211380^•� acil File No. 211380 —By Frank L, 'ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK ,i ,Ste matter of the construction 211380 t v CITY 0 XC valk in the following monolithic COUNCIL _ 1854 E. Montana, and from 1867 FILE NO. OFFICE OF TIrntana to and ipcludinp. 186' •tana, under n, Aiml t'�i,',� ' COUNCIL RES LUTICaI PRESENTED BY 'Milton Rosen �'�/ �` °'� r ur Feb. 26, 196 3 COMMISSIONE DATE Tlant of 21 i r. lunrkR In the matter of the construction or reconstruction of monolithic concrete sidewalk in the following areas: At 1854 E. Montana, and from 1862 E. Montana to and including 1890 E. Montana,,, under preliminary order C.FJ .210916;,approved Jan. 22,1963 On the south side of Hope St. from 7th,l.St 4 t.o'6th, St,, under prelim - inary order C.F. 210857 approved Jan,. 18� *96Z On the west side of Edgcumbe Road abutting Lot-A4 Bl-k -2; Lexington Park Plat 5, known as 1441 Edgcumbe Road, unde;r.'prelimi'nary order C.F,. 210874 approved Jan. 18, 1963. On the south side of E. Cottage Ave, from Greenbrier St, east to 738 E. Cottage to meet existing sidewalk,•under. preliminary order C.T. 209823, approved Nov, 2, 1962, On both sides of Yorkshire Ave. from St. Paul Ave. to the west alley under preliminary order C.F. 210650 approved Jan, 3, 1963. On the south side of Hill St. from Chestnut St. to Eagle St.' and on the north side of Hill St. from Eagle St. to the west. approximately 35 feet, under preliminary order C.F. 206751 approved April 11,'1962, On the west side of Pascal St. from Ashland Ave, to the north approx- imately 150 ft. abutting Lot 27, Summit Ave. 2nd. Add. property known as 1463 Ashland Ave, under preliminary order C.F. 209826 approved Nov. 2, 1962, On the north side of Wayzata St. from Woodbridge St. to the west approximately 124 ft, abutting LotF15, Blk 10, Lewis 2nd. Add. prop- erty known as 923 Woodbridge St. under preliminary order C.F. 209830 approved Nov. 2, 1962. \ ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK 211380 380 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION - GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE - On both sides of Clark St. from Rose Ave. to Maryland Ave. and on the.west side of Desoto St. from Rose Ave. to Maryland Ave. under preliminary order C.F. 196537 approved April 5, 1960. In the matter of constructing curb on the south side of E. Cottage Ave. from Greenbrier St. to the east to 738 E. Cottage under pre- liminary order C.F. 210216 approved Dec. 4, 1962. RESOLVED, That all orders in the above matter be and the same are hereby cancelled, annulled and rescinded and all proceedings in such matter discontinued. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Dalglish Holland •- x Loss " Mortinsoxi" 4?e f o–n ---� w' Mr. President, Vavoulis 10A1 6-62 n Favor _Tj Against Adopted by the CouncifEB 2 6 196 19— FEB 2 6 1963 i Y DUPLICATE TO PRINTER ` �rQ■211380 - CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. _ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Milton Rosen Feb. 26, 1963 COMMISSIONER DATE DeiL. of _Pu a mar s Ia the matter of, tie ajoa.,twrrstoP:'isr receaa al ''too, of a� *el'i.tM!'a o.aaaretm iide�ralk 4a t A, t�ilewl.ieg ar�ait, ; At 1854 B. ll'eaitaaa, acrid; roti., ,18br 1�.. fie's%14 t'i anId I.soltdiov 1890,, ' ,S, ]1 '&ta:aa, , 'odor ,pro in .1b a `,�" 0ored, Jai. 22' 1963 JAn. the ion's'- side of Hypo $t, from 7t t1. fit. t�►.,6t1t, ,St..tindar pre 'l a- iaary ;order ,C.F. ,21,0887 approved Jane 18.,..1963,: J„ 04 tho' west ' si ae of Odget abe Road • abut ti ag - Let Leil ogtin' Parr Plat 5, -kaorn as 1441 $dgotrtirbe Road, under preliwi,nory order C.F. 210874 approved Tan. 18, 196301' On tie south tide of X. Cottage ' Avs: from Cieembri6r. St. oast to 738 S. Cottage to slot 'extirtiaq sidewalk, trader prellblaitry order C. F. 209823, approved Nlov. 2, 1962. On bath, sides of Yorks.kire Ave, from St. Patel Ave. to .tire mast all*' / under preliminary order C.F. 210650 -approved Jan. 3, 1963. on the south side of Hill St. tr.om'Chostaut St. to Ingle St. and on the .north side of Hill St. fr.ew , gaglo $t.� to, the west. approximately 35 feet, under proXimi Marl► ordett C.F. 206751 approved Apti t 11, 1962. On the test side of Pascal, St. from Ashland Ave. to the north approx- imately 150 ft. abutting Let 279 .SamuLt Ave. 2nd. Add . prsporty known as 1463 Ashland Ave. ovd6v P�rehml wary or-der C.F. 20+!826 appgaved Nov. 2, 1962. 1 J On the north i11do of Wayzata St. from Woodbridge 8t. ti -tiro rest approximately 124 ft. abutting Lot 15, alk, 10,; Lewis 21rd. Add. prop- erty knows as 923 Woodbridge St. under preliminary order C.F. 209830 approved Nov. 29 1962, DUPLICATE TO PRINTER 211380 " CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. _ COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE /0%, both sides ; of Clai its .3t. .tXom- R0s0 Awe, to Xe tylaad Aire.• and .on the east side .#f I s#ote St. from, Sole., Avl. to Navylaad •.Ave, under prell.mi nary, order • C. r,, • 1965'37 approved APpi I SO 1960. Is, the matter of ceastrretlaq_ curb on the Oath side if 'it.' Cettaga Ave. from &rovabrior ,St, to the east. .t.e 738 it., Cottage, mailer pro - li.lrary orde *_ C. r. 21021.6 apprel► ®d Bec, 49 ,1962. Rl9S0LV9D, . Tint all orders is. the above matter H aid the some a.re Hereby, aaaeeiled, amain lod aid roses tided and al preeied1 *9s . 1 a such ■attest di s. ce iti a'soC COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Dalghsh Holland Loss Mortinson ,Peterson - --R-osmr— Mr. President, Vavoulis 10A1 8-82 —:CIn Favor Against 1 r Adopted by the CounciF R � 6 iffia 19— Approved FEB 6 1963 . 19— Mayor r , COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Dalghsh Holland Loss Mortinson ,Peterson - --R-osmr— Mr. President, Vavoulis 10A1 8-82 —:CIn Favor Against 1 r Adopted by the CounciF R � 6 iffia 19— Approved FEB 6 1963 . 19— Mayor