07-218Retum copy to: (BJE) PW1Technical Services — Real Estate 1000 City Hall Annex OF Presented By Council File # Green Sheet # PAUL, MINNESOTA 3037012 31 2 BE IT RESOLVED, that, upon the petition of Gary Ribble, as documented in Public Works Technical 3 Services Division File Nuznber 18-2006, the property hereinafter described is hereby vacated and 4 discontinued as public property. 6 The property to be vacated is described as: the Southerly 6.00 feet of the Walk abutting Lot 1, Block 3, 7 Mayme's Addition, Ramsey County, Minnesota 9 This vacation shall be subject to the terms and conditions of Chapter 130, codified March 1, 1981, of the lo Saint Paul Legislative Code as amended, and to the following condifions: 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 1. That the petitioners, their successors and assigns sha11 pay $600.00 as an administrative fee for this vacarion which is due and payable within 60 days of the effective date of this resolution. 2. That easement rights in favor of Northern States Power Company, a Minnesota corporation, dba Xcel Energy, be retained for existing distribution facilities as such facilities are shown on the attached E�ibit "A." 3. That easement rights in favor of Qwest, a Colorado corporation, be retained. 21 4. That the petitioners, their successors and assigns agree to indemnify, defend and save harmless the 22 City of Saint Paul, its officers and employees from all suits, actions or claims of any character 23 brought as a result of injuries or damages received or sustained by any person, persons or property 24 on account of this vacation or petitioners use of this property, including but not limited to, a claim 25 brought because of any act of omission, neglect, or misconduct of said petitioners or because of any 26 claims or liability arising from any violation of any law or regulation made in accordance with the 27 law, whether by the petitioners or any of their agents or employees. 28 29 5. That the petitioners, their successors and assigns shall, within 60 days of the effective date of this 30 resolution, file with the City Cierk an acceptance in writing of the conditions of this resolution and 31 shall, within the period(s) specified in the terms and conditions of this resolufion, comply in all 32 respects with these terms and condifions. 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 / � / 1 2 Council File # � 7�/� 3 4 Green Sheet # 3037012 5 6 Page 2 7 8 9 10 I1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 3 4 Requested by the Department of: Public Works Bv: � > Director Form Ap�v�d by City Adopted by Council: Date �/°� ��d � By ,�°��� h��� _Q Adoprion Certified by ouncil Secretary By: ,i� Appro M far Submissio to Council Approved by o: ate l•� t� By: By: G:uteal Fslate\Vacations�2006V 82006 - Phalen WalkwayU8.2006.Resolutiou.doc 35 � Green Sheet Green Sheet Departrnent/office/council: Date Initia� P�/�/ — Public Works - � 14FE6-07 Contact Person & Phone: Bruce Engelbrekt 266$854 Must 6e on ( 07-MAR-06 Doc. Type: RESOLUTION E-Document Required: Y DocumeM Contact• Bruce Engelbrekt Conpct Phone: 266-8854 ToW I# of Signature Pages _(Clip NI Locations for SignaW re) 6 i Clerk C� Clerk Approval of resolurion vacating a 6-foot secrion of a public wallc adjacent to McAfee Street in Saint Paul. Planning Commission � CIB Committee Civil Service Commission l� S Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � � � 7�� �4 Green Sheet NO: 3037Q12 1. Has this persoNfirtn ever worked under a contract for this deparlment? Yes No 2. Has this persoNfirm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this personlfirtn possess a skill not normally possessed by any current aty empfoyee? Yes No F�cplain aIl yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, lssues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): � The homeoGVner at 1371 McAf,ee Street, whose praperty abuts the walkway on the south, is requesfing the vacation of 6 feet of the 25- foot walkway to encompass part of a driveway, fence and storage shed that have encroackied into the walkway since before he purchased his home in 2005. The owner would like the azea vacated to provide him cleaz title of the azea encompassing the encroachments. The vacation will not inhibit, impede or restrict use of the walkway by the public to cross from McAfee Street under the Vento Regionai trail (via tunnel) to access Lake Phalen. Public Works and Pazks & Recreation have no objections to the vacation, nor do ttte utility, companies. Advantages If Approved: � The property owtter may have ownership of the land where long-existing encroachments are located. Disadvanpges If kpproved: A small portion of the public walkway will no longer be public; however, practically speaking it has not been available for public use for many yeazs. . - . DisadvanWges If NotApproved: � The property owner wiil either have to remove encroachments that aze not in anyone's way or potenrially face difficulfies selling his property in the future with certain of his imptovements located within the puhlic right of-way. Transaction: $�Q� Fundiny source: The vacation petitioner Activity Number: GL-255-12363-2833 Financial Information: The petitioner will pay the required vacation fees following approval of the resoRrtion. (Explain) . ,��.�, . y 3 � Assign Number For Routing Order CastiRevenue Budgeted: nJ February 14, 2007 10:38 AM Page 1 Interdepartmental Memorandum CITY OF SAINT PAUL To: All Saint Paul City Council Members From: Bruce Engelbrekt Real Estate Manager 1000 City Hall Annex Date: February 14, 2007 � � �i� Subject: Public Works/Technical Services—Real Estate Vacation File No. 18-2006 I recommend that a Public Hearing before the City Council be held on March 7, 2007. The purpose of tlus hearing is to consider the petition of Gary Ribble to vacate a 6-foot section of a 25-foot public walkway abutting 1371 McAfee Street between McAfee and the Bnxce Vento Regional Trail in Saint Paul. This property is located in City Council District 6, Planning District 5. cc: Shari Moore City Clerk's Office 290 City Hall a7-��� z���. �i,� �b;� ��- �- ZI/yZ-�Z S W %a, f Be - E� Yi ew Trad Took App�pns Ww1ow He� �.;:RQ�rl�nia�t�l--7����1 0 7 ��i� o � ��� (�'�°� PETITION TO VACATE CITY INTEREST t{we), the undeni�ned, constimting a majoxity of the ovmers {or their legally designated representatives} of the abutting properties, do hereby petition the Council of the City-of Saint Paul to vacate its interests in the property(ies) legally described as follows: �37/ r�'1�.�� f�: G.o ,��aGx� r��tyme�k �r�;� �i �J�' �f �'a�cr,�rv� f�/i�.V - _. T1�_ ,�.G��9-- �'� L:� 1�t1 carE :s %�1� Nv�.��r� si�.�oc�,���� 7 Ci7� T��i� v� c=.v�e.��a�c�s d.v ���i� �,� �.P/Cr'/� �.�T�a T.�AiL . � I(we) request this vacalion £or the following reason(s). (Indicate whether you will be building on the site.) �o�� (�O �N��� �,uia 7�tt�L F��� C��9c;� �'�,vc� 9°r�a�° _ � �� ,•4 �'��- - � i,�or [.2s � i.��~ izJ f'uT ra r� .��v� ,���''c� � � �.�U f�__!�{;�' �E,tlt"z �'�4�� �C.a�� ,Pe�4 ( l�cl � i ;4 �T L��' -� ol,e�t�' �i ��� i/d i.� c 1c,��trs�rr�,�'r o� N�7 T�{i � vA�.�tr� - I(we) have artached six cop s of the srte plans of any development intended for construction on the lands to be vacated. Contact Person Person(s) responsible for payment of vacation fee and for acceptance of the terms and conditions of the vacation: Name: �d '[ �/c--�,1/r Ul �0,.� /._,7 �r� Phone: � � 7 � � "� �4 �� Address: l� '�� �� ��� S"� ��uL �d,+l' �ia�_ Alternate Contact Person t3ame: Phone: Address: Name: Phone: Address. Name: Phone: Address: Name: Phone: Address: Name: Phone: Address: � DocumenW 1809�8 Certtflad Ffled On U312?12�03 09D0 ������ Rapfstrar of T@le�, Ramsey County, MN Nc DellnqueM 7axes & Sranater Emared 05Fi6J20Ds Deed Tax Paid 0871812Q05 Certificatett 507866 551';36 1.23 22161V Form No. 5-M - WARRAN'TY DEED Ina;viduat(s>toloint • DEED TAX DUE: STU7.20 Dace: March 14, 2005 FOR VALUABLE CONSIDEIiAT[ON Miehael Huumici} Grantor hereby conveys and wairanis to Gsry B. Ribbte u , Grantee, as joiut tenants t4e real property in Rnmsey County, described es Lot 1. Block 3, Mayme's Addition, Ramsey County, Mumasota I ���i���I��IqY���� I (�(��i(g ����� Totrens Property. �1 III IB i I NI�I CcrtificateNumbee,507866. Itih�dr 88131 11';�nenh(trid CLl Tilie _ S00 Main St., Suite 210, New 8iightun, MN 55112 together with a!I hereditatneuts ead appurtanances beloagiag ��erelu, su6ject w the following exceptions: � ch k box if applicablc: he Seller certifies that the seUer does not know of arry w� tIs on the � tescribed real proQerty � A wnil disclosure artjflcate accampanias this docum,:ut. ❑ I am femiliar with tbe property desct;bed in tliis insuu�nent and ! certify that the status and num6er of wells on fl�a described rea] pmperiy have noi changed si�ue the last prev�ously bted well disclosure certificate. A�x Deed Tax Stamp Hcre STATE OF MLNNESOTA COUNTY OF RAMgEY r., T!x inakument was acknowledged before me on l4th d� of March 2005 b Michael Hoanwrh Tang and Tina Yor Tan� husband . mc wife __ y �., , t , lIELEM M MUELLNER ,� �w" y � NO7ARY pUBLK � f. '1.�" ��y Con�m. EyPlref Juu. �t. py10 C.U. Title Services, Inc. 560 Main SheeY, Suito 210 New B�ighton, Minnesota 55112 � �`� Z ryNi �.� � � SIONA' ItE0FN0'fAAy U�OTRER Ci���ek 4rere �f naR or atl o'the 1 d is Registnred (Torzens) Tax Sta;n.ments £ar m: reat pio describW in th�s insllumrnl shovia he sent ro(ioc;rAc name and achlrrs� ofGranree): Gary p. �bbie ' ]391 McAfee Street St. Pau1, MN 55106 AND C.U. Mongage Services, Fnc. 500 Main Street s�,.�e ioo Now Brigk�[on, Minnesota SSt 12 y(2/20%2007) Bruce Engel6Fekf RE Vacation of Public Walkway near Vento Regional Trail �'�� Pag�e 1� 67 oJ/� From: "Homoika, James" <james.homoika@CO.RAMSEY.MN.US> To: "Bruce EngelbrekY' <Bruce.Engelbrekt@ci.stpauLmn.us> Date: 2/20/2007 1022 AM Subject: RE: Vacation of Public Waikway near Vento Regional Traii Bruce, I have not heard back from Alicia regardi�g the questions I had for her. As such, I don't see any reason why we wou4d object. We don't own the land and I do not see any material affect upon our interim or eventuai use of our land. I do not object to the neighbors request. Proceed. Cheers. James R. Homolka Project Manager Ramsey County Regional Rail Authority ROM (FRI)NOV 3 2006 �3:47/ST.�3:47/NO.T500000233 V 1 0 7-� /�' Reply to Vacation Inquiry File #18-2006 From: `:t.t-;:-�-•: xo: Bxnce EngeIhrekt CiryofSain[Paol --"�%s:'+:=':�::::�; PVJ/I'ecb Szvcs--Rea2E ma�s 651-266-8854 P F�x 651-266-5855 F'�x THIS FOR1t�FIS TO VACATEA PORTIONOFEf PUBLICWALKYYAY. NOTRSLEASE EASEMENTS We have no objections co this vacarion We wiIl approve this vacation, subject to the following condirions: �( For the following reasons, we cannot approve this vacation: Q �;t'S� fING� C,i L.egal Description: h%J C�G/e l✓1 �c'�,v �'� „✓ �J��'� y' 7`h e a he�c i 't"r �i � 5 �TS. The soutnerly 6.00 feet of the pnblic walkway abutting Lot 1, Block 3, Mayme's Addition, Ramsey Coun2y, Minnesota. Signed / � 20�( Uate i � j 1 /A) ( "� L /// / V Reply to Vacation Inquiry File #18-2006 From �"� :::_;�E:::_-•: xo: Brnce EngelbrekY K� 1a1� U City of Saint Paul . , — — Fnonz,°, b�l-Lbb-25�J4 �"" FattF b51-266-8855 F � T$IS FORMIS TO V�CATEA PORTIOIVOFAPUELICWALKWAY. NOTRELEASE EASEMENTS We have no obiections to tkus vacauon We will approve this vacation, subject to the following canditions: For the following reasons, we cannot approve this vacation: THAT �,¢SFJLIEN% ,�/6'}�'T� /•V �� 1�D.e OF � �(/Oi?T�1��C'r°� s,,g��s P�w�e coMP,4NY, � MirvNEsor�y caR�,��rf�N c`f6�� XG� E/UE,�6'� �� .�Es�Q�� �a� cX/<S"a�rV � ��cr�'rc DOSTIZIPUf�60N ,���L��r�s ,�s suc���4cfLtT��' �R� �D f�VN �N �df� %�T,��t�D Legal Description: The southerly 6.00 feet of the public walkway abutting Lot 1, Block 3, Mayme's Addition, Ramsey County, Minnesota. J���" P�'� vl,a�� �4 CO�� a� Ttf� %-D��� �"�S'�LVTIDe�r �y w���� TtL ���� I2 ! �' �fT.S ��E �E,���D �� Signed /II /'%I� i , ,�;, �%1 ��'. Date ■ Oct.31. 2006 12:��PM Xcel Energy Rice St. 3rd Fl Reply to Vacatian Inquiry File #'18-2006 Na.4573 P. l O 7 �/� From: ` Bl'OCBED�Cn7X8�.L pqAie.1 G�oe.�•c-�. Cit9 Of SAinF PN3! �'.- =;a�r.�=e-� Tai. d..v.e_ 4n�t 4a..tu Xw�, RAlttl G. + fa0. r�� We 7�ave no objections fo r.his vacatioa We will approve this vacation, subject to the followiag conditions: For the following reasons, we canaot approve this vacation: � ( H I.egal Description: I�. � The soutberly 6.00 feet ot the public walkway abuuing Lot 1, Block 3, Mayme's Addirion, Ramsey Counry, Minnesota, /� - 3) -� � Date �r Fae • � ._�:;.. __...._�,n�: n � MCI Network Services, Tnc. 10/31/2006 CITY OF SAII�iT PAI3L Brnce Engelbrekt 1000 City Hall Annex 25 R'est Fourth St Saint Paul, MN 551a2 b �—�i�' OSP Natioval Support / Investigations Dept 42864 Loc 107 24001�mihGleuvi3le ILchardson, TX 7.i082 RE: 1&2006 — VACATE PUBLIC WALKWAY — MCAFEE ST AND VENTO TRAII. —Saint Paul, Ramsey, Minnesota MCI ID: 689G2006 Dear Sir or Madam: MCI has been notified by your office regardang the above referenced project. For your records, in reviewing the area in question, it has been detexmined that MCI does not have facilities within your project area. However, it will stili be necessary for you to contact the local One Call System at least 48 hours pxior to any construction. You should address correspondence concerning any future projects to the attention of OSP National Support/invesrigations at the above address. If you need further assistance with this project, please do not hesitate to call me. Sincerely, Beth Seubert OSP Narional Support / Investigations (972)729-6016 No Facilities.doc il/02/OB � THU 14:41 FA% 651 221 0�53 Reply to Vacatlon tnquiry Fiie #18-2006 We have no objections to this vacation D L�RREs:DISTRICT ENERGY Ta. Brace Engeibrekt �'�' � � Da.u� G1ryofSaintPauI D�� PWlPe�h Sivcs RealEs�ate rs�a 651-266-8854 �°"��G Fat� 651 266-8855 �'�� b`. VJe will approve this vacatiom, subject to the fol.lowing condiflons: �or the following reasons, we cannot approve this vacation: � 7'ai �� V �. —2 2I�o3,S3 � ■ ■ �001 �,�,�t �� � �t. P�...Q �- � ���rn�-����-�, 5�,.,�e...� ��, �,�„�, ,,.� � e� �,�,,,,�.�- �,ti -�t.� ��- -� �e � r�..�. �, ►^-o o h� �-�.. -{-b -f� v��e,,. _ Legal Description: The southerly 6.00 feet of the public walkway abutdng Lot 1, Block 3, Mayme's Addition, Ramsey Counry, Minnesota. � � I �� � Signed � L. �.1r�4, l� E: 7ro j e�,$ Mo.�r ov. Z o � Date Dec. 6. 2006 10:36AM Comcast Reply to Vacation Inquiry Fife #18-2006 We have no objections to this vacation No. 4713 P. 1 To: Sruce Engelbrekt I From: v����r n��no RmN An C}ty of Saint Paul PW(Tech Srvcs—Real Estete et�r 651-266-8854 p�a 651-266-8855 We will approva this vacation, subjact to the following conditions: For the following reasons, we canaot approve tlus vacation: Legal Doscription: The southerly 6.00 feet of the public walkway abutting Lot 1, Hlock 3, Mayme's Addition, Ramsey County, Minnesota � �..' f� _ .- Z � oG Comqat Phaie R 6S1d93 5127 Fex X651�493dt 16 07 �/A � ■ s���a �ac� o � �i� To: Brnce Engelbrekt Reply to Vacation Inquiry CityofSaintPavl File#18-2006 P��T�hSrvcs—RealEstate F rom: `- ...:. _...,. G,c�/'��J f �✓G�/� �� 651-25b-&855�F�� THIS FORiYlIS TO VACATEA PORTIONOFA PliBLICWALKWAY. NOTXELEASE EASEMENTS We have no objecfions to this vacaUOn We wili approve this vacation, subject to the following conditions: For tha following reasons we cannot appmve this vacation: Legal Descriprion: 'I`he southerly 6A0 feet of the public walkway abutting Lot 1, Biock 3, Mayme's Addition, Ramsey County, Minnesota. c � Gz �%�%' ei C.�'L_ Signad /� � �,� Aate ; i i ; � � 7 �J� Reply to Vacation lnquiry Fiie #'t8-2006 From: '��..:- . To: &ruce Engelbrekt Sck\\�. City ofSaint Paut ��.. ,_-:.._,, �.::.:. ,...._ .., .. . PWII'ecL Srvcs—Real Esiate S'P`R.1.! S ��� 651-26fi-$854�rh°�� Cp_ Fbt� b51-266-8855 F�� THIS FORMIS TO VACATE APOR?'IONOFAPUBLIC 4VALKT�i'AY, NOTRELEASE EASEMENTS We have no objections to ttus vacation X We wil] approve ttris vacation, subject to the following conditzons: For the fallowing reasons, we cannot approve this vacadon: Legal Description: The southerly 6.00 feet of the public walkway abutting Lot 1, Slock 3,1Vlayme's Addition, Ramsey County, Minnesota. � � � �� , i �,���-�.������ � � � / -� /�-� 0 Signed Date o� From: .... ., .. Fo: BrnceEngelbrekt �k,� r Reply ta Vacatian lnquiry c;c�ors�tra� �- _- File #i8-200fi rwrr�b s��s-���r�� P y �� �� �,�� 551-256-8ff54 �°°� F�� b51-266-8$55 F�� We have no objecfions to Uus vacation We will approve this vacatiott, subject to the following conditions: For the following reasons, we cannot approve this vacation: I.egal Description: e i The southerly 6.Od feet of the public walkway abutting I.ot 1, Block 3, Mayme's Addirion, Ramsey Conaty, Minnesota. S � ;��.�Q� Signed �f-�-�� Date 07 �/� Reply to Vacation lnquiry F;ie #�a-2oos We have no objecrions to this vacation From: ..;� ro: Brnce Engelbrekt � � CiryofSaintPani ^ �� � re�zs 651-266-$854 �'°� F�x 651-256-8855 F�� We will approve this vacation, subject to the following conditions: For the following reasons> we cannot approve this vacadon: Legal Description: The southerly 6.00 feet of the public walkway abutting L,ot 1, Block 3, Mayme's Addition, Ramsey County, Minnesota. � � � "s � ' Si ned � g 4t�� �� � Date a , . ... , . _: _.. Bruce Engelbrekt - Re: Street Vacat'ion Request 03-20b6 ,_, „ , Page 1_ : 0 7 � From: Tom Beach To: Engelbrekt, Bruce Date: 10/30l2006 3.37:34 PM Subject: Re: Street Vacation Request: 03-2006 ft sounds like the City wil stitf retain the north 19' of the walkway. if this is the case, L{EP has no objections. »> Bruce EngelbreM 10130l2006 331 PM »> Attached is information refated to a petition to vacate a portion of a public walkway between McAfee Street and East Shore Drive, and abutting 1371 McAfee, in Saint Paul. The information includes: 1) Vacation request letter (pdf format) 2) Inquiry reply form (pdf format) 3) Map of area to be vacated (pdf format) Please review and reply at your earliest convenience, but preferably no later two weeks from now. If you have questions, or if you cannot open the attachments, please reply via email or call me at 651-266-8854. Thanks. Bruce Engelbrekt Real Estate Manager PW/Technical Services -- Real Estate 07 �i� � Reply to Vacation Inquiry F,�e �ia-2aos We have no objections to this eacation xo: Bmce Engelbrekt �� � � City af Sain[ Pavt ° _ . - .- <.. � ,. _ _ , , _, ._ . . . PWtTecb Srvcs—ReatEs[ate pn�� 651-266-8854 �'°�n a�a 65i-266-8855 F�"^ We wiil approve this vacation, subject to the following conditions: For the following reasons> we cannot approve this vacadon: I,egal Descriptioa: The southerly 6.00 feet of the pubfic walkway abutting Lot 1, Block 3, Maytne's Addirion, Ramsey County, Minnesota. � ^ Signed ( 0 3�-6� Date � ■ . 10/31/2006 10:22 6512927405 ST PAUL PARKS & REC PAGE 01/01 � 7"� xo: Srnce Engelbzekt � Y �"��'' �" JaD�I MA�T���z Repiyto Vacation Inquiry c�.yofs2���ram Fi1e#78�2006 PWITCCbSrvas--RealEstate ff � �- �— T.SISFORMISTOVACATEAPO,tt77DNDFAPUBLICWALKwAY �vOTRE.L.�ASL� E�.S.EMCCNTS We have no objections to tlxis vacation � We wi11 approve this vacation, subjcct to the following conditions: Por thc fo1]owing reasnns, we cannot approve this vacation: Legal Descripcion: �'hc soutIierly 6.00 feet of the public walkway a.butting Lot 1, Block 3, Mayme's Addition, Ramsey County, Minaesota. la � 31• o� Szgned � ' Date Fxom: -. To: Brnce Engelbrekt � Reply ta Vacation inquiry Fiie #i 8-2006 CityofSaintPavt '.:-.-;-;e .::<r;::: irvcs—ReatEstate ss�-z66-sgsa �� �51-Zb�-&g55 Faxn !•7.T.iT-F.�3 Fat f; THIS FORMIS TD YEICATEAPQRTIONOFAPUSLIC WA f�KWAY, N07'RELEASE EA5EMENTS We have no objections to this vacauon We will approve this vacation, subject to ihe following conditions: Far the following reasons, we cannot approve this vacaaou: I,egal Description: �►' �i � The southerly 6.00 feet of the public watkway abutting Lat 1, Siock 3, Mayme's Addition, Ramsey County, Minnesota. � , /�� Signed Date