211804orlainal to -city Clerk ORDINANCE 211804 (Approved unanimously) COUNCIL FILE NO. (by the Personnel Comm -) / - �L C/-z PRESENTED BY (i t t e e on March 22 , 1963) ORDINANCE NO. An ordinance, amending Ordinance No. 644.6, Ontitle.d: "An a4min4istrative �ardinan-ce fixing the compensation xates -of certain, city,po.sitions and. employments, ec .approved.January,2.1, 1925, as' amended. TH4 COUNCIL- OF THE. CITY OF SA3NT' ,PAUI.- DOES .OPJ AIN: Section 1. That.`Ordinanc.e No. 6446_, approved January 23, 1925, as• amended, he and the, same is. Eexehy further ameiid0,d by' inserting .in Section V is Qrade 70 the. title "Director of Civil D!efensOlo ,Section 2. This, ardina..nc.e shall take effect and ber in force thirty days .after its. passage., .approval, and publication. r' e . . Yeas Councilmen Nays Dalglish Holland- Loss an a. m_. 0 Peterson Rosen Mr. President (Vavoulis) Attest • / City Clerk 1M 6-62 X22 d File No. 211804— Ordinance' No. By Bernard T. Rolland t fina amending Ordinance entince tied: administrative ordinance faxing 1pensation rates of certain city is and employments," �d January 23, 1925, as amended. j­until of the City of Saint Paull ..in: i „• SECTION'1 Mirdinince No. 6446, approved ,a r; 1925, as mended, be anc.l hereby further amended b, { l:Seption V in Grade 70 ti' ";U .rof Civil Defense ". ,8'° `e, j6 i 'ECTION 2 S ce shall tak,- o4 = tt "�biicat aff ray Vn L ry Iih3 :' :as. WA R 1p� 10 1963 Passed by the Council v In Favor Approved A ominst APR 10 19W Mayor DupU"te to Printer ORDINANCE 2- 11804 " (Approved unanimously) COUNCIL FILE NO. ,(by the Personnel Comm - zez PRESENTED BY ( i ttee on March 22,1963 ORDINANCE NO. z . -�. An ordinance amonding Or inanco Vq. 446r ti�tl�dt itAn ad=inistratiVs ordinzme- s fib, the comp &ation. rates of certain city positions and employM040,'c1 approved lanua.ry 23. '19z$. as ern,M sd. 1 Z'H , COUNCU.. 01p THX CFT3k Off' SA»T PAUL, DOES QADAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 6446, approved, Jaftuary Z3, 19951 as d, be an4 thl same is hereby- further amended by inserting in r Section T in Grade 70 the title ''Director of Civil Defenset°. Section .Z. This ordinance sh4l take .effect _anti be in force Wrty days after its passage.. approv,t and p0lication. Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council -- Dalglish APR 10 Bw Holland Loss Tn Favor .}I�artinban. Peterson C Aro ainst Rosen Mr. President (Vavoulis) API' 10 113 Approved: Attest: City Clerk Mayor IM 6-62- X22 JCITY CLERK 21 804 admW00 UVO Oft *A"* " -OUT V01.40048 004- +ors ,,. - to � 04 ot4want. wool ► so + � , +r soft" by Wer"ft Is ppR 10 �� APR 10 1963 is 2n Laid over to 3rd and app dopte /a Yeas kays Yeas Nays Dalglish Loss Mortinson S�O Peterson oft sen� Mr. Pr sident i 2180 °s Dalglish Holland Loss .Mpr"Roffi*- Peterson Rosen Mr. President Yavoulis PUBLISHED 4" %_ 3- �--;