07-257Council File # � 7�j 7 Green Sheet# 3037603 2 RESOLUTION MINNESOTA � attached Memorandum of Agreement between the City of Saint Paul and the Professional Employees Association to extend the previously-approved pilot project within the Office of Human 0 Resources, for the job classifications of Human Resources Consultant I, II, III. Benanav Bostrom Harris Helgen Thune Adopted by Council: Date Yeas ✓ ✓ a� Absent Requested by Department of: � �GihlllL�ll �Q,�/l2�tOJ By: � /' v Form Approv�i by�Fiyf9y �tte ie a B % ''� � � Adoption Certified by Counc; Secretary BY� � r> Approved by Mayo Date �.�� ay� � BY� � f��/7�nL�rc-� Form Ap oved y M or for �ss� to C uncil By: RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves and ratifies the � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � 07 �57 HU —x„manRcsmuas Contact Person & Phone: LeeMn Turchin 266-6517 Must Be on Councii Aqen Doc. Type: RESOLl7T10N E-Document Required: Y DocumentConWct: TrishaFreiberger ConWCt Phone: 266-6481 o�-�-0� � Assign Number Por Routing Order Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip All Loeations for Signature) Green Sheet NO: 3037603 0 uman Resources 1 umanResources De entDirector � 2 ' Attorne � �c 3 or's OtHce Ms orlAssistaot 4 onncil 5 i Clerk Ci Clerk Approval�of attached Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) between the City and Professional Employees Associarion (PEA) is requested. The MOA replaces the previously-approved pilot project MOA for the HR Consultant Job Family. iaations: npprove (a) or rt Planning Commission CIB Committee Civil Service Commission 1. Has this personlfirm ever worked under a contract for this department? Yes No 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city empioyee? Yes No 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill �ot nortnally possessed by any curtent ary employeel Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): The purpose of this agreement is to continue the originally-established pilot project titled "Saint Paul HR Consultant Job Faznily Modeling Document" dated Mazch 8, 2004. The City and PEA agree that the extension of the pilot project shall conrinue to apply to those employees of the Office of Human Resources who hold positions allocated to the HR Consultant I, II, and III classes and who are represented by PEA. Advantages H Approved: The Office of Human Resources and the PEA-represented employees at the Saint Paui Office of Human Resources will both realize benefits evolving from the modification of the Civil Service Rules noted in the attached MOA. Disadvantages If Approved: None. MAR 1 2 ��n7 DisadvanWges If Not Approved: " ' �u6 The current system of Furing, devised as part of the pilot project, will cease and a retum to the older tesring model wilI occur. Transadion: Funding Source: Financial Information: (Explain) � ;.=y :��. . � µ � �� � �� � + �,� ... __„ `�.� .,_ �- roi � _ _' ' i$ � `Fa"ti3 . � ��°"S'a �.,/ , `r� <c'.: d � .� � � • � ,-. 1 '. 1 . � CosURevenue Budgeted: Aetivity Number: March 8, 2007 6:03 PM Page 1 o� �s 7 2007 Memorandum of Agreement This Memorandum of Agreement between the City of Saint Paul (City) and the Professional Employees Associarion (PEA) is for the purpose of continuing the originally-established pilot project document titled "Competency Modeling Project HR Consultant Job Family dated Mazch 8, 2004." In accordance with Civil Service Rule 8.A.6, goveming the implementarion of Human Resources pilot projects, the original pilot project was established and in force for three years from April 14, 2004 until April 14, 2007. The City and PEA agree that the extension of the pilot project shall conrinue to apply to those employees of the Office of Human Resources who hold positions allocated to Human Resources Consultant I, II, and III and who are represented by PEA. The City and PEA agree that the following Civii Serv�ce Rules, as modified, shall continue to be used in the administration of this pilot project: Civil Service Rule 6.B (Examination Contents) shall allow qualifying examinarions, e.g., pass/fail for promorion candidates instead of for only original entrants. This rule, as modified, shall be used only for examinations used to determine eligible candidates for promotional vacancies in positions allocated to the Human Resources Consultants in the Oftice of Human Resources. 2. Civil Service Rule 7(Eligible Lists) shall allow for promotion eligible lists established for Human Resources Consultants vacancies in the Office of Huma�i Resources to remain in effect indefinitely. It is further agreed that grievances arising from terms and conditions of employment in the City of Saint Paul Civil Service Rules and Salary Plan and Rates of Compensarion shall continue to be processed through the procedure outlined in the current collective bazgaining agreement between the City and PEA. Any grievances arising from alleged violations of the procedures established in said pilot project shall also be subject to the aforementioned grievance procedure. However, because both parties acknowledge that the City retains its inherent managerial rights to evaluate and select staff, any concems regarding the substanrive determinations of the Competency Review Panel shall be appealed to the Civil Service Commission as outlined in the March 8, 2004 Competency Modeling Project I-IR Consultant Job Family document. This Memorandum of Agreement shal! be in force for an addirional th*ee years upon the adoption by the Saint Paul City Council and will automatically renew for additional three-year terms, unless notice of intent not to renew is provided by either the City or PEA. Said notice of intent shall be made in writing ninety (90) days prior to the automatic renewal date for said A�eement. Finally, it is agreed that this Memorandum of Agreement shall not be used to set, i way, a binding precedent on either of the parttes. � °� Pi'�-r�v�" �. Angela alezny David Peterson, President Human Resources Director� / � ; Professional Employees Associarion �Z� ���� Mike Wilde, Business Representative and Legal Counsei for Professional Employees Association Dated: a l �la� L•\HR-Co mpetencies\Pi(ot. Proj ects.&.Non-Pilot Projects\Human Resources\D raft.Docu ments.2006.07\Letter.of.Agreel.0'7. PEA.doc � Labor Relations Manager