2118034j Oricinal to- City Clerk PRESENTED BY- 0 ird a. ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. ORDIN 211803 -NO. r Council File No. 211803 -- Ordinance No. ,12441—By Frank L. Loss- - M: {t.• Ag�;�y�ance estnhlhing for the AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING FOR THE BUREAU -a,,.: OF PUBLIC BUILDINGS OF THE DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS A DEPOSIT TRUST FUND FOR THE PURPOSE OF CREDITING THERETO CERTAIN MONIES RECEIVED BY THE BUREAU OF PUBLIC BUILDINGS AND FOR THE PURPOSE OF FACILITATING PAYMENTS OF EXPENSES AND REFUNDS THEREFROM, AND REPEALING THE ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A HOUSE MOVERS' DEPOSIT FUND KNOWN AS ORDINANCE NO. 9980 OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, APPROVED OCTOBER 15, 1952. THIS IS AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE RENDERED NECESSARY FOR THE PRESERVATION OF THE PUBLIC PEACE, HEALTH AND SAFETY. �l THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. The City Comptroller is hereby authorized and directed to establish and maintain a fund to be known as the Public Buildings' Deposit Fund, to which fund shall be credited all checks and cash received as deposits,by the Bureau of Public Buildings to assure: I. The payment of any expenses incurred by any department of the City in connection with any house or structure moving operation authorized or permitted pursuant to the provisions of Ordinance No. 9966, as amended, and to guarantee that all rubbish and material will be removed from the premises from which the house or structure has been removed, and that the walls and excavation be filled and leveled to the existing grade and left in a safe and sanitary condition, and to pay the cost incurred by the City if such conditions are not complied witji and said City incurs any expense in proceeding to do the Iiecessary work in connection with the moving operation or any filling or leveling to grade or re- establishment of premises in a safe and sanitary condition, from which premises the house or structure has been removed; 2. Payment of the actual cost to the Bureau of Public Buildings for plans and specifications prepared by said Bureau of Public Buildings issued to each contractor desiring to bid on any proposed public improvement. Yeas Councilmen Nays Dalglish Holland "- Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President (Vavoulis) Attest: 1M 8-82 X2 2 City Clerk Passed by the Council Approved: Mayor Tn Favor Against Original to -City Clerk ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. 2.1803 Sec. 7., The Commissioner of Parks and Recreation and Public Buildings shall designate, in writing, the proper City employee or employees who shall be authorized on behalf of the Bureau of Public Buildings to sign refund checks drawn upon the petty cash checking account and payable to the depositor entitled thereto, and to replenish the petty cash checking account as herein provided. Sec. 8. The Ordinance establishing a House Movers' Deposit Fund known as Ordinance No. 9980 of the City of Saint Paul, approved October 15, 1952, as amended, is hereby repealed. Sec. 9. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Sec. 10. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage, approval and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays Dalglish Holland Loss Peterson Rosen Mr. President (Vavoulis) Attest: /�� d City 'Clerk IM 6-02 zz 3 Passed by theZ6cil APR 10 1963 In Favor APR 10 1963 Mayor 4# Sec. 2. If any deposit made pursuant to the provisions of Ordinance No. 9966, as amended, and deposited in the special fund hereinabove designated is insufficient to cover the cost to the City of the particulars specifically defined in Section 1 hereof, such excess cost shall be charged to and paid by the licensed house mover or the owner of'the house or structure moved. Sec. 3. Any monies left in any specific cash deposit made in connection with any moving operation pursuant to the provisions of Ordinance No. 9966, as amended, after the payment of any expenses and any charges that may be incurred in connection,therewith by any department of the City, or cost to the City in restoring any property to grade or to a safe and sanitary condition after the removal of house or structure therefrom, shall be returned by the City Comptroller to the depositor of said cash deposit. Sec. 4. Every contractor receiving from said Bureau of Public Buildings any plans and specifications shall pay a fee to be known as the "Plan Deposit Fee" as established by the Commissioner of Parks and Recreation and Public Buildings, in an amount equivalent to the cost of their preparation. Each successful bidder on any public improvement project under the jurisdiction of the Vureau of Public Buildings shall be refunded the full amount of the Plan Deposit fee paid by him for said project and shall be entitled to receive, without cost, such additional sets of plans as in the judgment of the Commissioner may be reasonably required. Each bidder on any public improvement project under the jurisdiction of the Bureau of Public Buildings shall be refunded the full amount of the Plan Deposit Fee paid by him, less the cost of mailing said plans and specifications incurred by the �have�� the cx�iglit'�- to'•'re r � 1- at- - =e -tune deposited in the reasonable effo entitled thereto this ordinance, Public Buildings' Deposit Fund after a rt has been made to make refunds to depositors and who have, prior to the effective date of properly completed the work required of them. Sec. 6. For the purpose of facilitating payment to depositors entitled to refunds as herein provided, the Bureau of Public Buildings, in cooperation with the City Comptroller, is hereby authorized to establish at the First National Bank of the City of Saint Paul a petty cash checking account which is hereby authorized, to which shall be initially credited the sum of Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) to be withdrawn from Public Buildings' Office Expense Fund 20C3, all payments from the petty cash checking account to be made by bank check, and said petty cash checking account to be replenished by withdrawals from the Public Buildings' Deposit Fund from time to time as the Commissioner shall determine; provided, however, that the money in said petty cash checking account shall at no time exceed Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00). 2 ir- z Ii Amendment to C. F. 211803 Commissioner Frank L. Loss moves that the ordinance be amended by inserting after the last sentence in Section 4 the following: "In the event that the plans and specifications are not returned or are not returned in good condition to the Bureau of Public Buildings, the Bureau shall have the right to recover their cost from the Public Buildings deposit fund." COATIO 8 y sllnoesA 3uapisaid •JI4 o�sA 3uapieaia -jw uoaia3ad uosia ;ad U' / / uO8nIIJON 8802 f \J/ 9602 Pus[IoH uII48. igsg2IEQ igsiI2IBQ sSsH esaa sSsx ssaA '/ 3dop dds pus pis o; iaeo ppZ uZ si (/ ` -