D001591o�g�—csx ci� Copy—Finance Department Copy—Department CITY OF SAINT PAUL OF'FICE O�' THE MAYOR (� (� a i.�� No.: . ADMIlVISTRATIVE ORDER Date: ! ��(J � ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, to comply with Council File No. 267621 regulating eligibility for the City's contribution to the Aealth and Welfare Program for City employees, the foilowing designated dates shall be applicable for such eligibility and payroll deducrion for the employee contribution in the year 1999: 4ualifXing Pay Period • December 19, 1998 to January 1, 1999 7anuary 16 to January 29 February 13 to February 26 March 13 to March 26 April 10 to Apri123 May 8 to May 21 7une 5 to June 18 July 3 to 7uly 16 7uly 31 to August 13 August 28 to 5eptember 10 October 9 to October 22 November 6 to November 19 APPROVED AS TO FORM Insurance Deducrions to be Made on the Followin�Pay Days 7anuary 15, 1999 February 12 March 12 Apri19 May 7 7une 4 7uly 2 July 30 August 27 _ September 24 November 5 December 3 � �- Q � /�fr Assistant Ciry Attomey • Date Month Covered 7anuary Febzuary March April May 7une 7uly August September October November December �Department Director & Mgmt ServJRisk Mgmt Div M. Parker 266-8880 09/03/98 � GREEN SHEET �GYS I59/ No 1 ��� u �.,�,�.�*«� u «n� �GENQ4 BY NA'fEj ASa1�.N 1AW�FOR C1iYARalOEY CJIYCLWC ROIIfYIfi �� sH11iCl�tlQVICFiOR iMN1C111lfFM1N�ECIC �3'� �Risk Managemenat l,_Jw�� .� TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES �_ (CLIP ALL L CATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) schedule for 1999 qualifying pay periods for employee insurance benefits. t. HsstnispersoNfirmeeerworxedunderacoMracttortnrcaeaaAroenll PLANNING COMM1SS10N . �ES P7o C16 CAMM{TTEE 2. H�this perocnrRrtn exr hcen n city empb7ree4 CIVIISERVICECOMMISSION YES NO 3. Qces Mis D�� P� a sldll not riofmallYP� bY anY cuneM citY emWoyee'T YES NO 4. Is thia peisor��n a targeteA ventloY) YES NO E�Wlain all Yec arro�vers an separate sheet etM atlacM1 W Orcen sheet 208L£M ISSUE.OPPOR7UNITV lWho. Vdhst. Wh�. Whxe. WhY) File No. 267621 requires the annual establishment of monthly qualifying pay periods for the iation of employee eligibility for City-paid insurance coverage on a monthly basis. is an annual Administrative Order as required by Council Resolutio�. � ; - _ , ;, ,��� : _ �� ,���, ,� �, =_.>w �»_ IF OF TRANSACTION S O sourcce _ _ n1/A COST/REYQlUE BUDGEfED (qRCLE ON� ncrnm t+urevc INFORMATON (p�WN) 5 _.�. , ,.,;. <., : , ;, a a e E� YES NO N/A �i[.i..�2YL" LY SEP 09 i99d ��YOR's c3�FECE f:W sers\gaughan\wpfiles\datesgrn. wpd