211366Original to city clerk . ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO 211366 PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. �/ An ordinance_ amending Ordinance. No. 3.250, entitled: ' ►An administrative ordinance relating to- the Civil Service Bureau of the City of Saint, Paul, approving and adopting rules and, regulations, therefor, 11 approved August 20,, 1,914, as amended. THE C:OUNC11.4 OF TRZ CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section, L That.O.rdhiance Nor. 3250, approved August 2d, 19],4, as amended, be .and the same is hereby further amended by adding to Section 6- in .Grade, 60, the following: "Police Deputy Chief of Police " Section 2. This- ordinance shall take effect, and he in force thirty days after its. passage, approval, and publication. q� U ' '7^ rt No. 21137 i 93r t9t1� Robert rF -F t•.lce are . titled:, ' °strati u • lrce:`vic•R+ __ aPb llat'" 3t ,ft4 ,91, if t' 1 9 z3r A ftr )WC, S�4 q , 7 ii!!JJ q� U c 0 0 t- {• . r Yeas Councilmen Nays Dalglish Holland Loss Mortinson AIX rson- MrnPresident (Vav� Attest City Clerk 1 M X6-62 2 2 Approved: mince No. at .ice V VcrirS g 1i3 ;' =nY s V:6 1 S ::8 ! of bnt MAR 8 1963 Passed by the Co i1 In Favor D Against • 9. Approved: �AR 81 Attie Mayor •r w Duplicate to Printer ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO 211366 PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. I I An 6rdinance amending Ordinance 14'o. 3250, untitled: t ;An administrative ordinance relating to the Civil Service Bureau of the City of Saint Paul, approving and adopting rules and regulations thercior, 11 approved. August 20, 1914, as amended. THE COUNCIL Off' THE CITY 011' SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordluance ado. 3254, approved August 20, 1914, as amended, be and the 'same is hereby further amended by adding to Section 6 in Grade 60, the following: '{police Deputy Chief of PoUde �r Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be In force thirty days after its passage, approval, and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays Dalglish Molland -- Loss Mortinson Fetersen- Rosen -Mr- President' (Wvoulis)- Attest: City Clerk IAl 6-62 22 Approved: Civil Service Commissioner MAR 8196�� Passed by the Co, une ' • In Favor Aroainst Approved: MAR 8 00 Mayor ✓ CLERK Aft ardIn'suco omwAug OtftUr-t Poo $00s. 0401t& ?-11366 l�2 if( 1 jor4lasnoo rat V to, 00 civa PAUL Approvfts 1844 lamptiv 4vpraftd August iOo 4914# *o amobdodo TNZ I COUNCIL -or TOE CWT or "T PAUS, DOES ORPAwt soction A. That Ordiftoce X�,' 000o', approvod AusastA 1%14# 4* 40*0&ds U.!*VA the iwws, to hor*Uy finthot;=04daO by .4014 to ftet1cm 6 J Q**d* 00s, t tWov4us: Voctita 94 This o9dimmeo, allU to)* effect mat bo R4, fafto Wrty days Aftor its two$& gos approval# OnO PAWC01ozi. A"raysdi MAR 8 1963 31� .t 1st 2n Laid over to 3rd and app- Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Dalglish Dalglish Holland Holland — Loss Loss M'ortinson Mortinson Pet� Peterson-- - �l c Rosen- ��Rmen- Mr. President VaToulis M re" sident Va� �G¢� ?UULISHED fir(.