211482,.:.. IgmusmD • COUNCIL FILE NO.- - ...................... __ ,i File No. 211482- - n, By- - - ---- �e matter of reconstructing sic 4 on the south side of Goodt%: �?f from Grotto St. to the west 6 id 9 } -a west side of fi oi'a Si Ave. to thA '? r p ft..il,uttiioyA fix' 3 t1EV► In the Matter of reconstructing sidewalk on the south side of Goodrich Ave. from Grotto St. to the west 60 ft. and on west side of Grotto St. from Goodrich Ave. to the south approximately 150 ft. abutting Lot 1, Block 10, Summit Park Addition, property known as 742 Goodrich Ave.- under Preliminary Order --------- o9831------------- -------- -- approved ---- ___ - -- November 2, 1962 IntermediaryOrder --- - - - - -- ------------------------------------------ approved -------------------------------------------------------------------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council .having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it 'RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that , and ldnd of im - - provemeni to be made by the said City is to rec nstruct sidewalk onthe outh side of f. ricb: Ave. from Grotto St. to the west 60 :and on west side of Gro o St. A- from Goodrich to the south approximately 150 ft. butting Lot 1, Block 10 Summit Park Addition, roperty known as 742 Goodrich Av . All er;ccer3 ir, }L.0 ��•�YQ fie Ga �n�l ti,e 611R3A L"O ►,� -, +� c :nc8fled annulled and r"��ifl'ded and a P:oceedings in said onatter be 6d the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. SOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Publieworks be and is hereb instructed and directed to preps s and specifications for said improvement, and s it same to the until for approval; that upon said ap val, the proper city officials are hereby authori d and directed ro- ceed with the making of said im ovement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council ----------- MAR ----- 5- 963 --- ------- A - MAR 5 99' T Approved---- ;----------------------- - - - - -- File s6938 Councilman palglish Councilman Councilman Loss , Councilman Mortinson Councilman Petefeen —= Councilman Rosen Mayor ALa�— 5-82 3M 22 �it) City Clerk. --------------------------------------------------------------- ----- - - - - -- Acting- Mayor. Acting- .� -. _` ..' .- -:. r'i' ` y - i •� •'- •' ,' ' ••a;• , - ' .. ,.•rte - _ f ' _ •L' i ,. . nx - - .., t- , � �-L w ' a ° , rr `^.- •. -s- -_ - l � Y '- :. M1 • _ . � � al I 5, 1963. {I MM06 Rosen Caen. of 1%blic Works- De®r Sir i ` t t W. ae Avery 'The City Cbuuc11 today, discontinued orders • the =tter Hof . reconsfiracting - _ sidewalk . on : the south ,tide of GcX drich - and on the west ,side of _ ..Grotto near Goodrich,. abutting property (idodrichq -_ under P.O., 2098310, - 4 , on your ; r_ ecc ndation * - 2 You will recall that yeti that thi owner or owners wM have the _ walk constructod.by priva antrnct. You will also. reaall'tbalt raised a AvuOtion concerning +a uniform width for aide b ksi v.• a T - • - . . + - r ^ T n : - . -,.: .:l t Y ... -_ r•- ..1� T. .. �1.�• ...'a . i , `j•' ?P- ♦ - -I I ' 1 M. MT- x- )F..+`4 .-• R.' `..- Yr:. �, Lry� - - City Clerk �' i p - W. S. Grotto - Goodrich south 150 ft. J w B. S. Goodrich Ave. - Grotto to Avon p/J L ie) ol OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS �J ,D REPORT TO COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE V- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: Dist. No. 2y� S6 938` Dec. 20th. 19 62 The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the pre- , liminary order of the Council9 known as Council File No, 209831 approved Nov. 2nd, 19 62 relative to reconstructing the side- walk on the south side of Goodrich Ave. from Grotto'St. to the west 60 ft and on the west side of Grotto St. from Goodrich Ave. to the south approximately 150 ft. abutting Lot 1, Blk 10, Summit Park Addition prop- erty known as 742 Goodrich Ave. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein., here-by reportss $3.25 per lin. ft. for 5' walk, $3.80 per 1' ft. fol 1, The estimated cost thereof is $- a,52_4xar__s.%__ft. for mono. cone. wa 6' wall 411 _th*ck- Extra- woritEe:ce$- �.- :-- f- i- l�-. -- Genes -- rem'- d._x�ont_r�uttin � r � I. - 2, A plan., profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof, 3, Initiated by the Commissioner of Public Works 4, Improvement is asked for � petition X Commissioner of Public 'Works I a R .�