211354He No. 211354 —By George J. ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK _ -h• 'f�� ZM'he Director of City Plan- * CITY OF STJ,!<`reported to the Council of COUNCIL of Saint Paul that an emerL FILE OFFICE OF THE gnu eau toPlteaII nag�Sfi;tri� _n_ COUNCIL RESOLUTION43;,t a' roe eZ,;�tri ^t Repq nr,ll / e Ar b'•' Aril 12, � "3 PRESENTED BY �� by +Ir COMMISSIONS d C,a fid9 za., NO 21.1. .3-54 s ni i WHEREAS, the Director of City Planning has reported to the Council of the City of Saint Paul that an emergency exists in relation to preparation, by the Bureau of City Planning, of the Central Business District Report, to be presented to the City Council on or before April 12, 1963, said emergency having arisen by reason of the need for preparation of certain colored renderings and perspective drawings of proposed improvements in the Central Business District, which said preparation of renderings and drawings cannot be completed under present conditions in time to meet the printer's deadline of March 11, 1963; and WHEREAS, professional staff members are available to execute said colored renderings and perspective drawings, but said staff members (Assistant City Planners cannot be made available during normal working days, due to existing work loads, and the hours of work required to complete said renderings and drawings would amount to approximately 135 man hours in total; and WHEREAS, it is recommended by said Director that staff members, as an alternative to letting prepare the said renderings and drawings because of pers6nnel and the closeness of supervision of and because of the lesser expense and shortage o: now, therefore, be it of City Planning private contracts, of availability said personnel E time involved; RESOLVED, That in view of the emergency existing, the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby authorize the employment of Assistant City Planners to execute colored renderings and perspective drawings in relation to and as a part of said Central Business District Report and, further, that the proper City officers are hereby authorized to pay said employees who perform such con- templated work in accordance with the provisions of the Council's Salary Ordinance, No. 6446, subject to a maximum of 135 total hours of overtime work performed by all employees concerned. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Salo Dalglish FEB 1963 Holland ppr ved 19— Loss 6Tn Favor Mortinson Mayor Rosen Against Mr. President, Vavoulis 10M 8-82 CITY PLANNING BOARD OF SAINT PAUL 1315 RT HQUbb RECEIVED SAINT PAUL. MILAN. In MAYOR'S OFF1C'- AM FEB? 0 1963 PM SAINT PAUL Z MINNESOTA phone Co. 4.4612 Ext.251 Febuxmy 20, 1963 Honorabie Mayon and City Counc U City o6 Saint Pain, M,i.nnesota. Gent.Cemen : The Ptann,ing Board os the City o6 Saint Paue adopted a woidz program Son the j.0 t six months o6 t963 which ca.P.es Son the comp.ee ti.on o6 the Cen t&a.Z Business DiAtAic t Reporct by ApniZ 12, 1963. In onden to meet this deadt i.ne, the text and ittustna,tion6 must be heady bon the painter by March 11, 1963. Loss o6 sta66 and other woxk commitments have made it .impo z ibte to meet these deadiine6 un.eess certain phases o6 the worst arse pex6ofted outside nonmaZ woAking days. Cotored xendex,i,ngd and peupecti.ve dxaw.ing4 os proposed .cnptovements a the Centwl Business D.cstAict must be pxepared. The prosess.ionaZ .mass members who have the ab.cUty to pen6orm this woxk cannot be removed Snom theiA cu tent nonmaZ wo,%king day a6a.ignments be- cause they aAe woA ing on other phases o6 this tepokt durii.n.g these houx6. The atteAnat ive is .letting this wo&k through pA i.vate contAact3, but San greaten cows to the City would be involved and cehtain .6ta66 supexv-cs.ion would have to be given, which eupenv.ision witt oven - extend sta.s 6 d upenviz orb . It is my .6uggesti.on that this constitutes an emergency which would be solved by the authoxizati.on od a timited amount o6 oveAti,me to be pen6ormed by sta.66 members who are quat i6.i.ed to pen6oron this type o6 woxk. I, there6one, %upect6u _y recommend that the City CouncU take SavonabZe action by Resotuti.on, authon- .izing the worth as deb n bed. S.i,n.eenety, ry, C eU ` J-j Hexbent C. Wietand, A.I.P. HCW: FS Di, ecton os City PZa.nning