OdLiria i to City Clerk
(Approved unanimously)COUNCIL FILE NO.
(by the Personnel Comm -)
PRESENTED ( i t t e e on March 22 3 1963) ORDINANCE NO.
• An ordinance amending Ordinance loo. 760.7, .entitled:
"An ordinance fixing the duties. and responsibilities
and the minimum qualifications for the. various, classes of
positions in the Classified Service of the.- City, II
approved February 13, 1935, .as,amended.
Section; 1. 'That -Ordinance. loo. 76.07, approved February
as. -amended, be and, the. -same is hereby further amended by strikk g out they
following titles acid sp.ecificationa: {
As sistatit Filter Plant Operator tt
' Caulker
Chief Timekeeper
Chief 'Timekeeper —Education
Chief. Timekeeper -- Public Works. Department
Filter Plant Help.er
Filter Plant Laborer
Filter Plant Operator
Supervising.Zoo. Attendant
Water Serviceman
Zoo Attendant
Junior Public Works Technician i
Section 2. That said. ordinance, as amended, be and the same is
hereby-further amended by inserting in their proper alphabetical order- the
specifications for the following titles.:
City Planning Zoning ,Specialist
Filter Plant Laborer
Filter Plant Operator I
Filter Plant Operator II
Filter Plant Operator -ILL`
Instrument Rppairma.n (Filter Plant)
Payroll Supervisor I
Payroll Sup.e.rvisor- .II
Payroll Supervisor JII
Supervisor of Refuse Disposal
Water .Serviceman I
Water Serviceman ll (Connections)
Water .Serviceman -II (Mains)
Zoo Attendant
Zoo- Keeper
Junior Public Works Technician
Yeas Councilmen Nays
Holland eI =7_G
Mr. President (Vavoulis)
Attes �
City Clerk
1M 6-62 22
Passed by the Council
Tn -Favor
A gainst
original to City clerk
._ORDINANCE 21 -18 08
(Approved unanimously)COUNCIL FILE NO.
by 'the Personnel Comm -) `
PRESENTED B i on March 22 3 1963 )ORDINANCE NO. /
Section 3. This. ordinance shall take, effect, and be in force. thirty
clays after its pas sage, approval, and publication.
Yeas Councilmen Nays
V1 v. ..
Rosen A
Mr. President (Vavoulis)
` r
City Clerk
1 M 6-62 22 s
APR 10 1963
Passed by the Co c>>
Tn Favor
O Against
PR 10 1963
Title of class:
Duties and responsibilities:
Under direction, to supervise the operation of the Zoning section of
the Bureau of City Planning; and to perform related work as
Examples of work performed:
To be responsible for the processing of zoning matters.
To secure sufficient information to determine recommendations on
zoning matters.
To be responsible for the preparation of all material necessary to
present each case before the Zoning Board and the City Council.
To prepare drafts of Zoning Board letters of recommendation to the
To attend City Council hearings with the Planning Director on all
zoning matters, and in his absence to represent him on these
To answer questions of the public regarding zoning matters.
To be responsible for maintaining an up -to -date Zoning Map.
Minimum qualifications:
High school graduation and 45 credit hours toward a Public Administra-
tion Certificate such as given by the University of Minnesota (certain
courses may be substituted for those required for the Public
Administration Certificate; a list of such substitute courses is
maintained in the Civil Service Bureau); and three years' experience
as a Senior Planning Technician. (No substitution for education.)
21 x,808
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Junior Public Works Technician
Title of class:
Duties and responsibilities:
Under supervision, to perform manual labor in the Water Department
Filtration Plant; and to perform related work as assigned.
Examples of work performed:
To unload and handle chemicals and supplies from cars into storage
bins and chemical feed machines.
To perform unskilled manual work in the operation, maintenance and
repair of the Filtration Plant.
To mow lawns, trim hedges, and keep grounds neat and clean.
To collect water samples when assigned.
Minimum qualifications;
Eighth -grade education. Must be at least 18 years of age and in good
physical condition.
Title of class:
Duties and responsibilities:
Under supervision and instruction, to be trained in and to assist with
the work of a Filter Plant Operator II; and to perform related
work as assigned.
Examples of work performed:
To operate sludge pumps and control valves.
To operate equipment and keep records in the flocculator and
clarifier rooms.
To collect water samples and to assist in making routine chemical
and bacteriological tests.
To check the operation of CO? compressors, slakers, and chemical
feed machines.
To operate chemical feed machines from cars to storage.
As training progresses, to perform the above and to assist with
such other duties as are prescribed for the position of Filter
Plant Operator 11.
Minimum qualifications:
High school graduation.
Title of class:
Duties and responsibilities:
Under supervision, to assist in the operation of water softening and
purification in the Water Department Filtratiorl Plant; and to
perform related work as assigned.
Examples of work performed:
To check and to operate mixing, flocculation, re carbonization, settling,
and filtering units.
To check and adjust equipment for the application of chemicals to the
To assist in the keeping of records of operations.
To make tests of the water at prescribed intervals as to chlorine
residual, turbidity, alkalinity and calcium (Versenate).
To assist with other duties as are described for the position of
Filter Plant Operator III.
Minimum qualifications:
I3igh school graduation and two years2 experience as a Filter Plant
Operator I.
Title of class:
Duties and responsibilities:
Under direction, to be responsible during a shift for the continuous
functional operation of water softening and purification in the
Water Department Filtration Plant; and to perform related work
as assigned.
Examples of work performed:
To control all valves for the proper flow of water into and through
the plant.
To check and supervise the operation of mixing, flocculation,
reearbonization, settling, and filtering units.
To control the application of all chemicals to the water.
To control the pH of the water.
To supervise the operation, but not the repair, of all chemical
feed machines and of the pneumatic handling of chemicals.
To set and control all chlorine equipment.
To operate filter units and to back wash.
To be responsible for keeping the filter operation records.
To supervise assistant operators, chemical handlers or Filter Plant
Helpers on plant operation.
To make tests of the water at prescribed intervals as to chlorine
residual, turbidity, alkalinity and calcium (Versenate).
Minimum qualifications:
High school graduation and two years' experience as a Filter Plant
Operator IL
Title of class:
Duties and responsibilities:
Under supervision, to be responsible for the repair of instruments
used in the filtering of water; and to perform related work as
Examples of work performed:
To repair and maintain chemical measuring and feeding apparatus,
pneumatic and hydraulic filter operating controls and simple
electronic recorders.
To inspect instruments, apparatus, and related machinery for adju•st-
ment, replacement and need of repairs.
To supervise Utilitymen in the above work and in the maintenance of
the plant in the absence of the Maintenance Foreman (Filter Plant).
Minimum qualifications:
High school graduation and three years' experience as a Filter Plant
Operator III or as a Utilityman in the Filter Plant.
Title of class:
Duties and responsibilities:
Under supervision, to be responsible for the time records and
payroll for employees in the Bureau of Police or in the Bureau
of Fire, or in the Water Department; and to perform related
work as assigned.
Examples of work performed:
To check, enter or supervise the entry of all time reports.
To supervise the making up of the payrolls.
To be responsible for all forms and reports of transactions which
must accompany payrolls.
To distribute time, and costs against the proper funds.
Minimum qualifications:
High school graduation and eight years7 clerical experience, at
least three years of which must have been as a senior clerk.
Title of class:
Duties and responsibilities:
Under supervision, to be responsible for the time records and
payroll of all employees in the Department of Parke and
Recreation and Public Buildings; and to perform related work
as assigned.
Examples of work performed:
To check, enter or supervise the entry of all time reports.
To supervise the making up of the regular payrolls.
To be responsible for all forms and reports of transactions which
must accompany payrolls.
To keep departmental personnel records.
To distribute time and costs against the proper funds.
To supervise the work of assistants in the payroll division.
Minimum qualifications:
High school graduation and eight years' clerical experience, at
least three years of which must have been as a senior clerk in
payroll and timekeeping work.
Title of class:
Duties and responsibilities:
Under supervision, to be responsible for work of the payroll division
in the Department of Public Works or in the Board of Education;
and to perform related work as assigned.
Examples of work performed:
To check, enter or supervise the entry of all time reports.
To supervise the making up of the regular semi - monthly payrolls.
To prepare weekly payrolls for emergency employments.
To be responsible for all forms and reports of transactions which
must accompany payrolls.
To audit and compute mileage allowances.
To distribute time and costs against the proper funds.
To keep departmental personnel records.
To supervise the work of assistants in the payroll division.
Minimum qualifications:
High school graduation and eight years' clerical experience, at least
three years of which must have been as a senior clerk in payroll
and timekeeping work.
Title of class:
Duties and responsibilities:
Under supervision, to be responsible for the operation of landfills
and disposal areas; to act as City Weed Inspector; and to perform
related work as assigned.
Examples of work performed:
To plan and supervise the operation of all landfills and disposal areas.
To be responsible for the acquisition and operation of snow dumps.
To be responsible for the control of fires, rodents, and vermin on
landfills and disposal areas.
To act as City Weed Inspector.
To control noxious weeds on public and private property.
To keep necessary records and to make proper reports.
Minimum qualifications:
High school graduation and two years' experience as a Groundsman,
Sanitation Inspector, or as a Watchman II in the Bureau of Sanitation.
Title of class:
Duties and responsibilities:
Under supervision, to locate and operate the valves on a water
distribution system; to assist in the detection of leaks; to make
shop repairs on hydrants and valves; and to perform related
work as assigned.
Examples of work performed:
To turn on and off service connections.
To turn on and off water mains in the distribution system when
emergencies exist.
To assist in the detection of leaks.
To locate valves on water mains.
To assemble service connections and air vents.
To make shop repairs on hydrants and valves of all sizes.
To operate small pumps and pneumatic machines.
To work on night emergency crew.
Minimum qualifications:
Eighth -grade education and two years' experience as a Ditch Digger
or Unskilled Laborer.
Title of class:
Duties and responsibilities:
Under supervision, to make water pipe and valve connections under
311 diameter in the installation and repair of water distribution
systoms; and to perform related work as assigned.
Examples of work performed:
To install and repair service connections and air vents.
To operate small pumps, pneumatic machines, tapping machines, etc.
To install sheeting in ditch work when necessary.
To inspect and test service connections installed by contractors.
To perform the duties specified for Water Serviceman I on occasion,
as required.
Minimum qualifications:
Eighth -grade dducation and one year's experience as a Water
Serviceman I.
Title of class:
Duties and responsibilities:
Under supervision, to make water pipe and valve connections 3" diameter
and over in the installation and repair of water distribution
systems; and to perform related work as assigned.
Examples of work performed:
To install and repair cast iron, concrete, and steel water mains and
To install and make field repairs on hydrants, gate valves, and
blowoff valve s.
To operate small pumps, pneumatic machines, tapping machines, etc.
To install sheeting in ditch work when necessary.
Minimum qualifications:
Eighth-grade education and three years' experience as a Ditch Digger
or one year's experience as a Water Serviceman I.
Title of class:
Duties and responsibilities:
Under supervision, to be trained in and to do manual labor in- the
care, feeding and treatment of animals; to keep the City Zoo
clean; and to perform related work as assigned.
Examples of work performed:
To feed and care for animals.
To clean cages and grazing grounds.
To clean the zoo buildings.
To pick up refuse from zoo areas.
To help in transferring animals.
Minimum qualifications:
Eighth -grade education. Must be at least 18 years of age.
Title of class:
/ v
Duties and responsibilities:
Under supervision, to do actual work and supervise the care,
feeding and treatment of animals in the Como Park Zoo; and to
perform related work as assigned.
Examples of work performed:
To feed and care for animals.
To move animals.
To clean the zoo.
To conduct tours of the zoo, and to assist in presenting exhibits.
To act as crew leader when assigned. '
Minimum qualifications:
High school graduation and three years' experience as a Zoo Attendant.
Title of class:
Duties and responsibilities:
Under supervision, to do inspection work on public works projects
and to perform elementary drafting, tracing, lettering, and
incidental subprofessional work; and to perform related work as
Examples of work performed:
To assist an engineer or chief inspector in the inspection of major
paving and sewer projects.
To inspect grading and sewer projects for conformity to plans and
To inspect complex sidewalk and curbing projects and to supervise
district sidewalk inspection.
To inspect utility openings; lateral sewer connections, and the
restoration of the openings.
To inspect work performed under House Moving and Use of Street
permits for conformity to City Ordinances and regulations.
To assist in making reports and progress records.
To make, revise, and ink maps, plans, or working drawings.
To do general drafting and detail work.
To check, reduce, and plot field notes.
Minimum qualifications:
High school graduation and at least 15 credit hours in courses
acceptable toward the basic engineering certificate as given by
the University of Minnesota (certain courses may be substituted
for those required for the basic engineering certificate; a list of
such substitute courses is maintained in the Civil Service Bureau);
and two years' experience as a Senior Engineering Aide, Junior
Engineering Draftsman, or equivalent experience (no substitution
for education); or three years' experience as a Junior Public Works
21 808
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APR 10 1963
` APR 10 1963
TWO of class:
Duties and responsibilities:
Under direction, to supervise the operation of the Zoning section of
the Bureau of City Planning; and to perform related work as
Examples of work performed:
To be responsible for the processing of zoning matters.
To secure sufficient information to determine recommendations on
zoning matters.
To be responsible for the preparation of all material necessarg to
present each case before the Zoning Board and the City Council.
To prepare drafts of Zoning Board letters_ of recommendation to the
To attend City Council hearings tivith the Planning Director on all
zoning matters, and in his absence to represent him on these
matters. I •
To answer questions of the public regarding zoning matters.
To be responsible for maintaining an up -to -date Zoning Map.
Minimum qualifications:
High school graduation and 45 credit hours toward a Public Administra-
tion Certificate such as given by the University of Minnesota (certain
courses may be substituted for those required for the Public
Administration Certificate; a list,, &f such substitute courses is
maintained in the Civil Service Bureau); and three years'
x: experience
as a Senior Planning Technician. (No substitution for education.)
Title of class:
Duties and responsibilities:
Under supervision, to perform manual labor in the Water Department
Filtration Plant; and to perform related work as assigned.
Examples of work performed:
To unload and handle Chemicals and supplies from cars into storage
bins and chemical feed machines.
To perform unskilled manual work in the operation, maintenance and
repair of the Filtration Plant.
To mow lawns, trim hedges, and keep grounds neat and clean,
To collect water samples when assigned.
Minimum qualifications.;
Eighth -grade education. Must be at least 18 years of age and in good
physical condition.
Title of class:
Duties and responsibilities:
Under supervision and instruction, to be trained in and to assist with
the work of a Filter Plant Operator II; and to perform related
work as assigned.
Examples of work performed:
To operate sludge pumps and control valves.
To operate equipment and keep records in the flocculator and
clarifier rooms.
To collect water samples and to assist in making routine chemical
and bacteriological tests.
To check the operation of COZ compressors, slakers, and chemical
feed machines.
To operate chemical feed machines from cars to storage.
As training progresses, to perform the above and to assist with
such other duties as are prescribed for the position of Filter
Plant Operator H.
" Miz mum qualifications:
High school graduation.
• r- -
Title of class:
Duties and responsibilities: T
Under supervision, to assist in the operation of water softening and
purification in the Water Department Filtratiorl Plant; and to
perform related work as assigned.
Examples of work performed:
To check and to operate mixing, flocculation, re carbonization, settling,
and filtering units.
To check and adjust equipment for the application of chemicals to the
To assist in the keeping of records of operations.
To make tests of the water at prescribed intervals as to chlorine
residual, turbidity, alkalinity and calcium (Versenate).
To assist with other duties as are described for the position of
Filter Plant Operator III.
Minimum qualifications:
High school graduation and two years° experience as a Filter Plant
Operator I.
Title of class: 21 808
Duties and responsibilities:
Under direction, to be responsible during a shift for the continuous
functional operation of water softening and purification in the
Water Department Filtration Plant; and to perform related work
as assigned.
Examples of work performed:
To control all valves for the proper flow of water into and through
the plant.
To check and supervise the operation of mixing, flocculation,
recarbonization, settling, and filtering units.
To control the application of all chemicals to the water.
To control the pH of the water.
To supervise the operation, but not the repair, of all chemical•
feed machines and of the pneumatic handling of chemicals.
To set and control all chlorine equipment.
To operate filter units and to back wash.
To be responsible for keeping the filter operation records.
To supervise assistant operators, chemical handlers or Filter Plant
Helpers on plant operation.
To make tests of the water at prescribed intervals as to chlorine
residual, -turbidity, alkalinity and calcium (Versenate).
Minimum qualifications:
High school graduation and two years' experience as a Filter Plant
Operator 11.
Title of
class: 211808
Duties and responsibilities:
Under supervision, to be responsible for the repair of instruments
used in the filtering of water; and to perform related work as
Examples of work performed:
To repair and maintain chemical measuring and feeding apparatus,
pneumatic and hydraulic filter operating controls and simple
electronic recorders.
To inspect instruments, apparatus, and related machinery for adjust -
went, replacement and need of repairs.
To supervise Utilitymen in the above work and in the maintenance of
the plant in the absence of the Maintenance Foreman (Filter Plant).
Minimum qualifications:
High school graduation and three years' experience as a Filter Plant
Operator III or as a Utilitymen in the Filter Plant.
Title of class: 211808
Duties and responsibilities:
Under supervision, to be responsible for the time records and
payroll for employees in the Bureau of Police or in the Bureau
of Fire, or in the Water Department; and to perform related
work as assigned.
Examples of work performed:
✓To check, enter or supervise the entry of all time reports.
To supervise the making up of the payrolls.
To be responsible for all forms and reports of transactions which
must accompany payrolls.
To distribute time and costs against the proper funds.
Minimum qualifications:
High school graduation and eight years' clerical experience, at
` least three years of which must have been as a senior clerk.
Title of class:
Duties and responsibilities:
Under supervision, to be responsible for the time records and
payroll of all employees in the Department of Parks and
Recreation and Public Buildings; and to perform related work
as assigned.
Examples of work performed:
To check, enter or supervise the entry of all time reports.
To supervise the making up of the regular payrolls.
To be responsible for all forms and reports of transactions which
must accompany payrolls.
To keep departmental personnel records.
To distribute time and costs against the proper funds.
To supervise the work of assistants in the payroll division.
Minimum qualifications:
High school graduation and eight yearsl clerical experience, at
least three years of which must have been as a senior clerk in
payroll and timekeeping work.
Title of class;
Duties and responsibilities,
Under supervision, to be responsible for work of the payroll division
in the Department of public Works or in the Board of Education;
and to perform related work as assigned.
Examples of work performed:
To check, inter or supervise the entry of all time reports.
To supervise the making up of the regular semi - monthly payrolls.
To prepare weekly payrolls for emergency employments.
To be responsible for all forms and reports of transactions which
must accompany payrolls.
To audit and compute mileage allowances.
To distribute time and costs against the proper funds.
To keep departmental personnel records.
To supervise the work of assistants in the payroll division.
Minimum qualifications:
High school graduation and eight years' clerical experience, at least
three years of which must have been as a senior clerk in payroll
and timekeeping work.
' Tidy of class:
Duties and responsibilities:
Under supervision, to be responsible for the operation of landfills
and disposal areas; to act as City Weed inspector; and to perform
related work as assigned.
Examples of work performed:
To plan and supervise the operation of all landfills and disposal areas.
To be responsible for the acquisition and operation of snow dumps.
To be responsible for the control of fires, rodents, and vermin on
landfills and disposal areas.
To act as City Weed Inspector.
To control noxious weeds on public and private property.
To keep necessary records and to make proper reports.
Minimum qualifications:
High school graduation and two years' experience as a Groundsman,
Sanitation Inspector, or as a Watchman II in the Bureau of Sanitation.
Title of class:
Duties and responsibilities:
Under supervision, to locate and operate the valves on a water
distribution system; to assist in the detection of leaks; to make '
shop repairs on hydrants and valves; and to perform related
work as assigned.
Examples of work performed:
To turn on and off service connections.
To turn on and off water mains in the distribution system when
emergencies exist.
To assist in the detection of leaks.
To locate valves on water mains.
To assemble service connections and air vents.
To make shop repairs on hydrants and valves of all sizes.
To operate small pumps and pneumatic machines.
To work on night emergency crew.
Minimum qualifications:
Eighth -grade education and two years' experience as a Ditch Digger
or Unskilled Laborer.
Title of class:
1 808
Duties and responsibilities;
Under supervision, to make water pipe and valve connections under
311 diameter in the installation and repair of water distribution
systems; and to perform related work as assigned.
Examples of work performed:
To install and repair service connections and air vents.
To operate small pumps, pneumatic machines, tapping machines, etc.
To install sheeting in ditch work when necessary.
To inspect and test service connections installed by contractors.
To perform the duties specified for Water Serviceman I on occasion,
as required.
Minimum qualifications:
Eighth -grade education and one year's experience as a Water
Serviceman I.
Title of class:
Duties and responsibilities:
Under supervision, to make water `Pipe and valve connections 3" diameter
and over in the installation and repair of water distribution
systems; and to perform related work as assigned.
Examples of work performed:
To install and repair cast iron, concrete, and steel water mains and
To install and make field repairs on hydrants, gate valves, and
blowoff valves.
To operate small pumps, pneumatic machines, tapping machines, etc.
To install sheeting in ditch work when necessary.
Minimum qualifications:
Eighth -grade education and three years' experience as a Ditch Digger
or one year's experience as a Water Serviceman I.
Title of class:
Duties and responsibilities:
Under supervision, to be trained in and to do manual labor in the
care, feeding and treatment of animals; to keep the City Zoo
clean; and to perform related work as assigned.
Examples of work performed:
To feed and care for animals.
To clean cages and grazing grounds.
To clean the zoo buildings.
To pick up refuse from zoo areas.
To help in transferring animals.
Minimum qualifications:
Eighth -grade education. Must be at least 18 years of age.
Title of class:
211 808
Duties and responsibilities:
Under supervision, to do actual work and supervise the care,
feeding and treatment of animals in the Como Park Zoo; and to
perform related work as assigned.
Examples of work performed:
To feed and care for animals.
To move animals.
To clean the zoo.
To conduct tours of the zoo, and to assist in presenting exhibits.
To act as crew leader when assigned.
Minimum qualifications:
High school graduation and three years' experience as a Zoo Attendant.
Title of class:
Duties and responsibilities:
211 808
Under supervision, to do inspection work on public works projects
and to perform elementary drafting, tracing, lettering, and
incidental subprofessional work; and to perform related work as
Examples of work performed:
To assist an engineer or chief inspector in the inspection of major
paving and sewer projects.
To inspect grading and sewer projects for conformity to plans and
To inspect complex sidewalk and curbing projects and to supervise
district sidewalk inspection.
To inspect utility openings, lateral sewer connections, and the
restoration of the openings.
To inspect work performed under House Moving and Use of Street
permits for conformity to City Ordinances and regulations.
To assist in making reports and progress records.
To make, revise, and ink maps, plans, or working drawings.
To do general drafting and detail work.
To check, reduce, and plot field notes.
Minimum qualifications:
High school graduation and at least 15 credit hours in courses
acceptable toward the basic engineering certificate .as given by
the University of Minnesota (certain courses may bo substituted
for those required for the basic engineering certificate; a list of
such substitute courses is maintained in the Civil Service Bureau);
and two years' experience as a Senier Engineering Aide, Junior
Engineering Draftsman, or equivalent experience (no substitution
for education); or three years' experience as a Junior Public Works
Y' ` i
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Yeas ays Yeas Nays
Mr. President Vavoulis
Peterson ^
Rosen �,vl
Mr. President Vavoulis