212014. - - p1lJBLISIi1JD 2120 14 Court a Council File No .... .......... ..__ s ..... Ng ^J U I 9 gug 3J w7AL FOR � +l i 'J �:�'ile No. 212014 — By Milton }30� �0 6$ ri �N f J ue 9u c aqi r12 a 6 2,c o� .r G e� ..... or the H6j dNC2 i su 9 2pn•fN ue cGU Pd�i 2� J us ° ;k a . <, r. :; ©sstr k/�is• g CO�2 J 9u • o� Cou'49A 2g! 9 cl �c (�] �s ��►s c6utG1. b'f 2p cNo2s bg�sfl + I ;lJ+ IS'y - ' y uG Poj ua' ou s nV �JJG 9 f ! us ° jP2 ° _ /7g2pu /yl1 j C li t6 .. 11+1 ua �c °1 9 cl t Co'UM9A f f o�z g lfosg C,$ .. N a r 6 J J us ~` _r cc�,�a:l:cisr� 2�` 1$� {NG UoL D } �i' �� • cs i` fU' Ko PoGrA1GS '• X 13. �N 1 Jue su {� l.9gJry�, �� °t e 92 r' o� U $ss� e £ 'co�u Ns d 2pn�N J BUG oN6- `cGU -.c� o sst2� 1l us °,G) 2 *g2fcL u �%E iJ�2 t 29 i t P, �� P� Uq WU. /- °Co c� � C c pE 11JG ............................................ -- --- ......... -•--- ..................................... --____ ............. ___... ----- ---------------- _--_-_-_-_._-.....,.......................... ..............•--- •--- •-- _... -- ......... -- Dated this - - -- ....rd.. - - - -- -.day of - •- ••• - -• - -- Apri 1.._...... ................................. 1963. • ..................•-- .....•-- •- •••-- •---- ••--- - - - - -- .............................................. Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the malting of the following improvement, viz.: N .... .... ..............- .w....., .. .ri.� ... ^.. ... .. -. .. '_.�.��+. ..................... K.. - ..........- `i .............. .<,. - ' - ._ ' r'S, .. r R ........................ ... . }- ...-.. .. ..... ; �' Operr.' nd prideii= creasy`. &t,`� creak�'hg�twro cul4e- .siacs. for .str•aakY'purpos4e�s. - •r -- ess .oi?,1�fFii'ta: $eaFyAve� b acret�rr anc� 1:k�.t�g�kiv$e''? �rrtsf j y,. - tOt Robert L..,i are :s• Edst�arrk ftights4o�id > ;ot�.� ,.'`81c i ',, Wdsor_� Road "rdns . yting'.b wa `,tile tioi t� rW''_a Sout11' "mine r+� Ec3+yway. S.t, rc! a iii�e which` ,s ass`. tha.- �ar�r .�r.�fl�..sr�i,d.c�rcii�•tbe�I�g �n -�- t e ce tar Ifhs -of <Coft'-ay .Sty. grid A04,;21 ft* )east of the Asst M61 6CW -hite theref ee bL ,� eat` �1 vet Also -t 0 setts tl Lilts 8 ,r . oci M ebbdrt L - Var'•ers isste_rn T I) rr`� i tr or �av i1) $° il� A *Crf` rl ( TA •,,)r r-.� r �i RHait,.lsnt ©sCfini 1'4,, �1±xk► ku's oast da ras,: !?�g,thtaer+► the 1,liia�hn-I,ir�%�; ani�l�sct�k�41�i Cto�, ol� c�r�r�iystlt t:t �ita'�+a °° � �h i fir- etk�s -'le rc .of � • ��1 �� l 0 • 2haY ►''! � t�ar t r ` ,v4 ,4 .FEsPnt,%t4DLfd tai feirs a bed Onw 111. f ts. east 'Vhrta o' e t -i r Ac v o 8. To yrnish tar 1 �r f. a plan,, profile or sitctch of said izapruv"cnt. 4. To state whether or trot said improvement is eked for on the peiiti= of tl)tee or more owners. b. To report upon •aU of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. - — - - - APR 3 1963 Adopted by the Council ... _.................... ................................................. YEAS NAYS Councilman Da 1 g 1 i sh Holland Approved. APR ...... 3 1.tic. .................. - Loss �. Mort i nson # Peterson Rosen------------- --- •. -- ...... - - -- ............ --- ... --- ...... MR. PRESIDENT Vavou 1 i s Mayor. 3000 7-54