote of all its rremters,, but any new ordinance or regulation embracing the whole city ahall. not be.adopted except by a two - thirds vote cf All the members of the governing body. The gnverning body may alsn pfovide fnr the regulation �f the use of lands nr buildings, for the classification of dwellings, fnr the reguleticcn of the minimum proximity of future rulldinga or uses in cntri ercial or industrial districts or zr�nea to adjoining multiple dwelling or reaidonoe. districts or zones, and -my rrohirit' the 1 Y � V P extension or improvement of or conversion cf existing structures into any or all ojaOsec of dwellings, in areas included in heavy industrial districts, when'in the Judgment of such governing body industrial development so warrants. Sea. 2. No change or amendment of -the ordinance or regulation referred, to in 3eetion 1 hcreif affecting an are& of not more than five acres shall to •Bade until- after written notice has been mailed to the owner of the affected property and all of the owners of real estate within 200 feet of the perimeter of the prcparty affected according to the records of the County Auditor and a hearing held by a committee of the City Council or a designated agency of the, City of Minneapolis not lean then 10 days after the mailing of such notice. in the event that any change or amendment is to te.made in an area containing more than five acres or of the city as a whole; sdch changes shell not be made until after rutlished notice of such proposal has teen made at least once a week for three consecutive weeks and a rublic hearing held upon such proposal by the City Council and a public hearing held by the Planning.Cemission. Sec. 3. This act shall not'operste as a repeal of or to suspond the operation of any ordinance of the city in force at the effective, date of this act regulating the size, height, bulk, location or number of 'stories of any building or structure or the use of any land in the City of Minneapolis-and such ordinsneea ahall remain in full force and effect until repealed, altered or-amended by the City Council. 2 V n See. I). This act shall hecome effective uFrn approval by the City CO'Incil of the City of tiainneapolis Brid Compliance with Lsvis 1959, Chapter 358. 3 J J • J i ., BILL VCR .,N j,CT AUTHORIZING THE CITY OF MINNZAPOLIS TO ADOPT AND. ENFORCE AN ORDINANCE ,OR ORMANCES FOR THE PURPOSE OF PROMOTING THE PUBLIC HEALTH, SAFL'TY., MORALS AND GENERAL I-ELFARE AND TO PR'I'SCRIBL REGULATIONS' Tb REOULATE THL LOCATION; HEIGHT; HULK, SIZE CF .BUILDINGS AND OTHER STRUCTURES AND THE-USES OF LAND WITHIN THE CI'T'Y. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE IF THE STATE AF MINItiESCiA: Section 1. Netwithetanling any other statute, the City-of Minrearnlis, ky a pia j�rity vate of the members of it3 governing rndy, m.Ay adept and enforce an ordinance mr ordinances for the purrmse r. f rrorrritirg the rutlia health, Safety, order, crnvenience, rrosperity and general welfare regulating the use of lands and the lrcatinn, size and urge of buildings, the height of buildings, the arrangement of buildings on lots and the density of population therein, and may make different regulations for different districts of the city and may thereafter alter or Amend such plan nr regulations or may adopt an entirely new And crmprehensive amendment, ordinance or regulations for the Same rurrose by a majority vote of all its members, but any new ordinance or regulation embracing the whole city shall not be- adopted except by a two- thirda vote of All the membeta of the governing body.. The Snvernirg bony may also provide fir the regulation of the use of lands nr buildings, for the clasaification of dwellings, fir the regulation of the minimum proximity of future buildings or uses In enmiterclal or industrial districtA or zones to� adjoining multiple dwelling or re3id once districts or zones, and may rrohirit the I n extension or improvement of or conversion cf existing structures Into any or all elassea of dwellir.,gs; in areas Included In heavy industrial districts, when in the Judgment of Such governing Cody industrial development an warrants. Sec. 2. No change or Amendment of the ordinance or regulation referred to in Section 1 hereof affecting an area of not more then five $area shall be-made until after written notice has been mailed to the owner of the affected Property and all of the .owners of real, eotate within 200 feet of the perimeter of the preperty affected according to the records of the Cnunty Auditor and a hearing held by a connittee of the City Council or a designated agency of the City of Minneapolis not less than 10 days after the mailing of such notice.' In the event that any change or amendment is to be made in an area containing more than five scree or of the city as a whole, ouch changes shall not be made until after rublished notice of such proposal has teen made at least once a week for three cinsecuti.ve weeks and a rutlie hearing held upon such proposal ty the City Council and a public hearing held by the Planning Comr4 asicn. Sec. 3. This act shall not' operate so, a repeal of or to suspend the operation of any ordinance of the city in force at the effective date of this act regulating the size, height, bulk, location or number of 'stories of any building or structure or the use of any land in the City of Minneapolis *and such ordinances oholl remain in full force and effect until repe$led, altered ter tmonded by the City Council. 2 sec. 11. This Act shall become effective up ,,n .approval ty the City Councl4l o� the City ^f Vinneapolls and Compliance with Laws 1959, Chanter 358. 3 4 i 11s, r� A BILL F'OR AN ACT RELATING TO ZONING ORDINANCES; AMENDING' MINNESOTA STATUTES 1961, SECTION 462.18. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA: Section 1. Minnesota Statutes 1961, Section 462.18 is amended to read: 462.18 CITIES FIRST CLASS; AUTHORIZATION OF ZONING ORDINANCE]. Subdivision 1. For the purpose of promoting the publio health, safety, order, convenience, prosperity and general welfare, any city of the first class in the state acting by and through its governing body, may by ordinance regulate, the location, size, and use of buildings, the height of buildings, the arrangement of buildings on lots, and the density of population therein, may make different regulations for different districts thereof, and may acquire or prepare and adopt a comprehensive city plan for such city or any portion thereof for the future physical development and improvement of the city, in accordance with the regulations made as aforesaid, and may thereafter alter the regulations or plan, such alterations, however, to be made only after there shall be filed in the office of the city clerk a written consent of the owners of two - thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situate within 100 feet of the real estate affected, and after the affirmative vote in favor thereof; by a majority of the members of the governing body of any such city; provided, however, that notwithstanding any resolution, ordinance or law conflicting herewith, the governing body of any such city, by an affirmative two- thirds vote in I- favor thereof, may by resolution grant a permit for the conati'uction of additions, extensions or improvements to any hospital which is being actually operated and maintained on the premises 1hkich it occupies on the date of the paspage of this section; proVIded3 Further, that whenever the city planning commidsibA or bold shall make recommendation ih writing ' o the governing body of any such city for altdring thb regulation or plan, with respect to a more restricted Wte of any real estate within 1,000 feet of a public park, tahidh park contains not less than 50 acres, locdted near orIddjabent to the waters of a navigable lake, covering Mi area 6f n6t less than 1,000 squaro miles, the governing bodii �y a tw6-i thirds vote bf dil its members, may alter the regufatioii br Oldn in acc6rdancs itith the recommendation of the Oita, �16ining comkissiori or board, Subd. 2. Provided, further, that the governing body of any city of the firdt class, by a two - thirds vote of all its members in favor thereof, may, after hearing, adopt a new zoning ordinance or plan or amend or alter any existing zoning ordinance or plan without such written consent whenever the planning commission or planning board of such city shall have made a survey of the whole area of the city or of an area of not less than 40 acres, within which the new ordinance or plan or the amendments or alterations of the existing ordinance or plan would take effect when adopted, and shall have considered whether the number of descriptions of real estate affected by such changes and alterations renders the obtaining of such written consent impractical, and such planning commission or planning board shall report in writing as to whether in its opinion the 2 f � u proposals bf the gotrer`r ing body in ahy case are 'reasonably related to the overali needs of the community, to existing land use, or to a plan for future land use, and shall have conducted a public hearing on such proposed ordinance, changes br alterations, of which hearing published notice shall have been given in a daily newspaper of general circulation at least once each week for three successive weeks prior to such hearing, which notice shall state the time, place and purpose of such hearing, and shall have reported to the governing body of the city its findings and recommendations in writing. Subdue 3. Notwithstanding the provisions ions of Subdivision 1 of this section,�w�heney'r` the governing body of any city of the first class has adopted a new zoning ordinance or plan, or amended or altered any existing ordinance or plan,in compliance with Subd. 2 of this section, such city may for a period of +tVIT years after the adoption thereof alter the zoning of any lot or tract from such new zoning classification to a classification n quiva ent to the previous zoning thereof or to any zoning classification the degree of restriction of which would be intermediate between such new and previous classifications without the consent of any property owner. The alterations authorized by this subdivision shall be made only after a public hearing on such proposed change has been held by a committee of the governing body or by a designated agency of such city of which hearing written notice shall have been mailed to the owner of the affected property and all the owners of real estate within 200 feet of the affected property according to the records of the auditor of the county in which such property is situated and such alteration thereafter 3 adopted by the affirmatiVe vote in favor thereof by two thirds of all the mombers of the governing body of such city. Subd. 4. In a%y such city in which the governing body shall have heretoforb adop�ed or shall hereafter adopt such a zoning ordinance or plan; the governing body may also provide thereby for the regulation of the use of lands or buildings3 for the clAasifidation bt dwellings, for the regulation of the minimum proximity of future buildings or uses in commercibl or indixstriai districtg dr zones to adjoining multiple dwelling o� residence districts or zones, and may prohibit the extension or improvement of or conversion of existing structures into any or all classes of dwellings, in areas included in heavy industrial districts, when in the judgment of such governing body industrial development so warrants. Subd In any such city in which by any local rule or ordinance the use of any land, or the construction or use of any building located within a zoned district, shall have been made conditional upon the applying for and obtaining the governing body's consent thereto, no such application shall be denied except by action of the city council in writing adopted by the governing body after a public hearing on such application, which denial shall state the reasons for such denial. I